2nd Infantry Division Korean War Awards General Orders 1951 200 Thru 202 Korean War Project Record: 2ID Generals Orders File - GO-97 PID: 11 National Archives and Records Administration College Park, Maryland Records: United States Army Unit Name: Second Infantry Division Record Group: RG407 Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org Search 2nd Division Awards Database --- 1 ~ ---•.,r,...,, ·:-.· ·~-.....--'-"-- A.c-.;.r ~,t:· Jy . ... - -- -··- - ... ' ~ SIF' L' ~ .V L\ - ~ . .. ,:, 1L .L -- ! WXl'l!bSlbL .®:: ~:1 t. C.:t( 05()1_.1}5 IIC 4D'1U:AR'l'ETIS 2d Infentry DhrJdon .APO ~B c/o Postr,afl ter San Francisco Calif ornie 19 June 1951 GEriERAL ORD:&"i.S IHIM3ER 200 Sed-ion I .A~>IARD OF T!lli SILVER STAR --- By direction of the President, under the nrovisions of the Act of Congress, al_)proved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul 43, 1918), and pursuant to authority in AR 600-!~5, the Silver Ster for gallantry in action is awarded to the follouing named officers and enlisted men: HAJOR CLiJL: F FARLEY, 025915, Corps of Engineers, United States .Army 3xecutive Officer of the 2d Engj neer Combat Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, dis played gallantry in action against an armed enemy from 2L:. to 26 May 1951 in the vicinity of Changnemni and Umyangni, Korea a ~aj or Farley 1-1a ,s given the mission of organizin1 h1o companies of the 2d Engineer Combat Battalion and an attached light equipage platoon in the vicinity of Hang;)re, Korea, proceeding to Umyangni, and there constructing floating bridging across the Soyang river to permit continuation of an attack by the X Corps. On ~. Hay he attempted to reconnoiter t ~1e bridge site but 1-1as brought under enemy fire and forced to draw back. On 25 Hay an attempt vias made to move the engineer elements to the Soye.ng River by running the 10 miles of road v1hich the enemy controlled, to the brid,1e site under cover of darkness. 'rhe co:woy came under heavy enemy 311all arms and mortar fire from an estimated enemy regiment in the vicinity of Changnamni and after sustaining heavy · casualties was forced to turn back. Undaunted by two successive setbacks, and the lowering morale of his troops because of heavy losses and extreme fatigue, Major Farley organized a smaller group of engineers and succeeded in runninr; another enemy roadblock of small arms fire during the evening of 25 May. The follouing morning, after going without sleep for 48 hours, Hajor Farley organized his small engineer force a r.d initiated the cons·cruction of the bridge 'o~hile the · site was still under enemy mortar fire. As a result of his continued inspiring leadership through this extended period the bridge across the Soyang river vTas completed by 1200 hours, 26 May 1951 and the attack of the := Corps c;:ontinued. The gc::, llantry and fortitude displayed oy Major Farley reflect great credit upon himself and the military .. service. Entered the military service from Illinois. · · MAJOR HARLAN C STINE, 01010888, Infantry, .Army of the United States, a member ~f Headquarters, 3d Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action ageinst an armed enemy on 13 February 1951 in the vicinity of Yoju, Korea. On that date he was commanding Company L and the 2d Reconnaissance Company in setting up a roadblock on the main sup;Jly route. .At 0600 hours an estinwted 1000 enemy troops attacked this task fol~ce. In the first burst of enemy mortar and small arms fire, Major Stine vras wounded. i<Tith calm deliberation he ordered his forces to Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101252 .I I GO No 200, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 2L,G, 19 June 1951 (Cant) return the fire and defend their posi tion:J. 1'hc e11emy, Hi th a nt'Iilerically suporior force, sought to sur:cound the tack force, and at the same time sent "t-lave after 1-1ave of fanatical troops in a frontal att2 ck. Major .S tine realized that to remain in the area would be too costly. With complete disregard for his personal safety he led his force in a counterattack, This surprise move rocked the enemy back, but &.~ring this· actio;:l Major Stine vias wounded again. At 1000 hours after four hours of fighting he had moved his force out of the enemy entrapment and saved them from almost certain disaster. :Hajor Stiners devotion to duty, coura~:e and leadersllip reflect great credit upon himself and· the military service. Entered the military service from Maryland. FTilBT TJ"F~UTENANT ROBERT J GEHM, 02262308., (then Second Lieutenant), Corps of Engineers, Pxmy of the United States, a member of Compeny B, 2d Engineer Combat Battalion, 2d Infentry Division, dis:ple.yed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 27 November 1950 near I\ujang-dong, Eorea. On the night of that de te Lieutenant Gehm was the leader of a platoon, which \-las attacked by a numel~ically supeJ..·ior enemy force. ~Another platoon of the company was overrun but his platoon stood fest and held that flanlc of the company secure. He exposed ~1imself constantly to the intense hostile small arms, machine gun and mortar fire uith utter disregard for h5.s personal safety in order to ma intaj_n the organization and control of his platoon. His fearless conduct under fire gave his men an example of cour2ge thc:t enabled them to repulse the fierce enemy attaclc on that flank. He held his platoon in place as a rearguard until the ree:ainder of the company had Hithdraun to another company's defensive area after a 12. ammu!li tion in the company had been used up. Lieutenant Ge.h:m assisted the company cOlllillander in a successful withdra11al to the Chongchon River through a hail of fire and in getting the men across the river which was frozen so hard that they had to break a path through the ice with their Heapons for the passa t;e of wounded men. litter he arranged for the first aid and comfort of his wourrled meno His gallantry reflects great credit upon hLnself and the military service. Entered the military service frrnn Ohio. SECOITD LIEUTENAN"'' J02EPH GRIFFITI-I, 02263002, (tl1en Sergear..t), Artillery, Army of the United States, a member of Battery c, 37th Fi~ld Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action ag2inst an armed enemy on 1 February 1951 in the vicinity of Chipyopg-ni, I~orea. An enemy force of estimated ree;imental strength launched an attacl: agdnst the 3d Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment, and succeeded in forcing a breach in the line defended by Company L. Lieutenant Griffith volunteered to go· forvra :~·d with an ob server to replace an observo1~ ~dlled earlier in the attack. Reali zinc; t~1e importance of close in support, he 1.10ved to exposed positions 11ith thG J.Gft flank platoon on hill 333, the commanding terra in in the s e ctor, in order to assist the for\ Jai.·cl observer. As tl1e bitter battle intensified Lieutenant Griffith refused to leave his position ·until the eneny was nearly on top of him,. At the last minute he joined t l-ce inf antry as they fell back under heavy fire. He assisted in regroupine; the platoon and leading l 2 .. Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101253 --- ·:...·~-.....;~.-·-- 1 ......_ . , -._ . DEC':..,.\SSlflE.J ~ - -- 1 ~~.\c-.~.~~,t:·WYl_'J1,Sll>L Jy - ~ ~J C.:t( 05{)145 t. .