NATIONAL SMALL SERIES TYPE-APPROVAL CERTIFICATE Communication concerning: - National Small Series type-approval (¹): - Extension of National Small Series type-approval (¹): - Refusal of National Small Series type-approval (¹): - Withdrawal of National Small Series type-approval (¹): Of a type of: - Complete vehicle (¹) - Completed vehicle (¹) - Incomplete vehicle (¹) - Vehicle with complete and incomplete variants (¹) - Vehicle with completed and incomplete variants (¹) With regard to Directive 2007/46/EC as last amended by Directive …./../EC / Regulation (EC) No. …/… (1). With regard to Statutory Instrument No. 158 of 2009 as last amended by Statutory Instrument No. 422 of 2011 NSS Type-approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 Reason for extension: N/A SECTION I 0.1 Make (trade name of manufacturer): Keltruck Bodies Limited 0.2 Type: 7.5 Series-L5 Variant(s): KTUB13FT0I- XZU710RHKFRTW3 Version(s): Underbody Speedometer: Metric only / metric and imperial (¹) Does any dimension of Section II 3 exceed the limits of 7.3 of Directive 97/27/EC (as amended)? yes/no (¹) No 0.2.1 Commercial name(s): Tipper75 0.3 Manufactureres plate Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle: 0.3.1 Location of that marking: 0.4 Category of vehicle (3): 0.4.1 Bodywork Code: File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Driver front side N2 BA Page 1 of 9 NSS Type-approval No: 0.5 0.6 e24*NKS*0046*00 Name and address of manufacturer of the complete vehicle (¹): N/A Name and address of manufacturer of the base vehicle (¹) (4): HINO MOTORS, Ltd. 1-1, HINODAI 3-CHOME, HINO-SHI TOKYO JAPAN Name and address of manufacturer of the latest built stage of the incomplete vehicle (¹) (4): N/A Name and address of manufacturer of the completed vehicle (¹) (4): Keltruck Bodies Limited Coltstown, Unit D-9 Barrow-side Bussiness Park, Sleaty Rd, Graiguecullen, Carlow Name and address of authorised representative (if any): N/A Name(s) and address(es) of assembly plant(s): N/A File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Page 2 of 9 NSS Type-approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 SECTION I The undersigned hereby certifies the accuracy of the manufacturer’s description in the attached information document of the vehicle(s) type described above ((a) sample(s) having been selected by the type-approval authority and submitted by the manufacturer as prototype(s) of the vehicle type) and that the attached test results are applicable to the vehicle type. 1. For complete and completed vehicles/variants (¹): The vehicle type meets/does not meet (¹) the technical requirements of all the relevant separate Directives as prescribed in Annex IV and Annex XI (¹) (4) to Directive 2007/46/EEC. For complete and completed vehicles/variants (¹): The vehicle type meets/does not meet (¹) the technical requirements of all the relevant requirements as prescribed in Statutory Instrument No 158 of 2009 as amended by Statutory Instrument No. 422 of 2011 2. For incomplete vehicles/variants (¹): N/A The vehicle type meets/does not meet (¹) the technical requirements of the separate Directives listed in the table in Section II. 3. The approval is granted/refused/withdrawn (¹). 4. The approval granted in accordance with Article 20 and the validity of the approval is thus limited to dd/mm/yy. Attachments: Granted Dublin _____________________________ 16th December 2014 (Place) (Signature) (Date) Information package. Test results (See Annex VIII). Name(s) and specimen(s) of the signature(s) of the person(s) authorised to sign certificates of conformity and a statement of their position in the company. A model certificate of conformity. The validity of this certificate is conditional on the receipt by NSAI, of copies of each Certificate Of Conformity (COC) issued for each vehicle in the series. File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Page 3 of 9 NSS Type-approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 National Small Series Type-Approval Certificate This National Small Series Type-Approval (NSSTA) Certificate is, where incomplete and completed vehicles or variants are concerned, based on the approval(s) for incomplete vehicles listed below: Stage 1: Manufacturer of the