PSZ 19:16(Pind.1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT REPORT AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : MUHAMMAD FARHAN BIN AZHARI Date of Birth : 09TH MEI 1991 Title : COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PARTIAL DISCHARGE CHARACTERISTICS ON PALM-BASED OIL AND MINERAL OIL AS POWER TRANSFORMER OIL Academic Session : 2013/2014 I declare that this thesisis classified as: CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) specified by the I acknowledged that UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesisis the property of UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia 2. The Library of UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by: SIGNATURE 910509-03-5103 (NEW IC NO/PASSPORT) Date: NOTES: * 21 / 6 / 2014 SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR DR. YANUAR Z. ARIEF NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date: 21 / 6 / 2014 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. ii “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering(Electrical)” Signature : ………………………….................... Name of Supervisor : DR. YANUAR Z. ARIEF Date : 21thJUNE 2014 i COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PARTIAL DISCHARGE CHARACTERISTICS ON PALM-BASED OIL AND MINERAL OIL AS POWER TRANSFORMER OIL MUHAMMAD FARHAN BIN AZHARI A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) Faculty of Electrical Engineering UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia JUNE 2014 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Comparative Analysis Of Partial Discharge Characteristics On Palm-Based Oil And Mineral Oil As Power Transformer Oil” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ......................................................... Name : MUHAMMAD FARHAN BIN AZHARI Date : 21thJune 2014 iii DEDICATION To my beloved parent, Azhari Bin Majid &AminahBintiMamat My supporting brother and sisters, NurFarhanaBintiAzhari NurulRaihanaBintiAzhari NurulFarihahBintiAzhari NurArinaBintiAzhari Muhammad Irfan Bin Azhari and My entire friends for their encouragement iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, all praise to Allah, the Almighty, the Benevolent for His blessings and guidance had given me the inspiration to embark on this project and instilling in all of my strengths to complete this project with good health. Many obstacles were encountered during the implementation of the project but each of them has enhanced my knowledge in my field. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Dr.Yanuar Z. Arief who has helped me a lot in giving ideas, opinions, and positive criticism. I am grateful to have him as a supervisor and also my mentor. His guidance and supervision will undoubtedly help me in my future undertakings. Last but not least, I am also greatly indebted especially to all my family and friends for being such understanding and open minded for sharing and discussing knowledge until today. Thanks to those who have helped me indirectly or directly in completing this project v ABSTRAK Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mencari dan mengkaji jenis minyak yang baru sebagai bahan penebatan berbanding dengan minyak yang sedia ada iaitu miyak petroleum yang berasakan minyak mineral. Minyak mineral telah digunakan sebagai bahan penyejuk dan penebatan kerana memiliki sifat dielektrik yang sangat baik, iaitu kekuatan medan elektrik tinggi, kehilangan dielektrik rendah dan prestasi jangka panjang yang bagus. Kebanyakan transformer kuasa menggunakan insulator jenis cecair yang dipanggil juga sebagai minyak transformer. Minyak transformer bukan sahaja berfungsi sebangai insulator elektrik tetapi juga berfungsi untuk menyekat korona dan percik api, serta berfungsi sebagai medium penyejuk. Selama ini, minyak transformer yang digunakan secara meluas adalah minyak transformer yang berasaskan petroleum kerana mempunyai kekuatan medan elektrik yang tinggi, kehilangan dielektrik yang rendah dan prestasi jangka panjang yang baik. Walaubagaimanapun, minyak transformer yang berasaskan petroleum adalah tidak terbiodegradasi dan sumbernya adalah tidak boleh diperbaharui. Tumpahan yang serius boleh menyebabkan pencemaran kepada tanah dan air. Ia adalah tidak boleh diperbaharui oleh itu kekurangan sumber akan terus meningkatkan harga minyak. Ini telah menggalakkan penyelidik untuk mencari