“Meet Me at 42nd & Broadway” Mr. and miss Apollo – Birmingham Contestant Information Package September 27, 2014 Al’s on Seventh Welcome On behalf of the Brothers of the Mystic Krewe of Apollo – Birmingham and the committee of the Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Pageant, we wish to welcome you to an experience you will not soon forget. Being noted for hosting, the party of the year, our annual Bal Masque, MKA wishes to continue the tradition by making this pageant the most entertaining and exciting event of the Fall Season. We wish our pageant, likened to our Bal Masque, to be noted for fantastic costumes, great entertainment and a parade of fabulous looking men and “women” in evening wear. We are most excited that you are interested in becoming part of this longstanding tradition. If you need any advice, please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the committee. On to a great, great pageant! Jeremy Stephens Mr. and Miss Apollo Pageant - 2015 Pageant Chairman The 2015 Mr. & Miss Pageant Committee Jeremy Stephens Robert Noah, Board Liaison [email protected] [email protected] (205) 566-3410 (205) 790-3724 General Pageant Information The 2015 Mr. and Miss Apollo Birmingham Pageant will take place on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at Al’s on Seventh, located at 2627 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35205, Telephone: (205) 321-2812. The pageant will begin PROMPTLY at 9:00 PM however, all contestants must be in the designated dressing room at 8:00 PM SHARP. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of 50 points from the final OVERALL score for that contestant. You will be provided with an opportunity to “walk the stage”, rehearse your talent number, and perform a CD / DVD sound-check at Al’s on Seventh immediately following your completion of the Interview Competition on Saturday, September 27, 2014. Do NOT show up at Al’s on Seventh and expect to be able to rehearse at the venue after 6:00 PM on Saturday, September 27, 2014. Contestant Registration & Interview Competition Applications may be submitted to any Pageant Committee Member prior to the registration deadline, which is at 3:00 PM on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at the designated Contestant Registration location, which is the home of Jeremy Stephens, located at 3053 Highland Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35205, Telephone: (205) 566-3410. Applications, Music for Talent and/or Presentation, contestant entry fee, proof of age and residency as well as the completed Contestant Information Form must be submitted at Contestant Registration no later than 3:00 PM, at the home of Jeremy Stephens. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of ADMINISTRATION POINTS from the OVERALL cumulative score for that contestant. Please refer to the Pageant Day Schedule as well as the Rules and Regulations sections of this package for more information regarding these deductions. 2|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Pageant Day Schedule Following is the schedule for ALL contestants the day of the pageant. We expect all contestants to be completely prepared the day of the pageant, therefore, ADMINISTRATIVE POINTS will be deducted from the OVERALL CUMMULATIVE score of any contest who fails to comply with certain KEY points in the schedule timeline. Please note location of activities that appear on this schedule. Contestant Registration and the Interview Competition will take place at the home of Jeremy Stephens. All other activities take place at Al’s on Seventh, 2627 7th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35205, (205) 321-2812. Time 3:00 PM Activity Contestant Registration at the home of Jeremy Stephens Contestants must present their Contestant Application, Proof of Age, Proof of Residency, Contestant Information Form, Entry Fee and any music to be used in any of the categories of competition at this time IMPORTANT: failure to submit any of the above required information by 3:00 PM will result in the deduction of 10 points from their OVERALL Cumulative score. 3:30 PM Contestant Interview at the home of Jeremy Stephens The competition for the title begins with the Contestant Interview, which is worth a total of 100 POINTS Immediately following your interview Sound Check & CD / DVD Check at Al’s on Seventh Following registration and participation in the Interview Competition, contestants will be given an opportunity for a sound check and CD/DVD check. This is the only opportunity contestants will have to speak on the microphone and to verify that their CD / DVD (for presentation and talent competitions) will play on the sound system at Al’s on Seventh. Each contestant is required to participate. 8:00PM Contestants in Designated Dressing Room at Al’s on Seventh All contestants must be in the designated dressing room and be checked off as being present by the Dressing Room Monitors by 8:00 PM. Once you have checked in with the monitor, you may leave the dressing room but, keep in mind, the pageant begins PROMPTLY at 9:00 PM. IMPORTANT: failure to register as present by 8:00 PM will result in a total of 50 points being deducted from your OVERALL Cumulative score. 