MSG Minutes 5.1.14| 1 VCU SOM Medical Student Government

 VCU SOM Medical Student Government
General Body Meeting
Thursday, May 1, 2014; 6:30 PM
MSG Minutes 5.1.14| 1
Highlights & Upcoming Events:
o M4 officer elections in 2 weeks- taking nominations now
o MCV decals will be ready early next week
o Mr. M1 raised >$300- proceeds to REACH for Ghana and Crossover Clinic
Call to order
Class Updates
• M4- Garrett Wren, former MSG President
o graduation in ONE WEEK!
M3- Chris Ray, M3 President
o getting info from the M4s about planning M4 year
o in the election process for M4 class officers
! elections will be in 2 weeks- taking nominations now
o getting senioritis!
M2- Peter Ghamarian, M2 President
o fundraiser finished- decals will be ready early next week
! we have a couple extras- email Peter if you want one: [email protected]
M1- Kunal Kapoor, M1 President
o Mr. M1 raised >$300; coordinated with Dogs on Call
! Munty Natour and Sam Sessou tied- proceeds went to R4G and Crossover
o Karen Brown featured in Spectrum article on VCU website
o Per Dr. Rao’s suggestion, Neil Patel (M1 VP) met with MP campus pre-med group and did
Q&A for a couple hours (30 students)
! exchanged contact info- will have pre-med day in the fall
MSG Updates
o VP Social Affairs- Katie Peng (outgoing)/Nehal Naik (incoming)
MSG Minutes 5.1.14| 2
Nehal- more faculty involvement generally
• Liver Rounds- find physicians who are more likely to come out
o maybe partner with RAM, MSV, Alumni Association
o superlatives at a Liver Rounds
• faculty auction? faculty want to get to know us!
• more robust event surrounding Faculty awards?
• locate a venue for Med Ball that allows us stay past 12 AM
• M2 classes end in December- might need to have Talent Show in April 2015
! Katie- Squirrels game: lots of food left over- 100 people was a good amount
VP Student Life- Sunny Elagandhala (outgoing)/Caitlin Francoisse (incoming)
! Caitlin- has M3 and M4 schedules and now has list serve access
• wants to be present at Dean’s fund meeting
o Yang (Dean’s Fund Chair)- there will be a meeting for all SIGs to
learn how to get funding; we can hold this meeting after IG and class
• will update and better publicize the calendars
! Shikha- per AAMC OSR meeting, we can create toolkits for fundraisers and events
that include step-by-step instructions and contact information for each organization
to help share resources- perhaps in a Dropbox?
VP Publications- Katie Peng (incoming)
! Ben is updating survival guide, creating organization section on the website
! Katie- Include the website in the emails- Shikha can include more info about the
speakers in meeting reminder emails
• Shikha can also post updates on the class Facebook pages
VP Community Service- Miki Nishitani (outgoing)/Katie Pumphrey (incoming)
! Katie- push for giving back to RVA charities
• explain LINC to M1s earlier- VP Curriculum can approach Lelia to ask if
LINC can start in the first semester
o can be presented with Societies- each one has a philanthropy
• DOCS- keep the same charities for at least next year- then evaluate to see if
they should be changed
! Sarah Berg- Service Learning event during M1 orientation- working on details with
Dr. W-C
• will contact Mary Lee Magee- I2CRP does some similar things
VP Curriculum- Stephanie Marshall (outgoing)
! Faculty Award- awarded to faculty who had the best reviews- not much “pomp and
! Dr. Ryan is trying to create objectives for AIs for clinical years- will not be rolled out
until 2016 is M4s
• 16 new electives approved (both INOVA and MCV students can sign up for
VP Societies- Shikha Gupta (outgoing)/Sarah Elizabeth Smith (incoming)
! SE: celebrate everyone’s birthday, keep Plague but make it more “aggressive”
• society plants- plots in a garden
• making building more homey
• make St. Baldrick’s bigger- could coordinate with Peds IG
• get an idea at the beginning of the year in what M1s are interested in
• ride share for MCV students
MSG Minutes 5.1.14| 3
• Society gala?
! Shikha
• will be selecting 1 INOVA rep per Society; will select 3 add’l MS2A reps over
the next couple weeks
• same $10K allocation next year- can look into increasing it the following year
o Treasurer- Miki Nishitani (incoming)
! MSG credit card to avoid students paying out of pocket
! Emily- furniture search for on-call room: we have enough money- will take a trip to a
furniture store after the next shelf to find heavy-duty furniture
! Peter- set time limits on MSG funding proposal presentations/discussion
! Shikha- create a Google doc to show expenditures of each officer per MSG budget
• officers can edit, whole school can view to increase transparency
o MSG Rep to the SGA- Shikha Gupta (outgoing)/Sina Mostaghimi (incoming)
! Shikha- working on a unifying constitutions for both MP and MCV campus SGAs
• will work on creating a “cheat sheet” for SGA funding proposals after Step 1
• will send out SGA minutes to all 4 classes
! Sina
• $4500 left in budget, so it will be a smaller budget next year
• calendar for events that are funded
• appropriations rep from every school
• trying to increase the space/vending machines in Hunton
o Secretary- Emily Onufer (outgoing)/Shikha Gupta (incoming)
! Shikha- increase line item voting transparency by listing “yea”/”nay” votes in
minutes when appropriate; will work on Constitution after Step 1
o President- Emily Onufer (incoming)
! August 5- 1:45-2:30 in the Learning Theater- MSG M1 Orientation Panel
New Business [none]
VOTES [voting-Emily, Miki, Sunny, Chris Ray, Stephanie, Katie Peng, Kassi, Shikha, Neil, Caitlin, Navin,
Kunal, Sarah Elizabeth, Anna G (proxy for Shikha), Phil Sasser, Virag; non-voting- Katrina, Sarah Berg,
Brett Goodloe, Bill Cregar, Yang Cao]
PROPOSED: $500 maximum gift to the incoming M1s to purchase anatomy supplies
! Neil- against it because M1 officers calculated the cost and it would be extremely
expensive, hard to regulate, and would take money away from interest groups
! Emily- we can use residual MSG funds- that money doesn’t roll over
! Nehal- order in bulk- much cheaper
o VOTE: passed unanimously
! Sina/Nehal will look into pricing/ordering
[voting members]
Emily Onufer- MSG President
Miki Nishitani- MSG Treasurer
Caitlin Francoisse- MSG VP Student Life
Sarah Elizabeth Smith- MSG VP Societies
Sina Mostaghimi- MSG Rep. to the SGA
Katie Pumphrey- MSG VP Community Service
Katie Peng- MSG VP Publications & M3 VP
Shikha Gupta- MSG Secretary & M3 Secretary
[proxy- Anna Grzegorczyk, M3 Comm. Service Chair]
Stephanie Marshall- Outgoing MSG VP Curriculum
MSG Minutes 5.1.14| 4
Garrett Wren- Outgoing MSG President
Chris Ray- M3 President
Peter Ghamarian- M3 President
Kassi Avent- M3 VP
Sunny Elagandhala- INOVA M3 VP
Navin Vigneshwar- M3 Treasurer
Kunal Kapoor- M1 President
Neil Patel- M1 VP
Phil Sasser- M1 VP
Virag Patel- M1 Treasurer
[non-voting] Katrina Herbst, Sarah Berg, Brett Goodloe, Bill Cregar, Yang Cao
Minutes taken by Shikha Gupta, MSG Secretary
[email protected]