A bimonthly publication of NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd MICA (P) No. 171/07/2010 MAR-APR 2014 SINGAPORE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2015 • Be the leading light for Safety, Health & Environment Movement • Passionately Serve our Customers • Cultivate a Highly Engaged and Mobile Team • Strengthen Position in Scrap Sourcing • Spearheading Energy Savings • Continuous Drive in Productivity Through Automation and IT • Strengthen Market Leadership Position P7-9 THE NEW TOOL FOR COLLABORATION, KNOWLEDGE-SHARING AND BONDING R IN JAMSHEDPU , IDC; C; CHIN WEITING , BE; CAI SANG, MQ P; MS Y, RO NE BY ALWYN LEOW SA OO IAN LIN, EME; KH TAN JO, EMM; HENRY TAN, LOG; G; CA G, EN CH P; OH JIA LIN CONGREN, MS CEO’S OFFICE TAN YUAN CHYI, But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ced atSteel experien The team from N celebration the Founder’s Day e dia, the city wher in Jamshedpur, In n. Tata Steel was bor BY JASON KHOR, CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Imagine that you have a message to broadcast. In the past, you would probably put up a forced screen or place posters around the office. Now, you can easily post the announcement on Chatter with the click of a button! Launched earlier this year, Chatter is a new tool for collaboration, knowledge-sharing and bonding among NatSteelites. Similar to social-media platforms that have become a big part of our daily lives, Chatter will play an important role in building company culture as we share our ideas and experiences with each other. How can we make Chatter a vibrant place? The “Post” field prompts you to share “What are you working on?” When you do, you invite colleagues to chip in with their thoughts, providing knowledge and expertise. Chatter breaks barriers and lets us work with one another regardless of department or where you are seated! IN THIS ISSUE DAY 1 We were honored to witness the magical moment when one of Tata Sons directors, Ishaat Hussain, pressed the button and triggered the magnificent Founder’s Day light display. Held at Jubilee Park, which was built to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Tata Steel, the display was created by 250 experts to celebrate the 175th birth anniversary of Founder Jamsetji Tata. DAY 2 How to use Chatter? • Fill out your profile so that colleagues can get to know you better • Create or join groups such as SRC Group • Follow people whose work you are interested in • Post status updates – projects that you are working on, articles that you are reading, information that colleagues may find helpful • Upload and share work related files As with all things new, Chatter will take some getting used to. If you need help, do reach out to those around you, or our helpful colleagues in HRD, IT and Corporate Communications. Platforms for Chatter • Open your web browser and log in at login.salesforce.com. This is highly recommended as it gives you the full Chatter experience. • Chatter Desktop is a handy version that sends notifications on your desktop. • The Salesforce1 Mobile App allows you to access Chatter on your mobile phone. It is available on iOS and Android. COVER STORY OVERSEAS OPERATIONS Teams can also utilise the platform by setting up work groups. You can then communicate with team members conveniently. From sending messages to sharing files, everything can be done securely on Chatter. Singapore Strategic Objectives 2015 7 NEW BYTES Chatter – the new tool for collaboration, knowledge-sharing and bonding 2, Celebrating Founder’s Day in Jamshedpur 3, Tata Innovista Asia-Pacific Regionals in Singapore 4, Fostering long term customer relationships through factory visits 5, CAB Annual Dinner 5, CAB Annual Workers’ Dinner & Dance 5 WORK LIFE Give your best shot 10, First-ever mini-market at Marina Barrage with FGS 12, Reaching out to SPD’S beneficiaries through fun and games 12 03 NEWS BYTES 02 NEWS BYTES CHATTER “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. g Celebr atin ay D ’s r e d n u Fo Easteel Services (Malaysia) achieves Monthly Record High of 1,900MT in Total Sales 6, NatSteel Vina achieves its best ever sales performance, crossing 17,000MT in March 6, SIW & TSN goes to school! 