June 2014 The Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia We remember Sir Jack Brabham AO OBE 1926 – 2014 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Directory Management Committee President Club Services Di Adamson Mobile: 0407 862 758 [email protected] Technical Officer Vice President Julian Lugg Regalia Mobile: 0417 882 930 [email protected] David Bicknell Treasurer Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 [email protected] Secretary Kathy Taylor Mobile: 0403371364 (Please call after 6.00pm weekdays or anytime on weekends) [email protected] Geoff Mockford (08) 8362 5997 / 0438 768 770 Librarian Tom & Marj Brindle (08) 8387 0051 Log Books Kathy Taylor North Philip Prior Phone: (08) 8276 6136 Mobile: 0402 670 654 [email protected] Don Evans Daphne Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 Mobile: 0404 999 200 [email protected] Events Coordinator Bill Browne Phone: (08) 8355-1214 Mobile: 0429 169 798 [email protected] Web Editor Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 [email protected] Club Web Site www.jdcsa.com.au NEW CLUB PO BOX Club Postal Address PO Box 6020 Halifax Street Adelaide SA 5000 0403371364 Inspectors—Historic Registration Editor Classic Marque Membership Secretary 0411 066 225 (08) 8251 1575 Central Evan Spartalis Geoff Mockford (08) 8362 8116 (08) 8223 1997 South Onslow Billinghurst (08)8325 1971 Club Representatives Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs (ACJC) Rick Luff 0411 426 913 Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs (FHMC) Bob Lynch (08) 838 11705 Marque Sports Car Association (MSCA) Barry Kitts (08) 8391 1759 All British Day Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111 Register Secretaries XK, MK 7,8,9 Robin Ide Mobile: 0428 816 678 [email protected] SS & Daimler Malcolm Adamson Phone: (08) 82783002 [email protected] MK 1, 2, S, 420 Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 [email protected] XJ, 420G, MKX Bob Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 [email protected] E-Type. F Type and Grand Tourer Alan Baker Mobile: 0429 097 729 [email protected] Multi-Valve Ron Palmer Mobile: 0418 855 597 [email protected] Classic Marque Classic Marque is the official magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia. The magazine is produced calendar monthly with the exception of January. The Deadline for all copy is the last Tuesday of each month. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject or modify content submitted for publication. The opinions/views expressed in published articles are wholly those of the respective authors, and are not necessarily those of Jaguar, the Editor, the Club, or the Members. Advertisers and sponsors who place advertisements in the magazine do so because they value their association with the JDCSA. Placement of these advertisements should not necessarily be taken to mean the club endorses the services offered. Cover Story A photo taken at The British Classic Tour at Victor Harbor on Sunday 4th May. A great day, beautiful weather, good food and 30 Jaguars present on the day. JDCSA was well represented with more than 40 members in attendance. This event has now been run for three years and gets bigger and better each year. Congratulations to the Historic Motor Car Club of Victor Harbor. 2 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Torque LIBRARY NEWS From Tom Brindle Jag Day advertising already? Well yes because we really are working hard to make this a great day for all. As coordinator of the organising committee I am grateful for the support of the committee members. Julian Lugg, Ron Palmer, Doug Tilley, Steve Arthur, Bruce Fletcher and Malcolm Adamson. At our first meeting we felt important to first clarify just what was the aim of this day and what we wished to achieve on the day. It was agreed the aims are: 1.To promote fellowship within the club by having a day out where club members are encouraged to proudly display their cars and enjoy other member’s cars. 2. To promote the Jaguar Marque, and share the passion members have for the Jaguar Marque. 3. To promote the club to the wider public. It is important that every member feels this is their day and that all cars regardless of model, age or condition are welcome. This is not a concours! An innovation this year is to combine our Annual Charity Day, CATS & CANS with Jag Day and we hope everyone will get into the spirit of the day, not only enjoying our cars but contributing to the needs of some people less fortunate than ourselves. There will more publicity on this later. I hope you enjoy this edition of Classic Marque and remind you I am still looking for an assistant editor to back me up if I am away. Please be aware that this month the copy deadline for the July Classic Marque will be a week earlier than usual due to an interstate trip by the editor. Philip Prior Editor NEW DEADLINE for July edition of Classic Marque will be TUESDAY 17th JUNE 3 Workshop Book Acquisition: “Jaguar 3.4 and 3.8 ‘S’ Models Service Manual, issued by Jaguar Cars Ltd., Coventry, England. This Jaguar service manual has recently been donated to the Club by Mrs Maxine Lill and accordingly, the Club is very appreciative of this kind gesture. The book belonged to her late husband Mr. Peter Lill and she thought it would be useful for it to be retained by the Club for Members to access through the Club’s Library. Mrs. Lill and her late husband owned a 1964 3.8 S Model Jaguar for 17 years and she has many fond memories of the trips taken in the car (She also remarked how she rather liked the sound of the exhaust note too!). The car was subsequently sold some years ago and had the number plate SA 7082. Mrs Lill wondered whether anyone in the Club may know of its whereabouts for sentimental reasons (please see photo of car taken some years ago). If any member is aware of the current owner of the car or has any information that they may wish to pass on about the car; could they please let me know (83870051 or email: [email protected]). Parts and Service Manuals Acquisition: XJ6 (XJ40) 4.0 litre 1990 – 1994, Parts and Service Manual (DVD format). A friend of Peter Holland, namely Mr Richard Bowen from Victoria, has kindly donated the above DVD produced by Jaguar Heritage. The Club wishes to thank Mr Bowen for the DVD, which will be particularly useful in this format and also to Peter for passing it on to the library for Club Members to borrow. “Nobody knows” (or