EASTBOURNE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NEWS Your local NHW Scheme Co-ordinator is: Autumn 2014 - Edition 53 Eastbourne Neighbourhood Watch Association encouraging the Community to work together to fight crime in close co-operation with the Police, Community Safety Partnership and supported by Eastbourne Borough Council Initial Launch a Success nior u J Update to our article on Junior Neighbourhood Watch in Issue 51 We are pleased to report that the first Junior Neighbourhood Watch After School Club in East Sussex was held at Ocklynge Junior School during September and October, aimed at Year 6, ( the ten and eleven age group). Observations by Ward Coordinator Nigel Parker, who will also be assisting in future Courses: ‘Eastbourne Neighbourhood Watch, along with Sussex NHW Federation, the Magistrates Association, ESCC and Sussex Police started a programme for young children and plan to introduce this programme to all other junior schools within Eastbourne in the near future. The programme has been successful in West Sussex already and we hope that it will be just as successful here too. The children who attended the Course seemed to enjoy the lessons, the interaction and role play. They worked through their individual workbooks with us during the six week course. Through my observations over those few weeks, the children seemed to be quick to learn and enjoyed the set tasks and activities. For example, lesson 5 consisted of local magistrates who joined us and encouraged the children to act out a mock court case, under their guidance, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Each child who had participated in the Course was awarded a Certificate by Police Commander Steve Biglands, and we hope that what they have learned will stay with them for life. The school was also presented with a Certificate for their participation in making the inaugural Course possible, and Eastbourne Neighbourhood Watch thanked them for this. Eastbourne Junior Neighbourhood Watch was made financially possible by contributions/ donations from the Police Crime Commissioner’s Youth Fund, Eastbourne Borough Council, Eastbourne Waitrose and Tesco Hampden Park.’ Come and Join us! Eastbourne Neighbourhood Watch Association has one of the highest percentages of membership in the whole of East Sussex! As a result, we need to increase our ‘trusty band of helpers’. If anyone can spare some time, please contact John & Pam, who will be pleased to chat with you. Please support the advertisers, whose revenue is important to us. Tell them where you saw the ad! Would you like to advertise to over 15,000 homes? Contact John and Pam 01323 507665 Contact: John and Pam: 01323 507665 or email: [email protected] Visit our New Website: www.enwa.org.uk We Must Do This Again! Who Are You Buying Presents for? 1) Keep your home secure, and store your gifts out of sight until Christmas comes: A recent Coffee Morning, held in Old Town, gave the Street Coordinators in Meads, Upperton and Old Town the opportunity to get to know one another. This was a great success, and organized by our Ward Coordinators of those areas. Everyone agreed that we should do it again, so watch this space, and if you would like one in YOUR area, let us know, and we would give you a helping hand! 2) Make sure your home looks occupied, use time switches for lighting and close the curtains. Keep Your Canine Under Control! 3) Be a good neighbour, report anything suspicious: 4) Don’t leave goods and presents on view in your car: 5) AND DON’T FORGET – empty boxes outside your house advertise valuables inside. Eastbourne Police are cracking down on Christmas Crime, and need your help! Don’t openly carry valuable presents from your car in to your home, pop them in to a black sack. once in your home, follow these tips: Man’s best friend comes in many guises, and some look more fierce than others. Please be aware that if your dog threatens others, or their owners, Environmental Health can prosecute, and now have more powers following recent new legislation. So if in doubt, keep Fido on a lead whenever you are in a public place, and be your dog’s best friend! Have a safe, secure and happy christmas! Keep your Fire in the Fireplace! You are a Winner! Christmas decorations burn easily, so never attach them to lights or heaters. Have your tree lights got a British Safety Standard sign? You have won some money or a wonderful prize, says the voice on the phone. As Scrooge said: ‘Bah! Humbug!’ It may be tempting to go along with such Scams, especially as Christmas can be expensive, but please don’t be fooled – the only person who will win, is the Con Artist! Careful with Candles Keep candles well away from little hands and from the tree, or any materials that can catch light easily. Most fires start in the kitchen, so don’t leave a cooker unattended. Close-Coupled is a must! That is the proper name for a secure padlock for your shed or garage – anything less will have the opportunist burglar rubbing their hands with glee! Inspirational Kitchens/ Bedrooms RecRuiting now by Russ Deacon Masterclass, Schuller & Schmidt kitchens. Superb quality at affordable prices Designs for you to fit or use our installation service Competitive prices on Neff & Siemens appliances 369 Seaside, Eastbourne. Tel: 642075 www.russdeacon.co.uk Kitchens - Bathrooms - Bedrooms 2 YOUR PCs and PCSOs Autumn 2014 PULL OUT AND KEEP SHEET 1. MEADS – PC Keith Rockingham: 07787 685800, PCSOs Sue Robinson: 07787 685820, Brian Burton: 07787 685814. 2. TOWN CENTRE – PC Scott Franklin-Lester: 07909 873752. PCSOs Zoe Ayres: 07917 013868, Lukasz Kowalski 07733 308069: Olga Sniezko 07733 308071. 3. SEASIDE – PC Keith Rockingham: 07787 685800. PCSOs Kathryn Harlow: 07787 685815, Rob Chrystie 07733 308070. 4. OLD TOWN – PC Lisa Cousins: 07787 685802. PCSO Andrew Harlow: 07827 954577. 5. MOTCOMBE – PC Lisa Cousins: 07787 685802. PCSO Kasia Rudnicka: 07787 685818. 6. RATTON & RODMILL – PC Lisa Cousins: 07787 685802. PCSO Austin Milson: 07787 685808. 7. SUMMERDOWN, SAFFRONS & UPPERTON – PC Jacqueline Bird 07919 174786. PCSO Anita Rockingham: 07787 685810. 8. HAMPDEN PARK – PC DanToft: 07767 647237. PCSOs : Chris Wild 07901 551815, Ania Raczynska 07733 308060. 9. WILLINGDON TREES – PCs Rachel Bourne: 07787 685703, PCSO Mike Perry: 07787 685807. 10. THE HYDNEYE – PC Dan Toft: 07767 647237. PCSO Chris Wild: 07901 551815. 11. LANGNEY VILLAGE, ROSELANDS & BRIDGEMERE – PCs Jonathan Attfield: 07795 332309, Ed Faulkner: 07787 685813. 12. NORTH & WEST LANGNEY – PC Ed Faulkner: 07787 685813. PCSO David Kerr: 07901 552698. 13. SHINEWATER – PC Louis Thompson: 07787 685801. PCSO Andy Monico: 07787 685819. 14. ST ANTHONY’S, LANGNEY POINT, KING’S PARK & KINGSMERE – PCs Jonathan Attfield: 07795 332309. Louis Thompson 07787 685801. PCSO Tony Holland: 07787 685821 15. SOVEREIGN HARBOUR – PC Ed Faulkner: 07787 685813. PCSO Martin Hylands: 07909 873787. This list is correct at the time of going to press. If a PCSO’s number is on answerphone DO NOT leave a message to report a crime or suspicion of one. Use 999 for Crime in Progress, 101 for other crime, or e mail [email protected] or Crimestoppers (anonymously) 0800 555 111 Clive Vanstone - Tree Surgery All Treework All Hedgework Stump Grinding Reducing ~ Trimming ~ Thinning Complete Removals Qualified & Insured Free Fixed quotes, No hidden extras Logs: Large Nets 10 Nets £35 20 Nets £60 Free Bag of kindling per order Tel: 01323 502576 Commercial and Domestic Cleaning Company Contact Laurain Carr Free Phone: 0800 321 3873 Mobile: 07920 461189 Email: [email protected] Web: www.homesmaid.co.uk Quality & professional cleaners. Secure key holding facility. Insured, DBS checked, references available. DAVID & DAUGHTER THE DEVONSHIRE CLUB Domestic Gas Boiler Engineers Servicing and Repairs on Boilers Central Heating Controls Landlords Gas Safety Certificates Home Owner/Buyer Inspections Fault finding a speciality! Tel: 07791 444699 / 01323 642744 Web: davidanddaughter.co.uk Westdown House, Hartington Place Eastbourne BN21 3BN. Tel: 01323 734713 First class catering for dining and social functions, bar and two snooker tables, bingo and quiz nights – what more could you want in a club to meet and make new friends? Why not join us for complimentary coffee any Saturday morning from 10.30am and talk to members to find out about the club? It could be just what you are looking for! 3 YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH WARD CO-ORDINATORS 1 MEADS: Roy Peacock: 01323 647729: ‘No domestic residential burglaries have occurred over the past 3 months, but thefts from unforced car entries did occur. With the onset of earlier darker nights, remember to leave a light(s) and/or a radio on in the home if leaving it, and do ensure your car is locked when parked, and do not leave items on show that might invite someone to break in. Be safer this winter, and may I wish you all an early Happy Christmas.’ 2 DEVONSHIRE: Your Ward Coordinator has moved, so could someone spare some time to deliver Newsletters for us in this Ward? 01323 507665. 