Monitoring Reactions in Li-O2 Cells by EQCM gold electrodes (but porous carbons can also be used) • The EQCM response of mass and current changes in Triglyme and DMSO solutions shows a relatively reasonable fitting between them. Gold dissolution? PC Triglyme DMSO Mass Current • In the carbonate based solution, the mass change is not reversible and the mass continue to accumulate even during the anodic scan. Li-O2 cell design Technical University in Munich IBM/BIU Al-mesh Air-electrode Separator Li-foil b) Spacer Conical spring Meini et al., Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 15, A45-A48 (2012) Developed monolithic electrodes comprising activated carbon micro-fibers (ACM) The solution volume – electrode’s surface area ratio is small (as in real systems) Consequently, if side reactions occur, they are well seen. Polyether solutions exhibit reversible behavior charged 4.3V Pristine ACM electrode Discharge 2V Triglyme/LiTFSI charged 4.3V EC-DMC/LiTFSI Cycling of ACF electrodes at a current density of 0.2 mA/cm2 • The decomposition products of the electrolyte solution (mostly due to oxidation , up to 4.4V) are being reduced in the next discharge processes. Adding catalysis: Preparation of monolithic activated carbon micro-fibers electrodes decorated with α-MnO2 nanoparticles. MnO2 allotropes are known to be effective catalysts for oxygen reduction Etacheri, V.; Sharon, D.; Garsuch, A.; Afri, M.; Frimer, A. a.; Aurbach, D. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 5021–5030. α-MnO2 nanoparticles were electrodeposited on the ACM surface • The coating of the nano MnO2 particles was done by electro deposition in aqueous solutions accompanied by washes and annealing treatment. 500 nm X-ray diffraction studies confirmed the existence of αtype MnO2 (peaks at 26°, 29.4°, 39° and 43°). Raman bands at 300, 360, 575 and 649 cm -1 are characteristic of MnO2 octahedra. Discharge 2V charged 3.75 V 2 µm Triglyme/LiTFSI Pristine electrode α-MnO2 decorated ACM electrodes during cycling • The EDX spectra of discharged ACM/α-MnO2 electrodes demonstrated the formation of oxygen rich compounds and the images of electrodes charged to 3.75 V were identical to that of pristine electrodes. The catalyst particles remained in place. ACM α-MnO2 electrodes can reduce the oxidation potential 4.3 V ACM ACM α-MnO2 The over-potential dropped to in more then 0.5 V by introducing MnO2 catalyst XRD: Li2O2 is the single crystalline product formed in triglyme/LiTFSI Charged Discharged Pristine XRD patterns of the ACM electrode after being discharged to 2.0 V in triglyme/LiTFSI (1 M) under oxygen atmosphere, which exhibit peaks characteristic of crystalline Li2O2. 662 588 Intensity (Arb.Units) 875 FT-IR 1370 NMR 1626 So why the promising poly-ethers aren't good enough for Li-oxygen systems? 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) • From these post-mortem analysis of Li-O2 triglyme LiTFSI (1M) cells after first discharge ,we can observe lithium oxides formation and a verity of side products that can be assigned to solvent fragments, formed during oxygen reduction . Product analysis of ORR in triglyme/LiTFSI solutions by matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry Solvent decomposition fragments Salt fragments The carbon cloth electrodes can be used as the matrix for the products formed herein, so no additional matrix was necessary as in ordinary MALDI measurements. The mode of ionization was set for positive voltage, and the resulting fragments are positively charged. Proposed degradation mechanism of polyether solvents during oxygen reduction (in the presence of Li ions) Li O O Li b a a CH3OCH2CH2OCH2 b CH3OO Li 2 + Li2O2 HCO2Li 7 6b H HB d OCH 2CH2OCH2 3 c Li O H 2C O :B CH3O Li 1 d H3CCO 2Li O 5 Li2O2 CH3CHO 6a c O Li Li2O2 LiOCO2Li Li OCH 2CH2O Li 4 CO2 + LiOLi 10 The lithium cation is a hard electrophile which is expected to bond strongly to the hard