do some Members know?) Segment!! : When Jaguar introduced their new medium-sized saloon in September 1955, people discovered that there was a car that could convey them as fast from door to door as the traditional train and in as much comfort. These new Jaguars became known as “the businessman’s express” (Bank robbers found them equally appealing, because of their apparent performance!!). In 1959 this saloon was significantly developed and became a huge seller and was also taken up by the British Police Force. The cars of course, were the Mark 1 and Mark 2 compacts. If you want to read more about these remarkable decades of the 1950’s and 1960’s, when Jaguar produced the XK 120, XK140, XK 150, the D-Type, the E-Type, the Mark 1 and 2 and the Xj6, Members can read all about it in this easily readable book written by Nigel Thorley – “Jaguar” (number 175), available in the Library. ..........a good read in a warm cosy chair by the heater or log fire with a glass of something special within arm’s reach ( perhaps even a foot stool as well), will keep the coming winter chills away!! By the way, I hope you have trained your pooch to bring you your slippers over to you! Tom Brindle Librarian The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Torque PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hello fellow Jaguar owners, The weather has been kind to us over the last month or two. Hopefully it continues, especially for those who like to put the roof down. We are doing a review of our Regalia and want to select a range that we can promote in the Classic Marque with online ordering as well as sample stock at meetings. We are looking at options of a Club Logo, Register Logo’s and the Jaguar Logo. If you would like to see a particular item of clothing included in this line, please either advise Dave Bicknell or myself. I would like to thank Ron Palmer for stepping in at late notice before our May Meeting and giving us an interesting look into his trip to the National Rally. There certainly were some magnificent vehicles on display. It sounds like the National Rally in Tasmania might be the one to plan for in the calendar/budget for next year. It would be great to see a large group of South Australians at the event. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for guest speakers at future meetings. This format has received positive feedback and we are keen to maintain the interest. Tickets are now on sale for our Annual Dinner Dance. Tickets are limited so contact Geoff & Marg Thomas or Daphne Charman for tickets . This event is growing each year and I am sure it will be a fantastic night. Hope to see you at the General Meeting. Di Adamson SOME EXCITING Jaguar, Land Rover FACTS Jaguar Land Rover has been named Responsible Business of the Year by Business in the Community (BITC). Jaguar Land Rover has ambitious plans for sustainable growth and profitability. In 2013, Jaguar Land Rover sold 425,006 vehicles, up 19%. Of that, Jaguar sold 76,668 vehicles and Land Rover sold 348,338 vehicles. Jaguar Land Rover will invest circa £2.75bn in its products and facilities in the financial year to March 2014. Jaguar Land Rover is one of the UK's largest exporters and generates in the region of 85% of its revenue from exports. In the 12 months to 31 March 2013, Jaguar Land Rover generated profit before tax of £1.675bn with revenues of £15.8bn. 4 WILL YOU RISK A HEAVY FINE AND CANCELLATION OF YOUR HISTORIC REGISTRATION? Inspection requirements for Historic Registrations have changed as most will be well aware. It is now the owners responsibility to have their historically registered vehicle inspected every three years in addition to the signing of a Statutory Declaration annually. This means that by June 2015 you do need to have your vehicle inspected by one of the club’s authorised inspectors. The inspector will sign your log book to indicate that you have complied with this requirement. This is a very simple inspection and can be done at regular club outings by arrangement with one of our authorised inspectors. Each Register has appointed inspectors and a list is supplied below for your convenience. It will be helpful if this is not left to the last minute putting extra burden on our willing inspectors. Your Authorised Inspectors Evan Spartalis Onslow Billinghurst Bob Charman Malcolm Adamson Robin Ide Roger Adamson Tim White Geoff Mockford Noel Orford Peter Holland Ron Palmer Allan Baker Richard Shipman Membership Renewals Due by 30th June Membership Renewal Forms have now been posted. Please be sure to return your membership form promptly to the Club Secretary making sure that you have completed the form fully, including any updated information and contact details. Remember—NO MEMBERSHIP = NO HISTORIC REGISTRATION! Statutory Declarations Remember a Statutory Declaration must be obtained and sent in with your log book and current registration papers. A Statutory Declaration can be found on the club web site on the Historic Registration Page or you can use the one supplied in this edition of Classic Marque..(Page 23) http://www.jdcsa.com.au/historicregistration.htm The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Torque Minutes of General Meeting held on Tues, 6th May, 2014 at the Police Club, Carrington St, Adelaide. Apologies Marj Brindle, Bob & Judy Lynch, Bruce & Ann Fletcher, Peter Clarke, Bill & Barbara Mayman, Bob Charman, Dane Wilden, Bob Kretschmer, Steve Arthur. New Members There were no new members. Previous Minutes Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by Bob Smith, seconded Roger Adamson. President’s Report There were almost fifty Jaguars at the Victor Harbor run on Sunday, 4th May. A good roll up and a great day for such an event. Tom Brindle’s birthday aod Happy Birthday was sung. 24,031 Jaguar sales have been reported so far this year. Marshalls are required for Mallala on 20th July – see Rick Luff. An E Type Jaguar won the most popular car on the day at McLaren Vale. Vice President’s Report Dinner Dance on 26th July at the Glenelg Golf Club. Tickets from Daphne Charman or Margaret Thomas. S. A. Jag day this year is on 19th October on the front oval of Brighton High School. All cars of any condition will be very welcome and members are urged to come. There will not be any official judging on the day other than by public vote. A reminder for all those members with historic registration that the three year inspection is required to be done before June 2015. A list of inspectors who can conduct this inspection is on Page 4 of the Classic Marque. Secretary’s Report Various magazines and club news received. 