13, Green Market held at SIW factory 13, Giving back to Huo Long Primary School 14 ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH & SAFETY The Green Line: Bridging the Gap between NatSteelites 15, Tengah Nature Way - Singapore’s longest green corridor 15, Heat Stress Prevention 16 DAY 1 We witnessed the Founder’s Day function at Works Gate. Representatives from the Tata group and business partners gathered to pay tribute to Jamsetji Tata. Following that, we visited the Tech-Ex 2014 at SNTI, the Technical Training Institute of the Tata group, where young apprentices showcased promising ideas in various aspects such as energy management, safety and technology. Accompanied by Tata Steel’s human resource team and business leaders, we ended the day with a networking session over dinner. It was a great opportunity to build relationships with our counterparts and explore possibilities of working together in the future. DAY 2 DAY 3 The entourage was treated to a plant tour of the steelmaking operations. The atmosphere was light as the steel mills roared back to life after a restful day of celebrations the day before. Everyone was thoroughly impressed and engaged in a fruitful discussion on efforts to produce Grade 600 bars. The team was also delighted to see similarities in the plants’ safety and quality systems compared to our own. DAY 4 “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people.” Visiting the Tribal Culture Centre was an eye-opener. Apart from viewing Indian artefacts, we were greeted by Tata Steel’s corporate communications head, who gave an informative presentation on the Corporate Social Responsibility activities in Tata Steel. We were also pleasantly surprised by a special tribal performance. Some of us even joined in! DAY 4 We did a tour of the various community-related activities in Jamshedpur, including a magnificent sports stadium where a dedicated sports department holds frequent activities, an education centre which taught young girls to be fashion designers, and even a football academy which teams up with English soccer club Sheffield United to train professional footballers. DAY 5 The group visited the Tata Sales Office in Kolkata, where key business executives gave an overview of the various business functions as well as their marketing strategy. Through these presentations, we were not only able to draw parallels, but also appreciate the differences between what was done in India and Singapore. The group also interacted with one of the distributors at a Tata Steel Tiscon outlet. Not only does the store sell construction steel, it provides a one-stop solution in terms of construction expertise, design support and consultancy for home builders. DAY 5 04 NEWS BYTES TATA INNOVISTA ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONALS IN SINGAPORE BY ALWYN LEOW, TQM-BE Every year, teams from Tata companies around the world take part in the prestigious Tata Innovista. The Asia-Pacific Regional round was held on 28 Feb 14 in Singapore at the Waterhub Auditorium. Twelve elite teams from an initial submission pool of over a hundred entries showcased their exciting innovations for a chance to move on to the Innovista Finals in Mumbai. THE TEAM FROM SIAM INDUSTRIAL WIRE WITH THEIR AWARD FOR PROMISING INNOVATION AWARD FOR RECYCLABLE ROPE SLING IN PC STRAND PRODUCTION LINE This year, the field was dominated by teams from the steel industry, with three teams from Natsteel Holdings, three from Tata Steel Thailand, and two from Siam Industrial Wire. Teams from Tata Autocomp Systems, Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles, Tata Consultancy Services and Jaguar Land Rover rounded off the list of participants. This helps them gain confidence in our Building Solutions and allows them to learn about our integrated steel mill, which makes steel reinforcement solutions by recycling scrap metal in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. They also experience our safety culture, something which they really appreciate. A typical factory visit begins with a meet-and-greet with key NatSteel personnel, followed by a Marketing presentation, safety briefing and visits to the: After an opening by Chairman of the Tata Network Forum in Singapore, Mr Vinod Kumar, the audience was treated to a delightful display of brilliance and ingenuity by the teams. Invited to assist in the