alternative minyak kuasa pengubah dan pada masa ini minyak berasaskan sawit telah dilihat sebagai minyak yang berpotensi untuk menjadi alternatif pengganti sebagai minyak transformer.Iaadalahmesraalamsekitardanbolehdiperbaharui. Oleh itu projek ini telah dijalankan untuk pelepasan separa minyak berasaskan sawit yang berpotensi. Minyak berasaskan sawit berpotensi dalam projek ini adalah “Palm Fatty Acid Ester” (PFAE) dan minyak sayuran FR3 juga telah bereksperimen sebagai perbandingan dengan minyak mineral, Hyrax. vi ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to find out new insulating oil as liquid insulation material compared to petroleum based mineral oil. Petroleum based mineral oil have been used as a coolant and insulation purpose because of its high electric field strength, low dielectric losses and good long-term performance. Most of power transformer used liquid insulation which is power transformer oil. Power transformer oil functions not only as electrical insulator but also functions to suppress corona and arching, and as cooling medium. Over these years, power transformer oil that has been widely used is petroleum based mineral oil because of its high dielectric field strength, low dielectric losses, and good long-term performance. However, petroleum based power transformer oil is non-biodegradable and non-renewable. Serious spill could contaminate soil and water. It is nonrenewable therefore depletion of the source will further increase the oil price. These have encouraged researchers to find alternative power transformer oil and currently palm-based oil has been seen as potential alternative power transformer oil. It is environmental friendly and renewable. Therefore this project has been carried out to investigate partial discharge of potential palm-based oil. Potential palm-based oil in this project is Palm Fatty Acid Ester (PFAE) and FR3 vegetable oil was also been experimented as comparison with Hyrax mineral oil. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRAK v ABSTRACT vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF ABBREVIATION xii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objective 2 1.4 Scope 3 1.5 Flow Chart of Project 3 1.6 Summary 4 THEORY AND LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Background of Study 5 2.2 Introduction of Insulation 5 2.3 Power Transformer Oil 6 2.4 Palm-Based Oil 7 viii 2.5 3 4 5 Partial Discharge 7 METHODOLOGY 9 3.1 Introduction 9 3.2 Preparation of Test Cell 9 3.3 Preparation of Test Samples 10 3.4 Partial Discharge Measurement for Oil 12 3.4.1 Apparatus 12 3.4.2 Experimental Setup 13 3.4.3 Measurement Procedure 16 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 17 4.1 Introduction 17 4.2 Results 18 4.2.1 PD Trends 18 4.2.2 PD Number 19 4.3 Analysis and Discussion 25 4.3.1 PD trends 26 4.3.2 Average PD Change 27 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 29 5.1 Conclusion 29 5.2 Recommendation 29 REFERENCES 31 ix LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 4.1 PD Trends for 10 Kv 18 4.2 PD Trends for 20 Kv 18 4.3 PD Trends for 30 Kv 19 4.4 Data of Partial Discharge Numbers for 10 kV 19 4.5 Data of Partial Discharge Numbers for 20 kV 20 4.6 Data of Partial Discharge Numbers for 30 kV 20 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Project Overview 4 3.1 Test Cell 10 3.2 Filtering Process 11 3.3 Stirring Process 11 3.4 Test Cell Filled with Test Sample 12 3.5 Equipment Setup for Partial Discharge Test 13 3.6 Equipment Setup for Partial Discharge Data Collection 14 3.7 PD Detector DDX 9101 Software 14 3.8 Test Cell for Partial Discharge Test 15 3.9 PD Calibration 15 4.1(a) NQP Graph at 10kV Voltage Application for Hyrax 21 4.1(b) NQP Graph at 10kV Voltage Application for FR3 21 4.1(c) NQP Graph at 10kV Voltage Application for PFAE 22 4.2(a) NQP Graph at 20kV Voltage Application for Hyrax 22 4.2(b) NQP Graph at 20kV Voltage Application for FR3 23 4.2(c) NQP Graph at 20kV Voltage Application for PFAE 23 4.3(a) NQP Graph at 30kV Voltage Application for Hyrax 24 4.3(b) NQP Graph at 30kV Voltage Application for FR3 24 4.3(c) NQP Graph at 30kV Voltage Application for PFAE 25 4.4 PD Trends for 10 kV 26 4.5 PD Trends for 20 kV 26 4.6 PD Trends for 30 kV 27 xi 4.7 Average PD Change at 10 kV 27 4.8 Average PD Change at 20 kV 28 4.9 Average PD Change at 30 kV 28 xii LIST OF ABBREVIATION PFAE - Palm Fatty Acid Ester