Members of the Orchestra
1st Violin
Paul Walster (Leader)
Ruth Brown
Jane Leney
Elizabeth MacFie
Helen Rees
Phil Roberts
Stephen Shearman
2nd Violin
Romilly Cook
Jane Anscombe
Cynthia Bailey-Wood
Anna Fryer
Maya Fryer
Brighid Jones
Simon Marr-Johnson
Stephen Shaw
Diana Turnbull
Sally Roberts
Simon Large
Kaye Bennett
Stephen David
Emma Archer
Clare Fisher
Bernadette Hutchison
Rohan Lewis
Tessa Lewis
Sue Rogers
Caroline Stayne
Janet Lloyd
Chris Poynton
Becky Rogers
Double Bass
James Leney
Paul Kelly
Mark Perry
Bethan Barlow
Heather Leighton
Sian Rees
Malcolm James
Martin Bailey-Wood
Peter Geraghty
Christine Mullins
Hannah Stonelake
Mike Standley
Chris Baker
Judith Pendrous
Robert Watson
Bob Osborne
The orchestra is grateful for the support of non-members who have augmented
various sections for this concert.
Our Lady & St Michael’s Church
Pen-y-Pound, Abergavenny
New members
If you would be interested in joining the orchestra, please contact the Membership
Secretary, Rohan Lewis on 01873 854662. Please check our website for details of the
rehearsal schedule.
Sunday 22nd June 2014, 8.00pm
Autumn Concert
Our next concert will be on Saturday 29 November 2014 in Brecon Cathedral, at 7.30
pm and we will be joined by Crickhowell Choral Society and Gwent Youth Choir to
perform Beethoven’s 9 symphony.
Abergavenny Orchestral Society
Honorary Life members: Jean Bradley, Ralph Dowdeswell, Sally Ellerington,
Eiry Hanbury, Barbara Price, Sue Rogers
Mr E & Mrs J Anscombe
Mr RH & Mrs LM Austin
Jane Blank
Avril Cooper
Lady Crawshay
Douglas Edwards
Rev Dr H Fisher
Mr & Mrs J Fonseca
Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd
Mr C Hall & Ms B Hetherington
Mr C & Mrs E Hanbury
Mr C B Haywood
Mr B K Holmes
Mrs J Kincart
Mrs M Large
Mr R S Lewis
Dr J Lloyd
Mr C and Mrs D Madeley
Dr NHJ and Dr A Meeke
Mrs E W Milner
Mrs A Muncaster
Dr C H Poynton
Dr & Mrs R F Rintoul
Mr GM Rogers
Mr I Smith
Mr R & Mrs I Smith
Mr J Wilson
Mrs I Winstanley
Our Friends scheme enables us to benefit from your financial support and to involve
you with the Society. For a subscription of £15 per annum you will not only be making
a valuable contribution but you will receive Newsletters giving details of forthcoming
concerts and other orchestra news.
For more information please contact the Friends’ Secretary:
Mr Ian Smith, 37 Cae Pen-y-Dre, Abergavenny, NP7 5UP.
Mailing List
If you would like to be kept informed of future events, why not join our mailing list?
Contact us on [email protected] and we will send you details of
forthcoming events and concerts.
MAX, Wales International Academy of Voice and Co-Opera Co. He is also a guest
chorus master with the BBC National Chorus of Wales.
From Ireland, Eugene Monteith read music at Queen’s University Belfast and studied
trumpet with Hugh Carslaw. His first conducting performance was with the QUB
Symphony Orchestra, performing Charles Ives’ The Unanswered Question. He studied
conducting with George Hurst, Rodolfo Saglimbeni and Robert Houlihan at Canford
Summer School of Music, and with David Jones, Adrian Partington and Simon Halsey at
The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, where he gained a Post Graduate
Diploma in Orchestral Conducting and an MA in Choral Conducting.
Eugene has participated in master classes with Jac van Steen and the BBC National
Orchestra of Wales, Kenneth Kiesler and the Berlin Sinfonietta (supported by Arts
Council for Northern Ireland) and David Agler at Irish Youth Opera / Wexford Festival
In 2014 Eugene will work as assistant conductor to Jac Van Steen with the Ulster
Orchestra and BBC National Orchestra of Wales. He will also continue his work with
Bath Symphony Orchestra and Abergavenny Symphony Orchestra, including a
performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in November 2014.