judiciary department were Mr Derek Ariss and Dr David Low. Experienced in the field of innovation, they specialised in commercial and technical viewpoints respectively and were at hand to provide their expert opinions throughout the day. • Metallurgy/Quality Control Lab • Upstream Centre – Meltshop and Rolling Mill • Downstream Centre – Cut & Bend, Mesh and Caging and Couplers After much deliberation, a total of five teams were then presented with trophies for the event and the chance to participate in the finals in Mumbai. The list of winners are: Promising Innovations (Core Process) • Natsteel Holdings – Ladle Slide Gate Rotating Platform • Siam Industrial Wire – Recyclable Rope Sling in PC Strand Production Line Promising Innovations (New Service/Product) • Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle – Dump Tail Gate Lifting System Promising Innovations (Support Systems) • Jaguar Land Rover – Oil Central Billing Business Dare To Try • Natsteel Holdings – Delivery of Construction Steel Products JUDGES (L-R) DR DAVID LOW AND MR DEREK ARISS NatSteel organises factory visits for our Contractors, Design Consultants and Government Authorities, not only to showcase our highly productive state-of-the-art machines and production processes, but also to build strong relationships with our stakeholders. BY CHRISTIAN HARVEY C PEREZ, TECHNICAL MARKETING 05 NEWS BYTES Fostering Long Term Customer Relationships through Factory Visits PROCESS BRIEFING AT BPC HALL During the plant tour, the customer learns firsthand about our efficient production which is preferable to manual site fabrication, which may produce sub-standard products. Outcome of a typical factory visit: • We discuss critical issues with customers and arrive at amicable solutions, arriving at win-win situations. • Visitors gain knowledge of our products as well as their usage. This is essential when assessing and specifying reinforcing options for the purposes of construction. • Doubts and hesitation of our customer will be replaced with satisfaction when they witness a safe, organised and automated production centres. MILL AND TEST CERTIFICATE ISSUES ARE CLARIFIED THE GUEST-OF-HONOUR, MR EDDIE CHAU – A GURU IN THE FIELD OF PRIVATE EQUITY AND INNOVATION, GAVE AN ENLIGHTENING SPEECH ON THE POWER OF INNOVATION IN CORPORATIONS. NATSTEEL HOLDINGS – DELIVERY OF CONSTRUCTION STEEL PRODUCTS TEAM RECEIVING THE AWARD FOR DARE TO TRY Winners from Tata Young Expressions were also honoured. Little children, accompanied by their parents, were presented with prizes for creative drawings and essays. The audience gave a warm round of applause in support of the children’s involvement in creative activities. The closing was done by NatSteel President and CEO, Mr Vivek Kamra, who provided a reminder that innovation is something that should be done on a daily basis, and is crucial for the progress of the Tata group. ONE OF THE YOUNG REGIONAL WINNERS OF THE TATA YOUNG EXPRESSIONS CHILDREN’S COMPETITION WAS 9-YEAR OLD FU YUAN HAO, WHO CAME IN 1ST IN THE KALEIDOSCOPE (9-10 YEARS OLD) CATEGORY. The Tata Innovista is more than a competition. It highlights the importance of innovation to Tata businesses. The quality of this showcase speaks volumes of the level of innovation within the Tata group today. CAB Annual Dinner CAG Annual Workers’ D&D BY ELJOIE FONTANILLA, CAB BY TEY BAN PHENG, CAG CAB Annual Dinner held last 28 Mar 14 at CAB Hall M5 Loading Area. It was a joyous night of celebration and recognition for the department’s contribution to the business. Caging Annual Workers’ Dinner & Dance 2014 was held on 21 Mar 14 at Chevrons. The experience was phenomenal as the workers were thrilled with an evening of games, entertaining performances and delicious food. BY YONG HENG CHEONG, MARKETING Easteel Services (Malaysia) celebrated its first anniversary with a bang by achieving a record monthly high in total sales of 1,900MT in Mar 14. Located in Senai Industrial Park, Johor, the wholly-owned subsidiary of NatSteel has been in production for a year. The automated factory produces a variety of products ranging from Welded Mesh, Cut-and-Bend (CAB), Wire Rods and steel couplers. The plant currently serves the needs of nearby precasters who supply precast elements for projects in Singapore. In the near future, after