base vehicle: HINO MOTORS, Ltd. 1-1, HINODAI 3-CHOME, HINO-SHI TOKYO JAPAN EC Type-Approval Number (¹): e6*2007/46*0020*00 Irish NSSTA number (¹): Mutually recognised NSSTA number (¹): NSSTA number from another Member State equivalent to Irish NSSTA (¹): N/A N/A N/A Dated: 29.04.2014 Applicable to variants: XZU710R-HKFRTW3 Stage 2: Manufacturer: Keltruck Bodies Limited Coltstown, Unit D-9 Barrow-side Bussiness Park, Sleaty Rd, Graiguecullen, Carlow EC Type-Approval Number (¹): Irish NSSTA number (¹): e24*NKS*0046*00 Mutually recognised NSSTA number (¹): NSSTA number from another Member State equivalent to Irish NSSTA (¹): N/A N/A N/A Dated: 15.12.2014 Applicable to variants: KTUB13FT0I- XZU710R-HKFRTW3 Stage 3: Manufacturer: N/A EC Type-Approval Number (¹): Irish NSSTA number (¹): Mutually recognised NSSTA number (¹): NSSTA number from another Member State equivalent to Irish NSSTA (¹): N/A N/A N/A N/A Dated: Applicable to variants: File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 N/A Page 4 of 9 NSS Type-approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 In the case where the approval includes one or more incomplete variants, list those variants which are complete or completed; N/A Complete / completed variant(s): N/A List of requirements applicable to the approved incomplete vehicle or variant (as appropriate, taking account of the scope and latest amendment to each of the separate Directives listed below). N/A Item Subject Directive number Last amended Applicable to variants (List only subjects for which a separate Directive NSS type-approval exists.) In the case of special purpose vehicles, exemptions granted or special provisions applied pursuant to Annex XI and exemptions granted pursuant to Article 20: Directive number File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Item number Kind of approval and nature of exemption N/A Applicable to Variants Page 5 of 9 NSS Type-approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 Appendix 1 List of regulatory acts to which the type of vehicle complies Subject Regulatory act reference (5) Applicable to variants 70/157/EEC 70/220/EEC EC 715/2007 Complies with equivalent NSSTA requirements Complies N/A N/A 1. Permissable Sound levels 2. Emissions 2a. Emissions (Euro 5 and 6) light duty vehicles/access to information 3. Fuel tanks/rear protective devices 4. Rear registration plate space 5. Steering effort 6. Door latches and hinges 7. Audible warning 8. Rear visibility 8a. Indirect vision devices 9. Braking 10. Suppression (radio) 11. Diesel Smoke 12. Interior Fittings 13. Anti-theft and immobiliser 14. Protective steering 15. Seat Strength 16. Exterior projections 17. Speedometer and reverse gear 18. Plates (statutory) 19. Seat belt anchorages 20. Installation of lighting and light signalling devices 21. Retro reflectors 22. End-outline front-position (side), rearposition (side), stop, side marker, daytime running lamps 23. Direction indicators 24. Rear registration plate lamps 25. Headlamps (including bulbs) 26. Front fog lamps 27. Towing hooks 28. Rear fog lamps 29. Reversing lamps 30. Parking lamps 31. Seat belts 32. Forward vision 33. Identification of controls 34. Defrost / demist 35. Wash / wipe 36. Heating systems 37. Wheel guards 38. Head restraints 39. CO2 emissions / fuel consumption 40. Engine power 70/221/EEC 70/222/EEC 70/311/EEC 70/387/EEC 70/388/EEC 71/127/EEC 2003/97/EC 71/320/EEC 72/245/EEC 72/306/EEC 74/60/EEC 74/61/EEC 74/297/EEC 74/408/EEC 74/483/EEC 75/443/EEC 76/114/EEC 76/115EEC 76/756/EEC Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies N/A Complies N/A Complies N/A Complies Complies Complies Complies * * * * * * * * * * N/A * N/A * * * * * * 76/757/EEC 76/758/EEC Complies Complies * * 76/759/EEC 76/760/EEC 76/761/EEC 76/762/EEC 77/389/EEC 77/538/EEC 77/539/EEC 77/540/EEC 77/541/EEC 77/649/EEC 78/316/EEC 78/317/EEC 78/318/EEC 2001/56/EEC 78/549/EEC 78/932/EEC 80/1268/EEC 80/1269/EEC Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies N/A Complies N/A Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies N/A N/A Complies * * * * * * * N/A * N/A * * * * * * N/A * * N/A N/A * = applicable to variant KTUB13FT0I- XZU710R-HKFRTW3 File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Page 