Sentinel-2 MSI in the Monitoring of Lakes and Coastal Waters in Finland: Spectral and Spatial Resolution Considerations Kari Kallio, Sampsa Koponen, Jenni Attila, Mikko Kervinen, Timo Pyhälahti Finnish Environment Institute Carsten Brockmann, Tonio Fincke Brockmann Consult Lena Kritten Free University of Berlin Sentinel-2 for Science Workshop, ESRIN, May 20-22 2014 - Global Lakes Sentinel Services ● Collaborative Project (2013-2016) funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme ● Develops processing tools for the upcoming Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellites to monitor lakes and reservoirs. ○ Algorithm development for various water types Outline ● Characteristics of lake and coastal waters in Finland ● Spatial resolution analyses ● Potential of MSI band wavelengths for water quality estimation with band ratios ● Spectral inversion algorithm SIOCS (The Sensor-Independent Ocean Colour Processor) Coastal waters and lakes in Finland – need for high resolution data Length of coastal line (main land) : 1 100 km. Number of islands along the Finnish coast: 28 000 (> 0.3 hectar). large spatial variation of water quality and a huge monitoring task. LANDSAT5 TM Archipelago sea, 2 June 2007 Turbidity 10 km Number of coastal WFD water bodies is 215. ~ 40% of them cannot be monitored with 300 m data. Lakes in Finland Number of lakes is 56 000 (> 1 hectar) MERIS pixels Lakes not possible to monitor with 300 m resolution instruments 5 WFD monitoring of Finnish lakes with 300 m data (MERIS, OLCI) – Effect of spatial resolution Number of lakes Total number of WFD lakes (> 0.5 km2) is 4596. 1000 800 300 m sensor with land mask 695 15% Land 600 400 200 201 4% 300 m sensor mask with buffered land 1 pixel mask: bufferthe mask is extended by one extra pixel from the shore 0 10 pixels With Sentinel 2: All WFD lakes and many smaller lakes Water quality algorithms: analysis of spectral configuration and test of SIOCS Based on HydroLight (Version 5.2) simulations Water quality input to HydroLight: • Set 1: Stepwise data based on water quality distributions of Finnish lakes (N=3375) for SIOCS training • Set 2: Extensive algorithm testing (band ratios and SIOCS): based on measurements in 5553 stations SIOPs for HydroLight from Finnish lakes Algorithms • ‘Classical’ band ratios (Landsat8 OLI, MSI, OLCI) • Spectral inversion SIOCS (MSI) Spectral inversion algorithm: Sensor Independent Ocean Color prosessor (SIOCS) ● Joint project of Brockmann Consult and Free University of Berlin. ● Sensor bands can be selected ● User can use own IOPs/SIOPs and concentration ranges ● Planned to be available in the BEAM EO toolbox ● SIOCS is under development. SYKE has participated in testing of SIOCS and used HydroLight in its training 8 Spectral resolutions of OLI, MSI and OLCI in 390-715 nm 4 Landsat8 OLI 3 S2 MSI2 S3 OLCI1 0 400 450 500 600 550 wavelength nm 650 700 MSI 650-680 nm: 2. absorption maximum of phytoplankton MSI 698-713 nm: small absorption by particles and CDOM 750 SIOCS: main components Test with Finnish lakes using the S2-MSI bands IOPs (aph, aCDOM, ad, bTSM) for the bands 3375 cases, stepwise variation Rrs measured Rrs simulations HydroLight simulated, 5553 cases, based on measured concentrations HydroLight LUTs Inversion operator - cost function - stop criterium IOPs at 443 nm SIOPs Concentrations Finnish lakes 10 Chl-a: band ratios and SIOCS SIOCS S2-MSI SIOCS MSI Chl-a S2-MSI MSI Chl-a CHL measured µg/l 40 20 0 0.5 1 Rrs (698-713)/Rrs (650-680) R2 = 0.99 N = 5059 80 60 40 20 0 1.5 0 20 40 60 CHL SIOCS µg/l 80 S3-OLCI OLCI Chl-a 4.37 80 y 2= 35.2x R = 0.81 N = 5498 60 Chl-a Chl-a 4.81 80 y 2= 27.0x R = 0.81 N = 5498 60 40 20 0 0.5 1 Rrs (704-714)/Rrs (660-670) 1.5 11 TSM: single band and SIOCS SIOCS MSI SIOCS S2-MSI TSM S2-MSI MSI TSM TSM TSM measured mg/l R2 = 0.98 N = 5497 30 20 10 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 20 10 0 0.02 R2 = 1.00 N = 5059 30 0 -1 Rrs (698-713) sr Landsat8-OLI TSM OLI TSM TSM R2 = 0.99 N = 5497 30 20 20 10 10 0 30 S3-OLCI TSM OLCI R2 = 0.89 N = 5497 30 10 20 TSM SIOCS mg/l 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 (640-670)-1sr-1 R(640-670) Rrs sr rs 0.02 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 -1 Rrs (704-714) sr 12 CDOM: band ratios and SIOCS SIOCS S2-MSIMSI aCDOM(443) SIOCS (443) measured 1/m y = 5.16x 1.29 R2 = 0.97 N = 5498 15 10 0 10 CDOM 5 0 1 2 3 Rrs (705)/R (560) Rrs(698-713)/R rs(542-578) rs R2 = 0.98 N = 5059 15 a a CDOM (443) 1/m MSI S2-MSI CDOM 5 0 4 0 5 10 15 aCDOM(443) SIOCS 1/m S3-OLCI CDOM OLCI 15 (443) 1/m y = 5.77x 1.23 R2 = 0.98 N = 5498 CDOM 10 5 0 a a CDOM (443) 1/m Landsat8-OLI OLI CDOM 0 1 2 R (665)/R (560) Rrs(640-670)/R rs rsrs(530-590) 3 y = 3.34x 1.86 R2 = 0.96 N = 5498 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 R (709)/R (560) Rrs(704-714)/R rs rsrs(555-565) 4 13 Validation measurements in Finland Moored automatic stations (Chl-a, turbidity) • Coastal: 2-3 stations, lakes 3 stations Ship-of-Opportunity, Baltic Sea(Alg@line) • Chl-a, turbidity • Rrs Lakes • Rrs, IOPs SIOP/IOP datasets • Lakes: Ylöstalo et al. 2014 RSE 148: 190–205 • Baltic Sea: data analyses in progress • River influenced coastal waters: to be measured S2-MSI data will help in • WFD ecological classification (Chl-a, transparency) • Estimation of the impact of water protection measures (Chl-a, turbidity) • Mapping of areas influenced by river plumes (turbidity) • Macrophyte mapping (e.g. common reed belts) • Bottom refrectance may become a limiting factor in part of the coastal and lake environments Conclusions • High resolution data of S2 MSI can cover all the Finnish coastal waters and lakes. • S2 MSI improves the estimation accuracy of TSM compared to the currently operational HighRes sensors and is likely to enable the estimation of Chl-a. • SIOCS will be improved e.g. by testing different options for the initial guess values. • The SIOCS spectral inversion algorithm will be very useful enables e.g. local SIOP adjustment improved regional/local products. 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