obtaining their ISO 9001 and SIRIM certifications, the plant will begin contributing to the Malaysian construction industry, focusing on the Kota Iskandar and Johor Bahru regions. Congratulations to Easteel Services (Malaysia) and here’s to it growing from strength to strength! BE THE LEADING LIGHT FOR SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT PASSIONATELY SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS • We must ensure no one gets hurt • Workplace injury can change lives forever • Our working environment should be safe, healthy and happy • Share our knowledge with other companies and collaboratively improve our own capability continuously • Delivery in Full and on Time – Everyone’s Responsibility • Come Together as a Team to put Customers at the Centre of all we do • Develop better and better products and solutions for our customers • Build listening and learning approaches to better understand customer needs LTIF MTCF CO2 0.4 1.6 0.48 Quoting CEO Vivek Kamra’s encouragement, “WE CAN ACHIEVE GREAT SUCCESSES!” TOOLBOX TALK AT EASTEEL SERVICES (MALAYSIA) CHINESE NEW DINNER GATHERING NATSTEEL VINA ACHIEVES ITS BEST EVER SALES PERFORMANCE, CROSSING 17,000MT IN MARCH BY HO VIET CUONG, NSV AND FELICIA LIU, MARKETING FY14 has been a challenging year in Vietnam, with macro-economic policies targeted at reducing public investments causing the local construction and real estate industry to slow down. 100% Customer DIFOT Improve Visibility & Service Level 8.5 Customer Engagement Score 45% Market Share “To be the best in SHES and to ensure that no one gets hurt, we must continue to drive and strengthen Operational Discipline. Some of the safety initiatives that SHES will continue to do include Operation Night Eagle, Safe Project Implementation, Process Safety Management and Energy Isolation Implementation. Safety requires teamwork from everyone, and I hope that we have your commitment as we strive to build a safe work environment.” “Serving customers is a team effort. It is only by working together with this common vision that customers will be able to feel a difference in our service. We must deliver what we promise and at the core of that is Delivery-In-Full-On-Time (DIFOT). There will always be challenges accomplishing DIFOT, especially due to the different working styles of our customers and the issues that inevitably crop up along the way. We must work hand in hand to find creative solutions to settle them and make our customers happy!” CHEE SAN HENG HENRY NG Despite this, the NSV team continues to engage and serve customers passionately, foster strong partnerships and build a stronger NSV brand in North Vietnam. With our combined effort, NatSteelVina has managed to achieve its best sales performance so far, crossing 17,000MT in March this year. Our slogan, “Sức mạnh cùng sự bền vững”, which means “Strength & Sustainability” in Vietnamese, will continue to inspire the NSV team to improve, beat the competition and create value for our customers by providing quality products and services. WE LOOK FORWARD TO A NEW YEAR OF SUCCESS! Head of SHES Head of Sales SINGAPORE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2015 07 COVER STORY 06 OVERSEAS OPERATIONS EASTEEL SERVICES (MALAYSIA) ACHIEVES MONTHLY RECORD HIGH OF 1,900MT IN TOTAL SALES 08 COVER STORY CULTIVATE A HIGHLY ENGAGED AND MOBILE TEAM • Create a challenging and fulfilling work atmosphere. Pride of work is far more enduring than any material reward • Communicate direction continuously; communicate goals; communicate positive thoughts. communicate, communicate, communicate! • If you can’t solve a problem, ask for help. Seeking help is a strength, not a weakness. • Live in an environment where all of us can strive to achieve our personal ambitions aligned to company goals Employee engagement score: 65 Communicate Encourage and reward teamwork Live the culture through 6 Cultural Work Attributes STRENGTHEN POSITION IN SCRAP SOURCING SPEARHEADING ENERGY SAVINGS • At the heart of the business, scrap sourcing and processing excellence will give us a keen competitive edge • Efficient, state of the art, large scale processing, coupled with alert logistics, makes us a preferred buyer • Ethical and transparent business practices differentiate us • A seamless operation