FR3 - Environtemp Fire Resistant Natural Ester BDV - Breakdown Voltage PD - Partial Discharge 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study Transformers have traditionally used mineral oil as insulation, and vegetable oil has been used mainly for edible purposes. Examples of transformer oil that were used are mineral oil, silicon oil, and synthetic ester. Generally mineral oil is used as transformer oil because of their properties of low flammability and good dielectric which is suitable for insulation. Then, silicon has very high flash point (low flammability) and it’s generally used in place where safety is highly desired. The silicon oil is very expensive compared to all oil types and the source cannot be renewable. Malaysia is the country that exported palm oil in the world. The researchers try to investigate the use of vegetable oil as alternative transformer oil. The properties of vegetable oil as insulator are biodegradable, environmental friendly, cheap and available in Malaysia. The examples of vegetable oil are palm oil, coconut oil, soya bean oil, and sunflower oil. Several important properties such as flash point, pour point, kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, water content, and chemical stability have to be considered when qualifying certain oil as transformer oil. The 2 quality of oil is very important because highly loaded transformer demands better quality oil rather than light loaded transformer. 1.2 Problem Statement Nowadays, many researches are carried out to find alternative of liquid insulating material for transformer oil which is friendly to the environment. The reason is because the insulating material that is usually used such as mineral oil is non-biodegradable and unrenewable source. Petroleum-based oil will run out in many years, so that the alternative transformer oil in necessary to be found. This study will investigate the partial discharge characteristics of palm-based oil as an alternative transformer oil application. 1.3 Objective (1) To investigate partial discharge characteristics of palm-based oil as an alternative transformer oil application. (2) To perform comparative analysis of palm-based oil and existing transformer oil based on partial discharge characteristics. 3 1.4 Scope There are several scopes has been outlined in order to achieve the objectives of this project. The scopes of the project are as stated below: (a) The types of the sample oil are FR3, PFAE, and Hyrax (mineral oil). (b) Electrical properties that will be studies are partial discharge characteristics. (c) All the electrical properties will be investigated after experiencing different rate of voltage, namely 10 kV, 20 kV and 30 kV. 1.5 Flow Chart of Project This report contains five (5) chapters. In chapter one (1), it discuss about the background of study, problem statement, objective, scope, outline and summary of work. While Chapter two (2) discusses more on the theory and literature reviews that have done. It discusses more details about the new insulation oils and electrical characteristic of liquid insulation material. Meanwhile, for Chapter three (3), methodology of the project is explained further. The methodology consists of the experimental procedures on the test samples. For the result, analysis and discussion of the project will be explained in detailed in Chapter four (4). Finally, Chapter five (5) discusses the conclusion and recommendation of the project for the future work research. 4 1.6 Summary Implementation and works of the project are summarized into the flow chart as shown in Figure 1.1, which illustrate the detail of work of the project that has been implemented in the first and second semester. 1 • Find the information about research 2 • Prepare of experiment 3 • Electrical test 4 • Experimental 5 • Writing report Figure 1.1: Project Overview 5 CHAPTER 2 THEORY AND LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Background of Study This chapter includes is all about insulation and characteristics of liquid insulation for the petroleum-based mineral oil. The literature reviews discussed more about electrical properties for liquid insulation such as partial discharge. The partial discharge characteristic will be used as parameter to investigate whether the palm based oil is a good insulator or not. 2.2 Introduction of Insulation High voltage insulators have developed