3 UPPERTON: Colin Sargent: 01323 731909: ‘The phone rings and a ‘Police Officer’ tells you they’ve arrested some youths who have card details – sounds very convincing – ask you to call your bank to verify, but stays holding your line so you talk to an accomplice who tries to get your data. Watch out for this, it happened to a colleague but he used his mobile, as I’ve warned everyone here before, about Scammers holding a line.’ 4 OLD TOWN: Marion Underwood: 07971 874846: ‘Thank you so much to all the Old Town members who were able to come and support our Coffee Morning on Oct 4th, and make it the success it was. The general consensus was that it was an enjoyable and worthwhile event enabling us to get to know each other better.' 5 RATTON & RODMILL: John & Pam Rollison: 01323 507665: ‘We now have some helpers to deliver the Newsletters, but still need someone to oversee the Ward.’ 6 HAMPDEN PARK EAST: John & Pam Rollison: 01323 507665: ‘Keith Fillery has retired and we are looking for a person to distribute Newsletters in this area. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who could support us in this way’ 6a HAMPDEN PARK WEST: John & Pam Rollison: 01323 507665: ‘If someone new is moving into a property near you, please knock and say hello – they may well be glad of a friendly face, especially if they are on their own. Tell them about Neighbourhood Watch!’ 7 ST ANTHONY’S: Nigel Parker: 01323 645529: ‘As winter is fast approaching, we all ask to be safe on the streets on dark nights. A member of NHW in St Phillip’s Avenue will be attending a meeting in Lewes with Cllr David Tutt to address the speeding issues in that road this month. We wait for the outcome. ' 8 SOVEREIGN: Alan Gander 07852 245333 (leave message): ‘Winter is now upon us, so double check all windows (put a curtain up!) and doors to sheds and garages to make sure they are closed securely, and no tools and valuables are left laying around outside. New Newsletter deliverers would also be welcome. Interested? Contact me at [email protected]’ NO JOKE!! arpet 9 LANGNEY NORTH & 9a LANGNEY SOUTH: ‘We are pleased to say we have been offered some help in delivering Newsletters in these areas, but for general queries or concerns please ring John & Pam.’ leaned at low cost. ghts days or evenings. red Anti anitizer a, viruses 851 .co.uk GOOD CLEAN CARPETS NO JOKE!! GOOD CLEAN CARPETS NO JOKE!! Jesters carpet Ja es cle nt ie nr gs c a r p e t cleaning CarpetsTREATED treated and cleaCLEANED ned at low co st.LOW CARPETS AND AT Carpets treated and cleaned at low cost. COST. A PPOINTMENTS TO SUIT, NIGHTS Appointments to suit, nights days or evenings. DAYS ORAppointments EVENINGS. to suit, nights days or evenings. Carpets, Rugs and Upholstery Specializing in EC registered Anti cleaned. Specializing in EC registeredDeoddoriser. Anti Choice of multi Fresh Fragrance bacterial surface sanitizer bacterial sanitizer Stubborn stainmulti andsurface Odour removal. effective against bacteria, viruses effective against bacteria, viruses Phone: 07887 818851 Phone: 07887 818851 E maEil mail :jeste:[email protected] [email protected] 1349 4 Eastbourne Neighbourhood Policing Team Eastbourne Police has a LGBT Liaison Officer her name is PC Vicky Bishop. I am a Neighbourhood Schools Officer (NSO) for Eastbourne. I joined Sussex Police in 2002, working as a response officer covering Wealden for seven years before working as a Neighbourhood Police Officer in Heathfield. My role includes enhancing the relationship between the police and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Eastbourne, in an effort to boost people’s trust and confidence in coming forward to report hate crime incidents. I also work to develop ways in which we can improve our service to the LGBT community. As an NSO I work closely with the numerous schools, providing a vital link between the police and the schools themselves. I regularly visit the schools to deliver “Inspire”, the Sussex Police Education Programme which has been developed to educate children and young people with the objective of preventing them from becoming victims or offenders of crime. Though I do not actively investigate the reported crime, by calling me, victims can discuss the incident then work out the most suitable process for the matter to be reported. I can also provide expert advice and assistance to police investigators. I have good knowledge of and links to many service providers within the LGBT community and can make recommendations for appropriate support services. Forming close and