S.No. Paper ID 1569890217 1 1569891865 2 Title 2-Bit Magnitude Comparator using GDI Technique A Comparative Analysis and Design Study of Cross Layer Scheme Based Algorithm to increase the Qos performances in wireless Communication A Cross-layer Topology Control with Clustering and Routing for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks A Discrete Multiwavelet Based Video Watermarking Scheme Using SURF Features 3 1569905367 4 5 1569882817 6 7 8 1569910449 A Distributed Intrusion Detection System to Thwart Security Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) A Flexible Approach for Securing MANETs 1569895117 A Fuzzy Approach for Detection of Impulse Noise from Color Image 1569868661 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1569895069 A Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation in Collaborative Software Development using Formal Concept Analysis A Genetic Approach for processor Scheduling 1569904817 A Gray-Scale Image Encryption Using Fisher-Yates Chaotic Shuffling in Wavelet Domain 1569893729 A Multilingual Currency Interpreter 1569873957 A New Approach for Data Cleaning Process 1569904901 A New Approach for Flame Image Edges Detection 1569896127 A Noble Technique for Detecting Anemia through Classification of Red Blood Cells in Blood Smear 1569895381 A Novel Approach: Multiview Video Compression 1569909389 A novel APSP algorithm and it's application in Multi Domain SDN 1569905179 A Novel Blackhole Attack for Multipath AODV and its Mitigation 1569887667 A novel image fusion technique for gray scale images using tensor unfolding in transform domains 1569901137 20 1569868373 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1569876983 A Novel Intrusion Detection System for Ad Hoc Flooding Attack Using Fuzzy Logic in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks A Novel Method to Prevent the AODV Protocol from Coopeartive Black hole attack in Mobile Ad hoc Network A Novel Study of Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for their Applications in Various Domains 1569869313 A Parallel Approach for Image Steganography using OpenCL in GPU Based Systems 1569896867 A Privacy Settings Recommender System for Online Social Networks 1569868901 A Probabilistic Method to Optimize Energy Consumption in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks 1569869377 A Proposed System for Cotton Yarn Defects Classification Using Probabilistic Neural Network 1569902379 A real-time approach to stabilization of Inverted Pendulum using two-loop PID, PID+PI and LQR 1569867209 A Reduced Complexity Approach for Image Compression using 1-D & 2-D Chaos Functions 1569918719 A Resource Allocation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Jobs in Grid Environment 1569910511 A scalable Feature Selection Algorithm for large datasets - Quick Branch & Bound Iterative (QBB-I) 1569869375 A Self Explanatory Review of Decision Tree Classifiers 1569894847 A Skewed Derivative Activation Function for SFFANNs 1569894821 A Taxonomy of Security Attacks and Issues in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks(VANETs) 1569869237 Accelerating Convolution Coding And Viterbi Decoding on GPUs using OpenCL 1569895213 Achieving High Dimension CNF to DNF Conversion using Grid Computing 1569894891 ADS:Protecting NTFS From Hacking 1569904975 An agent -based optimized cloud service discovery system 1569903097 AN ANALYSIS OF NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF DIFFUSION EQUATION WITH NON- LOCAL BOUNDARY CONDITION 1569916531 An Efficient Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) 1569884189 An Efficient Algorithm of Steganography Using JPEG Colored Image 1569893513 An Efficient Approach for Web Navigation Using Ant Colony Optimization 1569918663 An Efficient Checkpointing using hypercube Structure (self-adjusted) in Mobile Ad Hoc Network 1569910927 An Efficient Halftone Visual Secret Sharing Scheme 1569895073 An Efficient Novel Latch design for Sequential Applications 1569916293 An Energy Saving Algorithm for Variable Cache Ways 1569892531 An Improved Approach for Solving 0/1 Knapsack Problem In Polynomial Time Using Genetic Algorithms 46 1569895461 47 48 1569905439 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1569894641 Analysis of flows using Bagging,LogitBoost and Rotation Forest Machine Learning Algorithms for Real Time Internet Traffic Classification Analysis of Supervised Maximum Likelihood Classification for Remote Sensing Image 1569893901 Analysis of Various Direction Lifting Schemes for JPEG2000 Standard 1569918743 Anomaly Detection