since early this century [4]. Basically, an insulator is a material that resists the flow of electric current. This insulator is also known as dielectric. An insulating material has atoms with tightly bonded valence electrons. The materials that are used in parts of electrical equipment 6 can be called insulators or insulation. Insulation materials intended to support or separate electrical conductors without passing current through themselves. Electrical insulating materials or dielectrics are materials in which electrostatic fields can remain almost indefinitely. These materials thus offer a very high resistance to the passage of direct currents. However, they cannot withstand an infinitely high voltage. When the applied voltage across the dielectric exceeds a critical value the insulation will be damaged. The dielectrics may be gaseous, liquid, or solid in form [5]. 2.3 Power Transformer Oil Transformer oil is highly refined oil that can be stable at high temperatures and has excellent insulating properties of the power. This enables it was used in transformers that contain oil, some high-voltage capacitors, various types of high voltage switches and circuit breakers. Its role is to protect the tool, reducing the corona and arc and the air to these tools [4]. Transformer oil helps cool the transformer so as to provide electrical insulation between the inner lives as the transformer must maintain stability at high temperatures in the long term. Transformer oil filled in the conservator at the top of the transformer. This is also a safety device that detects gas piled on the transformer. 7 2.4 Palm-Based Oil The latest insulating oil implementation is vegetable oil which is known as themost potential source to replace mineral oil because of its biodegradability and bundlesources available. Vegetable oil contains natural esters. Natural ester which beconsidered for power transformer application is fatty acid ester triglyceride. Palm oil likeother vegetable oil is mixes of fatty acid triglycerides. 2.5 Partial Discharge Partial discharge is an electrical discharge that only partially bridges the dielectric or insulating medium between two conductors. Examples of partial discharge are internal discharge, surface discharge, and corona discharge. Internal discharges are discharge in cavities or voids which lie inside the volume of the dielectric. Surface discharges are discharge from the conductor into a gas or liquid medium and form on the surface of the solid insulation. Corona discharge is a gas or a liquid insulation around the conductors that are away or remove from the solid insulation [12]. Current or voltage pulse that results from a partial discharge occurring within the object under test defined as partial discharge pulses. This pulse is measured using suitable detector circuit, which been introduced into the test circuit for the purpose of the test. A current pulse produces from a partial discharge which occurs in the test object. A detector in accordance with the provisions of this standard produces a current or a voltage signal at its output, proportional to the charge of the current pulse at its input [13]. 8 Partial discharges in liquid insulations may show an effect that is characteristic for liquid insulations. This phenomenon is very unique in liquids and contrast to solid insulations. In liquids, the molecules may move easily, thus generating a gas filled void, if gaseous degradation products have been generated by a preceding partial discharge. In the presence of high electric fields in a semiconducting or insulating material, electrons are accelerated by the electric field and gain energies much higher than the thermal energy. They become hot electrons that are able to transfer energy to collision partners, i.e. molecules of the material and thus an ionization or a degradation of these molecules e.g. by bond scission may occur. The concept of hot electrons is well known for many years, especially for electrical treeing, the relevant degradation process in polymer insulations [14]. 