-- -~---· - - -- _.. ~-- GO No 200, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 21r8, 19 June 1951 (Cont) the bayonet ch2rge which regained the lost ground. On several occasionG Lieutenant Griffith braved enemy fire in order to remove fallen · comrades from the enemy's field of fire, shovling no regard for his personal safety. At one point during the bitter struggle Lieutenant Griffith carried ammuni. tion to a for·Hard machine gun position that -v1as under intense enemy fire and in need of amrnur!.i tion. The machine gun \·Jas later able to repulse several enemy attacks. The gallantry displayed by Lieutenant Griffith reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Ohio. MASTER SERGEANT HERBERT J SEEGER JR, RA6577697, Infantry, United States Army, a member of Company B, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 26 Novombor 1950 in the vicinity of Kunu-ri, Korea. Durin~~ the early morning hom.·s of that date, the enemy posing as friendly troops, infiltrated into his company position. .Sergeant Seeger discovered the enemy and warned his comrades. In the bitter fighting vlhich folloued, Sergeant Sea.ger was -vrounded but refused to be evacuated, preferring to stay Hith his men and repulse the enemy. Under intense fire and bleeding profusely from his l10Und, he moved back and forth among his cornrades, encouraging them and urging thorn to resist tho enemy. When the numerically superior enemy force threatened to encircle the unit, it became necessary to 1.,ri thdrm·r. Sergeant Eeeger immediately took up a position of great danger and hold the enemy at bay with accurate and deadly rifle fire as his comrades carried all of the wounded to safety. The selfless devotion to duty and gallantry displayed by Sergeant Seeger reflect great credit upon hL~solf and the military service. Entered tho military service from Pennsylvania. SERGEANT FIRST .CLASS EUGENE E BOHN, ER33254273, (then Sergeant), Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company E, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 8 March 1951 in tho vicinity of Yangjimal,- Korea. On that date he was an infantry platoon which had the mission of securing an objective near Yangjimal~ After the platoon Bdv2ncod approximately 200 yards across open terrain, it t-tas subjected to heavy enemy mortar, machino gun, and small arms fire which slowed the attac}:. Sergeant Bohn then took the support squad, and maneuv-ered it to the loft of.' tho platoon, in order to bring fire upon tho enemy. During this operation he was exposed constantly to intense enemy fire, but he continued to exposed himself in order to enable tho platoon to take the objective. When mortar fragments vloundod tHo men, he innnediately went to tho \·rounded men, administering first aid and helping thorn to safety. On another occe sion, when a mortar round -vroundcd tho automatic rifle team, he immediately rushed forHard, took ovor. tho position and fired until tho enemy broke and retreated. 'l'he gallant conduct of Sergeant Eorm reflects groat credit upon himself and tho military service. Entered tho military service from Pennsylvania. SERGEANT FIRST CLA.SS LESLIE L CLINTSMAN, RA57218766, Infantry, United Stntos Army, a member of Company G, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry 3 -....... ~ - ~· ~ - Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101254 - -- ·;...-.~-..6---.---- - · · .... -·--·- _ . . _-. ;)EC..... \SSlflEJ 1 1 .\c·.i.c~~·WD.'lf>Sl.bL 3y _@:: .\.J t. t:.:t( DSIJ1~ ------ ----- _...~ GO No 200, Hq 2d Inf Div, .APO 248, 19 June 1951 (Cant) Division, displ.?yed galJant1~y in action agaimt an armed enemy on 26 November 1950 in the vicinity of Eu;.m-ri, Ko:cea. During the nizht of 26 November 1950 his company 1-1as attacked by a numerically supe:dor enemy force. Vastly outmu.-abered by the enemy, the company was forced to I·Iitl~.draw and establish a ne~J line of defense. Sergeant Clintsman or::ani~ed his men and moved to a nearby river 11here a tenl~ platoon was in defensive positions. T:1e men climbed upon one of the tanl-cs and Sergeant ClintsNan climbed on another and the prepa:ced to move out. Serc~ee, nt Clinta118.n manned the a ntia ircrGft macJ.1ine .?,Un on the turret of the tank on H:1ich he was ridin;~ ' de1ive1•inz deadly fire at the charging enemy. An antita.i.1k rocket struck l1is tank and disabled it. Sergeant Clingsltl<mi vJi th com~;,lete disregard for his ;Jersonal safety, carried a \vounded tan!.:er touards the nezt tank. Hhile carryinG; the wounded · man he 1vas attacked to tv1o enemy solc~iers, u~1om he killed uith accurate fire from his individual vJeapon. After placin:; t:1e \Jounded man on the tanl:, he returned to the disabled tanl: and carried ar..other >·lOfnded tanlc.er from the wrecked tan};:. .After placing the 'Jounc~ed tanker beside his comre.de, Sergeant Clintsroan climbed upon the tank and, holding the >..rounded Hi t..h "One bend, he delivered deadly fire from his rifle upon the enemy who were attemptinG to close in to grenade throwing distance. hfter running out of ammunition he drove still another enemy soldier from the tank uHh a vTell placed bloH from a hatchet. 1·JhGn e.nother enemy soldier climbed upon the tal.1.2{ and attempted to use the antiah·crGft machine gun mounted on the turret, he quicl:ly dispatched hiin vJith an effective SvJipe uith the hatchet. Then, using a rifle borr01;ed from a wounded comrade, he continuGd to deliver effective, deadly fire upon the enemy until the tanl~ moved to safety. The sustained heroism and. devotion to biG co111rades displayed by Sergeant Clints:me.n reflect great credit upon h:i.Pself and the military service. Entered the military service from Has:1ington. SEJ.l.GEANT TEDDY RISINGSUN, RA39940641, Infantry, United States Army, a member of Company F, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 24 May 1951 in the vicinity of Changpong-ni, Korea. Sergeant Risingsun and his squad, as lead elements in an assault on an enemy roadblock, came under intense enemy machine f;Un and small arms fire. Though wounded in the head by this fire, he refused to be evacuated, and continued to urge >is men fonmrd. This heroic action inspired bis men to reneued efforts, e.nd the enemy force vias overru.n. The gallant conduct of Sergeant Risine~~n reflects 3reat credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Montana. CORPORAL LESLIE H CAGLE, RAlL:-2~6105, Infantry, Unitod Stutes Army, a momoer of Com:)any H, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 13 March 1951 in the vicinity of Yudong-ni, Korea. On that date he was forvJard observer for an 8J.mm mortar platoon attached to another unit to direct and adjust mortar fire. As the platoon advanced it uas subjected to intense enemy machine 2,1.tn f ·i l·e and was temporarily pinned down. Corporal Cagle, realizing that from his observation post he could not direct accurate supporting fire; immediately 4 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101255 GO No 200, Hq 2d In:f Div, APO 21:.8, 19 June l95J (Cant) moved i'orl<rard under machine gt.u'l and rifle fire to a bettsr position. From this rieu position he was able to ,direct !rudh ~.f'f~ctive mortar fire that tile e11emy gun uas pUt out of action. Sl1~i'tly afi;er this, the enemy cot~:1tetattacked and again he exposed himselt' to 'direct mbrt<Jr fire. This · time he directed such. effective mortar fire that it halted the advance of ·· the enemy and forced them to "r.t thd'l:'aw