using Smart Tracing Tricks on Call Stack 1569907823 Applicability of Wavelet Transform in Multi-resolution Motion Estimation Technique 1569893127 An Improved Method for Emotions Detection using Gabor Wavelet and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Network Analysis and Realization of Relaxed Consistency Memory Model for Multi-core CPU or GPU 1569869461 Application of Functional Link Based Artificial Neural Networks for Exchange Rate Prediction 1569868823 Area and Speed Efficient Floating Point Unit 1569868919 Automated methodology comprised of supervised techniques to assist product selection 1569904971 Automatic Processing of EEG signals for Seizure Detection using Soft Computing Techniques 1569904165 Automatic Segmentation of Broadcast News Audio using Self Similarity Matrix 1569888499 Bangla web page reader - an approach to Bangla text-to-speech conversion 1569895103 BFCA-VF: Best Fit Channel Allocation and Void Filling by Burst Segmenting and Scheduling 1569869621 61 62 63 64 65 66 1569915925 Binary Division Algorithm and High Speed Deconvolution Algorithm (Based on Ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics) Bit Level Multi Way Feedback Encryption Standard Ver-1(BLMWFES-1) 1569910739 By Fractional Frequency Reuse Mitigate Interference in Heterogeneous Femto and Macro Cell Networks 1569918729 Circular Morphological Feature Extraction for Nuclear Medicine Facilitation 1569904459 Clinical Decision Support System for Diabetes Disease Diagnosis Using Optimized Neural Network 1569895479 Color Based Image Retriveal System Using SVM Classifier and BTC 1569894713 67 1569891375 68 1569894205 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 1569899575 Combination Approach to Score Level Fusion for Multimodal Biometric system by using Face and Fingerprint Combination of Encryption and Digital Watermarking Techniques used for Security and Copyright Protection of Still Image Combining Multiple Features Using Canonical Correlation Analysis for A PCG Biometric Identification System Comparative Analysis Of Haar and Skin color Method For Face Detection 1569904987 Comparison of Classification Techniques for Intrusion Detection Dataset using WEKA 1569894071 Constructing Secure Web Applications With Proper Data Validations 1569895739 Content Based Categorization of E-Mail using Hidden Markov Model Approach 1569895049 Content Extraction from Web pages - A survey 1569888037 Crossbreed Multi-level Cache Management Policy 1569895489 Cutting Stock Problem: A Survey Of Evolutionary Computing Based Solution 1569905023 Data Security Protocol for Cloudlet based Architecture 1569905477 Debugging and Visualization Techniques for Multithreaded Programs: A Survey 1569888163 79 1569884545 80 81 1569891253 Degree of Disease Possibility (DDP): A mining based statistical measuring approach for disease prediction in health care data mining Design & Development of Image mosaicking based Intelligent Road Traffic Congestion Control Scheme (IRTCCS) Design and implementation of TDPC sleep scheduling algorithm for energy efficient networks 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1569918825 Design, Development and Analysis of Organizational Level Email Archival Searching System Using Freeware Open Source Software's Detection and Prevention of Profile Cloning in Online Social Networks 1569904799 Detection of Direction Deviation of Vehicle using CCTV Cameras 1569868429 Developed Personalized Cyber Clone System By Amalgamation Of Human Brain Intelligence 1569895097 Domain-Independent Hindi Language Question-Answering System Based on Relational Database 1569907105 Dynamic Page Replacement at the Cache Memory for the Video on Demand Server 1569895287 Dynamic Scheduling of Trains in Multi Agent based Railway System 1569910781 Effective Resource Management Techniques using Reservation Pool 1569917311 Efficient Data Security Method to Control Data in Cloud Storage System using Cryptographic Techniques 1569894965 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1569893883 Embedding ECG and Patient Information In Medical Image 1569888965 Empirical Analysis of Object Oriented Metrics using Dimensionality Reduction Techniques 1569893651 Energy based Efficient Resource Scheduling: A step towards Green Computing 1569888061 Energy Conservation of Access Point Using CAPS algorithm 1569893043 Energy Efficient Algorithm for Routing Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks 1569907799 Energy Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Nodes 1569904707 Energy Efficient Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic 1569894373 Energy Efficient Protocol For Wireless Sensor Network 1569868511 Enhanced lambda Iteration Algorithm for the solution of large scale Economic dispatch problem 1569910519 100 101 102 103 104 105 1569874089 Enhanced Sentiment Analysis of Informal Textual Communication in Social Media By Considering Objective Words and Intensifiers Evaluation of a New Modified Firefly Algorithm 1569899829 Evaluation of MFCC for Speaker Verification on Various Windows 1569894107 Expert System and it's Requirement Engineering Process 1569895501 Feature Subset Selection For Linked Data 1569895503 Feature Subset Selection For Linked Data 1569895335 106 107 108 109 1569853219 Feature subset selection using differential evolution mechanism to improve performance of cereal grain classification Finding Shortest Path Between Two Locations Using Matrix Representation 1569905335 Fuzzy Expert System for the Risk Identification of the Hepatocellular Carcinoma 1569892321 Game Analysis and Prediction of Ball Positions in a Football Match from Video Footages 1569894691 110 111 112 1569880927 Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Cluster Head Selection for Prolonging Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Gujarati Text-To-Speech (TTS) conversion system using Histogram and Edge detection method 1569886915 Hardware Software Partitioning of Task Graph Using Genetic Algorithm 1569895557 113 114 115 116 1569866993 Heterogeneous traffic handling using Genetic Binary Decision Tree and Earliest Deadline Fairness for WBAN system Hierarchical Wavelet Adaptive Control for a Class of Uncertain Underactuated Systems 1569868877 Highly Randomized Image Steganography using Secret Keys 1569911133 Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Ensures Data Security on Cloud 1569918585 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 1569868515 Hybrid Approach to Image Enhancement using Contrast Stretching on Image Sharpening and the analysis of various case arising using Histogram Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches for Abnormality Detection in Human Retinal Images 1569895209 ID-based Signcryption Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve 1569905079 Impact of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attack in AODV Protocol 1569893541 Impact of Memory Intensive Applications on Performance of Cloud Virtual Machine 1569910009 Implementation Issues with Devanagari Handwritten Text Recognition 1569839657 Implementation of a New Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm: Performance Analysis with DES 1569894143 Implementation of Automated Sentiment Discovery System 1569885259 Improved Blocking Expanding Ring Search (I-BERS) Protocol for Energy Efficient Routing in MANET 1569900743 Improved Blom Key Management Scheme For Wireless Sensor Network 1569839717 Inferring Trust Relationships in Web-based Social Networks using Min-Max and A* Search Algorithm 1569895145 Intensified Regularized Discriminant Analysis Technique 1569896857 IOCP: Implementation of Optimized Commit Protocol 1569918889 LabVIEW Based Design of Heart Disease Detection System 1569895405 Link-Based Classification for MultiRelational Database 1569917429 LOD Cloud Mining for Prognosis Model (Case Study: Native App for Drug Recommender System) 1569865791 Machine Vision Based Automatic Fruit Grading System using Fuzzy 1569893591 134 135 1569887203 Management of Security and Privacy Issues of Application Development in Mobile Cloud Environment: A Survey Mechanism for Identification of Duplicate Test Cases 1569905759 Medical Image Fusion using Content Based Automatic Segmentation 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 1569893909 Memetic Search in Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Fitness based Position Update 1569869149 MGI: A New Heuristic for Classifying Continuous Attributes in Decision Trees 1569909531 Minimizing Congestion and Improved QoS of AODV using Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Network 1569894955 Mobility Model Based Performance Analysis of DSDV Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocol 1569895811 Modeling Behavior of a Cloud Computing Service 1569905089 Motion Estimation for Video Compression Using Modified Hexagonal Search 1569893783 Multi-frame Super-Resolution Reconstruction and Image Quality Metrics of Different Gray Scale Images 1569895715 Multiple People Tracking By Moments Approach 1569888521 Mutual Authentication Protocol Using Identity-Based Shared Secret Key in Cloud Environments 1569903913 