The future won’ t w a i t. N d o rm a Th n a th in g e k er l i b o ox u o s . tsi u d e s. w w w .n d u .a c .a t Da n i e l a Ma y e r , NDU S t u d e n t S T UDY COU R SES Bachelor Gr a p h i c a n d I n f o rm a t i o n D e s i g n B a c h e l o r o f Art s ( BA ) , FULL- T I M E I n t e r i o r Ar c h i t e c t u r e B a c h e l o r o f Art s ( BA ) , FULL- T I M E M a n u a l & M a t e r i a l C u lt u r e B a c h e l o r o f Art s ( BA ) , FULL- T I M E Event Engineering B a c h e l o r o f E n g i n e e r i n g ( BE n g ) , FULL- T I M E B u s i n e s s & D e s i g n ° ° B a c h e l o r o f S c i e n c e ( BS c ) , FULL- T I M E Master I n t e r i o r Ar c h i t e c t u r e M a s t e r o f Art s ( M A ) , PA R T - T I M E S pa t i a l i t y a n d I n f o rm a t i o n D e s i g n ° M a s t e r o f Art s ( M A ) , PA R T - T I M E E-Mobilit y & Energy Management M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e ( M S c ) , EX T R A - OCCUPA T IONAL I n t e l l e c t u a l Pr o p e rt y R i g h t s & I n n o va t i o n s M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e ( M S c ) , EX T R A - OCCUPA T IONAL E n tr e p r e n e u r s h i p & I n n o va t i o n ° ° M a s t e r o f S c i e n c e ( M S c ) , PA R T - T I M E F o u n d at i o n C o u r s e Pr e p a r a t i o n f o r a BA c o u r s e a t t h e F a c u lt y o f D e s i g n , 2 s e m e s t e r s , p a rt - t i m e ° Subject to accreditation °° Planned new design university The New Design University St. Pölten (NDU) was founded by the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce and its business development institute (WIFI) in 2004. As an international, real-life site of high-end education in design, engineering and business, the NDU trains creative thinkers who advance social change and explore tomorrow’s processes of work and design today. The NDU stands out for its high level of personal supervision, attaching special importance to the combination of theory and practice. Imparting business skills is another matter of great importance at the private university in St. Pölten. T HE LOCA T ION Currently still housed in the main WIFI building, the New Design University is set to move in to the new Technology and Design Centre in autumn 2014. The lightflooded new building has ample room for lecture halls, workshops and laboratories on two storeys, creating the ideal setting for inspirational encounters and a pleasant, creative atmosphere. Students at the NDU have access to all WIFI facilities, including various workshops, for example for carpentry and metalworking. The NDU’s cutting-edge equipment is of course also available to all courses (photo studio, audio/video lab, event equipment, and much more). The Uni is easy to reach by car, bike or public transport, with excellent local facilities (two shopping centres and the event venue VAZ St. Pölten are just around the corner). The second New Design University base is the NDU Fabrik on the former Glanzstoff company site in the north of St. Pölten. The roughly 1500m2 large former factory is currently used as a gigantic, shared creative loft: students from various disciplines work in groups or on joint projects, in a shared space with a unique, unmistakable ambience. Most of the creative courses, events and student project exhibitions take place here. D i r e c t c o n ta c t with all professors makes studying a t t h e NDU a r e a l c r e at i v e powerhouse. M a n u e l W e i l g u n y, M A s t u d e n t I n t e r i o r Ar c h i t e c t u r e FU T U R E LAB The Future Lab is a dedicated NDU platform aimed to bring businesspeople and creative workers together. During your studies, it allows you to work in interdisciplinary teams on real-life projects and to develop specific solutions which are actually put into practice by the clients. All projects are supervised by teachers from various disciplines and external specialists. This is an opportunity to gather valuable knowledge and practical experience for your future job and to put it to work even while you are studying. YOU R ADVAN T AGES The New Design University is a visionary, future-oriented private university that offers a range of significant benefits: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● individual supervision strong link to practice well-founded university education ideal infrastructure interdisciplinary work on real-life projects opportunity to build valuable networks excellent job prospects for graduates Study at the NDU combines the practical orientation of a university of applied science with the renowned academic education of a university. You will acquire detailed expertise in your particular subject, while also understanding the links between the various disciplines. You will work in small groups, supervised individually by teachers and renowned experts with a wealth of practical experience. Active contacts with the business world will give you an excellent grounding for your future job even while you are still studying. Graduating from the New Design University is a ground-breaking step for your later career! The future lab is an ingenious ›hub‹, where students can put their ideas s tr a i g h t i n t o practice. C h r i s t i a n Pr a s s e r , a r c h i t e