PROGRAMME - Institut Pasteur

 PROGRAMME Journées du Département de Microbiologie
30 juin – 1er juillet 2014 Auditorium -­‐ CIS Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du Dr Roux -­‐ 75015 Paris Monday, June 30 rd, 2014 09.00 - 09.10
Patrick TRIEU-CUOT Introduction
Chairpersons : Nadia BENAROUDJ & Sarah DUBRAC
09.10 - 09.30
The role of the global regulator RfaH in Yerinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis physiology and pathogenicity. Aurélien LEROY – Unité Yersinia 09.30 - 09.50
Pleiotropic role of the RNA chaperone protein Hfq in the human pathogen Clostridium difficile. Pierre BOUDRY – Laboratoire Pathogenèse des bactéries anaérobies 09.50 - 10.10
Transcription Activator-­‐Like Effectors (TALEs) are effective modulators of transcription in Leptospira spp. Christopher PAPPAS – Unité Biologie des Spirochètes 10.10 - 10.30
Mechanism of interaction between Crl and σS of Salmonella. Paola CAVALIERE – Unité Génétique moléculaire 10.30 - 11.00
Coffee break (Auditorium hall)
11.00 - 11.20
The Institut Pasteur International network: a breeding ground for collaborations. Marc JOUAN – Division International HOST PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS AND VIRULENCE FACTORS
Chairpersons : Catherine WERTS & Nienke BUDDELMEIJER
Binding of the LipL21 lipoprotein to peptidoglycan impairs Leptospira recognition by Nod receptors. Gwendoline RATET – Unité Biologie et génétique de la paroi bactérienne 11.40 - 12.00
Deciphering the haemorrhagic nature of plague. Guillain MIKATY – Unité Yersinia 11.20 - 11.40
12.00 - 12.20
Mitochondria biogenesis is induced in response to Helicobacter pylori infection in a partially VacA-­‐dependent manner. Eliette TOUATI – Unité Pathogenèse de Helicobacter 12.20 - 14.00
Lunch at your convenience – poster session (Auditorium hall)
14.00 - 14.20
RORgt+ cells and symbiotic microbiota.
Gérard EBERL – Unité Développement des tissus lymphoïdes 14.20 - 14.40
Ecological and molecular characterisation of colonisation resistance against pathogen infection in a zebrafish model. Franziska STRESSMANN – Unité Génétique des Biofilms 14.40 - 15.00
25 juin 2014 -­‐ 16:00 Two-­‐photon microscopy of inhalational anthrax infection reveals novel immunological contacts between dendritic cells and alveolar macrophages. Jean Nicolas TOURNIER – Laboratoire Pathogénie et toxi-­‐infections bactériennes 3 15.00 - 15.20
Dynamic lipid A acylation in Leptospira. Azad ESHGHI – Unité Biologie des Spirochètes 15.20 - 15.50
Coffee break – poster session (Auditorium hall)
Chairperson : Carmen BUCHRIESER
15.50 - 16.10
Casposons: a new superfamily of DNA transposon-­‐like elements at the origin of prokaryotic CRISPR-­‐Cas immunity. Mart KRUPOVIC – Unité Biologie moléculaire du gène chez les extrêmophiles 16.10 - 16.30
Discovery of a novel phage defense mechanism in Staphylococci. David BIKARD – G5 Biologie de synthèse 16.30 - 16.50
MIRRI -­‐ Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure: A large-­‐scale research infrastructure for microbiological services. Raquel HURTADO-­‐ORTIZ – Centre de ressources biologiques de l’Institut Pasteur 16.50 - 17.10
17.10 - 17.30
Firmicutes with an outer membrane: towards new models to study the diversity and evolution of bacterial cell envelopes. Luisa ANTUNES – Unité Biologie moléculaire du gène chez les extrêmophiles Whole-­‐genome comparison of Group B Streptococcus strains uncovers genomic differences between infected newborns and their mothers. Alexandre ALMEIDA – Unité Biologie des bactéries pathogènes à Gram-­‐positif Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 MEMBRANES AND SURFACE PROTEINS
Chairpersons : Olivera FRANCETIC & Christophe BELOIN
09.00 - 09.20
Pyrophosphate-­‐mediated iron acquisition from transferrin in Neisseria meningitidis does not require TonB activity. Francis BIVILLE – Unité des Infections bactériennes invasives 09.20 - 09.40
Common cell shape evolution of nasopharyngeal pathogens. Frédéric VEYRIER – Unité Biologie et génétique de la paroi bactérienne
09.40 - 10.00
Characterization of the Yad bundle-­‐forming fimbriae in Escherichia coli. Fanny LARSONNEUR – Unité Génétique des Biofilms 10.00 - 10.20
Heme iron utilization in Staphylococcus aureus. Antoine RACHID – ex-­‐Unité Membranes bactériennes 10.20 - 11.00
Coffee break – poster session (Auditorium hall)
11.00 - 11.20
Control and constraints of bacterial cell shape. Sven VAN TEEFFELEN – G5 Morphogenèse et croissance microbiennes Cyclic di-­‐AMP signalling in Group B Streptococcus. Arnaud FIRON -­‐ Unité Biologie des bactéries pathogènes à Gram-­‐positif 11.20 - 11.40
25 juin 2014 -­‐ 16:00 4 11.40 - 12.00
Type 4 Secretion System: bacterial secretion at first sight. Francesca GUBELLINI – G5 Biologie structurale de la sécrétion bactérienne 12.00 - 12.20
Histopathological characterisation of early stages of host-­‐pathogen interaction.
Grégory JOUVION -­‐ Unité Histopathologie humaine et modèles animaux 12.20 - 14.00
Lunch at your convenience – poster session (Auditorium hall)
Chairpersons : Laurent DEBARBIEUX & Bruno DUPUY
14.00 - 14.20
Aminoglycoside modifying enzyme Aph(3’)-­‐VI originates in Acinetobacter guillouiae. Eun-­‐Jeong YOON – Unité Agents antibactériens 14.20 - 14.40
A novel class of toxin-­‐antitoxin modules in Helicobacter pylori. Lamya EL MORTAJI – Unité Pathogenèse de Helicobacter 14.40 - 15.00
Secondary metabolite toolbox to dominate freshwater bodies. Claire PANCRACE – Collection des Cyanobactéries 15.00 - 15.20
Clostridial glucosylating toxin binding to cell membrane: structural and functional aspects. Carolina VARELA-­‐CHAVEZ – Unité Bactéries anaérobies et toxines 15.20 - 15.40
Detection of botulinum neurotoxins by endoprotease test, an alternative to the standard mouse bioassay. Marie VOILLEQUIN – Unité Bactéries anaérobies et toxines 15.40 - 16.00
Genome architecture in yeast: from 1D to 3D and back.
Christophe ZIMMER – Unité Imagerie et modélisation 16.00 - 16.20
Conclusions : Hilde DE REUSE 17:00 - …
Closing cocktail and Prize-­‐giving 'New England Biolabs' (Bar, Auditorium hall) Comité d’organisation :
C. Beloin, H. De Reuse, J.-M. Ghigo, C. Le Bouguénec, P. Trieu-Cuot
Contact :
[email protected]
25 juin 2014 -­‐ 16:00 5