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 1569894509 Necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of symmetrical Reversible Variable Length Codes, based on Kraft's inequality New Call and Handoff Call Management Scheme for Reuse Partitioning Based Cellular Systems 1569905143 Nonlinear Noise Suppression Edge Detection Scheme for Noisy Images 1569905323 Object Detection and Tracking based on Silhouette Based trained shape Model with Kalman Filter 1569832483 OCTA (STAR ) PVD A Different Approach of Image Steganography 1569895329 Offline Signature Verification based on Contourlet Transform and Textural features using HMM 1569905281 Offline Vs Live migration: A Performance Evaluation 1569892905 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 1569904611 Optimal Payment Policy for Deteriorating Item with Preservation Technology Investment under Trade credit and Inflation Optimal scheduling policy for jitter control in AFDX End-System 1569891891 Optimization of Drilling Process Parameters by Harmony Search Algorithm 1569905297 Optimization technique based localization in IEEE 802.11 WLAN 1569905049 PAPR Reduction of OFDM systems Using PTS with Genetic Algorithm at low computational complexity 1569893949 PBACC Method for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network 1569893903 Performance Analysis in Detecting Brain Tumor Tissue Using SVM in MR Images 1569869481 Performance Analysis of Modified RC4 Encryption Algorithm 1569907097 Performance Enhancement for Audio/Video Proxy Server 1569892707 Performance evaluation of region based active contour models used in segmentation 1569910521 Personalization of Web Search using an implicitly learned Dynamic Category Interest Tree (DCIT) 1569894341 Phonetic Matching and Syntactic Tree Similarity Based QA System for SMS Queries 1569904735 Query Maintenance with Hierarchical Updates 1569886913 Real Time Condition Monitoring System for Tomato Ripening 1569893603 Reliability Improvement of Distribution System using Differential Search Algorithm 1569885383 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 1569895271 Reversible ROI-Based Multiple Layer Medical Image Watermarking Technique for Tamper Detection and Recovery Rigorous design of moving sequencer crash tolerant atomic broadcast with unicast broadcast 1569894019 Rule based fuzzy approach for Peripheral Motor Neuropathy (PMN) diagnosis based on NCS Data 1569894739 Rules based Automatic Linux Device Driver Verifier and Code Assistance 1569905299 Scheduling project with Random and time-dependent activity 1569874397 Secret Communication using Public key Steganography 1569918735 Secure Data Storage Operations with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption for Mobile Cloud Computing 1569894299 Self Congestion Prediction Algorithm for Efficient Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network 1569900581 Self-Acclimating Hybrid Network Topology HYNET-AmI 1569905779 Self-Healing Model for Software Application 1569909167 Serious Games based approach to cyber security concept learning: Indian context 1569909521 Simulation of Multi-core Power-network for Early Software Development 1569869371 Simultaneous 12-Lead QRS Detection by K-means Clustering Algorithm 1569895167 Software Code Cloning Detection and Future Scope Development- Latest Short Review 1569869269 Stabilization of Triple link Inverted Pendulum system based on LQR control Technique 1569904809 Static Analysis Approaches to Detect SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Web Applications: A Survey 183 184 185 186 187 188 1569887565 Survey on Extractive Based Automatic Text Summarization 1569895343 Survey on Graph and Cluster Based Approaches in Multi-document Text Summarization 1569918477 technical Analysis of NIFTY-50 Using BPFFN and NARX 1569896633 The Application of Genetic Operators in the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 1569895021 Translating Hindi Sentence into SQL Query using Pattern Matching Technique 1569868835 189 1569894015 190 191 192 193 1569909853 Two warehouse Inventory Model with Stock-level Dependent Demand rate and time varying Holding cost under Shortages User and Device tracking in private networks by correlating logs: A system for responsive forensic analysis User Behavior Rating System 1569918839 Using Labels for Policy Based Routing in Software Defined Data Center Networks 1569902933 Vehicular Pollution monitoring using IoT 1569866901 Working Vacation Queue with K-phases Essential Service and Vacation Interruptions
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