9:00 PM The Pageant Begins at Al’s on Seventh The pageant will begin promptly at 9:00 PM. IMPORTANT: Any contestant who is not prepared to take center stage when their name or number is called FOR ANY CATEGORY. Failure to do so will result in a score of ZERO (0) for that category 3|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Rules, Regulations and Requirements The following Rules, Regulations and Requirements apply to all contestants vying for the title of Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015. All contestants must be at least 21 years of age on or before September 27, 2014. Proof of legal age may be in the form of any State or Federal Government issued document (Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, Passport, etc.) and must be presented no later than 3:00 PM on Saturday, September 27, 2014. If it becomes necessary for the pageant committee to investigate the age of a contestant, reasonable measures will be taken for that investigation and the contestant will be informed if just validation is found for disqualification from the pageant under this rule. All contestants must be a resident of the state of Alabama. A valid Alabama drivers license or other proof of residency, (i.e. copy of lease agreement, copy of recent utility bill, etc.), is required at registration. No previous winner of the Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham title is eligible to participate in this pageant for the same title. All contestants must be male. Miss Apollo contestants must have complete male genitalia. Any contestant, or their assistants, caught in the act of violating any Alabama State law will be immediately disqualified and removed from the premises. The use or dispensing of narcotics, marijuana, or other controlled substances is STRICTLY forbidden and will not be tolerated while participating in this pageant. These terms apply to all backstage assistants and talent/presentation participants as well. You, as the contestant, are responsible for seeing that this rule is followed. Contestants will be immediately disqualified and removed from the premises, if the presence of the above mentioned are found to be in their possession or luggage. Any contestant whose actions are interpreted as demeaning to the title of Mr. or Miss Apollo will be disqualified. All contestants must abide by the Rules of Etiquette for titleholders. All Contestants must be prepared to take center stage, in each competition category when ever their name/number is called. IMPORTANT: If a contestant’s name/number is called and that contestant is not ready to begin the category then the score for that contestant for that category will be ZERO (0). All Contestants must be present and accounted for (with all pageant materials) at least ONE HOUR prior to the scheduled pageant start time (See Pageant Day Schedule). IMPORTANT: Late arrivals will receive a FIFTY POINT (50) ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY deduction for failure to comply with this rule. 4|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Registration Requirements The completed Contestant Application, Contestant Information Form, entry fees, proof of age and proof of residency must be submitted to the Mr. and Miss Apollo Pageant Committee Chairman (or his designees) by 3:00 PM on Saturday, September 27, 2014. A penalty of TEN (10) POINTS will be deducted from the OVERALL CUMULATIVE score of any contestant that submits any part of these requirements after the deadline. (maximum possible deduction; Ten (10) points) The entry fee is $100.00 per contestant. All entry fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and are to be paid prior to, or at the time of registration, (see Pageant Day Schedule.) The entry fee is to be in the form of certified check, money order (made payable to MKA-Birmingham) or cash. NO personal checks will be accepted. All contestants must report to the home of Jeremy Stephens, at the designated registration area, at 3:00 P.M. on SATURDAY, September 27, 2014. The contestant interview category will begin promptly at 3:30 P.M. Music for Talent and Presentation must be presented to the committee at the time of registration at the home of Jeremy Stephens. All presentations should be on high quality CD. Following the Interview Competition, the CD/DVD will be returned to the contestant to deliver to the committee at Al’s on Seventh for sound check and run-through. The outside label of the CD should contain the contestant’s Name, Address, and Telephone Number, and Name of the talent/presentation. The committee will add the contestant’s number, once those numbers have been assigned. Talent Category Presentation in the Talent Category will be limited to SEVEN (7) minutes per contestant. This includes the time required for any setup and removal of props. Timing begins when the contestant’s name/number is announced and ends when the contestant, with any props, as well as any backup entertainers leave the stage. IMPORTANT: If the seven (7) minute time limit is exceeded, the contestant will receive a score of ZERO (0) for the talent portion of the competition. No pyrotechnics (fire, flash pots, flaming batons, sparklers, etc.) are allowed. Any type of presentation is acceptable, except those that might cause injury to the audience or to other contestants 5|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Contestant Assistants Contestants will receive one (and ONLY one) FREE ADMISSION pass, to the Pageant, to be used at the contestant’s discretion. It is assumed that this pass will be given to a person who will be assisting them backstage between competition categories. In addition to the FREE ADMISSION pass, a single BACKSTAGE PASS will be provided to each contestant. There may be only ONE person, per contestant, in the Contestant Dressing room at any time after the pageant begins at 9:00 PM. This person must display the BACKSTAGE PASS at ALL TIMES while in the dressing room. The BACKSTAGE PASS may be handed off to another individual, as required, as long as ONE and ONLY ONE person per contestant is physically located in the dressing room at any time. IMPORTANT: Dressing room monitors will be closely monitoring the individuals in the dressing rooms. If a contestant is found to have more than ONE person in the dressing room at any given time then a total of TEN (10) ADMINISTRATION points will be deducted from the contestants OVERALL CUMMULATIVE score. Each contestant has sole responsibility for every aspect of their performance as well as any assistants that they may require. The TEN (10) point penalty will be assessed for EVERY VIOLATION of this rule. All presentation and talent backup persons are required to have a backstage pass (visible at all times) when in the backstage and dressing room areas. You will be provided with backstage passes for those people to be used in your talent and presentation productions. Please only request the number of passes that you require. Presentation/Talent passes will only be accepted, in the backstage area 20 minutes prior to the beginning of each category. IMPORTANT: Any additional persons found to be in the backstage area, in possession of a Presentation/Talent backstage pass, yet not participating in the category on stage, will result in a TEN (10) ADMINISTRATION points being deducted from the FINAL CUMULATIVE score; for each violation. This rule will be STRICTLY enforced. 