5 Treasurer’s Report. No report received. Editor’s Report Phil advised that he has not received any offer to prepare the magazine in July as yet. He advised that any articles and information for this magazine will be required a week earlier than usual. ACJC Report. No report received. MSCA Report No report received. Regalia New caps and sweat shirts are available, See David for further information and to place orders. Membership All renewal notices have been sent out. Guest Speaker On very short notice, Ron Palmer is to show photos of the National Jaguar Rally in Melbourne. Registers Multivalve – Week-end to Port Pirie Quorn on 4th - 6th October. Watch for further information. XJ – Week-end to Swan Hill 16th – 18th August. See Classic Marque for further details. Library Tom advised that various books and magazines were available. Any Other Business Geoff Wilden advised that he and his son had raised $4,900 out of the $5,200 required for this year’s Shit Box Rally which leaves in two and a half weeks. A Club run to Mannum is proprosed for 15 – 16th November. The Committee wished all Mothers a very happy Mother’s Day on Sunday. The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m. The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Jaguar News Jaguar and celebs at Mille challenge Amazingly, Mk2 Jaguar prices are in the doldrums, despite rapid rises in other examples of the marque, classic experts are reporting. A good, useable 2.4 Mk2 can still be bought for £10,000 or less and even the more desirable 3.8 can be picked up for £25,000. Even the once largely overlooked Mk1 Jaguar has been more in demand of late, partly, says Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club general manager Graham Searle, because of this car’s eligibility for historic motorsport. He says: “It is surprising that Mk2s have not taken off in price when we have seen E-types go through the roof. You do see Mk2s advertised at below £20,000 – and 2.4s below the £10,000 mark. “I think the explanation is that there has been a lot of emphasis on Jaguar sports cars of late – though, having said that, a couple of Series I XJ6s have been sold for £27,000.” Jaguar Drivers Club Mk2 Jaguar Registrar Terry Birt agrees Mk2s have not reached the prices they did at the peak of the last classic car boom, but prices are going up. “The Mk2 is excellent value for money and a great car to own, and people will pay a lot for the best examples. Cars you can use and enjoy can be bought for a lot less though.” Terry puts a useable 3.8 at around £25,000. Richard White, boss of Hertfordshire-based Flying Cat Engineering, adds: “It depends on condition of the car, and there are a lot of rogue cars out there. We certainly haven’t seen the 50% price rises there have been on the E-type over the past three years but there is a small increase in demand for Mk2s of late, though less so for the 2.4, which you could still get a reasonable example for £10,000 or £6000-£7000 for one needing work.” Article sourced from ClassicCarsForSale.co.uk A host of celebrities will take to the wheel of Jaguar Ctypes, D-types and XKs at next month’s Mille Miglia. The Italian event will see the likes of chat show host Jay Leno, ex-F1 star Martin Brundle and AC/DC lead singer Brian Johnson tackle the 1000 mile route. Richard Agnew, Jaguar Global PR Director said: “Jaguar proved its technical and performance credentials on the Mille Miglia and we have curated a fantastic line-up of authentic Jaguar sports cars for this year’s celebration.” Brian Johnson will co-drive a C-type with Belgian singersongwriter Milow, while Martin Brundle and Bruno Senna (Ayrton’s nephew) will share the famous ‘Long Nose’ Dtype. An ex-Sir James Scott-Douglas 1951 Jaguar XK 120 roadster that was part of the Ecurie Ecosse team will be piloted by American chat show legend Jay Leno. Multi-award winning actors Jeremy Irons will drive another Jaguar XK120 and an ex-Sir Stirling Moss XK120 Coupe will be piloted by Mike Cross, Jaguar’s Vehicle Integrity Chief Engineer. Jaguar has a rich history in the Mille Miglia, especially with the XK120. Leslie Johnson scored a fifth place in 1950, making the XK the highest placed production car. It was also Jaguar’s best ever finish. Another milestone was Sir Stirling Moss tackling the Brescia-based event in 1952 alongside Norman Dewis in a C-type equipped with the first ever disc-brakes to be used in competition. The car retired with steering damage, but the future of braking was set. Geoff Mockford—JDCSA Technical Officer 80 King William St Kent Town SA 5067 6 ph: (08) 8362 5997 [email protected] The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Jaguar News Jaguar Ranked Best Premium Manufacturer in Driver Power Survey IN BRIEF Jaguar named best premium brand car manufacturer by owners in Driver Power survey Jaguar drivers eulogise about their car's ease of driving, ride quality, performance and in-car technology More than 46,000 car owners took part in the customer satisfaction survey IN DETAIL (Whitley, Coventry - 30/04/14). Jaguar has been ranked the best premium car brand in the influential Driver Power manufacturer league table. The 2014 edition of the Auto Express-supported customer satisfaction survey saw the British luxury and sports car marque's score increase by three per cent year-on-year to 89.34, as Jaguar owners gave glowing feedback on every aspect of their car. For the third year running, Jaguar cars were praised for offering the best ride quality and ease of driving of cars from any brand. On top of this, an impressive three Jaguar prod- The Lightweight E-Type is Reborn Jaguar is to build six brand new 'Lightweight' E-types the 'missing' six Lightweights that were never built from the intended 18-car series Jaguar's first ever 're-creation' project, the all-aluminium cars will be assigned the six remaining chassis numbers which were originally allocated in 1963 All six vehicles will be built as perfect reproductions and to the exact specifications of the original 12 cars first produced in 1963 The first new Lightweight E-type will make its public debut later this summer. Further information will be released at that point ucts finished in the top five performance cars - with the XK topping the chart and receiving a Driver Power Award for Best