ui th a large number of casualties. His actions were responsible fqr stopping the counterattack and were instru.mental to the fact that the unit o6ntinued its mission with a minimum of casualties;; Hts heroic. ~ction.s 'Were responsible for stopping tfle counterattack and enabled the unit to successfully complete its mission. The gallantry displayed by Corporal Cagle reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from Alabama. CORPORAL HAROLD E HARRIS i ER55006lll, Infantry1 Army -of the United States, a member of Company E, 38th Infantry Regiment,_ 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 16 May 1951 in the vicinity of Umidong, Korea. Durin3 the night of tha~ date, the platoon in which Corporal Harris \ras serving as a squad leader was defending its position on a high hill against furious enemy attacl:s. As the firepm-!er of his squad failed to halt the hostile advance, some of the mEin became panicky, Seeing this, Corpore.l Harris ·caJ.mly moved alons the line of his squad, utterly heedless of the heavy fire in order to instill in them needed encouragement. When his automatic riflemBn was ~unded, Corporal Harris rose in fuD_ view of the enemy and from a standing position fired the automatic rifle while the wounded man was evacuated to safety. Constantly ' in the most foruard position, he inflicted heavy casualties upon the onrushing foe. Wl1en orders \.fore given to withdra\·T to a pradetermined area, Corporal Harris voluntarily covered the withdrawal of his men from his forward position, inflicting further casualties upon the infiltrating e:r..emy. Throughout the action Corporal Harris uas an outstanding example to his men and inspired them to greater courage in battle. The gallantry displayed by Corporal Ifurris reflects great credit upon !dmseli' and the military service. Entered the military service from Missouri. CORPORAL ANTHONY B HERBERT, RA13260331, Infantry, United St§!.tes Army, a member of Company E, 38th 'Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 18 May 1951 in the vicinity of Kunmul-gol, Korea. On t11at date Corporal ~erbert's platoon vWD caught in an enemy roadblock and fought desperately to escape the ti'ap. Corporal Herbert lt.ras woun:led almost ill'.mediately. Hcredless · of his Hound and observing his comrades to be held down under intense fire, he continued to fire his weapon until his ammunition was expended, Fully 9xposing himself, he daringly charged the enemy lrith fixed bayonet and killed all of en enemy machine gun creu in 'fierce hand-to-hand combat. · Corporal Herbert then assisted in removing other wounded comrades to safety before ho permitted himself to be evacuated. His bold and d.Jtqrmincd action enabled the p:W toon to advance and elin:i~~e the roa~bl9ck ·,.rith a minimum of casualties. Tho gallantry displayed by Corporal ·Herbert reflects great credit upon himself and the military service·~ En'G.e red: the miJ:itai?-y service from Pcnpsylvania. · .;; ~.. :: - .. • 5 : .·\: .. Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101256 GO No 200 1 Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 2481 19 J:i11o l95i (Oont) CORPORAL MARTIN ROLAND, RA12270350, (thori Private First Class); Infantry, United States Anny~ a merilber . of Company L; _J8th ~rif-ai;r~tyReg~ irnent, 2d Infantry Division, 'displayed gallantry in action against an armed enemy on 17 May 1951 in the vicinity of Pungchon-ni, Korea. On that date Corporal Roland Was serving as a machine gunner. During an attack a n enemy- soldier crept up o'n t'he bunker in which the machine gun crevl was positioned and threw in a hand grenade • . Infltantly and boldly Corporal Roland picked up the deadly missile and throw it out of the bunker. Then he leaned out of the bunker with complete disregard for the intense enemy fire striking the ground, located the enemy soldier and shot him vt;i.th his pistoL His alertness and courage thus were responsible for saving hin).self and his comrades from certain death or injury. The gallantry displayed by Corporal Roland reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the milit?ry service from ~lorida • .Section II " ' OF THE SOLDIER'S MEDAL--- By direction of the . President, ttnder the provisions 9f the Act of Comgress, approved 2 July 1926 (WD Bul 8, 1926), and pursuant to authority in AR 60Cl-l:-5, the Soldier's Medal for heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy is awarded to the following named officer and .enlisted man: Av~ FIRST LIEUTENANT Dill~COMBE M WOODBURY, 0538983 ' · Arli1lery, Army of . th~:· . ·.. ' United States, a member of Headquarters~ 82d Antiaircraft Artillery Auto- . : matic Weapons Ba~talion (Self Propelled}, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroism on 2 June 1951 in the vicinity of Umyang-ni, Korea • . Lieutenant vloodbury risked his life in an attempt to s-ave a· comrade vlho was being carried away by .the S\Jift current of a flooded river. The soldier, who was wading through the swiftly floWing river · in· order to aid in the recovery of an antiaircraft firing vehicle;· lost his footing and· was s:wept away by the vicious cur;rent~ ~ieutenant WoodburY:, without thought f.or his per;:ional safety, and at greet risk to life·;~ jumped into tho river to attempt to save the man. Working his ~ay out, he lost his footipg and only by a valiant effort was able to seize a. boUlder hidden under ·w ater until one of his assistants was a 'ole to throw hiin a line and help h:lln back to the firing vehicle, Lieutenant vloodbury' s heroism in risking his life to aid a coiDfade reflects great' ··c redit upon hilli~alf anti the mili'ta,;;y service. Entered the military serVice from Califor.hia~ \ . .SERGEANT LESLIE . 0. GOODWIN JR ~ ER34242698, (then Corporal), porps of Engineers, Army- of the· United States, a member of Company · A, 2d Engineer Combat Battalion, 2d Infantry bivisioh, ·"distinguished himself by heroism at Changnem-ni, Korea, on 9 May 1951.· Serge~nt Goodwin was laying mines when he was notified that a Korean soldier ,had·1 eh'tered a · r1earby minefield and · · ' detonated a mine, wounding himself and ki;ll:lng· 'one officer who attempted to go to . the aid of the wourided man.. Wi~ho:ti~ fE{ga~d flor his personal · safety, Sergeant Goodwin voluntarily entere'd .... the minE?d area to rescue the .· 6 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101257 - -- j ·- ··· --M -··---..j) ECL.\SSIFHC:J : ·~-~.......,_..,.._ /.c·_;,r~~t~·Wfl'l$5lbL 3y _ @; J..3 t. .C.:tc 05:b'l~ I ----..-_...