6|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Competition Categories All contestants vying for the title of Mr. or Miss Apollo will compete in the categories of INTERVIEW, PRESENTATION and TALENT. Miss Apollo contestants will compete in the EVENING WEAR category. Mr. Apollo contestants will compete in the FORMAL WEAR category. This year’s PRESENTATION CATEGORY is “Meet Me at 42nd & Broadway” which is in line with the theme for Bal Masque XXXIX. Judging Contestants will be judged, in each of the categories by qualified, experienced judges. Judges will award points (based on the criteria outlined in CATEGORY SCORING). Each judge will judge independent of the other judges and then a total CUMULATIVE SCORE will be calculated by adding the scores from each judge for each category. In the event of a tie, an ON-STAGE Question and Answer Category will be added to determine the winner. All judges are encouraged to document the reasons for any point deductions (as well as other feedback for the contestant) on the Contestant Score Sheets. These score sheets will be mailed to each contestant approximately two weeks following the pageant. Judges are NOT informed of PENALTY or ADMINISTRATIVE points that may have been assessed against any pageant contestant. These points will be deducted by the score tabulation committee. Miscellaneous Information All PROPS and accessories used during the pageant must be removed from the premises IMMEDIATELY following the pageants conclusion. Any items left behind will be discarded. During the crowning ceremonies, Miss Apollo Contestants must appear in EVENING GOWN. Mr. Apollo Contestants must appear in traditional FORMAL WEAR 7|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 Category Scoring and Description Following is the breakdown of the scoring and criteria that will be used by the judges to determine the winner. There will be a maximum of 500 total points awarded per judge/per contestant. Interview Category Contestants should approach this category as if they were in a job interview and should be prepared to answer questions from the judges on a wide range of topics, (from current local, state, national and world events), to their positions on topics effecting the LGBT community. Contestants competing for the title of Miss Apollo Birmingham may interview as a male or female. Each contestant will be allotted approximately five (5) minutes during their interview. Contestants for Miss Apollo Birmingham will interview prior to contestants for Mr. Apollo Birmingham Appearance Poise Content Personality 25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 25 Points Total Points 100 Points Presentation Category All contestants will appear in “Meet Me at 42nd & Broadway” for the Presentation Category. We are a Mardi Gras Costume Krewe. Be imaginative! We expect great costumes in this category, as has been witnessed in former pageants. “Meet Me at 42nd & Broadway” is in keeping with the theme for BAL Masque XXXIX. This category provides contestants with an opportunity to display their creativity so originality and imagination are VERY important. This category gives each contestant the opportunity to present themselves with their own interpretation of what “Meet Me at 42nd & Broadway” is. Be mindful; this is NOT A TALENT CATEGORY. LIP-SYNCING will not be permitted. Contestants must introduce themselves, onstage, live, over the microphone and should use this opportunity to announce any sponsors or benefactors who have brought them to the competition. Total “on-stage” time, including prop set-up/take-down is THREE (3) minutes You may, if desired provide music or other accompaniment during the Presentation Category, if no music provided there will background music. Interpretation Stage Presence Verbal Skills Creativity Total Points 8|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 100 Points Talent Category The Talent Category is a TIMED category and may not exceed SEVEN (7) Minutes, including set-up and take-down of any PROPS that may be used. As is stated in the Rules, Regulations and Requirements section, exceeding the time limit will result in an overall score of ZERO (0) for the category. Entertainment Value Costume Fit/Style Lip Sync/Live Performance Ability Showmanship (props, backup performers, choreography, etc.) Total Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 200 Points Formal Wear/Evening Gown Category Miss Apollo Contestants must wear full-length gowns only. The gown must touch the top of the shoe in at least one place. Fit and accessories are important. Mr. Apollo contestants are STRONGLY advised to wear a traditional formal tuxedo in this category, not creative formal wear. Overall Appearance Fit of Clothing Modeling/Poise Creativity, Style, Hair, Accessories Total Points 9|Mr. and Miss Apollo 2015 25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 25 Points 100 Points Prizes The winner of the title of Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015 will receive the following prizes. $500.00 Cash Prize: The cash prize will be paid in three