It is with great sadness that we note the loss of former orchestra member Catharine
Marr-Johnson. Catharine played double bass with us for a number of years until illness
prevented her from doing so last year. She died, peacefully and at home, after a long
and brave battle with Motor Neurone Disease. Catharine was a portrait sculptor and
her work includes two swans on Battersea Bridge and the Peter Pan fountain at Great
Ormond Street Hospital. Catharine was a wonderful and lively contributor to the
society both musically and organisationally, as bass player, librarian and committee
member and will be greatly missed.
Abergavenny Orchestral Society is affiliated to Making Music, which represents and
supports amateur performing and promoting societies throughout the UK, and
gratefully acknowledges the support of: Fr Richard Simons for use of the Church; the
Management and Staff of The Angel Hotel for kind and helpful cooperation in
providing rehearsal facilities; Abergavenny Music for their tireless support of local
music, and for selling our tickets; Tŷ Cerdd - Music Centre Wales.
Abergavenny Orchestral Society is a Registered Charity no: 1076523
Local concerts coming soon …
June 28 Hereford String Orchestra
Symphony Concert – Music Sibelius, Butterworth, Arutiunian and Brahms.
Leominster Priory, 7.30 pm
July 4 Gwent Bach Society
Songs and readings by Brahms, Parry, Nystedt and others. St Mary’s Priory Church,
Abergavenny, 7.30 pm
A recent addition to the Live Music Now scheme, Welsh harpist LLYWELYN IFAN
JONES is currently studying for his Master’s degree at the RWCMD funded by the
generosity of the James Pantyfedwen trust. He is currently taught by Caryl Thomas. His
achievements include winning a European ‘Lyon & Healy Award’ and RWCMD
Concerto Competition alongside flautist Jemma Freestone. He was also the winner of
the Pencerdd Gwalia competition 2013 commemorating the 100th anniversary of John
Thomas’ passing and won a first prize at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod 2012.
As a soloist he has performed in International music festivals such as Aberystwyth
Musicfest, St. David’s Cathedral Music Festival, Monmouth Festival and the World
Harp Congress in Vancouver in 2011.
A keen orchestral Musician, Llywelyn was section leader of the National Youth
Orchestra of Wales in 2012 and in the same year performed with the BBC National
Orchestra of Wales in the Proms as part of the side by side scheme. He has had
professional experience with Sinfonia Cymru, Cory Brass Band, The Novello Orchestra
and many other leading ensembles in South Wales.
Abergavenny Symphony Orchestra
Paul Walster
Eugene Monteith
Heather Leighton
Llywelyn Ifan Jones
Beth Fuller-Teed
BETH FULLER-TEED is a scholarship student in her final year at the Royal Welsh College
of Music and Drama, studying modern violin under Lucy Gould and baroque violin
under Rachel Podger.
As well as The Scott Quartet, Beth plays in the Woodford Piano Trio, which was
awarded The Cardiff Violins Chamber Music Prize 2012. She has performed with her
pianist and piano trio in chamber events led by artists such as The Gould Piano Trio,
The Schubert Ensemble and The Barbican Piano Trio as well as performing recitals
across the UK.
Rienzi Overture
Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra
Rondeau: Allegro
In her time at RWCMD Beth has performed in many solo masterclasses taken by
various musicians including Guy Johnston, Alasdair Beatson, Danny Phillips and Rachel
Podger as well as several side-by-side chamber masterclasses, one of which involved
playing in a quartet including Lesley Hatfield (violin II), David Adams (viola) and Alice
Neary (cello).
Orchestral performance is Beth's particular interest and she performs with British
Sinfonietta and The Welsh Session Orchestra, as well as successfully auditioning onto
schemes run by BBC NOW and WNO.
EUGENE MONTEITH is Musical Director of Bath Symphony Orchestra and Abergavenny
Symphony Orchestra, and has recently completed the Young Artist Programme at NI
Opera. He has conducted for Welsh National Youth Opera, Welsh National Opera
Refreshments will be available in the St Michael’s Centre
Symphonic Suite Antar
Largo – allegro giocoso
Allegro – molto allegro – allargando
Allegro risoluto alla marcia
Allego vivace – andante amoroso
Rimsky Korsakov
performance. If true, this was clearly a formidable feat on her part as will be obvious
to listeners.