with the meltshop provides the highest value in use • Managing a steel plant in a small country such as ours will always have its challenges • Build a steel plant in garden • Continue to relentlessly pursue energy savings and maintain our crown as one of the most energy efficient EAFs in the world • Maximise the use of local scrap to engineer the most energy efficient outcome • Efficiently handle waste and waste disposal to minimize our environmental footprint Processing Cost Scrap Collection Lowest cost Billet using $18/mt 600k VIU Reduce Water Consumption MSP MBM by 20% 376kwh/mt 72kwh/mt CONTINUOUS DRIVE IN PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH AUTOMATION AND IT STRENGTHEN MARKET LEADERSHIP POSITION • Enhanced Customer Experience – Connect seamlessly with customers to create unique experiences and get quick feedback • Operational Excellence – Use latest technologies to drive energy saving, clean and green processes, value-added Work for all by automating mundane tasks and manual hazardous tasks, level 1and 2 systems for Process Control Automation and Optimisation • Agility – Real Time Information availability to enable better and faster decision making • Internal Communication and Alignment – Provide platforms for colleagues to interact and create a collaborative environment • Fire up the competitive spirit • Build strong market intelligence • Know our customers • Feverishly hold onto our share of wallet with our key customers • Have a well-managed order pipeline to ensure target monthly deliveries NSR MSP MBM CAB MESH BPC PCG 6.0 1.1 1.3 2.2 5.0 6.0 12.5 Market Share Downstream Sales Volume 45% 625k MT/MH “Personally, I believe in having a fulfilling working environment and a key component of that is having talented and commitment people around us. To bring out the best in each other, we must focus on communication – sharing ideas, thoughts, experiences – and building a culture based on excellence and doing our best. Finally, as a department, HR hopes to enhance employee experience and motivate everyone to deliver superior performance to drive our business to greater heights!” “The local rebar market is facing stiff price competition from cheap Chinese import, hence strengthening our position in scrap sourcing is of paramount importance. With competitive scrap prices coupled with an efficient scrap processing operation, we can compete with the imported Chinese bars by producing the lowest cost billet and finished goods. To achieve this, it is essential for NSR and Meltshop colleagues to work closely together to optimise the Value-in-Use model to come up with the best blend of scrap. The collection volume also hinges largely on Logistics colleagues to support our sourcing managers to maximise our collection. Our goal of 600,000MT local collection volume can only be achieved through teamwork. On that note, I will continue to provide guidance, encouragement and steer the team to accomplish our objectives.” “To significantly bring down the cost of operating an EAF in Singapore, we need to continue to drive innovations and improvements that can reap significant energy savings. We have one of the most energy efficient EAFs in the world and that is only the start of more to come as we find new and exciting ways of running our operations. In addition, I’m very impressed with the work done by the Green Committee in building a Steel Mill in a Garden. It softens our working environment, making it much more pleasant. I look forward to seeing more good work from them!” “IT will be critical in giving our business a boost and radically changing the way we do things – from collecting data to analysing information. We have also implemented the new social platform, Chatter, that will enhance collaboration and communication across the company. Embracing IT will be critical to staying ahead of the competition and in this financial year, we plan to execute projects that will improve information visibility and agility, and thus our responsiveness. This will give us the edge in our business.” “The competitive landscape has changed significantly in the recent years. Our main competitors have installed new machines and improved service levels. Many smaller players have also entered the downstream business. A few of them have increased