Programme Toulouse, France 5 – 7 February 2014 Wednesday 5 February 2014 ERTS² 2014 Room Auditorium St Exupery 08:45-09:05 > Opening session by conference chairmen 09:05-09:30 > Allocutions by ERTS 2014 partners and organizing associations representative 09:05-09:30 Martin MALVY –President of the Midi Pyrénées Regional Council, Former Minister 09:05-09:30 09:25-09:30 09:30-10:30 Joseph SIFAKIS –Director, RiSD laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Director, Center Integrative Research, Grenoble & Congress General & Programme Committee Chair Jean MICHEL BILLIG –Renault, Director for Engineering, Quality and Information Technology General Manager France & Congress General Chair Eric BANTEGNIE - President of the new Embedded France Association, Embedded Systems project coordinator, the New Face of Industry in France governmental initiative, Esterel Technologies President & CEO Michel SCHELLER - President of the French Aeronautical and Astronautics Association (3AF) > Keynote address Let’s discover what Airbus is currently doing to improve ambedded software and systems on future aircraft… Charles CHAMPION – Airbus, Engineering Executive Vice-President Room Concorde 10:30-11:00 > Exhibition visit/Refreshment break 11:00-12:30 Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 1A- Multicore I > Session 1B – Requirement > Session 1C – Model Driven Architecture > Session 1D – Combination Model Based Analysis and Test 1A.1 Schedulability and Energy Efficiency for Multi-core Hierarchical Scheduling Systems A.Jalil Boudjadar - CISS, Aalborg University, Denmark Alexandre David; Jin Hyun Kim; Kim Guldstrand; Marius Mikucionis; Ulrik Nyman; Arne Skou- Institute of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark 1B.1 Efficient Management of Requirements in Very Large Scale Development Projects in Avionics Benjamin Fontan; Eric Jenn; Emmanuelle Rozet - THALES Avionics SAS, France Chairman: Denis Claraz - Continental Automotive France SAS, France 1A.2 Studying co-running avionic realtime applications on multi-core COTS architectures Jingyi Bin; Sylvain Girbal; Daniel Gracia Perez; Arnaud Grasset; Alain Merigot Thales Research and Technology, France 1A.3 Design and Analysis of Multi-Core Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems Julien Delange ; Peter Feiler - Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, United States Chairman: Gérard Ladier - Aerospace Valley, France 1B.2 Innovative Approach for Requirements Verification of Closed Systems Jose Reis; Brett Bicknell - Critical Software Technologies, United Kingdom Michael Butler; John Colley - University of Southampton, United Kingdom 1B.3 Model of Intention: A concept to support models building in a complex system design project Philippe Dessante; Jean -Claude Vannier Supélec, France Fabien Retho ; Hichem Smaoui - EADS innovation works, France Chairman: Patrick Cormery - Astrium Space Transportation, France 1C.1 Modeling of hardware and software for specifying hardware abstraction layers Yves Bernard - AIRBUS, France Samuel Rochet - SAFRAN Engineering Services, France Cédric Gava - ALYOTECH, France 1C.2 SysML for embedded automotive systems: SysCARS methodology Jean-Denis Piques - Valeo – Powertrain Systems Business Group – Group Electronic Expertise and Development Services, France 1C.3 Modeling On-Board Software Dynamic Architecture : A Related Experience using UML-MARTE Alexandre Cortier ; Marie-Hélène Deredempt ; Jacques Seronie - Vivien Astrium, France Jean-François Rolland - Atos, France François Bossard - CNES, France Chairman: Emmanuel Ledinot - Dassault Aviation, France 1D.1 