1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132

Capital Planning, Design & Construction
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132-4021
Tel: (415) 338-1698
Fax: (415) 338-2960
Notice of Availability and Notice of Intent to
Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15105, the San
Francisco State University (SF State) has issued this notice to inform you of the availability of the Draft
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) prepared for the Recreation Wellness Center
Project (proposed project). The proposed project was approved on Winston Drive in 2013, but is now
being evaluated at a new location on the campus, as described below. The document is available for
public review and comment and copies of this document have been sent to the City and County of San
Francisco County Clerk and the State Clearinghouse for mandatory review under CEQA. The Draft
IS/MND is tiered to the Campus Master Plan EIR (SCH#2006102050), certified as a Program EIR under
CEQA Guidelines Section 15168, by the CSU Board of Trustees in November 2007. Preparation of a
Draft IS/MND does not represent a decision by SF State to approve the proposed project. The Draft
IS/MND will be considered for adoption and the proposed project will be considered for approval by the
California State University Board of Trustees most likely during their May 2014 Board meeting.
The proposed project would involve the construction of a new 118,700 gross square foot (gsf) Recreation
Wellness Center building, and an outdoor recreation field, as well as maintenance of the existing softball
field on a 6.5-acre project site. Major revisions to the Campus Master Plan are also proposed to allow for
the location of the RWC on the proposed project site. These revisions involve master plan map changes
that would relocate other future planned campus buildings. The proposed project would also include
pedestrian street improvements along Font Boulevard. The triangular shaped project site is located in the
southwestern portion of the SF State campus, north of Vidal Drive, east of Lake Merced Boulevard, south
of Font Boulevard, and west of Arballo Drive.
The Draft IS/MND determined that the proposed project would not result in any additional potentially
significant impacts over those identified in the Campus Master Plan EIR; however, additional projectspecific mitigation measures have been identified. Therefore, SF State, as the lead agency, is proposing
to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Copies of the Draft IS/MND may be reviewed online
at http://www.sfsu.edu/~build/design/RWC.html, or at SF State Capital Planning, Design & Construction
offices located at 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132 (physical address is Corporation
Yard 202 on North State Drive). Copies are also available for review at the J. Paul Leonard Library at SF
State, 1600 Holloway Avenue, and the City and County of San Francisco Main Public Library, 100
Larkin Street, San Francisco, California.
Public Review of the Draft IS/MND begins on January 31, 2014, and ends 30 days after issuance of this
document, by the close of business on March 2, 2014. Comments on the Draft IS/MND may be
submitted during this public review period. All comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on March 2,
2014. Please submit any comments on the Draft IS/MND in writing to the name and address below:
Wendy Bloom
Campus Planner
Capital Planning, Design and Construction
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
[email protected]