CAPE FLATTERY SCHOOL DISTRICT # 401 REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 23, 2014 Neah Bay School--Library APPROVED at the August 27, 2014 Board Meeting I. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Chairperson Greg Colfax. II. Roll Call of Members: III. Introduction of Visitors and Public Questions and Comments None IV. Adopt Agenda APPROVED Stubbs/ Elvrum 4/0 The agenda was adopted with the following changes: Additions under personnel for consideration Crystal Thompson NBE Ron Barsness CBS-Math V. Consent Agenda APPROVED Rascon/Stubbs 4/0 A) Minutes from June 25, 2014- Regular School Board Meeting B) Minutes from July 8, 2014- Board Workstudy Session C) Payroll and Employee Benefits – $ 509,301.52 D) General Fund Accounts – $ 60,303.31 E) ASB Fund Accounts- $ 459.42 F) Transportation Fund AccountsG) Capital Projects Accounts – H) Acceptance of Milk Bids- Dairy Fresh VI. School Program Presentations None VII. Professional Discussions Mrs. Ritter updated the board on her progress with the “Strategic Plan”. Mrs. Ritter will have a final copy for the boards review at the August meeting. Mr. Greg Colfax Mr. Dan Elvrum Mr. John Stubbs Mr. Donald Baker Ms. Tracey Rascon Present Present Present Excused Present VIII. Old Business A) Summer Projects Update Mrs. Ritter updated the board on the following summer projects: Neah Bay Elementary trenching project- completed Carpet Installation for Neah Bay Elementary, Neah Bay Secondary, and Clallam Bay Middle School will be the first week of August. Classroom Shelving- Neah Bay Elementary- 75% complete Neah Bay High School Gym ceiling tile project- will not be complete prior to school starting due to delay in electrical/lighting installation. This project will be completed in stages throughout the school year as to not interrupt gym usage for activities. B) 2014-2015 Budget Hearing Mrs. Ritter presented the 2014-15 budget. Questions followed about the federal reduction in Title 1 funding, contract services, and the budgeted cost per student. Mrs. Ritter answered questions by the board. Mrs. Ritter informed the board that the bus that was damaged in Clallam Bay will be replaced this fall and the full replacement cost will be reimbursed through our Washington State Risk Management Pool. IX. Action Items A) 2014-2015 Budget Adoption (Resolution # 15-01) APPROVED Stubbs/Elvrum 4/0 X. New Business A) None XI. Personnel Considerations A) RESIGNATIONS / LEAVE OF ABSENCE- None B) NEW PERSONNEL FOR CONSIDERATION APPROVED Stubbs/ Elvrum 4/0 1) Crystal Thompson NB Provisional Elementary Teacher 2) Ron Barsness CB Provisional Math Teacher XII. Individual Reports ( Site/ Liaison/ Student Rep / Board) NBE- Mrs. Murner would like to send a special thanks out to the Neah Bay custodial and maintenance staff for all of their hard work this summer in preparing the grounds and buildings for the upcoming school year! Mrs. Murner presented the University of Washington Pipeline Project- this is the 13th year of the project and it has evolved over the years as a very strong partnership between the Neah Bay Elementary and the University of Washington graduate students. The University students assist the NBE 5th grade students in completing their CBA’s (comparing two cultures). This year there were alumni students from the Neah Bay High School that are currently enrolled in the U of W assisting with the project. Mrs. Murner shared the video and book that was produced through this partnership. She especially likes that the 5th grades students have the ability to build relationships with postsecondary students from the UW. The culminating activity includes an overnight trip to the University of Washington . The board received a copy of the book produced by the project. Community Liaison- Michelle Parkin Mrs. Parkin updated the board on the Broadband project. This project has been a huge undertaking on the part of everyone involved. The Makah Tribe has taken the lead on bringing broadband to Neah Bay , a necessary service for the community and the school will benefit tremendously by having access to faster internet service. The projected date for the completion of the first phase of the project is October 2014. Mrs. Parkin also informed the board on the recent dinner that was hosted in Neah Bay for all of the post-secondary graduates. The dinner was very well attended and all graduates were recognized for their accomplishments with a plaque. The next step is to help guide graduates to choose postsecondary programs that will eventually lead to them filling critical professional roles in the community including” doctors, nurses, biologists, teachers etc. Michelle is going to work with Mr. Vandeleur to begin setting up possible “job-shadowing” opportunities for students beginning in the 9th grade in hopes of “sparking” their interests in careers that will directly benefit the community. Mrs. Parkin also informed the board that we have recently received a $50,000 grant from the Gates Foundation that will be used to assist teachers in incorporating Makah Culture into our existing curriculum. The grant will be used for research and development of curriculum that infuses Makah content. Grants funding will be used to pay for research, compensation for teachers, and Makah experts to review curriculum standards. NBHS- Mr. Matt Vandeleur Mr. Vandeleur is settling in to his new position as the Neah Bay Secondary principal. He is excited and looking forward to the opportunity. He has started settling in, has had visitors stop by his office, spent time with staff and is busily planning for the opening of the school year. The board extended their support to Mr. Vandeleur and Mr. Colfax offered to give him a tour of the community and assist him with making personal contacts with community members. XIII. Executive Session (If necessary to consider employment or dismissal of personnel or to consult with legal counsel to consider acquisition or sale of real estate). None XIV. Adjournment The district encourages the participation of all disabled citizens at meetings of the Board. Those wishing to attend the meetings should notify the district at least 48 hours in advance if special accommodations will be necessary for participation in the meeting. Announcements of Board meetings will include a statement of steps to be taken for participation by disabled persons. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm APPROVED Rascon / Stubbs 4/0
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