H Hendon Link ISTORY FUN!! State Tennis West Lakes is now taking enrolments for tennis coaching in Term 4, 2014 2-5 year old motor skills program ‘Jump Start' / MLC Hot Shots tennis lessons from Age 4+ / Adult lessons Phone 8355 4466 or visit statetennis.com.au R – 1 performing the picture book “Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge” for a deeper understanding of items that remind people of the past. I do = I remem b er Cedar Avenue, Royal Park 5014 Phone: 83453190 Fax: 84451493 Email: [email protected] Principal: Sue Mittiga Deputy Principal: Mike Sankey Hendon Primary School Newsletter 5th November 2014 W NOVEMBER 7th UP Assembly 10th Applications for Hub Auditions close 10th Physical Education Week 13th Hub Auditions 12th - Yr 7 Camp 14th 21st Pupil Free Day 24th JP Choir Acacia Crt 25th MP & UP Choir Harbour Town 26th Percusion/Recorder West Lakes Shopping Centre 28th MP & UP Choir West Lakes Shopping Centre 28th UP Assembly DECEMBER 2nd Volunteers Morning tea 3rd Governing Council Mtg 5th UP Choir West Lakes 9th Whole School Assembly 9th Xmas Raffle Drawn 10th Yr 7 Graduation 11th Yr 7 Day Out 11th Casual Day 12th Last day term 4 Drakes Community Dollars Program Every time you shop at Foodland please swipe the Drake tag and the school will get 1cent for every $2 Checkout the Hendon SKOOLBAG APP orld Teachers Day The 31st of October was World Teachers Day. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our teaching staff for their wonderful work and the support that they give to our students. At Hendon we are very lucky to have such professional and committed teaching staff who play a critical role in the lives of our children as educators and mentors. We celebrated World Teachers Day at Hendon with a special morning tea yesterday. O ur JP Playground up grade The work has begun and it’s starting to take shape. Shortly you will see a new rubber surface laid under the play equipment and an upgraded sand pit. Lawn and shrubs will also be planted. V isual Arts Extension Program Congratulations to Latisha, Wefag and Tahlia who were selected to participate in this program organised by Maggie Gibson at Seaton High last term. Our students took part in a Visual Arts program on tribal painting. S RC Executive On Wednesday night two of our SRC executive members Nik and Ana presented a very comprehensive report to Governing Council about SRC’s achievements for the year. We would like to commend Nik and Ana on the confident way they spoke to the Governing Council members and for their outstanding leadership this year as SRC Executive members. Our SRC has had a very successful and productive year raising money to support a variety of charities, organising whole school events and making many decisions that have improved the facilities and activities for our students. Thanks also to Chris Elliott for her outstanding ability to develop our young leaders and engage them fully in their schooling. X mas Raffle Our fundraising committee will be running a Christmas raffle this year. If you have any donations of new goods suitable for Christmas for example decorations, toys, gifts, nonperishable food items, they will be greatly appreciated. Donations can be placed in the donation bags in classrooms or sent to the front office. Raffle books go home this Thursday. S APSASA District Cricket & Tennis Congratulations to Clayton who was selected to play district cricket and to Andrea and Ivana who were selected to play district tennis. These students are representing our SAPSASA district teams this week and we wish them all the best. Sue Mittiga Link to Hendon DONATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS RAFFLE GREATLY APPRECIATED PLEASE PLACE IN DONATIONS BAG IN CLASSROOMS OR FRONT OFFICE Link to Hendon Interested in joining the Hendon Instrumental Hub? Are you a Year 4, 5 or 6? These are the instruments you can choose from! AUDITIONS are on Thursday, November 13th, 2014. Complete the audition form and return it to the office no later than Monday, November 10th, 2014. Clarinet Trumpet Percussion Trombone Saxophone Bass Guitar Flute Congratulations to our Upper Primary Festival Choir who performed at the Festival Theatre on the 19th September, 2014. They did us very proud. From our choir we had two soloists, Rita and Christy and Alana was a member of the North Orchestra as a bass guitarist. She performed in four concerts at the Festival Theatre and two at the North Metro Festival in Gawler. Alana began learning to play the bass guitar in year 5, through our Hendon Instrumental Hub program. Well done to all students involved!
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