Performance. Jaguar cars were also rated secondbest for in-car technology. Auto Express Editor-in-Chief Steve Fowler said: "Jaguar has moved up the Driver Power rankings in 2014 and as a result becomes the highest-ranked premium brand in the survey. Much of that is down to the way a Jaguar car drives - owners love their cars' performance, ride and handling. If Jaguar continues to show improvements at this rate, it could top our survey next year." Success in the 2014 edition of the Driver Power survey follows a similar result in last year's JD Power survey, where Jaguar was named the best manufacturer. It means Jaguar is now rated as the best premium brand by the two biggest motoring satisfaction surveys in the country. Jeremy Hicks, Jaguar Land Rover UK Managing Director, said: "The priority at Jaguar is to put the customer first - it's at the forefront of our minds with every car we produce. So we're incredibly proud to be so highly rated by the people who buy our cars. With a series of truly exciting products in the pipeline - which will be based on our new advanced aluminium architecture - we're confident that we can continue to meet and exceed the desires of UK car buyers for many years to come." 1964, the remaining six designated chassis numbers having lain dormant, until now. The new cars will be hand-built in-house by Jaguar's finest craftsmen. Each car will be constructed to the exact specifications of their original 1960s forebears - including the 3.8litre straight-six engine. The Lightweight carried approximately 114kg (250lb) less weight than a standard E-type, thanks to its all-aluminium body and engine block, a lack of interior trim and exterior chrome work and a host of further weight-saving features including lightweight, hand-operated side windows. Jaguar expects a high demand for the six Lightweight Etypes. Established Jaguar collectors, especially those with historic race car interests, will be prioritised amongst those potential customers who express interest. 14 MAY, 2014 - Jaguar is to build six perfect reproductions of the original, race-bred Lightweight E-type that was created in 1963. The new cars are the 'missing' six vehicles from Jaguar's Lightweight E-type project, which originally started in February 1963 with the objective of building 18 'Special GT E-type Cars'. Only 12 of the aluminium bodied Lightweight E-types were eventually built, the last in 7 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia On Friday the 16th of May, members of the XJ, 420G, Mk 10 Register ventured to the Adelaide Show grounds to see Co-Opera’s production of Giacomo Puccini’s MADAMA BUTTERFLY. The women dressed in their finest and the men in bow ties and tux, we were there to see our own (we’re claiming her, as she has sung at several of our Register meetings) Grace Bawden, performing the lead role as Cio Cio San in her operatic debut. The sell out audience got into the mood before the performance with an incredible array of gourmet food and drinks. The excitement was obviously getting to our members as the odd glass of red was accidently spilt. When the orchestra began the proceedings, you could hear a pin drop and when ‘our Grace’ began to sing, the jaws dropped and the goose bumps appeared. In only a few seconds you realise why Grace has been accepted into the No 1 Operatic School in the world, the prestigious Centro Universale del Bel Cantro where she will study at the La Scuola Dell’ Opera Italiana. After receiving a standing ovation at the end of the Opera, Grace quickly changed and came and had her photo taken with us. She said the night had been wonderful for her, but she is looking forward to the XJ 420G Mk 10 Register Xmas Dinner at the German Club on the 5th of December. Bob Charman 8 A NIGHT AT THE OPERA The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia JDCSA Annual Dinner and Presentation Night Saturday July 26, 6.30-7.00pm (pre-dinner drinks) Glenelg Golf Club James Melrose Drive, Novar Gardens Cost of tickets $60.00 ea The ticket price includes, pre dinner drinks, wine on the table, a three course meal and door prizes. Come and help celebrate 40 years of the SS Register Tickets available from Marg Thomas or Daphne Charman 8374 3228 8248 4111 9 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Notices POSITION VACANT APPLICATIONS The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6 (B-C) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this magazine: Tyson Gilbert 1988 Jaguar XJ40 Sovereign Saloon Tony & Glenda Carrig 1958 XK150 3.8L Drop Head Coupe & 1974 E Type 5.3L Convertible & XJ8 4L sedan The following applications listed in the April Classic Marque magazine have been accepted Allan & Lyn Aughey 1965 Jaguar E-Type 4.2L FH Coupe Gary & Julie Rushton 2007 Jaguar 3L V6 S-Type Sedan We hope you will take advantage of the benefits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. I particularly ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these new members welcome at meetings and functions. Daphne Charman Membership Secretary. 10 ASSISTANT EDITOR—CLASSIC MARQUE Do you enjoy being creative? Do have at least a basic knowledge of Microsoft Programs? Are you looking for a way to give something back to the club? Would you be willing to learn more about Desktop Publishing? THIS COULD BE YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY. I am eager to find someone else in the club who will work with me as an assistant in producing this monthly Classic Marque magazine. Clearly there will be occasions during the year when I am not available to produce the magazine and I do not intend to be Editor forever. The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Notices GENERAL MEETING ROSTER 2014 QUICK REFERENCE REGISTER MEETINGS The General Meeting of the JDCSA Feb XJ, MK10 & 420G Register Mar XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Apr E-Type F-Type & Grand Tourer Register May SS & Daimler Register Jun Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register Jul Multivalve Register Aug XJ, MK10 &420G Register Sep XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Oct E-Type F-Type & Grand Tourer Register Nov SS & Daimler Register Dec Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register Duty Register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the President or Secretary so other arrangements can be made. 11 is held on the first Tuesday of each month. Register Meetings are held as follows: Mk 1,2 & 420 & S Type (Compact) Second Tuesday of every even calendar month E-Type F-Type & Grand Tourer Third Thursday of each month Multivalve Fourth Tuesday of each odd calendar month. SS & Daimler Last Wednesday of each month XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Second Wednesday of each month XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9 Third Wednesday of each month The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Register Minutes SS and PUSHROD ENGINE REGISTER MINUTES OF MEETING Held at the home of Ross & Jan Rasmus Wednesday 30th APRIL 2014. The Minutes of 26th March 2014 were accepted as being a true record of the meeting. PRESENT: Bruce Fletcher, Ross Rasmus, Don Evans, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Bob Lynch, Jack Richardson, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs. APOLOGIES: Bob Hill-Ling, Ross Gogler, Bill Everett. 