NITTANY LION CLUB YOU Make the Difference Thank You Nittany Lion Club Mission 110 more SupportingPennStateStudent-Athletes 10,000 Members + $110 = $1.1 million more ways to impact student-athlete support The mission of the Nittany Lion Club is to provide annual scholarship support to Penn State University student-athletes and to develop private support for capital projects, endowments, and other needs as prioritized by Penn State Intercollegiate Athletics. Why We Need Your Support Men’s Ice Hockey Taylor Holstrom Wrestling James Lawson “I am truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to play at such a high level with a great coaching staff, teammates, and a huge supporting community.” “I really do not know exactly what I want to do, but I know being a Penn Stater is what I was destined to be. It really cannot be expressed in words how grateful I am to be able to represent Penn State in a competitive fashion through the wrestling team.” A T T S E N N PE GOALS Women’s Lacrosse Haley Ford “I am the first person in my family to go to college. Without your generous gift this would not have been possible.” ANNUAL GIVING PROGRAM 2015 T TA N Y LI O N CONSIDER THE NEXT LEVEL 39%8,100 members TO 50%+4,050 members Lion Loyalty *#’s are based on total membership U L C Supporting Student-Athletes ($400-999) If ½ of Lion Backer members increased to the next giving level we could provide an additional $1.62 million to support our student-athletes and shape our future leaders INCREASE support for our student-athletes CHOOSE your benefit level • Continued financial stability will allow us to maintain the tradition of academic and athletic excellence for our entire 31 sport programs. ($100-399) EASY ways to give NI • Your contribution to the Nittany Lion Club directly supports grant-in-aid, operational support along with academic and medical support for our 800 plus student-athletes. Lion Backer 5,000 New Members / 20,000 Member Renewals GIVE what you can • Private support is essential: it enables Penn State to provide student-athletes with the best possible experience and the resources they need to succeed athletically and academically. $1.4 million B Women’s Volleyball Megan Courtney “With your generous gift it has allowed me to take full advantage of everything Penn State has to offer. I am currently a red-shirt junior even though it is my fourth year of college and still have one year of remaining eligibility. Because I have an extra year of schooling it has allowed me to take classes that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.” Penn State Intercollegiate Athletics is truly a self-sustaining athletic department, therefore intercollegiate athletics does not receive any state or university funding for annual operating expenses. 157 Bryce Jordan Center University Park, PA 16802-9976 [email protected] 1-800-NITTANY This publication is available in alternative media on request. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. MPC125950 ANNUAL GIVING PROGRAM 2015 WE ARE... Ways to Maximize your NLC Points Early renewal by November 1, 2014 Gifts made online NLC renewal points 5 points 3 points 2 points Total possible renewal NLC points 10 points 2015 Nittany Lion Club Benefits Membership Level Annual Gift All-American $20,000+ Lion’s Pride $10,000-19,999 Lion’s Circle $5,000-9,999 Honorary Coach $2,500-4,999 Honorary Captain $1,000-2,499 Lion Loyalty $400-999 Lion Backer $100-399 Lapel pin (first year only) Auto Decal, Magnet, and NLC Memento Subscription to NLC newsletter Receive 5 additional points if you reach your full NLC giving level by Priority purchase of season tickets for varsity sports (ticket allocations are based on NLC points, giving level, and availability) November 1, 2014. (Full gifts=minimum gift required to maintain the parking and ticket benefits you received for the 2014 football season). Priority purchase to football single game tickets at the non-public price (based on NLC point total, giving level, and meeting the single game ticket deadline) Ways to Give Maximum # of basketball and football season tickets (based on NLC points and availability) 10 BB8 BB6 BB6 BB4 BB4 BB2 BB 14 FB 12 FB 10 FB 8 FB 6 FB 4 FB 2 