~ GO No 200, Hq 2d Inf Div, .APO 248, 19 June 1951 (Cont) soldier~ Then Sergeant Goodttin noticed the \JOUr.ded men lay on a trip wire that if set off >-Jo"J.nd have injured ne.nby worki:1g parties,. Despite this hazardous position, Sergeant Gooctwin deactivat8d o!1e mi::J.e and crawled along the trip wire and deactivated the oecond mine, both in the path of approach. He then cra1-1led to the mine attached to the trip wire., deactivated the mine and thereby enabled rescue parties to entere the area, The heroism displayed by Sergeant Goodwin refle0ts great credit upcn himself and the military service. Entered the milita:cy ser7ice f:t:>om Ne1-1 Jersey, Section Ill .AtiARD OF THE BRONZE ST.Ail NEI'AL --- B~r direction of the President, under the provisions of Exe~lltive Order 9L:-19s 4 February 19M:- (sec II, viD Bul 3, 1941:-), and pursuant to au thor i ty in .AR 600-45, the B1·onze Star Medal with Letter "'11' device for h~roic ac:hievement in connection vrith military operations against an enemy of' the United States is awarded to the folloHing named enlisted men: CORPORAL .ALBERT EDWl1RDS JR, RA123~.9578,. (then Private First Class), Infantry, United States Army, a member of Company .A, 9th Infantry Re[;iment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished h:i.mself by heroic achievement on 2 June 1951 in the 'vicinity of Inje, Korea. On th2t day Company .A was in an attack against well entrenched enemy on Hill 1~51. When the company :ce~ched the top of the hill it was found that the enemy had withdrawn to positions on the reverse slope of the hill. Corporal Edwards, after seeing that his squad had been pJ~ced in advantageous positions, advanced well forwarq of his platoon to observe the enemy EinplaceM.ents. He spotted an enemy :machine gun emplacement and singlehandedly .distroyed the enemy weapon with grenades. Corporal Edwards' · heroism reflects great credit upon himself and the military service. Entered the military service from New York. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS HEIU3ERT WILFONG JR, ER15279421, Infantry, Army of the United States, a member of Company A, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 20 May 1951 in the vicinity of Hangye, Korea. On that date he was serving as an assistant gunner f'or a 57mm recoilless rifle, assigned the mission of repelling an attecklng enemy force. As the thrusts · ~f the attack neared his unit's position he moved his weapon from its covered position to a point of vnntage, completely exposed to enemy automatic weapons and small arms fire. From this uosition he delivered ·a devastating fire on the attackern, inflicti~g many~ casualties upon theenemy force. He continued to expose himself to the enemy fire until the attack had been repelled. The heroism displayGd by Private Wilfong reflects great credit upon himself and the · military service. Entered the military service from California. PRIVATE HENRY F ZIEMANN, US55041621, Infantry, .Army of the United States, a member of Company E, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinGuished himself by heroic achievement on 19 P~y 1951 in the vicinity of Kumnul-gol, Korea. On that date ComPflny E \-laS subjected to a 7 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101258 I--- .-..-...-- ·~-- ~-....::. ...... --. ... .._- . . ~Ef-:L.\SSIFIE:) -. I /.c·.~ •• :-Jt;WD_'lf>SlbL I-------=- ·... 3y _4lf.;.\:Jt. C.:t( QS/)1~ !!!L._~--=- GO No 200, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 19 Juno 1951 (Cont) fanatical attack by numurically superior forces. A withdra1..ral was ordered and when his platoon leader asked fol' a vo:!..unteer to cover the movement to new positions, Private Ziemann, an automatic rifleman, offered to do so. \-Jith complete disregard for his personal safety he took a position on the forwa1·d slope of' the hill amidst a terrific hail of enemy mortar and machine gun fire. Private Zie!nannt s deadly fire accounted for numerous casualties among the enemy and he completely disorganized the assault. This action enabled the remainder of the company to reach high ground and take new positions \·J ithout suffering a casualty. Private Ziemann refused to leave his position until directly ordered to do by his platoon leader. Private Ziemann's devotion to duty and his heroism reflect great credit upon himself and the military service. Entared the military service frora Illinois. Section IV AVLA.t"tD OF THE BRONZE STAR HEDAL (FIRST BRONZE OAK LEAF CLUSTER) --- By direction of the President, under the provisions of ~xecutive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II, ltJD Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Bronze "Star Medal (First ~k Leaf Cluster) with Letter "V 11 device for heroic achievement in connection i-lith military operations againstan en~ny of the United States is awarded to the following named enlisted man: CORPORAL JOSE A MADRILL, RA17258297, Infantry, United States Army, a member of Company B, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 15 February 1951 near Chipyong-ni, Korea. On that date he was a radio operator for an infantry platoon that v.ras assaulting a hill. Corporal Madrill, while assaulting the hill, repeatedly exposed himself in order to relay messages from the company commander to his platoon leader. As the platoon reached the top of the hill, it was pinned down by fire from enemy machine guns and grenades, but in spite of this, he crawled about 150 yards with a radio on his back, in order to maintain contact Hith his company commander and platoon leader., vihilo other members of the unit took cover he remained exposed in order to keep the antenna of the radio vertical f.o r clear communications. The heroic conduct of Corporal Hadrill reflects great credit upon himself and the military serv~ce. Entered the military service from Colorado. BY COMMAHD OF MAJOR GENERAL RUFFNER: OFFICIAL: L{J/.1, ~ 0\v<) GERALD G EPLEY Colonel GSC Chief of Staff DAVID B EMMONS Lt Col . · AGC Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION liCit 8 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101259 j ;}E\.L.\SSiflE:) . <.c·.i .r7Jt:·W.Yl'lfOlbL 3y . l?lt:~:l t. C.!tcQS/)1_~ ---~~ --- ~ _.__ HEJJ.:r:>:tUAR TERS 2d Infantry Di-rision .APO 248 c/o Postma.ster San Francisco Califo~nla GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER 201 19 June 1951 Section I AWARD OF THE BRONZE ST.Ali MEDAL .......... By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II, WD Bul 3; 1944), and pursuant to authority in AR 6oo-45, the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious achievement in connection with military operations against the United States on the date indicated is awarded to the following named enlisted man: MASTER SERGEANT CLAP~NCE WEST, RA19060531, Artillery, United Statos Army, He,qdquarters Batteryt' 82d Antiaircraft .Artillery Automatic Wenpons Battalion (Self .Propelled), 2d ~nfantry Division, in K,orea, on 2 June 1951. Entered the military service from Idahoe · Section . II AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR l•iEDAL · - By direction of the President, under tho provisons of Executive Order 9419, 4 Feb-ruary 1944 (sec II, WD Eul 3, 1944), and prusuant to authority in AR 6oQ...45, the Bronze Star mdal for meritorious service in connection with military operations against an onemy of tho United States during the period indicated is awarded to the following named enlisted men: SERGEANT GERALD E BAKER, RA19334250, Artillery, United States Ar~cy, Battery c. 