1. SA/VIC BORDER RUN November 1st-3rd 2014. No. 40 The call for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST to has been very encouraging. Responses to date- SS Register 9, JCCC 2, Vic 19 with 3 ‘regulars’ yet to reply.** Bob & Marg will visit Loxton in June to complete the programme & prepare costings etc. 2. TRIP TO PORT LINCOLN 4th- 7th APRIL: The Event was very successful. See Run Report by Bruce & Ross Rasmus in the May CM. The Ferry voyage was a novelty for some members. Ross displayed his collection of photographs of the occasion a large TV screen. Bob K to send a Thankyou letter to the Port Lincoln Auto Club. 3. SS REGISTER 40TH ANNIVERSARY (18 April 1974) See April CM pp 20-22 4. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. All Register members having computers can access the JDCSA site for the CM except Bob K! 2. Steve Byles (NSW ) has his 1936 SS 1½ L car for sale & has introduced a Mr. Sutherland from Singapore who has recently purchased a 1938 SS 1½ L sedan but is presently in England. Bob has in turn introduced Sutherland to Messrs Crouch & Gibbins for vehicle history & parts. Bob will invite him to join our Club & the SS Register. 3. Bruce read out an email he had received from Nik Cirakovic (Vic) soliciting support for a possible ‘2016 National Border Run’ together with our vehicles to New Zealand. The Qld. Club has already declined & there was no support from our members. 4. Ross Rasmus’s SS1 car was built in April 1934 & is therefore 80 years old. 5. Brenton Hobbs is 50 years old & is celebrating his 25 th wedding anniversary. Applause. 6. Bob Hill-Ling & Ross Rasmus displayed vehicles in the recent event at Carrick Hill. 5. JDCSA: Report by Malcolm Adamson 1. The SS Register is on Roster for the General Meeting next Tuesday night 6th May. President Bruce & Secretary Bob will be absent, Malcolm to take the milk, others please take a shared supper plate. Bob to ask Kathy Taylor to take the minutes. 12 2. Malcolm took names for the Club Annual Dinner on 26 July for an SS Register table. See CM. 3. Jag Day. Will be on Sunday 19 October at Brighton Oval & will include celebration of 40 yrs. of the SS Register. No vehicle Judging, special feature of Work-in-Progress restorations including SS Airlines. Register members to prepare Summary histories with one photograph of their vehicle(s) for Drive-past descriptions. The Register Banner will be a modified version of that displayed at Wagga Wagga. T-shirts are not required. Malcolm will have the commemorative plaque ready for next meeting. 4. The Multivalve Register will be having an evening meeting at Solitaire Jaguar Belair Rd. Hawhorn. SS Register members are invited, see also CM p15. 6. TECHNICAL & PARTS: Ed Nantes (Vic.) seeks some engine parts for a 3½ L engine, contact Bruce Fletcher. 7. SS REGISTER MEETING DATES: Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm May 28 John Lewis June 25 Bob Lynch July 30 Bruce Fletcher with prior dinner at the Gawler Arms Hotel August 27 Bob Hill-Ling Sept. 24 Jack Richardson Oct. 29 Brenton Hobbs Nov. 26 Des Brown Dec No meeting Meeting closed at 8.50 pm. Supper: Thank you Jan & Judy Lynch Minute Distribution: Email; Bruce Fletcher, Philip Prior, Ross Rasmus, John Lewis, Ross Gogler, Malcolm Adamson, Brenton Hobbs, Jack Richardson, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling, Bob Lynch, Bob Kretschmer, David Adamson, Bill Everett, Bill Brown. Post; Don Evans R.J.Kretschmer SS Register Secretary PS: Re the Border Run, since the meeting at the time of writing 2 more EOI’s have arrived from Victoria. Minutes of the E-Type F-Type and Grand Tourer Register Meeting. Held at Alan Baker’s “Shed” 7.30pm on 15th May 2014 Present Gary Dunn, Roger and Dianne Adamson, Frank, Peter Beaumont, Ray Yuelet , Alan Bartram, John and Geoff Brierly, David Alm Mark Bloustein, Mark and Heidi Goodwin Discussed plans for Jaguar Day which will be held at Brighton High School on the 19th of October. Preparations are moving along well. Run to the Classic Fighter Jet Museum planned for Sun- The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Register Minutes day 25th May. Numbers confirmed as one payment will be made. Need to be at Parafield Airport by 10am. Alan guaranteed he would have a chat upstairs and organise good weather, so let’s bring those cars out before the weather really sets in. The Jaguar dinner is set for the 26th July and should be a great event at the Glenelg Golf Club. Tickets available from Geoff and Margaret Thomas or Daphne Charman Alan outlined the changes and work done on the D Type & it is coming along very well. Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10 & 420G Register Meeting held at Shannon’s, South Rd, Clarence Gardens on 14th May, 2014. Present Steve Attard, Steve Arthur & Frances Grillo, David Bicknell, Walter & Beryl Bullock, George Calvert, Bob & Daphne Charman, Ivan Cooke, Timothy Dunning, John & Claire Evans, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Louis Marafiotti, Ray & Barb Offe, Dennis Paech, Phil Prior, Borys Potiuch, Ian Rowley, Evan Spartalis, Noel & Carmel Trew, Don & Kathy Tyrrell. Apologies Peter & Ros Holland, Andrea Spartalis, Graeme & Betty Moore, George Hughes & Red Hancock, Anne-Marie Pijanka, Merv Tucker, Geoff & Margaret Thomas, Brad Hoare, Jannine Cook, John Best. Special Guest Christine Howard from the Commonwealth Bank talking about Credit & Debit Cards. . General Business Xmas Dinner at the German Club this year is Friday the 5th December. We have 5 tickets available from Bob Charman. $40 each. British Classic – Victor Harbor. 