9 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter will present the apparatuses, experimental setup, and measurement procedures used in order to obtain the partial discharge of the samples. To ensure that the samples used can be as an alternative for petroleum-based mineral oil. 3.2 Preparation of Test Cell Preparation of test cell follows IEC 60156. Based on this standard, the cleanliness of test cell is important when measuring dielectric properties because of the extreme susceptibility of insulating liquids to the influence of contamination. The test cell must be cleaned every time before use and it is strongly recommended that test cells in continuous use for routine measurements are regularly cleaned. 10 When cells are to be regularly used for testing fluids with similar chemical type and having similar electrical properties, they may be stored filled with a clean sample of the fluid. Then when to be used, simply flushed with a volume of the next sample at least three fillings of the cell. Figure 3.1 shows the example of test cell used in this project. Figure 3.1: Test Cell 3.3 Preparation of Test Samples After taking test sample from the container, the test sample was filtered to filter out any impurities or contaminations as shown in Figure 3.2. 11 Figure 3.2: Filtering Process The sample was first stirred for 10 minutes using magnetic stirrer with the settingof temperature 50˚C in order to vaporize water content and remove air bubbles in thesample. Figure 3.3 shows the stirring process. Figure 3.3: Stirring Process 12 The cell and electrodes were cleaned and dried before filled with test sample.According to IEC 60156, the gap between electrodes were set to 2.5 mm ± 0.05 mm andtest sample were filled for about 500 ml, leaving only 3% of the test cell empty as shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4: Test Cell Filled with Test Sample 3.4 Partial Discharge Measurement for Oil Partial discharge measurement in this project follows the IEC/BS 60270 including preparation of measurement tools. 3.4.1 Apparatus The apparatuses used in the factor dissipation test are as follows: 13 1. HVAC/DC test set to supply voltage to the samples. 2. Test cell to place the sample. 3. Step up transformer, AC voltage 50 Hz to supply high voltage. 4. Protection gear as protection device. 5. Voltage regulator as voltage divider. 6. Partial discharge detector device DDX 9101. 7. Partial discharge calibrator. 8. PC installed with PD detector DDX 9101 software. 3.4.2 Experimental Setup The equipment setup is as shown in Figure 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. Figure 3.5: Equipment Setup for Partial Discharge Test 14 Figure 3.6: Equipment Setup for Partial Discharge Data Collection Figure 3.7: PD Detector DDX 9101 Software 15 Figure 3.8: Test Cell for Partial Discharge Test Figure 3.9: PD Calibration 16 3.4.3 Measurement Procedure The experiments conducted are based on the procedures listed as follows: 1) The test cell was prepared as shown in Figure 3.14. The spacer 2.5 mm was placed in between electrodes to avoid breakdown during test. 2) Before test, PD calibration was firstly done by connecting PD calibrator at test cell as shown in Figure 3.15 and calibrated in PD detector software. 3) The voltage application was slowly increased to 5 kV. 4) The graph of PD reading versus time was recorded for 1 minute. 5) Then, NQP graph was recorded for 3 minutes. 6) Step 3, 4 and 5 were repeated for voltage application of 10 kV, 15 kV and 20kV. 7) Lastly, PD readings obtained in step 3 were averaged for analysis. 17 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction All results obtained from experiments will be presented and discussed in this chapter. First result will be the comparison of partial discharge trends of PFAE, FR3, and Hyrax at 10 kV, 20kV and 30kV, respectively. The second result will be the average of partial discharge trends in 10 kV, 20kV and 30kV of PFAE, FR3, and Hyrax. The third result will be the partial discharge number occurred at 10 kV, 20 kV and 30 kV of PFAE, FR3, and Hyrax. Partial discharge measurement and preparation of measurement tools in this project follows the IEC/BS60270. 