professional relationships with both the teachers and pupils is key to the success of “Inspire”, and it is clear that the young people in Eastbourne enjoy and benefit from positive interaction with the local police. For any parent or student who wishes to contact me please do so on either my work mobile telephone number 07917 263919 or by email: [email protected]. To contact me please call 07787 685798 or email me: [email protected] Please feel free to contact me, however please bear in mind that this number should not be used to report emergencies. A Word to Coordinators urh ighbo e Ne n ourn o Eastb Associati h Watc ood ator -ordin r/Co ntee n Volu iatio Assoc Have all Street Coordinators got ID Badges for when they deliver Newsletters or attend Street Meetings? If not, please contact Roy Peacock (see Ward Coordinators list) and he will arrange one for you. Do we have your up to date e mail address? Please pass this on to John & Pam. PC Richard ‘Ted’ Anderson ...... by: ... orised Auth When you have read this newsletter please do pass it on to a non-member, so they can see for themselves the benefits of free membership EASTBOURNE COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP Making Eastbourne Even Safer Eastbourne’s Community Safety Partnership is a multi-agency group comprised of representatives from the police, public health, county and borough councils, fire service, probation and voluntary sector, along with members of the community all working together to make Eastbourne an even safer place. For more information about agencies involved and to read about some of the work that the CSP does, visit the Community Safety pages on Eastbourne Borough Council’s website, address below. You can also follow us on Twitter! www.eastbourne.gov.uk/crime @EastbourneCSP 5 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... BOXES FULL OF LOVE Mustard Seed Relief Mission is a Christian Eastbourne based charity who have worked tirelessly over the past 21 years to support disadvantaged children of the Ukraine and Moldova with humanitarian aid and educational projects. The charity is best known for its 'Love in a Box' initiative. The charity collects, sorts and sends 35,000 shoe boxes filled with gifts for the children. This is the only Christmas present the children will receive. This project is only possible with the kind support of many hundreds of churches, schools, businesses and organisations such as Rotary, Women's Institute and Inner Wheel. They all run around showing each other what they have received. The boxes mainly contain pens, pencils, toys, colouring books and anything that a person thinks a child may like. Every year the warehouse in Eastbourne is filled with the precious gifts waiting to be transported to the children. Each box is carefully sorted, checked and sealed by an army of dedicated volunteers from October through November. When people ask why we do what we do - the answer given is always - there is nothing more precious than to see a child smile, safe in the knowledge that someone cared enough to send a gift of love to them. The present shows compassion for these children and to us this is truly priceless. When the presents have gone through this process they are loaded on to five lorries, which are hired through a transport company and away they go on a five day journey to reach the Mission Centres. The boxes are unloaded and stored until the distribution team arrives from the UK. Then comes the best bit!! Upon arrival the team get to work visiting as many orphanages, schools and churches as they can. Every child receives a gift and there is nothing better than to see a child's eyes light up when they receive their ‘Love in a Box’. They all sit down and carefully open them - then the excitement takes over. Laughter, enthusiasm and giggles of delight fill the rooms. If you would like to know more about our charity please call 01323 642277 or email Mike at: [email protected] Eastbourne Borough Council’s Print Unit offers printing services at competitive prices to local community based groups. We offer a wide range of printing products including newsletters, leaflets, posters, change of address cards, invoice sets, stationery, photocopying, design and artwork. For more information call us on: 01323 415037 Email: [email protected] Disclaimer: eastbourne neighbourhood watch Association is unable to accept any liability for claims arising as a result of readers using services advertised in this newsletter. 6
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