FB Credit Card: • Login to your NLC Ticketing Account by visiting • Follow the screen prompts to directly renew your membership Option to purchase football parking in a PREFERRED lot (based on NLC points and availability) 1 CAR AND 1 CAR AND 1 CAR AND 1 CAR or 1 RV AND Option to purchase football parking in a RESERVED lot (based on NLC points and availability) 3 CARS or 2 CARS & 1 RV 2 CARS or 1 CAR & 1 RV 2 CARS or 1 RV 1 CAR Check: • Make checks payable to “Penn State University” • Please include your NLC account number on the memo line • Send checks to Nittany Lion Club, 157 Bryce Jordan Center, University Park, PA 16802 Stock or Fund Transfers: • Contact the Nittany Lion Club at 1-800-NITTANY Corporate Matching Gifts: • Matching gifts for participating companies will be applied to your annual Nittany Lion Club donation amount in the membership year associated with your personal gift • Visit for more information Note: To best utilize your match, your gift should be submitted as early as July 1 of each giving year to maximize ticket and parking benefits. The donor is responsible for the difference of the matching gift if the corporate gift is not received or if the amount of which the corporation match does not meet the minimum donation to maintain your ticket and parking benefits. Complimentary Sports Pass (excludes: Football, Men’s Basketball, Men’s Ice Hockey and Wrestling) Football game program recognition Invitations to special athletic department events Special recognition reception/dinner ANNUAL GIVING PROGRAM 2015 EJU GATE E EHU EGU EFU EEU EDU ECU EF EH EG EE ED EC EB EA NJ NHUfor one home Invitation for two to the NLC suite NHfootball game NGU Priority scheduling & starting times at the PennNGState golf courses NF NFU (Subject to restrictions) ND Special VIP Event Opportunity (i.e. NDUBig Ten Football Kick-Off Luncheon, Men’s and Women’s Basketball Big Ten NC Tournament) NCU GATE A – –– Important Dates to Remember NB (July–– 1, 2014 through – June 30, 2015) – –– Nov. 1, 2014 NLC early renewal deadline – –– Feb. 1, 2015 NLC donation deadline – – –– to renew and secure –– – 2014– football tickets – Feb. 1, 2015 Season football ticket –– – – – SBU SBC renewal deadline SCC SCU ––– – – SDC SDU March, 2015 Opportunity for NLC – SAC SA SB SC SD SE SAU SEC SEU SGC SGU SHC SHU members to relocate SFC ––– SFU – 2013 BEAVER STADIUM SEATING CHART your–– current seats SF NE NEU –– – –– EBU EAU Bryce Jordan Center Founder’s Room privileges for both EJ NLU NL NKU NK men’s and women’s basketball for NJU 2014-15 SG SH SK SJ N SJC SLC Bonus for football and basketball: Purchase the maximum number of tickets on the benefits chart at the Honorary Coach level and above for both football and/or men’s basketball and receive an additional parking NI T TA NOTE: The location of the additional parking space cannot be guaranteed N Y LI O N to be next to or near your current location. Varsity ‘S’ and Sport Specific Giving The Varsity ‘S’ Club is comprised of former University Park varsity studentathletes, managers, mascots, cheerleaders and dance team members. Varsity ‘S’ members have the ability to give back through sport specific giving and receive Nittany Lion Club member benefits including ticket and parking privileges. SUITES ––– – – – SJU SKC SKU EGU EFU EEU EDU ECU EHU EBU EAU NBU EJU NA SLU WJthe Note: A donation for new football season tickets provides to request tickets, but ticketsGATE are not guaranteed. New football seasonGATE ticketsA are determined by availability and NLC Point Total. WHpriority WG WF WE WD WC WB WA E NAU Additionally, the number of tickets associatedGATE with Cthis benefit is for season tickets only. Single game ticket eligibility will be assessed and communicated to members on an annual basis. BB - Basketball. FB - Football. GATE B EF EE ED WAU WJU WHU WGU WFU WEU WDU WCU WBU PRESS BOX SUITES N Penn State Students Mt. Nittany Club EJU GATE E NKU NLU NK NJU NL EJ EH EG EF NHU NH NGU NG NFU NF NEU NE EC EB EA GATE A NBU SCC SC SCU SH NB NAU NA WJ WH WG WF WE WD WC WB WA SK GATE C SDU SFU SHU SJC SLC SJU SKC GATE B WAU WJU WHU WGU WFU WEU WDU WCU WBU SLU SKU EC NAU NA *Note: Mt. Nittany Club seat holders are required to make a NLC