4th May. Great time had by all. Business: Outlined changes to compliance for Historic Rego Decided the Federal Budget hasn’t impacted the collectability of Jaguars Need some Photos for the upcoming 2015 Calendar National Rally in Tasmania sounds good looking for any interest Requested ideas for some future runs Meeting closed at 9:30pm ‘Night at the Opera’. Fri 16th May. Grace Bawden has the lead in Madame Butterfly. We are meeting at Villi’s NEXT MEETING: Next Meeting at 7.30 pm on 19th June. Further details will be Emailed out shortly. 13 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Register Minutes and then on to the Wayville Showgrounds for the show. 2014 Run discussed. Swan Hill August 15th – 17th. Brochures available now. Calendars. Two left. See Bob Car pics for our calendar. Send to Di Adamson. Members Pride cars needed. All British Day committee members needed.(5) Report from Anne-Marie read to the meeting. Jaguar Annual Dinner tickets available from Daphne and Margaret & Geoff Thomas Jag Day at Brighton High 19th October. Phil spoke to us all about the Day Noel Trew spoke about the Carrick Hill Charity day. Martin O’Dea not been well of late. The Register wished to pass on their best wishes and a speedy recovery. The meeting is not the same without him. Christine Howard gave a well received talk about Credit Cards and Debit Cards. Everyone learnt something except George who still uses the pony express and homing pigeons. Car Talk Steve Attard N.T.R. Steve Arthur N.T.R. David Bicknell Gertrude having a little rest. Walter & Beryl Bullock N.T.R. George Calvert 420G excellent. MkII not so well. Has sent away for some advise, but using the pony’s, it could take a while for a reply. Bob & Daphne Charman THE CLOCK is ready and working and WILL be in the car for the next meeting. Be early to avoid the queue for a private viewing. Ivan Cook N.T.R. Timothy Dunning N.T.R. John & Claire Evans Car went well to Victor. Darryl & Fay Leyton Good run to Victor. Radiator cap fell to bits. Louis Marafiotti Good on the open road. Hesitates at the lights. Ray & Barb Offe XJS slumbering in its cover. Brought the XJ Ser1 tonight. Dennis Paech Not much to report. Get’s down when he can. Borys Potiuch N.T.R. Phil Prior Nothing he wanted to talk about. Ian Rowley Not used much. New engine mounts. Evan Spartalis Water pump on XJ fixed. Noel & Carmel Trew In the hills yesterday. OK Don Tyrrell Mk10’s both magnificent. Meeting closed at 8.45pm. Next meeting: Wed 11th June 2014, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. 14 Minutes of the XK 7 8 9 Register Meeting at the Point Turton, Sunday 4 May, 2014. The meeting was held in a cabin at the Point Turton caravan park after the fish and chips on the final night of the Register’s long weekend trip to lower Yorke Peninsula. Attendance: Present were: Richard and Carla Smith, Robin and Deidre Ide, Rob and Vicki Loffler, Peg and Rod Davis, Peter and Judy Goodale, Julian and Moira Lugg, Onslow and Wendy Billinghurst, Russell Clarke and Jenny Hales and Bill and Julie Barker. Apologies were received from: Peter and Ros Holland, Graeme and Fiona Schultz, Doug and Sue Harrison, Roger and Di Adamson, Jacques and Sally Metzer, Ossie and Rayeena Petrucco. Previous Minutes: Minutes of the Wednesday, 16 April, 2014 Register meeting had been previously circulated and it was agreed provided an accurate record. Club Business: Members were reminded: Club membership renewals will be sent out to all members soon and it is important to respond with all required information, including Statutory Declarations, so that historic registration renewals can be processed. Initial 3 year inspections need to be conducted before 30 June 2015. The annual dinner will be at the Glenelg Golf Club on Saturday 26 July and will cost $60 per head. Jag day will be on Sunday 19 October from 9.00am at the Brighton high school. This is one week after our register’s border run. Register groupings will form the basis of displays. There will also be other, general, Jaguar-related displays. Register Business: There was general discussion relating to arrangements for Register monthly, third Wednesday night meetings. It was agreed that, in future, a minimalist approach would be adopted to catering for monthly meetings. No alcohol would be served but tea and coffee would be offered with ‘just a biscuit’. Vicki and Rob provided final details for the Border Run on 10, 11 and 12 October. 31 people have booked for the whole weekend and 33 for Saturday night dinner. Vicki asked that we all read the info provided and provide comments and feedback, and especially deposit payments, promptly. Robin thanked Vicki and Rob for organising the programme for the Border Run. Coming Meetings: Wednesday 18 June at 8.00pm will be at the Billinghurst’s at 286 Cox’s Hill Road. Sunday 20 July for barbeque lunch at 12.00pm will be at Goodale’s, 5 Ralli Street. Balaklava. BYO drinks and meat. Salads, sweets and tea and coffee will be supplied. Thanks - Robin thanked Wendy and Onslow for planning and managing an eventful weekend that showed us the interesting and picturesque features of the bottom end of Yorke Peninsula. The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia World's fastest car to start after 100 years The world’s fastest car in 1911 is to make its first run at this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed after lying dormant for 100 years. Just two Fiat S76 models were built by the Italian manufacturer, with the sole intention of snatching the world record for the flying kilometre and mile away from German Benzes. They were fitted with enormous 28.5-litre engines, which allowed one of them to achieve 135mph at Ostend in Belgium. However, because it couldn’t complete a return run within an hour, it wasn’t officially recognised as a record. “…… eventually ended up in Australia where it was heavily modified. Current owner Duncan Pittaway acquired the rolling chassis back in 2003 and reunited it with the engine from the lost S76….” 