6 of 9 NSS Type-approval No: Subject e24*NKS*0046*00 Regulatory act reference (5) 41. Emissions (Euro IV and V) heavy 2005/55/EC duty vehicles 42. Lateral protection 89/297/EEC 43. Spray-suppression systems 91/226/EEC 44. Masses and dimensions (cars) 92/21/EEC 45. Safety glass 92/22/EEC 46. Tyres 92/23/EEC 47. Speed limiting devices 92/24/EEC 48. Masses and dimensions (other than 97/27/EC vehicles referred to in item 44) 49. External projections of cabs 92/114/EEC 50. Couplings 94/20/EC 51. Flammability 95/28/EC 52. Buses and coaches 2001/85/EC 53. Frontal impact 96/79/EC 54. Side impact 96/27/EC 56. Vehicles intended for the transport of 98/91/EC dangerous goods 57. Front underrun protection 2000/40/EC 58. Pedestrian protection EC 78/2009 59. Recyclability 2005/64/EC 61. Air-conditioning systems 2006/40/EC 62. Hydrogen Systems EC 79/2009 63. General Safety EC 661/2009 * = applicable to variant KTUB13FT0I- XZU710R-HKFRTW3 Complies with equivalent NSSTA requirements Complies Applicable to variants Complies Complies N/A Complies Complies Complies Complies * * N/A * * * * Complies Complies N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * * * * * * * Complies N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * * * * * * * ______________________________________________ (¹) Delete where not applicable. (²) If not available at the time of granting the type-approval, this item shall be completed at the latest when the vehicle is introduced on the market. (³) As defined in Annex IIA (4) See Section II. (5) Or UNECE Regulations that are deemed to be equivalent; or performance requirements from other States or Regions that are deemed to be equivalent. File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Page 7 of 9 NSS Type Approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 ANNEX VIII TEST RESULTS (To be completed by the type-approval authority and attached to the vehicle NSS type-approval certificate) In each case, the information must make clear to which variant and version it is applicable. One version may not have more than one result. However a combination of several results per version indicating the worst case is permissible. In the latter case, a note shall state that for items marked (*) only the worst case is given. 1. Results of sound level tests Number of the base regulatory act and the latest amending regulatory act applicable to the approval. In the case of a regulatory act with two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage: UNECE R51-02 Variant/Version Moving (dB(A): Stationary (dB(A): At (minˉ¹): 2. Results of the exhaust emission tests 2.1 Emissions from motor vehicles. KTUB13FT0I- XZU710R-HKFRTW3 77.6 89 1875 Indicate the latest amending regulatory act applicable to the approval. In case the regulatory act has two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage: Fuel(s): N/A 2.1.1. Test type I vehicle emissions in the test cycle after a cold start: N/A 2.1.2. Test type II emissions data required for roadworthiness: N/A 2.1.3 Result of type III test: N/A 2.1.4 Result of type IV test (evaporative test): N/A File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 Page 8 of 9 NSS Type Approval No: e24*NKS*0046*00 2.1.5 Result of type V test on durability: N/A 2.1.6 Result of type VI test on emissions by low ambient temperature: N/A 2.2 Emissions from engine for use in vehicles. Indicate the latest amending regulatory act applicable to the approval. In case the regulatory act has two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage: UN ECE R48-05 Fuel(s): 2.2.1 Results of the ESC test: 2.2.2 Results of the ELR test: 2.2.3 Result of the ETC test: 2.3 Diesel smoke. Diesel CO(g/kWh): THC (g/kWh): NOx(g/kWh): PT(g/kWh): 0.00 0.00 1.44 0.003 0.059 m-1 CO: THC: NMHC: CH4: NOx: PT: 0.02 -0.005 N/A 1.940 0.004 Indicate the latest amending directive applicable to the approval. In case the directive has two or more implementation stages, indicate also the implementation stage: UN ECE R24-03 2.3.1 Result of the test under free acceleration: Corrected value of the absorption co-efficient: 3. Results of the CO2 emission/fuel consumption tests: File No. 12.0046 Rev.02 0.51m-1 N/A Page 9 of 9
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