increments. The first payment, in the amount of $300.00, will be paid (by check) immediately following the pageant. The second payment, in the amount of $100.00, will be paid (by check), upon the appearance of the title holder at the annual Bal Masque (currently scheduled for February 7, 2015.) The third and final payment, in the amount of $100.00, will be paid (by check), upon the appearance of the title holder at the 2016 Mr. and Miss Apollo Birmingham pageant. Failure, on the part of the title holder to appear at either the annual Bal Masque on February 7, 2015 or the 2016 Mr. and Miss Apollo Birmingham pageant will result in forfeiture (on the part of the title holder) of that payment installment. Mr. and Miss National Apollo Pageant Entry Fee: the entry fee for each title holder to the National Apollo pageant, (national pageant date and location to be announced), will be paid by MKA-Birmingham. Participation in this pageant is NOT a requirement of the current title holder therefore, should either title holder choose NOT to participate, MKA-Birmingham may elect to award this prize to either of the first alternates. ALL OTHER EXPENSES, related to competing in the National Apollo Pageant (including travel, hotel accommodations, etc.) ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of the individual representing MKA-Birmingham in the National Apollo Pageant. Custom Designed Crown by Dynasty Collections: The winner of the title of Miss Apollo Birmingham will receive a custom designed crown by Dynasty Collections of Mobile. This crown has been created and designed exclusively for the Mystic Krewe of Apollo – Birmingham. Custom Designed Mr. Apollo Medallion by Dynasty Collections: The winner of the title of Mr. Apollo Birmingham will receive a medallion, proclaiming the title and year of the pageant Custom Designed Rhinestone Pins by Dynasty Collections: The winners will also be presented with custom designed rhinestone pins proclaiming their title and year. 10 | M r . a n d M i s s A p o l l o 2 0 1 5 Contestant Application I am competing for the title of: Mr. Apollo Birmingham Miss Apollo Birmingham Stage Name Legal Name Street Address City, State, Zip Code Email Address Occupation and Employer Home Telephone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mobile Telephone Al’s on Seventh, the home of Jeremy Stephens, and The Mystic Krewe of Apollo – Birmingham, including members, staff and management, or agents acting on their behalf, shall be free of any liability for injury to myself or liability for the damage or loss of any personal property as a result of my participation in the Mr. and Miss Apollo – Birmingham pageant. If selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015, I will appear at the annual Bal Masque (currently scheduled for February 7, 2015) and that my failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of $100.00, of the total $500.00, in cash prizes that are awarded as a result of being selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo – Birmingham 2015. I further understand that by making this appearance, I may be requested to perform on-stage and that I may receive additional benefits as a result of this appearance. These benefits, as well as my on-stage performance, will be at the sole discretion of the Captain of Bal Masque XXXIX and any additional expense incurred as a result of my performance or these benefits will be my sole responsibility. If selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015, I will appear at the 2016 Mr. and Miss Apollo – Birmingham Pageant to relinquish my title and crown to my successor and that failure to do so will result in my forfeiture of $100.00, of the total $500.00, in cash prizes that are awarded as a result of being selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo – Birmingham 2015. If selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015, I will appear as a representative and/or spokesperson for The Mystic Krewe of Apollo – Birmingham at functions designated by MKABirmingham. If selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015, I will be asked to represent the Mystic Krewe of Apollo – Birmingham in the National Mr. or Miss Apollo 2015 Pageant (date & location to be announced). I further understand that my failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the National Apollo Pageant Entry Fee and that this fee may be offered to another representative, as selected by MKA-Birmingham. In addition, I understand that any expenses incurred as a result of my participation in the National Apollo Pageant, (travel, accommodations, etc.) shall be my sole responsibility. If selected as Mr. or Miss Apollo Birmingham 2015, I will hold the title of Mr. or Miss Apollo – Birmingham until my successor has been selected. By participating in this pageant, I agree to allow my likeness or images to be used in any publications by, for, or about the Mystic Krewe of Apollo – Birmingham, including all printed material or material that may appear on the internet. By affixing my legal signature to this application, I do affirm that I am at least 21 years of age and that I am a full time resident of the State of Alabama and that all statements of fact presented above are true, to the best of my knowledge. Signed: 11 | M r . a n d M i s s A p o l l o 2 0 1 5 Witness: Contestant Information Sheet (PLEASE PRINT) 1. Your Stage Name : 2. Your Sponsors 3. Your Hobbies 4. Any titles currently or previously held. 5. Your Favorite Actor 6. Your Favorite Actress 7. Your Favorite Foods 8. Why do you want to be Mr. / Miss Apollo? 9. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement in life thus far? 10. What person (or persons) do you most admire and why? 11. Please provide a complete description of your Formal Wear / Evening Gown. 12 | M r . a n d M i s s A p o l l o 2 0 1 5
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