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Inf~ntry Division, in Korea, from '1 8 M~ 1951 to 27 May 1951. Entered tho military service from Utah • . SERGEANT ' CHARLES R BORGMANN, RA17253119 1 Army Medical Service, United States Army, Medical Company, 9th Inf~ntry Regiment, 2d I1uantry Division, in Korea, from 12January 1951 to 20 Jl.pril 1951o .Entered the military service from Maryland. Silll-..G.ill.ANT ROY A DAVIS, R.Ai3332930, Army Medical Service, United States M:my, Medical Cor:1pany, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 31 July 1950 to 1 September 1950. · Entered the m111 tary service from Virginia. SERGEA1~ ROY F WALKER, ER36774S69, Artillery, Army of tho United States, Battery C, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Koreq, from 18 1-!ay 1951 to 27 May 1951. Entered the military service from Illinois. Section II I AW.AJiD OF THE COMl-lENDATION RIBBON WITH fi0TAL P3NDANT By direction of the Socretqry of tho Arrcy, under the provisions of .AR 600-45, the Com-mendation Eibbon with Metal Pcr-dant for meritorious service during the period Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101260 F<eproauced at ;he :-.atlor'ar ~r:nrves GO No 201, Hq 2d Inf Div, AP0 _248, 19 June 1951 (Cant) indicated is awarded to the following n3Uled officers and enlisted men:. CAPTAIN WILLIAM F P IT'l}iAN, 01313919, Infantry, . .Army of the United States, Headquarters, 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 1 February 1951 to 25 February 1951, Entered the military service from Minnesota. CAPTAIN ROBERT L RATACZAK, 0427345, Artillery 1 army of the United States, Hendquartcrs, 82d Antiaircraft Artillery Auto~~tic Weapohs Battalion (Self . Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 17 May 1951 to 30 Mny 1951, EntorJd the military service from Nt~souri 0 lvlASTER SERGEANT BEID A.MIN A VaN NESS, RA6905721, .Artillery 1 United States Army, Battery B, }8th Jtt3ld Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 13 December 1950 to 1 April 1951. Entered the military service from Cqlifornia, ~ SERGEANT FIRST CLASS JACOB J SIEVERS, JR, RA17252514, artillery, United States Arii\Y, Battery D, _ 82d J~ntiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Batt-9].,.... ion (Self Propelled), 2d InfAntry Division, in Korea, from 16 May 1951 to 30 May 1951. Entered the military service from Nebr<tska~ SERGEANT FIRST CLASS JI~•IE D SRADER, RA19306169, Infantry, United States Army, Headqua:-ters Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 1 April 1951 to 1 June 195lo ~ntered the military service from Okla~oma. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS BROHN E 1-'l WARE, ER14261598, (then CQrporal), Infantry, Army of the United States, Company Ht 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 10 March 1951 to 25 April 1951. 3ntered the military service fran New Jersey SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ROBERT W WINCHZSTER, RA19357228, Artillery 1 United States Army, Headquarters Battery; 2d Infantry Divisii)B .Artillery, in Korea, service from California•' from 1 April 1951 to 1 June 1951 ·~ Ente-red tho military - SERGEANT ANGR10 V 0011, ER37339290, Artillery, Army of the United States, Battery D, 82d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 18 JleT 1951 to 30 May 1951, Entered the military servi~o from Colorade ...JUDGE, RA6973331, iignal Corps, United State8 Army, SERGEAl!T J.AMii:S ·W Er' 2d Signal Company, 2d Infnntry Division, in Korea, from 1 April 1951 to 1 Juno 1951. Entarod the militBry service from A1abamr. SEE.GEANT HARb.Y A GOODM..i\N, fc.Al0601461, Army Medicf\1 Service, United. States Medicnl Comprmy, 9th I:o.fantr7 :\ogimcnt, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the military service fron New Jersey, i~lll,)', 2 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101261 GO No 201, Hq 2d Inf Diw, APO 248, 19 J~ne 1951 (Cant) SERGEANT ORVAL 0 IvlcPHERSON, EB.l+60l096} 9 I.afantry, il.rmy of the United Statesp Headquarters Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 1 April 1951 to 1 June 1951. Entered the military service from Michigan. SERGE,ANT JANES E RATCH.FOPD, R.-\340921}4, .Army Medical .Sergive, United · States .Army, Medical Company, 9t~ Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 }:1ay 1951 to 4 June 1951p- Entered the military service · from New Jersey. SERGZANT ANTHOlTY C VICTOR, RA18282204,· Infantt:y, United St.a tes .tu-my't Service Company. 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in ·KoTea, from 16 May 1951 to 8 Juno 1951. Entered the military service from LouisiAn~. S3RGEnNT F.l~Y E WATLEY, ER35457101~ Army Medical Sorvice 0 Army of the United States 1 Medical Company, 9th Infantry Regiment 1 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 1'--iR.Y 1951 to 4 June 195lc Ente1·cd_, the military service from Illinoiso SERGEANT STI:VEN J ZniDA, ~~36999081, .t~.rmy Medical Service; .rlrmy of the . United Stntcs, Medicel Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Inf'3ntry Division~ in Korea, from 28 May 1951 to .4 June 1951. Entered the military service from Wisconsin, CORPORAL I\OE:;RT L BANK~, R.All200859: ~u-my ~1edicnl Service, United St.ates, Medical Company, 9th Infantry Regiment 1 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 l.fny 1951 to 4 June 1951. ~ntered the military service from Connecticut. .tu-my~ CORPORAL WILLIAM C BOWSER~ Ral2298901, ~my Medical Service, United States Army, Medical Compnny, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 Mny 1951 to 4 June 1951. Enter0d the military service from New Jersey. COF..PORAL WILLIAM :1!; ZICKHORN~ RA17251.26'ji Signal Corps, United States Army, 2d Signal Company, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 1 April 1951 to 1 June 1951, Entered the oilitar y service fran Ninnosota. COF~ORAL ROB3TIT E GAY, ER3596646o, Infantry, Aroy of the United States, CoBpflny F, 9th Inf:::mtry Reg)oent, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 6 May 1951 to 3 June 1951.. E:.1tered the i!iilitary service .from Indiana. COT.P OF.:.AL· ROY W ~1R:S.1NGTON, I\11.39327985, Ar'fJ'I ~.edical Servico, United St'!tes .army, He dical Cbmp!'ny, 9th Infantry :S.egimant, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 M.E1Y 1951 to 4 Jur,e 1951. Entered the rr,ilitRry service from Washington. CORPORAL CLYDE WRULING,' :::lA17277520, Army 1-iedical _S ervice, United States Army, Eedlcal Company, 9th Irifantry llegiment, 2d Infantry Division., in Korea, from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered. the military service from Io\'la, 3 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101262 "eprc<:ucea at :~c -. a;,cr.a. ___ .... ...._...,_ --- ~ ~rcn1ves ~-- GO No 201, Hq 2d Inf Div, AP0 . 248, 19 June 1951 (Cont) CoRPORAL REX E JENKINS, ER560l05l+O, .f_rtillery, 1-1.rmy of the United States, Headquarters Battery, 82d·Antiaircr!lft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Korea~ f::om 18 i1iey 1951 to 24 M~ 195le Entered the military service from California. CORPOt..AL D_~VID L MElAD, RA16297015, Infantry, United Stntes iU'my, Headquarters Company, 23d Inf.a ntry 1\egimant, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 1 April 1951 to 1 June 19:51 • . ·Entered the milit~y service from I<i chigRn. CC!'-J'OF<AL ROBERT J PE!'J\Y, RA17258852, Artillery, United States Army, Headquarters Battery, 82d Antiaircraft . .Al·tillery Automatic Weapons Batt,alion (Self Propelled), '2 d Infantry Division, 1n ·Korea, from 18 May i951 to 24 i1lay 1951. Entered the military service from Minnesota, COF.PORAL GZ::ALD t.l WILLI.tJ-1S, RA33783484, .Army Medi~al Service, United States Army, Hedical Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2ii Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951., Entered the military service from Tennessee. CORPOl\.AL LEONARD L WILSON, ER15205712, Army Medical Service, Army of the United States, 1-tledical Company, 9tl'l. InfantTy .Regiment, 2d. Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the military . service from Indiana. . P~IVATE FIF<ST CLASS WILLIAN C ATKINSON, US52023213, Army Medical Ser>-o vice, Army of tho United States, Medical Company, 9th Infantry Iiegiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 2g May 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the military ser v.l.ce from Virginia. P:?.IVATE FI:::. sT CLASS JOSEPH R BELLAMY, :::Al7262)29 9 Artillery, United States Army, Heqdquartors · Battery, 82d 4nti a ircraft Artillery Automatic ifeapons Bnttal:ion (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Koren., from 18 . M~ 1951 to 24 May 1951. Entered the military service from Mssouri. PRIVATE FIF.ST CLASS RICIWlD CHONTOS, RA13309869, Army lviedical Servi~e, United States Army, Medical Company, 9th Infantry i(egimont, 2d Infantry Division, in K0 ree, from 28 May 1951 to 4 Juno 1951. Entered tho militDry . .. service from Pennsylvaniq• P: .IVATE FII": ST CLASS JACOB W GREGOr.IAN,. ::iA17253258, Aroy Hedica l Service, United States Ar~, ~~dicnl Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d InfRntry Division, in Korea, from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the military s ervice from Missouri. PTIIVATE FI:-:,ST CLASS JOHN W HODGE, RA15381180, Artillery; United States Army, Headquarters Battery, 82d Ant1i.ircraft .Artillery Autor.1atic \'loapons Battalion (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in Kor ea, froli1 18 fticy 1951 to. ~4 MR,Y 1951., Entered the military service from Kentucky. · 4 ' .. Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101263 t'I.~IJIUUU\..!:U Cl{ tll1..• ~U,I\.II'V' ., GO No 201, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 19 June 1951 (Cont) P:i:·IVATE FIEST CLASS J.&viiJS E MULLINS; IL.l33075te. 1rtillery, United States .Army, He.<ldquarter s B<:lttery, g2d Anti air craft .:II' tillery .fiutomatic 1veapons Battalion (Self Propelled), 2d Infantry Division, in KoNt\, from 18 May 1951 to 24 May 1951. Ente~ed the military servioo from Virginia, PRI1rJ'1TE FIRST CLASS 1HLLIE D PF.IDE, US53008536, Al'my Medical Service, Army of the United States, Medical Co~any, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in KoNa, from 28 Ma,v 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the · milit~y Aervice from 'labarna. P!:IiT_'1TE FIRST CLASS GEO:?.GE T SCOTT, ::::.ale3.33849, Artillery, United Stqtes .4.rmy, Headqu~rt crs Battery 82d Antiaircraft Artillary "'"utomati c Weapons Batt~lion (Self Propelle d), 2d Infantry Division, in Korea; fro1.1 18 f.by 1951 to 24 M~r 1951, Entered tne mili t'lry service from Arkans •1s. P? IVAT..:j FIRST CLASS ANDLJ!:W VANDER w..;;ID3, US55024592, ~fllY of the united States, Modicl'\1 Company, 9th Inf'l.ntry Regiment, 2d jnfo.ntry Division, in Korea, from 28 Mny 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the military service from r~ii chigan. PRIVAT~ FIRST ClASS ZOE WHIT~ JR, RA1429944o, Infantry, United States Army, Service Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 16 May 1951 to 8 June 1951. Entered the military service from Mississippi. PRIV~TE FIRST CL.11SS JESSE WD..LI.alviS JR, RA13350019, army Medical Service, United States Army, Medical CompaDf, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Koreat from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951. Entered the military service from Virginia. PRIV.d.TE FIRST CLaSS ROBElRT L WRIGh"T, RA17295965. Arrey Medical Service, United States Army. Medicnl Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea. from 28 lliey 1951 to 4 June 1951. Enter e d the military service from Colorado. PP.IVf,TjJJ CL~'I.F]:NCE V Cu'"RTIS US56052762, amy Medicel Service, ill'my of tho United States, Medical Company, 9th Inf~ntry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 28 t1t1Y 1951 to 4 June 1951. J;ntered the military service from Michigan. Section IV TO I}E::tr~RAL o:mK= S - - So niuch of Section I ( J\ward of the Goncr~l Orders 147, Hq, 2d Inf Div, 1951, as p ertainins to A~G1TDM:i!:NT Silver St nr), PrivPte First Ba tblion, as is p_mandcdto Class Ch.l'lrles H Stetier, R.~l3329388, 15th F.i eld ntill0ry rends "Private First Clo. ss Charles H Stetier, RA1332938S 11 read 11 Priv<~te First Class Charles H Stotler, RA13329388".· 5 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101264 ,._..,., • ._,.. --- --- ... - - ~ -·--. ;JEr.L.\SSIHE:) : -~~~------ 1 i--(eproouceo at :ne Nauondt r\rt,;nlvt:~ i.r~,(· WD.'l!b5ll>L ... L: •• ~J..:? t. C.:R D.S/)16 - ~ _ _ Hq_ 3y· ( Con t) 2d Inf Div, APO c:.')4 8 1 . 19 Juno l9t::l 1 Section V REVOCATION OF GENERAL OPD~r.s --- So much of Se~tion IV (Award of the Cornmondqtion :F:ibbon with r'ietal Pendant), General Orders 175, Hq 2d Inf Div; 1951, as pert a ins to Corporql Francis G Cas<?~ :-.Alll68002, 9th Inf 8ntry F.egiment, is revoked. BY COMN.A1TD OF MAJOR GEN1RAL I:UFFN.riiR~ OF.i:<'ICIAL: ~~l~. ~<V'<J GERALD G :iiJPL.JY Colonel GSC Chief of Staff DAVID B EMHONS M Col, AGO Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: noli ....., ,... ' ~ 111"· , •• ·! JIE:A DQU-~' ::TEH.S 2d Infantry Division uPO 248 c/o Postmaster San Francisco Ca1iforniR 19 June 1951 GENERAL ORDKi.S I:U'MBER 202 Section I A1..rARD OF T:~;:E BRONZE STAR HED.AL - - By di rection of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 91!.19, 4 February 191._4 (s-ec II, vJD Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant to authority in .AR 600-1:.5, the Bronze .Star Medal for meritorious achievement in connection with mi1i tary operations against an enemy of t:1e United States on the date indicated is awarded to the follmdng named officers and enlisted man: CAPT.AIN JOHN A ELlEDGE, 010/~282, Artillery, Army of the United States, Service Battery, 503d Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in ·Korea, on 16 March 1951. Entered the military service from California • SECOl:D LIEUTENANT I\ENNET!-I·E SAWYER, 0263001, (then Sergeant First Class), Artillery, Army of the United States, Battery B, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in K9rea, on 1 Decenber 1950.. Entered the military service from California. ' MASTER SER.GEfU-jT CARL DAVIS , RA18033227, .Artillery, United States .Army Battery B, 37ti1 Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, on 30 2Jovember 1950. Entered the military service from Te;:as. Section II .AvlAliD OF THE BROI-!ZE STAR MEDAL --- By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (sec II, WD Bul 3, 191._4), and puYsuant to authority in AR 600-45, the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service in connection with militel'y' operations against an enemy of tl1e United States during the period indicated is av:arded to the following named officer and enlisted men: FIRST LIEUTEl'!Ai'IT GERARD I1 MARTIN, 02262306, Corps of Engineers, .Army of the United States, Company A, 2d Engineer Combat Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 22 February 1951 to 2 Harch 1951. Entered the military service from Massachusetts~ Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101265 . SERGEANT FIRST CLASS ROMMIE CHANCE, RA14.30025l, .Artillery, United States Arm-y, Service Battery, 15th Fie ld .ArtiDery Battalion, 2d Infantry DiVision. GO No 202, Hq 2d Inf Div, .APO 21:.8, 19 June 1951 (Cant) f3ERG:B,ANT FIRST CLAS.S ELWOOD H 1-IUNSTCKER, RA33831082, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Ihfantry Regiment, - 2d Infantry · Division, in Korea, from 21 August.· 1950 to 17 Juris 1951• Entered the mili ~· tary service from Penhsy~~nia. SERGEANT FRELLAN A COLEY JR 1 RA14269519, Infantry, United States .Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Rep.:iinent, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military ·service from North Carolina. · 3I:RGE.Al'IT RICiiARD I1lvf00Pt.E 1 RA15379083, Artillery, \rnited States Army; Service Battery, 37th Field Artillery B attalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 4 August 1950 to 30 September 1950. Entered the military service from ICentucky.. .. . · SERGEANT RAY SIZEMORE, RAJ4063948, Infantry, Dtited Ste.tes A~my, Heavy Jvfortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from ~~~cy. • CORPORAL CORNELIUS BATEMAN, RA24289756, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Hortar Company, 33th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951·. Entered the military service from Virginia. · CORPORAL JOI-lli J CLU1~ JR 1 ·RA12303175, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from Neiv York. CORPORAL JOHN D DEISHER, RA18228499, Infantry, United States .Army, Heavy Hortar Company, .38th Infantry Regimerrt, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 17 June 1951. Entered tne military service from Te:x:a s. · CORPORAL SI~S ;FLEENOR, .R.U3121810, Infantry, · United States Army, Heavy Mortar."Company 1 38th Infantry Regiment, 2.d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 . Auglis:t 1950 to 19 Ju..."le 1951. Entered the military service from Virginia. CORPORAL FRANK V LOTIIRY, RA35760319, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar· Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951, Entered the military service from Virginia, CORPORAL GEORGE MARTINEZ, RA37342873, Infantry, United States ar my, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in I~orea, from 21 AU[,"llst 1950 to 20 May 1951, Entered the military service from Colorado. · 2 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101266 _.....,.,. ·:...• ~~------ - .__ ----··-- ... j j) Ef:L. '.SSIFlE.;) l . · .c·. ~,[~lt;WYl'l1,SlbL Jy - . ~Ub .\J t. C.:tl Q5{)1tlz> ---- GO No 202, Hq 2d Int Div, APO 243, 19 June 1951 (Cont) CORPORAL THOMAS J OICONNOR JR, HA1629!,_477, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Re~iment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 17 May 1951. Entered the military service from NeH York. CORPORAL GEORGE C PADoT, RA16291:442, Infantry, United States ./!u'my, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Inf~ntry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 28 May 1951. Entered the military service from Michigan. CORPORAL DEAN W ROBINSON, RA16304158, Infantry, United States Army. Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Reaiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June l951 • . Entered the military service from Illinois. CORPORAL ARTHUR 0 ROSALES, RA38678904 1 Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in !Corea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 19 51. Entered the military service .from Taxa s. " CORPORAL NEILD SlOCUM, F.Al6296956, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regn1ent, 2d Infantry Division, in ICorea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from Hichigan. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS ROBERT D BRATHAIL, RA16.307654, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from Wisconsin. PRIVATE FIR3T CLASS BILLY H COOK, RA13320377, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in !Corea, from 21 Au;ust 1950 to 19 June 1951. 1'ntered the military service from Virginia. · PRIVATE HOWARD L BALLARD, RA16274106, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from vlisconsin. PRIVATE EDW~ C COLLINS, RA15270434, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in !Corea, from 21 .August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from Ohio. Section III AWARD ·OF THE AIR l1EDAL - - B y direction of the President, under the pro-visions of Executive Order 9158, 11 May 191:.2 (sec III, WD Bu1 25, Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101267 j ;)Er.I..,.\SSIFIE.J · _•.c·_;,,~l~·WD.'ll,Sll>L Jy - ~.\3 1• C.:tc 05/>145 ---~~- ---- ... _,.-.- GO lTo 202, Hq -2d Inf Div, APO 248 , 19 June 1951 (Cant) 194.2), as amend.ed by Executive Ol~der 92L:.2A, lJ September 1942 (sec III, 'WD Bul 49, 19!:..2), the Air Hedal :for meritorious achievement while p:irticipating in aerial flight during the period indicated is auarded to the follovlinG named officer: FIH.ST IJEUTENAi:IT PAUL C RODGEHS, IJ7 57432, ArtilJ.ery, ArlilY of the United Startes, Headquarters Battery, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Di'Jision, in Korea, from 7 Msy 1951 to 19 May 1951. Entered the military service from Oregon. Section IV ,\1JAPJ) OF THE Ain M::DAL (SECOI:D BROlTZE OAK LEAF CLUS'l'E8.) --·- By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 9158, n May 1942 (sec III, liD Bul 25, 191:.2), as amended by Executive Order 9242A, 11 September 1942 (sec III, HD Bul 1,9, 1942), the· Air Hed2l (First Oak Leaf Cluster) for meritorious achievement wh:._le participM.inz in aerial flight durin~ the period indicated is a-v1arded to the follm.ring named officer: FIR.ST LIEUTENANT ALFRED I COLENAN, 02014687, Artillery, Army of the United States, Headquarters Battery, .38th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 9 Hay 1951 to 23 Hay 1951. Entered the military service from Washington. Section V AWARD OF TEE Am MEDAL (FIFI'H BROIJZE OAK LEAF CLU:iTE.R) - - By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 9158, 11 May 1942 (sec III~ WD Bul 25, 1942), as amended by Executive Order 9242A, 11 September 194.2 (sec III, vJD Bul 49, 191;-2), the Air Medal (Fifth Oak Leaf Cluster) for meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight during the period indicated is awarded to the follouing named officer. FIRST LIEUTENANT liTLLIAJ:I D BOGGS, 092167, Artillery, United States .Army, Battery .A, .38th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 April 1951 to 18 May 1951. Entered the military service from Oregon. .Section VI AW:\RD OF TEE COMHEHDATION Ril3BOF I.JITE HET.AL PENDANT ~-- By direction of the ::·eci~etary of the Army, under the provisions of AR 600-45, the Commendation Ribbon -viith Metal Pendant for meri·corious achieve",1ent on the date indicated is awarded to the follo¥Ting named enlisted men: SEHGEANT FIRST CL~SS LEE McDAITIEL, RA.34350010, Artillery, United States Army, Battery B, .37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, on .30 November 1950. Entered the military service from Georgia. 4- Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101268 ~~-- '-·'DECL.\SsiFi~<~:i-- -- --~~ ,·.c·i·f7l(·WYl'l£Sll>L 3y .\J C.:tl 0$/)145 I .m: t. ------~-~- ~~~ GO Nd 202, Hq 2d In£ Div 1 .1\PO 248, 19 Juno 1951 (Cant) PRIVATE· FIRST CL&SS· GLTIMEUT E .ARNOIJD, ER3610'7086, Infantry, Army of the United States, Company B, 9th Infantry Regiraent, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, on 10 February 1951. Entered the military service from Michigan, PRIVATE FIRST CLASS TII011AS C BARNF.:B, ER142,30581, Infa~try, Army of the United States; Headquarters Company, 2.3d Infap.try Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, on 1.3 February 1951, Entered the military service from California. Section VII AH.APJ) OF THE CONMENDATION RIBBON ~liTE MET.AL PENDANT --- By direction of the Secretary of the Army, under the provisions of ·AR 60D-L:.5, the Commendation Hibbon uith Metal Pendant for meritorious service during the period indicate is avJarded to the following .IlaJ.iled officers and enliste.d men~ CAPTAIN FRAHK M REED, 01557895, Corps of Engineers, Army of the ·states, Headquarters, 2d EnGineer Combat Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 15 December 1950 to 25 April 1951. Entered the military service Montane.