appetite and are now competing with us for big jobs. We need to step up our efforts to strengthen our market leadership position. Having expanded our capacity with new equipment and technology, all of us now need to work as a team to passionately serve our customers. We need to be attentive to our customers’ need, improve DIFOT and improve our internal capabilities to deliver. This will be our priority for this year.” LUCY TAN CLEMENT LIM TAY TUANG HEONG YANG CHER MING YEOH CHOON KWEE Chief Human Resource Officer General Manager, NatSteel Recycling Head of Metallics Conversion Chief Information Officer MH/MT Head of Building Solutions 11 WORK LIFE 10 WORK LIFE GIVE YOUR BEST SHOT With the joint effort of the 28th and 29th SRC Committees, we introduced a new style of Active Day with the event, “Give Your Best Shot!” BY HENRY NG, SALES & MARKETING The game saw participants, armed with their cameras, competing to take the best photos at Gardens by the Bay. Within two days of the announcement, almost 100 colleagues signed up for the event. They were not only attracted by the novel contest and prizes, but also entry to one of the conservatories, the Flower Dome, which houses a vast array of flowers that thrive in the cool-dry climate of Mediterranean regions. The five themes - “Creativity”, “Speed”, “Vigilance”, “Reborn” and “Reliability”, were revealed to the participants when they arrived. We also added a riddle which, to our surprise, was solved by oneof the teams in 15 minutes. Perhaps we have to make it more challenging next time! We also utilised social media platforms to facilitate the event. We communicated through Whatsapp while digital photographs were published on the SRC Facebook and Chatter to allow everyone to choose their favourite photographs and captions. This new event attracted new participants who may prefer a leisurely-paced activity, promoted the use of social media to improve communication between colleagues, and at the same time, and revealed some hidden talents in creative photography. FIRST-EVER MINI-MARKET SIW & TSN AT MARINA BARRAGE WITH FGS 12 WORK LIFE BY JASON KHOR, CORP COMMS Volunteers from TQM Division and LSS met up with the students of Fernvale Gardens School (FGS) at Marina Barrage for an afternoon of games, kite-flying and educational activities on the 9 April 14. The highlight of the day was the Mini-Market, where students had to pick out the correct amount of cash to purchase stickers, tumblers, snacks and pencil boxes from the individual “stalls” set up by our volunteers. It was challenging and rewarding for the students to apply what they had learned in the classroom in order to successfully complete this activity. 1 2 3 1. A GROUP SHOT OF OUR VOLUNTEERS WITH THE ENTHUSIASTIC STUDENTS OF CLASS S3P 2. (L-R) CAI SANG AND TRESA THU ZAR HNIN, MQC, “SELLING” TUMBLER TO A STUDENT 3. FRANKIE YUNG, CHIEF QUALITY OFFICER,WITH A WIDE VARIETY OF TEMPTING SNACKS HELD AT SIW FACTORY The SIW factory hosted its fifth Green Market with the objective of encouraging the community in Rayong to engage in recycling and organic farming. SPD’S BENEFICIARIES THROUGH FUN AND GAMES 2 BY JASON KHOR, CORP COMMS 1 On 24 Apr 14, volunteers from IDC, MESH and GSD made their way down to the SPD Day Activity Centre at 2 Peng Nguan Street for an afternoon of meaningful interaction with the beneficiaries. 1. TAN LEE HENG, CHUNG YUAN MEI AND LIM BOON CHING, MESH TEST THEIR BALL-HANDLING SKILLS 2. JOLLY LOW, GSD, AND THE BENEFICIARIES HAVING A BALL OF A TIME! 3. BENJAMIN HO, MESH AND YEOW SIEW CHENG, HEAD OF MESH AND CAG, GUARDING THE GOAL In addition, health talks and hair-cuts were given to improve the children’s health, fitness and hygiene for the school year ahead. GREEN MARKET REACHING OUT TO For the rest of the afternoon, volunteers got to know the beneficiaries better through a series of exciting games. The students at the Wat Nong-kra-Bok School were in for a treat! On National Children’s Day, celebrated on the second Saturday of January in Thailand (10 Jan 14), colleagues from SIW and TSN organised a fun-filled outing as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility programme to engage the community in Rayong. A massive group of 650 children, teachers, parents and volunteers took part in various games as well as a picnic. Deserving students were also awarded scholarships to encourage and motivate them to strive for greater academic excellence. It has always been one of the goals of Building Beyond Borders with FGS to be able impart practical skills through our activities. Our volunteers felt a sense of pride to be able to contribute to the students’ learning journey and judging from the response of the students, it was a fruitful day for one and all. Having arrived earlier than expected, the volunteers had the opportunity to help out with the lunchtime feeding. It was a heart-warming to see them take the challenging task in their stride. 