c t, Pr o f e s s o r ( NDU ) AD M ISSION R E Q UI R E M EN T S In order to enrol for a bachelor’s course, applicants must usually have A-levels. Applicants may also enrol for design-related courses if they have completed an apprenticeship. Applicants without A-levels may also be admitted to the NDU if they display exceptional artistic, creative aptitude. In order to enrol for a master’s course, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree. Applicants may also enrol for extra-occupational master’s courses with A-levels and appropriate work experience. Another condition is that applicants pass an entrance examination to test their aptitude for the particular discipline. Depending on previous education, it is possible to start a bachelor’s degree course in the second or third semester. Credit models and details on the entrance examination can be found at We will be happy to advise you in person or over the phone via our Infoline on +43 (0)2742 890 2418. St u d y I n f o l i n e : T : + 4 3 ( 0 ) 2 7 4 2 8 9 0 2 4 1 8 , E : i n f o @ n d u . a c . a t St u d y i n g a t t h e NDU g u a r a n t e e s f i r s t- c l a s s tr a i n i n g , with every single student receiving individual encouragement and challenges. Georg Schober, NDU g r a d u a t e T UI T ION FEES T UI T ION FEES Bachelor Master € 4 7 5 m o n t h ly o r € 2 , 8 0 0 p e r s e m e s t e r ° € 5 9 0 m o n t h ly o r € 3 , 5 0 0 p e r s e m e s t e r ° ° ° ° B a c h e l o r ’s c o u r s e i n B u s i n e s s & D e s i g n : € 5 9 0 p e r m o n t h ( € 3 , 5 0 0 p e r s e m e s t e r ) ° ° M a s t e r ’s c o u r s e i n E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p & I n n o v a t i o n : € 7 6 0 p e r m o n t h ( € 4 , 5 0 0 p e r s e m e s t e r ) FINANCING There are a number of options available to help you finance your studies at the New Design University: state and private scholarships and grants, student loans, and loans on easy terms. It is also possible to arrange payment of tuition fees in instalments on request. We will be happy to advise you on the details! Scholarships and grants Excerpt; valid from February 2014 ●Income-based scholarship ●Self-supporter scholarship ● Achievement scholarship ●Siegfried Ludwig Fund and Leopold Figl Foundation (for students from Lower Austria) ●Top scholarship (NÖ Landesakademie) ● Pro Scientia – Austrian Educational Foundation ●START scholarships of the Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture ●Various regional scholarships Loans and student loans ● Hypo NOE Landesbank ●Niederösterreichische Sparkasse ●Wüstenrot The cooperations with selected banks guarantee our students study loans on the best terms: e.g. no equity, flexible payment models, repayment only begins after graduation and one year of work, etc. F u rt h e r d e t a i l s a t w w w . n d u . a c . a t We encourage boldness and ideas, font design and manual Culture, the mind and the pixel. A i da n S wa n to n, Course Director, Gr a p h i c & I n f o rm a t i o n D e s i g n S T UDYING IN S T. P Ö LT EN St. Pölten has more potential than you might suppose at first glance: the provincial capital and main educational centre in Lower Austria, the city offers excellent infrastructure to all students. Several halls of residence and a wide range of sports facilities make your time studying in St. Pölten one of exciting encounters. The growing cultural scene with the Festspielhaus and Landestheater, the Cinema Paradiso repertory cinema, vibrant festivals (FM4 Frequency), concerts and clubs (VAZ, Warehouse) lend the city its special character. But St. Pölten also boasts excellent transport links. All neighbouring conurbations are easy to reach by car and public transport. Expansion of the western railway line has now brought the capital Vienna within easy reach too: the train journey between St. Pölten and Vienna’s Westbahnhof now takes just 24 minutes! LIVING IN S T. P Ö LT EN In the immediate vicinity of the NDU Fabrik in Herzogenburger Straße are two modern halls of residence (Campus Domus, WIHAST), with a third located right in the city centre (Kolpinghaus St. Pölten). Living in St. Pölten is far less expensive than in Vienna. Numerous landlords offer flats suitable for sharing or studio flats to suit student budgets. The St. Pölten accommodation service provides regular information about private rooms and apartments, that are usually let with no commission. Please refer to w w w.ndu. ac. at for details on accommodation. Think outside the box. w w w. n d u. a c. at new design universit y GWT A u s - u n d Weiterbildungs GmbH Ma r i a z e l l e r S t r . 9 7 3 1 0 0 S t. P ö lt e n , a u s t r i a T+ 4 3 (0)2 742 890 24 11 f + 4 3 ( 0 ) 2 7 4 2 8 9 0 2 4 1 3 office@ndu. a c. at w w w.ndu. a c. at DESIGN N o v a m o n d o , B e r l i n IM P RESSUM N e w D e s i g n U n i v e r s i t y. GWT Aus- und Weiterbildungs GmbH. Misprints and errors excepted. ©2014 P H OTOS S e v e r i n W u r n i g , C r a i g D i l l o n , N . K . , NDU . R e n d e r i n g A RGE A l l e s W i r d G u t / FC P New Design University is a private university of the L o w e r Au s t r i a n C h a m b e r o f Commerce and its Business Development Institute
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