• Un~ted FIRST LIEUTEN IUJT JOSEPH A BADGEI'T, 01111470, Corps of Engineers, Army of the ' United States, Headquarters, 2d Engineer Combat Battalion, 2d Inf£mtry Division, in Korea, from 1 December 1950 . to 22 April 1951. Entered the military service from Texas. FIRST LIEUTEN.A!IT JOHN F McCARTHY, 0203.3609 1 Artillery, .Army of the United States, Battery B, 38th Field Jurtillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division~ in Korea, from 15 .January 1951 to 311-iarch 1951. Entered the military ser-v ice fram Massachusetts. SECOND LIEUTENANT JOHN J CLOUSER, 0992209:, Artillery, Army of the United States, Battery c, 37th Field ArtiJ.Jery Battalion, 2d Infantry Divi~ sian, in I~Corea, from 18 Hay 1951 to 27 May 19.51. Entered, the military service from Illinois. · l-fA,STER SERGEANT WARREN W BRADSHER, RA20'730720, Infantry, United States Army 1 Headquarters 8068th Replacement Battalion, .A PO 27, (then 2d Replc cement Compa:qy, 2d Infantry Div;iFJion}, iJ:?. Korea, from 27 N~:vember 1950 to 29 May 1951. ~nt,ered the ·mi~itary service from llfaryland. · MASTER SERGEANT EDWARD .. T ROBBINS, RA6255718, Artillery, United States Army, Battery B, 38th Fie.ld ·Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Divi.sion, in Korea, from 15 Dec.ember 1950 to 1 April 1951. Entered the military service from Texas. · 5 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101269 GO No 202 1 Hq 2d ;I:nr Div , APO 2/:.8, lS June 1951 (Cont) MASTER SERGI~ANT vlAYHARD .A :QOVJLHTG, RA700L:.235, Army Medical Service, United States .Army, Medj_caJ. Cor.1prmy~ 3nth I.nf21:,tz·y Regiment, 2d Infentry Division, in 1(d:r'ea, from 20 July 1950 to 1 December 1950. Entered the military service ;from Texu.s. S~1C:EANT FIR'".)T CLli..SS VICTOR A BREI-TIC, RA18261164, Artillery, United .States (\rmy, Battery c, 37th Field Artillery futtalion, 2d Infnntry Division, in !Corea, from 30 November 1950 to 1 December 1950. Entered the milit2ry service from Texas. pERGEAliT FIRST CLASS LESTER M CLARK JR, RA18045234, Artillary,United States Army, Battery B, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 30 November 1950 to 1 December 1950. Entered the military service from Colorado. ~ SERC:EAIJT FIP~ST CV.-1SS }IDGH CULPEPPZR 1 ER1L:.213853, .Artillery, Army of the United States, Battery c, 37th Field ArtilleryEattalio~, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 18 Hay 1951 to 27 May 1951. Entered the military service from Alabama. SERGWIT THOMAS C GLASBY, Fl.Al4.058518, Army Mecl.ical Service, United States Army, Medical Company, 9th Infantry Regiment,,2d Infantry Divi,s ion, in r<.:ore~, from 28 May 1951 to 4 June 1951• Entered tl1e military service from Te:::a s. SERGEANT WILFP..ED E HOLZTI:R 1 RA1832l647, Artillery, United States Army, Battery c, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Xorea, from 18 May 1951 to 27 l.fuy 1951. Entered the military service from Texas~ CORPORAL CF.ARLIE G B.AKER, R.Al8262125, Infantry, United States .Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 195Q to 19 JU:ne 1951. Entered the . military service from Texas. CORPORAL JOHN D BOYLE, RAlll$7900 1 Infantry 1 United States Army, Heavy Hortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from New Hampshire. CORPORAL WALTER T COADY, Rl\.12324519 1 Infantry, United States llrmy, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, .from 21 August 1950 to 19 Ju.ne 1951. Entered the military service from Ne·H York. CORPORAL LEO H COOl~, RAJ.4289600, Artille~J, United States Army, Battery c, 37th Field Artillery Battalio~, 2d Infentry Division, in ICorec:, from 18 May 1951 to 27 May .1951. Entered the military service from Florida • · 6 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101270 --- .. ·;... j ~----~- - --.. _,_..... .UH~ :... . \SS IFl~:) ._ _... -I /.c·.~ .c·,~· W.Yl'lf,Sll>L I Jy _@::.\3'. ~.:tc D5/)'JA5 - ----~ ...... - -!' ..... . - GO No 202, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 19 June 1951 (Cont) CORPORAL RIGI-~A.i:'1D H REISS, ER13300680, Artillery, Army of the United States, Battery c, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 18 1-1ay 1951 to 27 'May 1951. Entered the military service from Pennsylvania. CORPORAL HUNTER G SIPE, ER33885480, Artillery, Army of the United States, Battery c, 37th Field .Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 18 May 1951 to 27 May 1951. Entered the military service from Maryln rrl, CORPORAL CI.DSSON M SOPER, RU6299385, Infantry, United States .Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from Michigan. j PRIVATE FIP.ST CLASS ARTHUR D BENNETTS, RA1629~92, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 38th Infentry Regiment, 2d Infentry Division, in Irorea, from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the military service from Michigan. PRIVATE FIP.ST CLASS MARCUS E BOYD, RA13332941, Infantry, United States Army, Heavy Mortar Company, 3Gth Infantry RegimGnt, 2d Infantry Division, in Koree., from 21 August 1950 to 19 June 1951. Entered the militzry service from Virginia, PRIVATE FIRST CLASS MERRITT WDURGEE, RA12304576 1 Infantry, United .States Army, Heavy Mortar qompany, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 30 December 1950 to 10 June 1951, Entered the military service from Neu York. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS JAMES A GOACHER, RA18348932, Infantry, United .S tates Army, .Service Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 16 May 1951 to ~ June 1951. Entered the military service from Arkansas. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS FRED HANKEL JR, RA37884485, Infun:try, United States Army, Service Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in Korea, from 16 May 1951 to 8 June 1951. Entered the military service from Nebraska. Section VIII AM!:!:lmMENT TO GENERAL ORDERS -- So much of Section IV (A.,~ard of the . B ronze Star Medal), General Orders 173; Hq 2d Inf Div; 1951, as· pertains to Sergeant Archie Holloway, nA38552121, 38th Infantry ·Regiment, as reads 11 a member of Company I{l 1 is amended to read· 11 a member of Company !II. 7 Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101271 Keproauceu e~: u1t: 1\Jcwuudi '"'rL.r1:vc~ GO No 202, Hq 2d Inf Div, APO 248, 19 June 1951 (Cont) Section IX AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDERS --- So mucy of Section II (Award of the Silver Star (First Oak Leaf Cluster), General Orders 193, Hq 2d Inf Div, 1951, as pertains to Brigadier General George C Stewart, 015349, United States Army, as reads 11 directed the Commanding Officer of the 38th Infantry" is amended to read "direct~d the Commanding Officer of Task Force Zebra". BY Cm1MA1'1D OF MAJOR GENERAL RUFFNER: GERALD G EPLEY OFFICIA.L: A~,d_~~ DAVID B E."1HON:S Colonel Inf Chief.of Staff Lt Col, AGC Adjutant General I . DISTRIBUTION: "C" .. 8 -- .. - Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101272
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