13 OVERSEAS OPERATIONS GOES TO SCHOOL! 3 Employees, contractors and members of the community came together to buy and sell a variety of items, from organic vegetables, fruits, second-hand clothes to handicrafts. For a few hours, the factory was transformed into a bustling market. Given the success and the enthusiastic participation of employees and the community, SIW plans to make the Green Market a monthly affair. BY SHARON KOH, CORPORATE MARKETING 15 ENVIRONMENT, SSAFETY & HEALTH 14 OVERSEAS OPERATIONS BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN NATSTEELITES Even though it was a Saturday, members of the Green Committee were excited about coming to office on the morning of 22 Feb 14. After months of preparation, we witnessed the birth of a new “baby”, The Green Line. GIVING BACK TO CHEERY VOLUNTEERS AND STUDENTS OF HUO LONG PRIMARY SCHOOL HUO LONG PRIMARY SCHOOL HE YE ZHI, ENGINEERING, STAMPING LIBRARY BOOKS BY NSX CORP COMMS SHES QUIZ ANSWERS #01/2014 The school was equipped with simple facilities and limited teaching resources due to its small intake. Its seven teachers are responsible for 70 students spread across six academic levels. During the afternoon break, volunteers worked hand in hand to build book shelves and sort books for shelving. Upon stepping into the refurbished library for the first time, the students seemed slightly shy. However, the enthusiastic volunteers reached out to them through a series of activities such as storytelling and drawing. Before long, the students were grinning widely, clearly having fun. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 50 LUCKY WINNERS! A $10 NATCAFÉ VOUCHER AWAITS YOU! The winners’ list will be put up on the Intranet and SHES will notify you either through email, or your supervisor to collect your prize. 1. Keeping the floor clean 2. Growing indoor plants 3. Disposing garbage promptly and properly GO TO P16 FOR THIS ISSUE’S QUIZ Do come round for a group selfie or a team gathering at The Green Line. You will love it for sure! XIE BIN, DOWNSTREAM BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, WORKING HARD TO BUILD THE BOOK SHELF TENGAH NATURE WAY, EFFORTS PAID OFF! MEMBERS OF THE GREEN COMMITTEE AND HELPERS REJOICED WITH THE COMPLETION OF THE GREEN LINE. SINGAPORE’S LONGEST GREEN CORRIDOR The volunteers enjoyed every moment with the children and were grateful for the opportunity to share the simple joy brought about by games and stories. As part of the Tata group, NSX continues to be strongly committed to its Corporate Social Responsibility programme and giving back to the society. EDITORIAL TEAM Jason Khor, Corp Comms Zhou Junlin, Corp Comms PRINTING Pixel Tech Pte Ltd DESIGN ATTIK66 For comments/ideas, drop the editor a note: NATSTEEL BULLETIN WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT CAN BE DONE TO IMPROVE INDOOR AIR QUALITY? Confronted with the vision of a beautiful garden, we see something beautiful about ourselves. - Jeff Cox The Green Line is one of the many initiatives by the Green Committee to inculcate a green culture and to bridge cultural gaps between NatSteelites. This is done in support of the committee’s aim to turn the plant into ‘A Steel Mill in a Garden’. EDITORIAL On 6 Mar 14, volunteers from the Tata group and NSX journeyed almost four hours to Zhangzhou city, where they helped set up a library at Huo Long Primary School. What’s the Hype? • First green wall set up for NatSteel Holdings • Preparation time: 6 months, including in-house fabrication of mesh holders, irrigation pipes and set-up of a plant nursery at WAB vicinity • Total area of coverage: 60 m2 • Total plants used: 2,673 pots • Manpower utilised