Completion of Test Models Based on Code Analysis Michael Dierkes - Rockwell Collins France, France Alain Faivre ; Nicky Williams - CEA LIST, France Hélène Le Guen - ALL4TEC, France 1D.2 Combining Model-based Analysis and Testing Daniel Kästner ; Markus Pister ; Stefana Nenova; Christian Ferdinand - AbsInt GmbH, Germany Udo Brockmeyer ; Tom Bienmüller - BTC Embedded Systems AG, Germany Andreas Dereani - Daimler AG, Germany 1D.3 Combining Model-Based Design (MBD) and Model-Based Testing (MBT) for early validation of embedded real-time systems François Chastrette ; Frédérique Vallée ALL4TEC, France Luc Coyette - Esterel Technologies, France 2 Wednesday 5 February 2014 ERTS² 2014 Room Caravelle 12:30-14:00 > Exhibition visit/Lunch Room Auditorium St Exupery 14:00-15:10 15:10-16:10 > Panel : Overcoming Entry Barriers of Multi-Cores in Embedded Systems Panelists (TBA) Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 2A – Multicore II > Session 2B – Trustable Languages > Session 2C – Fault Injection > Session 2D – Model Verification I Chairman: Gilles Le Calvez - Valeo, France 2A.1 Predictable Flight Management System Implementation on a Multicore Processor Guy Durrieu ; Claire Pagetti - ONERA, France Madeleine Faugère ; Sylvain Girbal ; Daniel Gracia Pérez - THALES TRT, France Wolfgang Puffitsch - DTU Copenhagen, Denmark 2A.2 Introducing Multi-core at Automotive Engine Systems Denis Claraz ; Franck Grimal – Continental Automotive, France Thierry Leydier - Virtualité Réelle, France Ralph Mader ; Gerhard Wirrer Continental Automotive, Germany Chairman: Fabrice Derepas – CEA, France 2B.1 Rail, Space, Security: Three Case Studies for SPARK 2014 Claire Dross ; Yannick Moy - AdaCore, France Pavlos Efstathopoulos - Altran UK, United Kingdom David Lesens - Astrium Space Transportation, France David Mentré - Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe, France 2B.2 SDL to Fiacre translation Subeer Rangra - ESIEE Paris, France Emmanuel Gaudin - PragmaDev, France Chairman: Damien Verdier - Continental Automotive, France 2C.1 Fault Injection and Automotive Development Process Ludovic Pintard - Valeo / LAAS-CNRS, France Jean-Charles Fabre ; Karama Kanoun ; Matthieu Roy - LAAS-CNRS, France Michel Leeman - Valeo, France 2C.2 Fault-Injection using Virtualization for Critical Software Validation in Automotive Antoine Blin ; Youssef Laarouchi ; Philippe Quéré - Renault, France Chairman: Jean-Louis Boulanger - Certifer, France 2D.1 Model Verification: Return of experience Pierre Dissaux - Ellidiss Technologies, France Patrick Farail - Airbus Operations, France 2D.2 A UML-MARTE Temporal Property Verification Tool based on Model Checking Ning Ge ; Marc Pantel ; Xavier Crégut IRIT/INPT, Université de Toulouse, France Room Concorde 16:10-16:40 > Exhibition visit/Refreshment break 3 Wednesday 5 February 2014 16:40-18:40 ERTS² 2014 Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 3A – Multicore III > Session 3B – Integrated Toolchain > Session 3C –Model Based Safety I > Session 3D –Simulation I Chairman: Philippe Palanque - ICS- IRIT University of Toulouse, France 3A.1 Tackling Real-Time Signal Processing Applications on Shared Memory Multicore Architectures Using XPU Nader Khammassi - ENSTA-Bretagne / Thales Airborne Systems, France Jean-Christophe Le Lann - ENSTABretagne, France 3A.2 An Efficient Partitioning Strategy for Runnables in Weakly Dependent Tasks on Embedded Multi-Core Systems Martin Alfranseder ; Tobias Krapf ; Michael Niemetz ; Jürgen Mottok Regensburg University of Applied Sciences, LaS³ (Laboratory of Safe and Secure Systems), Germany Ralph Mader - Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany Christian Siemers - Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science, Germany 3A.3 Using Yocto Project to build rich and reliable embedded Linux distributions Christian Charreyre - CIO Informatique Industrielle, France 3A.4 Portable Real-Time Multicore Software on Linux and Commercial RTOSes Fridtjof Siebert - AICAS GmbH, Germany Chairman: Siegfried Bocionek - Siemens Rail Automation, Germany 3B.1 Merging analysis, development and testing activities into a comprehensive methodology and an integrated tool chain Philippe Leblanc - IBM France, France Karine Rouelle - National Instruments France, France 3B.2 Bridging Automotive Systems, Safety and Software Engineering with a Seamless Tool Chain Georg Macher ; Christian Kreiner - Graz University of Technology, Austria Eric Armengaud - AVL List GmbH, Austria 3B.3 Efficient modelling of avionics systems: combining standard language and custom editor Raphael Faudou ; Camille Louge - AtoS, France Patrick Farail ; Laurent Duffau - Airbus, France 3B.4 AGESYS, a Systems Engineering Framework for the Development and Verification of Embedded Systems Thierry Le Sergent ; Eric Bantegnie ; Kara Gremillion - Esterel Technologies, France Chairman: Jens Braband - Siemens Transportation, Germany 3C.1 Improving FDIR of Spacecraft Systems with Advanced Tools and Concepts Éric Bensana ; Xavier Pucel ; Christel Seguin - ONERA, France 3C.2 Automatic Generation of Failure Scenarios for SoC Marco Marazza - DIET dept., Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy Orlando Ferrante ; Alberto Ferrari Advanced Laboratory on Embedded Systems, Italy 3C.3 Formal Modelling and Safety Analysis of an Avionic Functional Architecture with Alloy Julien Brunel ; David Chemouil - ONERA, France Vincent Ibanez ; Nicolas Meledo -Thales Avionics, France Chairman: Rafael Rodriguez - GTD, Spain 3D.1 Model-free Optimization of an Engine Control Unit thanks to Self-Adaptive MultiAgent Systems Jérémy Boes ; Frédéric Migeon ; Pierre Glize IRIT - Université Toulouse III, France Erwan Salvy - Aboard Engineering, France 3D.2 chip simulation used to run automotive software on PC Jakob Mauss - QTronic GmbH, Germany 3D.3 Set-based Simulation for Design and Verification of Simulink Models Alexandre Chapoutot - ENSTA ParisTech, France Olivier Bouissou ; Samuel Mimram ; Baptiste Strazzulla - CEA LIST, France 3D.4 A Simulation Tool Chain for Investigating Future V2X-based Automotive E/E Architectures Christoph Roth ; Harald Bucher ; Juergen Becker ; Oliver Sander - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Alisson Brito - Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil Room Concorde 18:40-19:40 > Welcome Reception 4 Thursday 6 February 2014 ERTS² 2014 Room Auditorium St Exupery 09:00-10:00 > Keynote address EU Strategy for Electronic component and systems Kalil ROUHANA, EU DG CONNECT Room Concorde 10:00-10:30 > Exhibition visit/Refreshment break 10:30-12:30 Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 4A – Performance Analysis I > Session 4B – Model Driven Engineering: from System to Code > Session 4C – Model Based Safety II > Session 4D- New Trends in Certification I Chairman: Frédéric Pinot - Ansaldo, France 4A.1 Reliability of WCET Analysis Daniel Kästner ; Markus Pister ; Gernot Gebhard ; Marc Schlickling ; Christian Ferdinand - AbsInt GmbH, Germany 4A.2 From Relevant High-level Properties to WCET Computation Improvement Vincent Mussot ; Armelle Bonenfant ; Pascal Sotin - IRIT - Université de Toulouse, France Philippe Cuenot ; Denis Claraz Continental Automotive France SAS, France 4A.3 A