Lewis base oxygen anions. This in turn helps to convert the alkoxy groups into better leaving groups and facilitates nucleophilic attacks by Li2O2. Stability of DMSO during oxygen reduction in the presence of Li ions. • ACM electrodes at 0.05 mA/cm2 in oxygen atmosphere in DMSO/ LiPF6 (1M). • Interestingly, when using cell s with high surface carbon cathodes under pure oxygen atmosphere, the oxidation of DMSO occurs at low potentials: in the range 4.2 - 4.3V. • Evidence of dimethyl sulfone formation by anodic oxidation of DMSO above 4.2 V (Li/Li+) was confirmed by Calvo et . Al ⃰. ⃰ Mozhzhukhina, N.; Méndez De Leo, L. P.; Calvo, E. J. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013. DMSO2 formation Blank experiment- charging in oxygen XRD patterns of ACM electrodes after ORR and OER in DMSO/ LiPF6 solutions Polarized to 4.1 V Polarized to 2 V Pristine The diffraction patterns of electrodes charged to 4.1V indicate the decomposition of the Li2O2 particles; however, we still observe spots of LiOH. This can be attributed to the limitation of low oxidation potential, as LiOH particles are hard to oxidize ⃰ ⃰ Meini, S.; Tsiouvaras, N.; Schwenke, K. U.; Piana, M.; Beyer, H.; Lange, L.; Gasteiger, H. a Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 11478. Electrodes cycled in DMSO/LiTFSI (1M) Pristine Discharge to 2 V Discharge to 4.1V sulfur was detected on the cathode surface after ORR after cycling. This indicated significant DMSO decomposition. The high oxygen content on discharged cathodes indicates the formation of oxygen rich compounds like Li2O2 and LiOH. Small peaks of fluorine and phosphorus are attributed to the known decomposition products of LiPF6. The high concentration (8%) of sulfur on the cathode Carbon Oxygen Oxygen 4.1 V surface indicates solvent decomposition. Element Pristine Reductiontreatment Discharged Charged C O F P S 84% 16% 97.32% 2.68% 40.90% 45.69% 4.62% 0.55% 8.02% 62.76% 21.8% 9.67% 2.39% 3.31 Oxygen Sulfur 2V Oxidation of DMSO occurs in the course of electrochemical reduction of oxygen, via reactions of the oxides (super-oxide amd peroxide) with solvent molecules. Polarized to 2 V (c) O O S H3C (b) CH3 FT-IR O S H3C CH3 (a) Surface and solution analyses of discharge cells that contained DMSO LiPF6 solution indicated that DMSO decomposes during oxygen reduction (via reactions with oxide radicals). The surface of cycled electrodes shows complex sulfur XPS peaks Charged • The sulfoxide groups (>S=O) from the DMSO are absent as their XPS peaks should appear in lower binding energy of around 164 to 166 eV. • We attribute the sulfur XPS spectra to SO4-2 sulfur at high oxidation states, such as sulfite (SO32–) and/or sulfate (SO42–) groups. Both groups should exhibit sulfur XPS peaks around 168.0–170.1 eV.* ⃰ Lindberg, B. J.Molecular Spectroscopy by Means of ESCA II. Sulfur Compounds. Correlation of Electron Binding Energy with Structure. Phys. Scr. 1970, 1, 286–298. Discharged SO3-2 Degradation mechanism of DMSO during ORR O H O H3C S CH2 .. + LiO2 H3C .. S CH2 Li+ + 1e- .. Li HOO + O + HOO . (1) Li2O2 Li H3C .. S CH2 O Li O H3C .. S CH3 H3C DMSO HO (2) HOO Li O H H3C S CH2 + Dimsyl Anion DMSO HOO . Li .. S CH3 O + HOO Li (3) O H3C S CH3 + LiOH (4) O DMSO2 Tetrahedral intermediate • The lifetime of LiO2 should be very short, but it can be extended due to the high Guttman donor number of DMSO. The latter reduces the acidity of the Li cation, and thereby helps to extend the stability of LiO2 before disproportionating to Li2O2. Amide based solvents O H3C O N CH3 CH3 Dimethylacetamide (DMA) H N CH3 CH3 Dimethylformamide (DMF) 1) Walker, W.; Giordani, V.; Uddin, J.; Bryantsev, V. S.; Chase, G. V; Addison, D. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 2076–9. 2) Chen, Y.; Freunberger, S. a; Peng, Z.; Bardé, F.; Bruce, P. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 7952–7.
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