15 One S76 was dismantled after the First World War, but the other was purchased by a Russian aristocrat and eventually ended up in Australia where it was heavily modified. Current owner Duncan Pittaway acquired the rolling chassis back in 2003 and reunited it with the engine from the lost S76. The S76 4-cylinder motor has a bore of 71/2in (the size of a dinner plate) and stroke of 927/32in; output was 300hp at 1800rpm, with torque rated at 2000lb.ft. Rumours still circulate that the engine is from an airship, compounded by the fact that a Fiat airship engine did later use the same bore and stroke, but this was of a different design. The unofficial record breaker has spent the last ten years being restored to its 1911 spec, with as many original components as possible being salvaged. “After restoring a Bugatti T35, I was looking for a new challenge and the S76, which is one of the more maligned cars of its generation, fitted the bill nicely,” said Duncan. “All of the original S76 components that have survived have been restored, from the chassis and engine down to the suspension, axles, pedals, steering box etc., with the gearbox, radiator and bodywork being created using the original Fiat drawings. “As the last and largest of the huge-engined Edwardian monsters, it should be sensational to see.” Duncan himself will drive the Fiat S76 up the hill at the Festival, bringing to a close its century of competitive inactivity. The popular event takes place from 26-29 June, but tickets usually sell out well before. ClassicCarsForSale.co.uk The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Club Calendar Wednesday July 9, 7:30 pm June Tuesday June 3, 7:45pm. Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide Wednesday June 10, 7:30 pm Bi-Monthly Meeting Compact Register at Noel and Jo Orford’s home—Contact Tim White 0419 809 021 Wednesday June 11, 7:30 pm Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman 82484111 Mob: 0421482007 Tuesday June 17, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Monthly Meeting XJ Register at Shannons Rooms South Road, Clarence Gardens. Members meet at Villies Cafe South Road for a meal prior to the meeting. Contact Bob Charman 82484111 Mob: 0421482007 Tuesday July 15, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive Thursday July 17, E Type, F Type, Grand Tourer Register Meeting Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729 Sunday July 20, XK, Mk 7,8 & 9, Register Run to Balaclava Contact Robin Ide 0428 816 678 Executive Committee Meeting VIP Building Cnr. Marion Rd and Sir Donald Bradman Drive CHANGED DEADLINE FOR JULY (only) EDITION OF CLASSIC MARQUE—Tues 17 June Tuesday July 22, Multivalve Register Meeting Contact Ron Palmer 0418 855 597 Tuesday June 18, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Register Meeting of Mk7.8,9 & XK Register Contact Robin Ide 0428 816 678 Thursday June 19, E Type, F Type, Grand Tourer Register Meeting Contact Alan Baker 0429 097 729 Wednesday June 25, SS, Daimler Register Meeting— Saturday July 26, 6.30pm. JDCSA ANNUAL DINNER AND PRESENTATION NIGHT GLENELG GOLF CLUB (See page 9 for full details) Wednesday July 30, SS, Daimler Register Meeting— Malcolm Adamson 08 8278 3002 August Malcolm Adamson 08 8278 3002 Tuesday August 5, 7:45pm. July Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide Tuesday July 1, 7:45pm. Monthly General Meeting JDCSA Police Association Building - 27 Carrington St Adelaide 16 Tuesday August 10 Compact Register Meeting at Anik & Richard's 29A Leonard Rd . Hahndorf 12pm—4pm. Contact Tim White The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia The Cat’s Giggle A Telephone Survey Last month, a world-wide telephone survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was:"Would you please give your honest opinion about possible solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?" *The survey was a complete failure because:* In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant. In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant. In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant. In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant. In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant. In South America they didn't know what "please" meant. In the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant. And in Australia, New Zealand and Britain everyone hung up as soon as they heard the Indian accent. Men are like old car tires. Balding, full of hot air, and it never hurts to have a spare. Old is Great An old Woman was asked, "At your ripe age, what would you prefer to get : Parkinsons or Alzheimers?" The wise one answered, "Definitely Parkinsons - Better to spill half my wine than to forget where I keep the bottle." And so say all of us!!! 17 Politically Incorrect…..but….. I got invited to a party and was told to dress to kill. Apparently a turban, beard and a backpack wasn't what they had in mind. Since the snow came all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I'll have to let her in. Seven wheelchair athletes have been banned from the Paralympics after they tested positive for WD40. Just A Reminder to those who stole Electrical Goods in Last Year's Riots....Your One Year Manufacturer's Warranty Runs Out Soon. An Englishman has started his own business in Afghanistan! He is making land Mines that look like prayer mats! It’s doing well! Prophets are going through the roof!! Japanese scientists have created a camera with a shutter speed so fast, they can now photograph a woman with her mouth shut. A boy asks his granny, 'Have you seen my pills, they were labelled LSD?' Granny replies, forget the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?! Little Billy asks his dad for a telly in his room. Dad reluctantly agrees. Next day Billy comes downstairs and asks, 'Dad, what's love juice?' Dad looks horrified and tells Billy all about sex. Billy just sat there with his mouth open in amazement. Dad says, 'So what were you watching?' Billy says, 'Wimbledon.' The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia MEMBER’S PRIDE Stories of cars owned and loved by our members Bill Browne—Jaguar MK 2 3.8. My interest in Jaguars started in 1951, my last year at school, one of my class mates was allowed to drive the family Jag MK IV Drophead to school on occasions. WE would pile into the Jag after school and drive from South Perth over the Causeway and down St Georges Terrace—pure luxury. Over the years I have yearned to own a Mark 2 and after I retired a 1955 Twin Matchless Motor Cycle. When that was completed, Margaret decided I needed another project to keep me out of her hair and so the search for a suitable Jag began. After driving and looking at many Mark 2s we finally found this one that was beaytifully restored inside and outside but needed some TLC underneath. The car was originally owned by a woman living in Heidelberg, Victoria and was acquired by Max Gransden who lived at Brighton, Victoria and then at Somerton Park South Australia. Max did a lot of restoration and eventually sold it to Trevor Merkel of Happy Valley, South Australia. 