Grouping Approach to Task Scheduling with Functional and NonFunctional Requirements Luca Santinelli ; Claire Pagetti ; Frederic Boniol - ONERA, France Wolfgang Puffitsch - DTU, Denmark Arnaud Dumerat ; Victor Jégu - AIRBUS, France 4A.4 Refined SRP Stack Memory Analysis by Exploiting Critical Sections for Shared Resources Johan Eriksson ; Simon Aittamaa ; Per Lindgren - Luleå University of Technology, Sweden Chairman: Uwe Kuehne - Cassidian Electronics, Germany 4B.1 Data Based System Engineering: ICDs management with SysML Thierry Le Sergent ; Alain Le Guennec Esterel Technologies, France 4B.2 Interoperability between a dynamic reliability modeling and a Systems Engineering process – Principles and Case Study Gilles Deleuze ; Aurelie Leger ; Pierre Yves Piriou - EDF R&D, France Sylvain Chabroux - Knowledge Inside, France 4B.3 System to Software Integrity: A Case Study Matteo Bordin ; Cyrille Comar ; Yannick Moy - Adacore, France Ed Falis - AdaCore, United States Franco Gasperoni - AdaCore, Italy Elie Richa - AdaCore, Lebanon Jerome Hugues - ISAE, France 4B.4 Design Space Exploration: Bridging the Gap Between High-Level Models and Virtual Execution Platforms Jean-François Boland ; Maryem Benyoussef ; Gabriella Nicolescu ; Guy Bois ; - École de technologie supérieure, Canada Jérôme Hugues - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, France Chairman: Eric Armengaud - AVL List GmbH, Austria 4C.1 Supporting the ARP4761 Safety Assessment Process with AADL Julien Delange ; Peter Feiler - Carnegie Mellon Software Engineer Institute, United States 4C.2 Applying Model Based Techniques for Early Safety Evaluation of an Automotive Architecture in Compliance with the ISO 26262 Standard Philippe Cuenot - Continental Automotive France Christoph Ainhauser - BMW CarIT, Germany Nico Adler ; Stefan Otten - FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Germany Florent Meurville - Valeo Group Electronics, France 4C.3 Probabilistic failure analysis in model V&V Ning Ge ; Marc Pantel ; Xavier Crégut IRIT/INPT, Université de Toulouse, France 4C.4 Model Based Risk Assessment of Procedures and Systems for Aircraft Trajectory Management Lucia Sanzez-Infante ; Andra-Teodora Tonie ; Patrick Fabiani - ISAE, France Christel Seguin; Rémi Delmas ; Pierre Bieber - ONERA, France Chairman: Philippe Baufreton - Sagem, France 4D.1 Tool Qualification in Multiple Domains: Status and Perspectives Jean Louis Camus - Esterel Technologies, France Michael Dewalt - Federal Aviation Authority, United States Frédéric Pothon - ACG Solutions, France Jean Gassino - Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, France Jean-Louis Boulanger - CERTIFER, France Jean-Paul Blanquart - EADS Astrium, France Philippe Quere - Renault, France Gérard Ladier - Aerospace Valley, France 4D.2 Model-based Development and Verification for a Safety-Critical Application: from DO-178B/ED-12B to DO-178C/ED12Ccompliance. Ismael Lafoz ; Carlos Tendero ; Carlos Fiel Airbus Military, Spain 4D.3 The new CENELEC EN 50128 and the used of formal method Boulanger Jean-Louis - CERTIFER, France 4D.4 Proof-by-Instance for Embedded Network Design -- From Prototype to Tool Roadmap Marc Boyer - ONERA, France Loïc Fejoz - RealTime-at-Work, France Stephan Merz - INRIA Lorraine, France 5 Thursday 6 February 2014 ERTS² 2014 Room Caravelle 12:30-14:00 > Exhibition visit/Lunch Room Auditorium St Exupery 14:00-15:10 15:10-16:10 > Invited speaker What can industry learn from Open Source Software?" Mike MILINKOVICH, Eclipse Foundation Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 5A – Open Source > Session 5B – Network I > Session 5C – Safety Argumentation > Session 5D – Simulation II Chairman: Paul Arberet - CNES, France 5A.1 How to benefit from Open Source components in your embedded products? Pierre Gaufillet - AIRBUS, France Clotilde Marchal - EADS, France 5A.2 SAFE RTP: An open source reference tool platform for the safety modeling and analysis Stefan Voget - Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany Chairman: Benoit DUPONT DE DINECHIN ST Microelectronics, France 5B.1 Aircraft Electrical Wiring Monitoring System Fabrice Auzanneau ; Luca Incarbone - CEA LIST, France Gilles Millet - Airbus, France Serge Bruillot ; Didier Dejardin - Dassault Aviation, France Nicolas Imbert - Eurocopter, France 5B.2 Predictive powertrain – New opportunities by networking systems Matthias Schneider ; Adrian Thomys Bosch Engineering GmbH, BEG-PT/ENP1, Germany Chairman: Lionel Burgaud - Aeroconseil, France 5C.1 Automated Safety Case Compilation for Product-based Argumentation Eric Armengaud - AVL List GmbH, Austria 5C.2 A Pattern-based Approach towards Modular Safety Analysis and Argumentation Bernhard Schaetz ; Maged Khalil ; Sebastian Voss - Fortiss, Germany Chairman: Zoubir Mammeri - IRIT-UPS, France 5D.1 Engineering of complex simulation of avionic systems using model based approach Patrice Thebault - Airbus Operations S.A.S., France Benoit Viaud - ARTAL technologies, France 5D.2 Real time and computing power for simulation Gilles Denat ; Jean-Marie Calluaud - Airbus, France Room Concorde 16:10-16:40 > Exhibition visit/Refreshment break 6 Thursday 6 February 2014 16:40-18:40 ERTS² 2014 Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 6A – Performance Analysis II > Session 6B – Hardware and Virtual Integration Session 6C – Fault Tolerant Design > Session 6D – New Trends in Certification II 6B.1 Final integration test of avionic software in full virtual platform Abderrahmane Brahmi ; Famantanantsoa Randimbivololona ; Philippe Le Meur Airbus Operations SAS, France Thomas Marie ; Romain Beseme - Ausy Group, France 6C.1 A Fault-Tolerant Software Architecture and its Formal Specification for Embedded, Real-Time Interactive Systems Philippe Palanque ; David Navarre - ICSIRIT, University Toulouse 3, France Camille Fayollas - IRIT / LAAS, France Jean-Charles Fabre - LAAS-CNRS, France Yannick Déléris - AIRBUS, France Arnaud Hamon - ICS IRIT & Airbus, France 6D.1 Use of formal methods in embedded software development: stakes, constraints and proposal Anthony Fernandes Pires - Atos/ONERA, France Thomas Polacsek - ONERA, France Virginie Wiels - ONERA / DTIM, France Stephane Duprat - ATOS, France Chairman: Stefan Voget - Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany 6A.1 The SMART Project : Multi-agent scheduling simulation of real-time architectures Pierre Dissaux - Ellidiss Technologies, France Olivier Marc - Virtualys, France Stéphane Rubini ; Frank Singhoff Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France 6A.2 Multicore Performance analysis of a Multi-phase Electrical Motor Controller Maher Fakih ; Kim Gruettner - OFFIS Intitut Für Informatik, Germany Martin Fränzle ; Achim Rettberg - Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany 6A.3 Freedom from interference among time-triggered and angle-triggered tasks: a powertrain case study Damien Chabrol ; Vincent David KRONO-SAFE, France Patrice Oudin ; Gilles Zeppa - DELPHI DIESEL SYSTEM, France Mathieu Jan - CEA LIST, France 6A.4 Autonomous mission planning in space: mission benefits and real-time performances Jérémie Pouly - CNES, France Sylvain Jouanneau - ALTEN SO, France Patxi Olhagaray - THALES, France Chairman: Aribaud