Programme notes
DAR for Octagon Music Society, 1989
Overture: Rienzi
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes was one of thirty lengthy novels written by Edward
George Earle Bulwer-Lytton. Finding inspiration after reading Rienzi in 1837 Wagner
wrote the libretto for his opera (he wrote all his own librettos) which, like the novel,
was on a large scale, in five acts. Although it was successfully performed in Dresden in
1842, it is rarely heard these days apart from the superb overture, because of its
length and uneven musical quality. Rienzi, a 14th-century Roman patriot, rose from a
very humble background to become a populist leader who broke the power of a
corrupt patriciate. He invoked the spirit of ancient Rome and became the Tribune of
the new Republic in 1347. Despite his oratorical skill and popular support he was
eventually overthrown and assassinated in a counter revolution in 1354.
Ben Brickman, 1987
Concerto in C for Flute and Harp, K299
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
This is perhaps the most attractive of the works Mozart produced during his sojourn in
Paris in 1778. The Duc de Guines, a fine amateur flautist, commissioned it for himself
and his harp-playing daughter. The father had further ambitions for his daughter:
convinced that she possessed creative genius, he engaged Mozart to give her
composition lessons. Mozart found his pupil "lazy and stupid". About her harp-playing,
however, he was more enthusiastic if ungrammatical: "She plays magnifique," he
wrote. The Duc was extremely reluctant to pay for either concerto or composition
The first movement is full of felicitous orchestral touches. Mozart recognises that for
material, which his disparate soloists might have in common, the sprightly is likely to
be a better bet than the cantabile, and the instruments are brilliantly played off
against each other and against the orchestra. In the Andantino, with the wind silent
and the violas divided, Mozart creates a positively luscious background for his
elongated, decorative, melodic lines. The Rondeau is a courtly gavotte, a truly Parisian
John Kane, 2004
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
The title Tzigane – Gypsy – is enough to understand this virtuoso piece. Ravel was a
pianist, not a violinist. To absorb the techniques required he asked a friend to play for
him the 24 Caprices for solo violin by Paganini, pieces famous for their use of every
known virtuoso technique.
Tzigane was first performed in 1924 by the celebrated Hungarian violinist Jelly
d'Aranyi, who is said to have received the music only three days before the first
Symphonic Suite Antar, Op. 9
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)
Antar was Rimsky-Korsakov's second excursion into the world of the Arabian Nights
(the first was Sadko) and it is a programme symphony on the lines of Berlioz's Harold
in Italy, but without that work's viola soloist. The symphony was written in 1868,
hence its low opus number, but revised in 1875 and 1897, when the composer rechristened it a Symphonic Suite, which really suits the episodic character of the music
Antar, a warrior-poet and a Byronic figure, like Berlioz's Harold, wanders disillusioned
and depressed in the desert of Sham outside Palmyra. He sees a gazelle fleeing from a
monstrous bird. Antar kills the bird and the gazelle turns – surprise, surprise! – into a
fairy queen, Gul-Nazar, who grants him three wishes. These are The Pleasures of
Vengeance (second movement); The Pleasures of Power (a splendid march-like third
movement); and finally The Pleasures of Love, at the end of which (as a record-sleeve
writer delicately puts it) “Antar dies amidst the rapture of Gul-Nazar's voluptuous
David Elliot, 1994
Programme notes supplied through Making Music's programme note service.
HEATHER LEIGHTON is a woodwind teacher with Encore Enterprises – Herefordshire’s
Music Service, and also teaches flute privately and in other schools. She has been a
regular member of Abergavenny Symphony Orchestra for over three years, playing
both flute and piccolo. She also occasionally plays saxophone with Chepstow
Community Big Band.
Heather received her degree from Canterbury Christ Church University before going to
Goldsmiths College, University of London, to study for a Master of Music degree.
Whilst studying at university, and in the 2 years preceding, she received regular tuition
from Catherine Handley, Jon Cherry, Heledd Francis Wright and Sarah O’Flynn. As a
keen orchestral player she was privileged to hold the position of principal flute with
both the Canterbury Christ Church University Orchestra and the Goldsmiths College
Whilst studying for her degrees, Heather performed in masterclasses with Jennifer
Stinton, Kenneth Smith, Talitha Glynne Jones, Wissam Boustany, John Flinders and
Simon Channing. She also received tuition from Stina Dawes, Ruth Morley and Ian