18 4.2 Results The experiment was conducted at 10 KV, 20kV and 30 kV. From the experimental works, the data which were obtained from three samples are presented here. 4.2.1 PD Trends Table 4.1,4.2, and 4.3 show the PD Trends for 10 kV, 20 kV, and 30 kV. Table 4.1: PD Trends for 10 Kv Time (second) Hyrax (pC) FR3 (pC) PFAE (pC) 10 1.7 24.3 1.2 20 1.7 13.8 1.5 30 1.6 7.2 1.6 40 1.6 7.5 1.6 50 1.7 6.5 1.8 60 1.7 13.6 1.4 Table 4.2: PD Trends for 20 kV Time (second) Hyrax (pC) FR3 (pC) PFAE (pC) 10 4.8 15.84 4.5 20 5.0 14.86 4.7 30 4.7 12.47 4.7 40 2.8 10.51 5.4 50 8.3 10.87 5.0 60 4.6 10.39 5.2 Table 4.3: PD Trends for 30 kV 19 Time (second) Hyrax (pC) FR3 (pC) PFAE (pC) 10 7.62 17.48 17.48 20 6.90 16.85 16.85 30 6.68 12.56 12.56 40 3.67 13.51 13.51 50 4.74 13.97 13.97 60 3.74 13.58 13.58 4.2.2 PD Number The data for PD Numbers for each sample are shown in Table 4.4, Table 4.5 and 4.6. Table 4.4: Data of Partial Discharge Numbers for 10 kV Numbers of Partial Discharge Time (second) Hyrax PFAE FR3 0 – 10 41 40 37 11 – 20 42 42 35 21 – 30 43 42 35 31 – 40 42 41 35 41 – 50 43 42 41 51 – 60 40 42 40 Table 4.5: Data of Partial Discharge Numbers for 20 kV 20 Numbers of Partial Discharge Time (second) Hyrax PFAE FR3 0 – 10 41 38 37 11 – 20 42 37 36 21 – 30 42 36 37 31 – 40 42 38 37 41 – 50 43 37 37 51 – 60 42 37 41 Table 4.6: Data of Partial Discharge Numbers for 30 kV Numbers of Partial Discharge Time (second) Hyrax PFAE FR3 0 – 10 42 42 37 11 – 20 43 43 38 21 – 30 42 42 37 31 – 40 42 42 37 41 – 50 43 42 37 51 – 60 42 42 37 Figures 4.1(a), 4.1(b), 4.1(c), 4.2(a), 4.2(b), 4.2(c), 4.3(a), 4.3(b), and 4.3(c) are additional data represent the same results of partial discharge but shown in the form of NQP graph. NQP graph is the graph of partial discharge number (N), magnitude (Q), and phase degree of partial discharge (P). 21 Figure 4.1(a): NQP Graph at 10kV Voltage Application for Hyrax Figure 4.1(b): NQP Graph at 10kV Voltage Application for FR3 22 Figure 4.1(c): NQP Graph at 10kV Voltage Application for PFAE Figure 4.2(a): NQP Graph at 20kV Voltage Application for Hyrax 23 Figure 4.2(b): NQP Graph at 20kV Voltage Application for FR3 Figure 4.2(c): NQP Graph at 20kV Voltage Application for PFAE 24 Figure 4.3(a): NQP Graph at 30kV Voltage Application for Hyrax Figure 4.3(b): NQP Graph at 30kV Voltage Application for FR3 25 Figure 4.3(c): NQP Graph at 30kV Voltage Application for PFAE 4.3 Analysis and Discussion From the data experiment of partial discharge shown in Table 4.1, Table 4.2 and Table 4.3 are plotted in bar and line chart form. The chart form is easier to analyse in term of partial discharge properties. 4.3.1 PD trends 26 PD Charge (pC) Figures4.4, 4.5, and 4.6 showed the PD Trends for 10 kV, 20 kV, and 30 kV. 30 25 20 Hyrax 15 FR3 10 PFAE 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (second) Figure 4.4: PD Trends for 10 kV 20 18 16 PD Charge (pC) 14 Hyrax 12 10 FR3 8 PFAE 6 4 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 4.5: PD Trends for 20 kV 60 Time (second) 27 18 16 14 Hyrax 10 FR3 8 PFAE PD Charge (pC) 12 6 4 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (second) Figure 4.6: PD Trends for 30 kV 4.3.2 Average PD Change Figure 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 show the average of PD Change at 10 kV, 20 kV, and 30 kV. 16 14 12 Hyrax 10 FR3 8 PFAE 6 4 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 4.7: Average PD Change at 10 kV 60 28 20 PD Charge (pC) 15 Hyrax FR3 10 PFAE 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (second) Figure 4.8: Average PD Change at 20 kV 18 16 14 Hyrax 10 FR3 8 PFAE PD Charge (pC) 12 6 4 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 4.9: Average PD Change at 30 kV 60 Time (second) 29 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion This study has been conducted to investigate partial discharge characteristics (PD) of palm-based oil as an alternative transformer application. The results revealed that palm-base oil has as well as PD characteristics compared with existing mineral oil. Thus, palm-based oil has a good potential to be used as transformer oil. 5.2 Recommendation Based on experiments carried out, clearly shows that palm-based oil like PFAE have potential to replace petroleum-based mineral oil as insulating oil in transformer as transformer oil. However, the recommendation and proposed to be done to improve the experimental results in the future. Among the recommendation are: 30 (a) Other electrical properties such as relative permittivity and viscosity should be tested (b) Partial discharge test must be conducted for a long time to show the stability of the performance (c) To prove the palm-based oil is a very good insulation, this oil must be tested at real power transformer 31 REFERENCES [1] SuwarnoAditama (2005) “Dielectric Properties of Palm Oils as Liquid Insulating Materials: Effects of Fat Content”. 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