Albert - 3ADEV, France 6B.2 Virtual Prototyping, Verification and Validation Framework for Automotive Using SystemC, SystemC-AMS and UVMSystemC Yao Li ; Marie-Minerve Löuerat ; François Pécheux ; Ramy Iskander ; Zhi Wang UPMC-LIP6, France Philippe Cuenot - Continental Automotive France SAS, France Martin Barnasconi - NXP Semiconductors, Netherlands Thilo Vörtler ; Karsten Einwich - Fraunhofer IIS, Germany 6B.3 Embedded Databases on Flash Memories: Performance and Lifetime Issues Jalil Boukhobza ; Pierre Olivier - Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France Loïc Plassart - Treflevenet, France Hamza Ouarnoughi ; Ladjel Bellatreche ENSMA, France Chairman: Jean-Luc Dormoy - EDF, France 6C.2 A Safety Aware Middleware Platform for Adaptive Automotive Control Systems Jelena Frtunikj ; Vladimir Rupanov ; Alexander Camek ; Christian Buckl - Fortiss GmbH, Germany Alois Knoll - Technische Universität München, Germany 6C.3 An Architecture Pattern Enabling Safety at Lower Cost and with Higher Performance Rolf Johansson ; Kenneth Östberg - SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden Joerg Kaiser - Otto-von-Guericke - University of Magdeburg, Germany Jose Rufino ; António Casimiro - Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Renato Librino - 4SGroup, Italy Pedro Costa - GMV Skysoft, Portugal 6C.4 Automatic Safety mechanisms implementation in Software Model-Based Development Florent Feve - VALEO, Germany Chairman: Cyrille Comar – Adacore, France 6D.2 Compositional certification: the CERCLES2 project Pascal Manoury ; Grégoire Henri - PPS Université Paris Diderot - CNRS UMR 7126, France Emmanuel Chailloux ; Philippe Wang - LIP6 UPMC - CNRS UMR 7606, France Jean-Louis Duffour ; Philippe Beaufreton SAGEM Défense Sécurité, France Etienne Prun - ClearSY, France 6D.3 Joint use of static and dynamic software verification techniques: a cross-domain view in safety critical system industries Emmanuel Ledinot - Dassault Aviation, France Jean-Paul Blanquart - Astrium Satellites, France Jean-Marc Astruc - Continental Automotive France SAS, France Philippe Baufreton ; Bertrand Ricque - Sagem Défense Sécurité, France Jean-Louis Boulanger - CERTIFER, France Cyrille Comar - Adacore, France Hervé Delseny - Airbus France SAS, France Jean Gassino - IRSN, France Michel Leeman – Valeo, France Philippe Quere - Renault, France 6D.4 Formal specification of block libraries in dataflow languages Arnaud Dieumegard ; Marc Pantel - IRIT/INPT, Université de Toulouse, France Andres Toom - Institute of Cybernetics at TUT, Estonia 7 Friday 7 February 2014 ERTS² 2014 Room Auditorium St Exupery 09:00-10:00 > Keynote address Switched ethernet in automotive electronics - finally a lasting network solution? Rolf ERNST - Institute of Computer and Network Engineering, Germany Room Concorde 10:00-10:30 > Exhibition visit/Refreshment break 10:30-12:30 Room Auditorium St Exupery Room Guillaumet > Session 7A – Network II > Session 7B – Automotive Standard in Use Chairman: Thierry Seynaeve – ESG, France 7A.1 Spacecraft Data Handling Architecture based on AFDX network Marie Hélène Deredempt - Astrium, France Evangelos Kollias - Teletel, Greece Ernest Canamares - GTD, Spain Philippe Ricco - CES, Switzerland Zhili Sun - Surrey University, United Kingdom 7A.2 What’s the Bus Load? Real-Time Metrics for Automotive Ethernet Networks Kai Richter ; Simon Schliecker Symtavision GmbH, Germany 7A.3 Timing verification of automotive communication architectures using quantile estimation Nicolas Navet - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Shenaz Louvart ; Jose Villanueva Renault SAS, France