donation based on $100 per seat or based on their quantity of tickets. This donation is independent of their club seat lease. Rev. Date 9/23/12 $200/seat $100/seat SEU SFU SGC SGU SHC SHU WJ WH WG WF WE WD WC WB WA GATE B WAU WJU WHU WGU WFU WEU WDU WCU WBU $100/seat PRESS BOX Penn State Students Every $50 Donation Renewing Your Membership Renewing Your Membership Online Early Renewal (by Nov. 1) Sideline Seatback $2,000/seat Mt. Nittany Club Visiting Team Each $100 contributed since becoming a member ANNUAL SEAT EQUITY DONATIONS *See donation note below quantity of tickets. This donation is independent of their $400/seat SDU SEC Nittany Lion Club members are given first priority in purchasing available football, basketball and hockey tickets based on their NLC point total. SH SJC SJU SJ SKC SKU Points are assigned as follows: SLC SK SLU GATE C $200/seat SCU SDC SFC SG NC membership for tickets and parking is a combination of the following criteria: Ticket Location, Ticket Quantity, and club seat lease. Sideline Seatback desired Parking Mt.Benefits. Nittany Club $2,000/seat Rev. Date 9/23/12 *See donation note below Note: Mt. Nittany Club seat holders are required to make a NLC donation based on $100 per seat or based on their $600/seat quantity of tickets. donation is independent of their club seat lease. VisitingThis Team Football Lettermen SCC SF $600/seat NB SBU SBC SE NE Sideline Seatback ND $2,000/seat NEU SAU SAC SA Priority Point System ANNUAL SEAT *Note: Mt. Nittany Club seat holders are required to make DONATIONS Note: The per seat donation structure is not in addition to aEQUITY gift reflected on the benefits chart. Your donation/ a NLC NLC donation based on $100 per seat or based on their Penn State Students EA SD Football Lettermen PRESS BOX EB SB SEU SGU EH EG SC $400/seat SBU SBC SB SJ NFU EJ NG ANNUAL SEAT EQUITY DONATIONS NF NBU SAU SAC SA NC NCU NGU NL NK NH NCU SDC *Note: Mt. Nittany Club seat holdersSD are required to make SEC a NLC donation based on $100 per seat or based on their SE quantity of tickets. This donation is independent of their SFC club seat lease. SF SGC Rev. Date 9/23/12 SG SHC ND NDU EE Football Lettermen NJ NLU NJ NDU ECU EHU EGU EFU EEU EDU EBU note *See donation EAU below Visiting Team ED NKU NJU NHU 2013 BEAVER Seating STADIUM Chart SEATING CHART Beaver Stadium GATE D 80% SUITES N 1 CAR or 1 RV Parking space in the parking area associated with your giving level. 2013 BEAVER STADIUM SEATING CHART Football Yearbook (other sports available online) Tax Information Contributions to the Nittany Lion Club are 80 % tax deductible, according to Internal Revenue Service Code Section 170 (I), when the gift results in the right to purchase football, basketball or hockey tickets. Only the individual or company paying for the priority is eligible for the tax TAX DEDUCTIBLE deduction. The value of your benefits can be found by visiting our website. As with any charitable gift, please consult with your tax adviser to determine your deduction. N N PE Give $110 more! Nittany Lion student-athletes have vowed to give 110% in the classroom and in competition. We respectfully ask that you consider giving an extra $110 in 2015 as we continue to foster the success of our student-athletes, teams and programs at Penn State. Three (3) NLC points (1 point = $50) and a special recognition gift will be sent to those who participate. July 1, 2014 2014 Fiscal year begins GATE D • Receive 3 additional NLC points by making an online gift Parking BONUS for football and basketball: Purchase the maximum number of tickets for both or either sports and receive an additional parking space in the parking area associated with your giving level GATE D Early Renewal Incentive YOU CAN 110more GIVE WHAT T S ATE Supporting Penn State Student-Athletes 1 POINT $600/seat $400/seat $200/seat $100/seat 2 POINTS 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 5 POINTS For Penn State Alumni status (maximum of 10 points per membership) Varsity ‘S’ Member Status (one time credit) For lifetime members of the Penn State Alumni Association (one time credit) 10 10 20 POINTS POINTS POINTS PENN STATE U L C
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