NATIONAL LOGISTICS CELL TENDER NOTICE FOR VALUATION OF PROPERTY 1. Sealed bids/proposals are invited from State Bank Approved Evaluators Firms for carrying out the valuation of the NLC property all over the country in a single envelop with following details:Ser a. 2. Tender No 01/Property/NLC Purpose Date of Submission of Proposal/Quotations Valuation of 1200 hours on 15 July 2014 the NLC property Date of Opening 1230 hours on 15 July 2014. Tenders/proposals will be opened at HQ NLC (MT Park) at 1230 hours on 15 July 2014 in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives having valid authority letters. Proposals must include following details:- 3. a. Consultancy Charges/cost including all taxes / duties with offer validity of 1 x year. b. Brief profile with proof of State Bank Approval. c. Brief of projects carried out during last 2 years. Bidders must submit proposal fee Rs. 1000/- (non refundable) and earnest money 2% (refundable) maximum (0.100 Mn) from registered firm and 10% (refundable) maximum (0.200 Mn) from unregistered firm of the proposal value in the shape of bank draft in favour of OIC NLC, GHQ Rwp. 4. NLC reserves the rights to reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance in accordance with PPRA Rules. 5. Details of land and infrastructure can be obtained from Land & Quartering Branch NLC through written application at the cost of Rs 200/- in shape of bank draft in favour of OIC NLC GHQ Rawalpindi. Director Land & Quartering HQ National Logistic Cell P.O Box 514, Rawalpindi Cantt 051-9052215, 0519052515 Fax NO 051-9271240-1 [email protected] .
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