18 After it changed hands a couple more times we eventually purchased our pride and joy. Trevor Merkel contacted us some time later to see if we would like the history file with all receipts dating back to the 1980’s which we were very pleased to have. The car has been in the Jaguar Car Club of Victoria and also the Sporting Car Club of SA. Bill and Margaret also own a lovely S TYPE seen in the photo below—Ed. The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Sir Jack Brabham AO OBE 1926 – 2014 We were all saddened by the news that Australia’s greatest racing driver, Sir Jack Brabham, passed away recently. He was 88. The Brabham name is synonymous with Grand Prix racing and always will be. Evidence of the enormity of Sir Jack’s achievements is that they remain unmatched to this day - and most likely never will be. The triple world champion is the only Formula One driver to have won a world title in a car of his own construction – the Repco V8-powered BT19 – which he drove to victory in 1966. And he was also the first driver in history to be knighted for his services to motor sport. Sir Jack contested 126 Grands Prix from 1955 to 1970, taking 14 wins and 13 pole positions on his way to three Formula One World Drivers’ Championships in 1959 and 1960 (driving Coopers) and 1966 (Brabham). sive world championship with Kiwi Denny Hulme driving the team’s latest BT20. The Brabham team’s winning engines were also designed and built in Australia by Repco, under the brilliant Phil Irving and Frank Hallam. In addition to his prolific racing achievements, Jack was awarded Australian of the Year in 1966, the Order of the British Empire in 1966 and knighted for his services to motor sport in 1978 along with numerous other awards in recognition of his extraordinary career. He also won the Formula One World Constructors Championship in 1966 and again in 1967, when the Brabham team won its second succes- 19 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Jaguar Classifieds 1986 Daimler Double Six Series 3 Saloon. Reluctantly my pride and joy is for sale. The vehicle would best be described as immaculate. Signal Red, Genuine 172,892 Klms, Electric Sunroof , Cruise Control, Meta System M8700 Vehicle Security Immobiliser incorporating Central Locking and Keyless Entry, High-Power Full Face CD Receiver with MP3 Decoder and Remote, Rust Stopper Electronic Computerised Corrosion Control Module, Full Leather Re Trim. Full Sovereign Auto service history. $15,000.00 Neg Brenton Tamm 08 8333 1590 mobile 0419 818 469 and email [email protected] PLEASE NOTE All Classified ads in Classic Marque automatically expire after 3 Editions. To renew your ad for a further 3 months please contact the editor. If your car sells or you wish to withdraw your ad please notify the editor by email. XK, Mk VII, VIII and IX Register….. …….A Visit to Point Turton Nine couples in six Jaguars and three other vehicles braved the wild weather on the first Friday in May to travel to Point Turton for the XK, 789 Register weekend at the bottom end of Yorke Peninsula. Drivers and passengers fuelled up at Port Wakefield and Minlaton bakery and chocolate shop on the way, setting the scene for the rest of the weekend. The weather improved on Saturday morning and we went to Innes National Park via Marion Bay Tavern, stopping at many scenic spots along the way and returning via Corny Point. Saturday evening dinner was a short drive to the Inland Sea Restaurant. Sunday morning we visited Bublacowie Military Museum which has an interesting collection of vehicles and militaria. Thanks to Wendy and Onslow for giving us all a most enjoyable weekend. 20 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia 21 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia A Jaguar feels deliberately different. It is full of technology, yet full of emotion. Technology such as Adaptive Dynamics perfectly configures the car 500 times a second. And Jaguar Sequential Shift intuitively selects gear changes In the blink of an eye. It all goes into creating legendary Sports cars that feel breathtakingly alive. Discover more about what makes every Jaguar feel so alive JAGUAR.COM.AU *Recommended retail price for XF 2.0L TURBO CHARGED PETROL and the 2.2L TURBO CHARGED DIESEL Luxury versions. Car shown XF 2.0L TURBO CHARGED PETROL. 22 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia STATUTORY DECLARATION State of South Australia - Oaths Act 1936 I / We, ________________________________________________________________________ , [full name] of ____________________________________________________________________________ [address] do solemnly and sincerely declare that as the owner; the vehicle/s listed below, for the purposes of conditional registration is/are a Historic Vehicle/s, Prescribed Left Hand Drive Vehicle/s and/or Street Rod vehicle/s as defined by the: Motor Vehicles Act 1959, as amended; Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010, as amended; and MR332 – Code of Practice for the Conditional Registration Scheme of the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure for Historic Vehicles, Prescribed Left Hand Drive Vehicles and Street Rod Vehicles. and meet the requirements for eligibility as detailed in the above Act, Regulations and Code. Where an approved modification has been carried out on the vehicle/s, it has been recorded in the vehicle’s log book and a new MR334 raised, as required. Vehicle/s Year Make Model Body style Reg No Engine No And I / We make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1936. Declared at ________________________________ in the State of South Australia, this _______ day of___________________ 20 ____ .................................................. Signature of person making this declaration [to be signed in front of an authorised witness Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for taking Affidavits or Proclaimed Police Officer] Before me, ............................................ Signature of authorised witness 23 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia . 24 The Official Monthly Magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia
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