for wall installation: 13 pax • Time spent for wall installation: 6 hours c/o Corp Comms NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd 22 Tanjong Kling Road, Singapore 628048 T (65) 6265 1233 F (65) 6266 3697 [email protected] www.natsteel.com.sg CONTRIBUTORS Alwyn Leow, TQM-BE Cai Sang, MQC Chin Weiting, IDC Christian Harvey C Perez, Technical Marketing Eljoie Fontanilla, CAB Felicia Liu, Marketing Henry Ng, Sales & Marketing Henry Tan, LOG Ho Viet Cuong, NSV Ian Lin, EME Khoo Sane Roy, MSP Lin Congren, MSP Oh Jia Cheng, CAG Tan Jo, EMM Tan Yuan Chyi, CEO’S Office Tey Ban Pheng, CAG Yong Heng Cheong, Marketing © All rights reserved. No reprints or transmission in part or full of any article is allowed without the prior written permission of the publisher. The views expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team. BY SHARON KOH, CORPORATE MARKETING Tengah Nature Way, Singapore's longest green corridor, was unveiled by National Parks Board (NParks) and South West Community Development Council (CDC) in February this year. The 12.8km route will be longer than the other four existing ones at Admiralty, Kheam Hock, Tampines and Yishun, which are all part of plans to have 60km of such nature ways by 2015. The gardens will serve as a green route for the animals to travel between the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Central Catchment Nature Reserve and the Western Catchment (SAFTI Live-Firing Area). By growing plants that will soften the urban area and also attract charismatic birds and butterflies, NParks hopes to improve the living environment in our city. Along with NatSteel, Yuhua Zone 5 RC and Almukminin Mosque, more than 20 corporate and community partners have come onboard the Tengah Nature Way @ South West initiative, an effort to green up Tengah Nature Way and bring biodiversity closer to the neighbourhood. To mark NatSteel’s support, NParks provided us with 20 pots of biodiversity plants, which the Green Committee has planted at Serene Garden, which can be found next to the Annex Building. As our community garden leaders and advocates, our role is instrumental in spreading the seeds of gardening and love for nature. Let us pledge our commitment towards going green! MEMBERS OF THE GREEN COMMITTEE PLANTING THE BIODIVERSITY PLANTS PROVIDED BY NPARKS SERENE GARDEN NEXT TO ANNEX BUILDING 16 ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY & HEALTH HEATSTRESSPREVENTION EXTRACTED FROM THE WSH BULLETIN BY WORKPLACE SAFETY & HEALTH COUNCIL, SINGAPORE Working in Singapore’s hot and humid weather can put workers at an increased risk of heat stress, a condition characterised by the body’s decreased ability to remove extra heat accumulated in the body. Employers have to ensure that the risk of their workers developing heat stress is minimised. Heat stress can have serious consequences when heat-related illnesses step in, like heat cramps, heat exhaustion and even heat stroke, which can be fatal. It is hence necessary that workplaces and employers implement measures and advice to workers working in hot environments to prevent them from developing heat stress. RECOMMENDATIONS The WSH Council recommends some preventive measures to minimise the risk of heat stress: SHES QUIZ #02/2014 • Ensure that all workers are properly acclimatised to the hot weather/working conditions before they are deployed for work • Schedule heavy physical work or work under the sun to cooler parts of the day (early morning or late afternoon) where possible • Provide cool drinking water at convenient and accessible locations • Encourage workers to keep themselves hydrated at all times by drinking sufficient water • Provide rest breaks away from heat in cool shaded areas • Encourage workers to wear loose-fitting and light-coloured clothing • Educate workers on the risks and symptoms of heat-related disorders NATCAFÉ CAFE VOUCHER WORTH $10 AWAITS YOU! What are three preventive measures workers can take to minimise the risk of heat stress? 1. 2. 3. Name I.D. Dept. Tel Email ALL ORIGINAL ENTRIES, ONE PER STAFF, SHOULD REACH HRD BY 30 MAY 2014. WINNERS’ NAMES WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE INTRANET HOMEPAGE. SHES WILL ALSO CONTACT YOU VIA EMAIL, OR PHONE.
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