Sergio Campoy-Martinez - Renault SAS, France Jorn Migge - Realtime-at-Work (RTaW), France 7A.4 Integrating end-system frame scheduling for more accurate AFDX timing analysis Marc Boyer ; Luca Santinelli - ONERA, France Nicolas Navet - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Jörn Migge - RTaW, France Fumey Marc - Thales Avionics, France Chairman: Olivier Guetta – Renault, France 7B.1 Model Sharing to leverage customer cooperation in the ECU software development Stephane Louvet ; Mouham Tanimou Robert Bosch GmbH, France 7B.2 Dynamic software updates vs AUTOSAR Hélène Martorell ; Régis Valentin - Renault, France Jean-Charles Fabre ; Matthieu Roy - LAASCNRS, France 7B.3 Faster Development of AUTOSAR compliant ECUs through simulation Jakob Mauss ; Andreas Junghanns - QTronic GmbH, Germany Michael Seibt - Dassault Systèmes Deutschland GmbH, Germany Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 7C - Safety & Security > Session 7D – System Test Chairman: Mohamed Kaaniche - Laas-CNRS, France 7C.1 Security and Safety Modelling in Embedded Systems Silvia Mazzini ; John Favaro ; Alessandra Martelli ; Laura Baracchi - Intecs SpA, Italy 7C.2 New Security Concepts for Future Generation Automotive Electronic Control Units Oliver Bubeck ; Vincent Bourgeois - Robert Bosch GmbH, France 7C.3 Towards an IT Security Framework for Railway Automation Jens Braband - Siemens AG, Germany Chairman: Gérard Cristau - Thales R&T, France 7D.1 Systematic Test and Validation of Complex Embedded Systems Mugur Tatar ; Jakob Mauss - QTronic GmbH, Germany 7D.2 Systematic Design and Automated Execution of Embedded System Tests Peter M. Kruse ; Jörg Reiner - Berner & Mattner, Germany 7D.3 Manage the automotive embedded software development cost & productivity with the automation of a Functional Size Measurement Method (COSMIC) Alexandre Oriou ; Eric Bronca ; Kevin Guillard - Renault, France 7B.4 Getting Ready for AUTOSAR Romuald Nozahic ; Thomas Heurung Mentor Graphics, France 8 Friday 7 February 2014 ERTS² 2014 Room Caravelle 12:30-14:00 > Exhibition visit/Lunch Room Auditorium St Exupery 14:00-15:10 > Panel : Highly Automated/Autonomous Vehicule Animated by Laurent MEILLAUD Panelists - Journalist Alexandre CORJON - Engineering Systems Director - Renault, France Sébastien GLASER - Deputy Drector - LIVIC, IFSTTAR / COSYS, France Claude LAURGEAU - Professor - Mines ParisTech, France Jean-Luc MATE - Executive Vice-President Strategy & Business Development - Continental Engineering Services, France Francisco SANCHEZ PONS - Electronics and ITS Director - CTAG, Spain Room Auditorium St Exupery 15:10-16:10 Room Guillaumet Room Ariane 1 Room Ariane 2 > Session 8C – Simulation III > Session 8D– Model Verification II Chairman: François Vernières – Aerospace Valley, France 8C.1 FMI technology for validation of embedded electronics systems. Franck Corbier ; Bernard Clark - Dassault Systemes, United Kingdom 8C.2 Co-simulation of Event-B and Ptolemy II Models via FMI Jean-Charles Chaudemar - ISAE, France Vitaly Savicks ; Michael Butler ; John Colley - University of Southampton, United Kingdom Chairman: Eric Conquet - ESA, Netherlands 8D.1 Specifying and Verifying Model Transformations for Certified Systems using Transformation Models Andres Toom - Institute of Cybernetics at TUT, Estonia Arnaud Dieumegard ; Marc Pantel - IRIT/INPT, Université de Toulouse, France 8D.2 A user-oriented approach to integrate formal verification activity for DSML Faiez Zalila - IRIT/ENSEEIHT, France Xavier Crégut ; Marc Pantel - IRIT/INPT, Université de Toulouse, France 9
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