Adv A ven ntu ure er Bas B sicc Sttafff TTraain ning g Co ou urse e O Ontario Con nference Advventurer Min nistry Seeventh‐day A Adventist Ch hurch 2014 The e Adventturer Bassic Staff Training g Course e INTRO ODUCTIION The Adve enturer Basicc Staff Training Course iss designed tto develop awareness in n leaders of tthe fundame entals of the Adventurerr ministry and to help cluub leaders b become famiiliar with thee procedurres, policies,, and resourcces necessarry to commeence and maaintain an Ad dventurer Club. This courrse is not inttended to teach the basiics of what A Adventurers learn, but rather those basic elements of infformation ne ecessary for any Adventturer staff m member or leader to fulfill his or her du uties. Participants will attend a minimu um of 10 hours of seminnar training cconducted b by the Ontarrio nce Adventurer Ministryy personnel. This trainingg shall includ de both sem minar lecture and Conferen discussio on. Each partticipant is re equired to haave a portfolio or a 3‐ho ole ring bindeer and a cop py of the Adve enturer Stafff Manual. This Basic Staff Training (BST) Co ourse is a pre erequisite too the Masterr Guide Lead dership Courrse. A d by the Onttario Confere ence will be presented tto each participant upon n BST certificate issued nd a copy of the compleeted and sign ned Adventu urer BST Cou urse completion of requirrements. Sen urer Ministryy via mail, e‐‐mail or fax:: Checklistt to the Ontaario Conference Adventu Mail: E‐mail:: Adventurrer Ministry adventturers@adveentistontario Ontario C Conference o of the Seven nth‐day Adve entist Churc h Fax: 1110 King St. East, Oshawa, ON LL1H 1H8 905‐5771‐5995 This BST curriculum iis basically aa reproductio on of the 100‐Hour Coursse Adventureer Staff Train ning urer Ministriies of the Noorth Americaan Division in 1993 with Course produced by the Adventu minor ed dits and addiitions that su uit the Ontario Conferennce context. Adventurer Club Materials Staff Manual * – describes in detail the goals, objectives, and programs of the Adventurer Ministry. It includes information about the Adventurer Club organization, class curriculum, class pins, Awards, and the Family Network. Class Workbooks * ‐ are designed to help children better understand their class requirements. The workbooks (Little Lambs, Eager Beaver, Busy Bee, Sunbeam, Builder, and Helping Hand) provide a means through which Adventurer parents or instructors can identify and explain the values being taught in each requirement. Class Cards * ‐ identify the Adventurer class curriculum, the date of completion, and the instructor who approved the completion of the requirement. Brochure * ‐ identifies the Adventurer Club to non‐members. It communicates the values of the Adventure program and invites church/community families to enroll in the Adventurer Club. Brochures are available in English, French and Spanish. Club Uniforms * ‐ include navy blue jumpers/pants, light blue shirt, scarves, award sashes, and ties. For a more detailed description of the uniform and their emblems, contact the Conference Adventurer Director. Flag/Pledge and Law Banners * ‐ illustrate to parents and the community that the Adventurer program has been accredited by the North American Division. Reading Certificate ** ‐ is presented to each Adventurer who successfully completes the club’s reading requirements. Leadership Credential ** ‐ certify that an Adventurer staff member has completed the ten‐hour Adventurer Basic Staff Training Course, has experience working with Adventurers, is in good standing with the Adventurer organization, and is authorized to perform the duties of leadership in the Adventurer Club by order of the Ontario Conference. Staff Training Certificate ** ‐ is presented to each participant that successfully completed the ten‐hour Adventurer Basic Staff Training Course. Parent Pin * ‐ “Anchoring in Christ” acknowledges Adventurer parents who are members of the Family Network and who actively support their child(ren) in the Adventurer program. The Family Network provides an opportunity for Adventurer families to support each other in learning parental skills. _________________ * Available at Advent Source ‐ ‐ 402.486.8800 ‐ 800.328.0525 [email protected] ** Available through the Ontario Conference Adventurer Director – [email protected] ONTARIO CONFERENCE ADVENTURER MINISTRY The Adventurer Basic Staff Training Course Name _____________________________________________ Church _____________________ E‐mail _____________________________________________ Phone ______________________ Training Initiation Date _______________________________ District _____________________ Requirements Completed Attend 10 hours of seminar training on the Fundamentals of the Adventurer Club, which covers the following areas: Date Instructor Signature 1. History, Philosophy, and Purpose ________ ___________________ _______________ of the Adventurer Club 2. Understanding the Adventurer ________ ___________________ _______________ 3. Club Leadership ________ ___________________ _______________ 4. Club Organization ________ ___________________ _______________ 5. Club Programming ________ ___________________ _______________ 6. Adventurer Curriculum ________ ___________________ _______________ 7. Adventurer Family Network Program ________ ___________________ _______________ 8. Adventurer Awards ________ ___________________ _______________ Reviewing Adventurer Officer use only I have completed a review of the participant’s Portfolio and Basic Staff Training Check List and have found them to have fulfilled the requirements for this training course. Training Completion Date ____________________ Signature ________________________________________ Name of Reviewing Adventurer Officer __________________________________________________________ E‐mail ____________________________________Phone ___________________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 1 History, Philosophy, and Purpose of the Adventurer Club (45 minutes) NOTES Purpose To emphasize that the mission and objectives of the Seventh‐day Adventist Church must be relevant and meaningful to today’s families. Objective To recognize the philosophy, purpose, and uniqueness of the Adventurer ministry and gain an overview of the history of Adventuring. Explanation 1. History of Adventuring ………………….……………………. (5 min) 2. Adventurer Logo …………………………….…………………. ( 5 min) 3. Adventurer Philosophy ……………………………………… (10 min) 4. Adventuring as a Ministry ………………..……………….. (15 min) 4. Adventurer Instructor’s Manual.……………………….. (10 min) Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 2 Understanding the Adventurer (60 minutes) NOTES Purpose To help parents meet the challenge of leading their children to Christ. Objective To recognize the developmental needs of Adventurers and learn how to deal with them effectively. Explanation Participants are required to understand and discuss the following: 1. Developmental Characteristics of the Adventurer ……….……………………………….…. (15 min) Particular attention should be given to the different needs that emerge in: a. Physical characteristics b. Mental characteristics c. Socio‐emotional characteristics d. Spiritual characteristics 2. Effects of Gang Belonging …..……………………………. (10 min) 3. Principles of Effective Club Discipline.…………..….. (15 min) a. Discipline vs. punishment b. Safety and your club c. Child Abuse d. Sexual abuse 4. Adventurer as a Unique and Special Person...….. (10 min) Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 3 Club Leadership (60 minutes) NOTES Purpose To learn concepts and strategies to experience successful Adventurer leadership. Objective To understand different leadership styles and how they affect Adventurers at various age levels. Explanation Participants will discuss facets of Christian leadership related to the Adventurer club. 1. Leadership Defined ……….………………………………….…. (5 min) 2. Styles of Leadership …..…………..…………………………. (10 min) a. Autocratic b. Laissez‐faire c. Democratic d. Authoritative 3. Attitudes and Qualities of Christian Leaders..…….. (15 min) 4. Duties of the Adventurer Staff…………………………….. (15 min) 5. Goal‐setting questions and considerations………….. (15 min) a. What is to be accomplished? b. How is it to be accomplished? c. When is it to be accomplished? d. Who will accomplish it? e. Control measures. f. Steps of communication Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 4 Club Organization (75 minutes) NOTES Purpose To introduce the standards and requirements of the Adventurer Club organization. Objective To explain basic procedures and policies relevant to the establishment and maintenance of the Adventurer Club. Explanation Participants will study three major areas: 1. Club Organization.………………………………………….…. (25 min) a. Church commitment b. Staff training c. Flow chart i. Denominational flow chart ii. Club organizational flow chart d. Funding e. Public relations 2. Operating Policies …..…………………………….…………. (25 min) a. Church Board membership b. Parental involvement c. Club membership d. Uniform e. Calendar and time options f. Registration form g. Insurance h. Medical and Liability Release Forms 3. Start‐up and structuring ..………………………..……….. (25 min) Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 5 Club Programming (120 minutes) NOTES Purpose To help children build friendships with Jesus, guide them toward eternal life, and strengthen their relationship with their parent(s). Objective To understand and implement the Adventurer program, its features to be followed and presented, and persons participating. Explanation 1. Yearly Program …………..………………………………….…. (30 min) a. Adventurer club goals b. Planning the calendar c. Adventurer classes d. Parental involvement 2. Programming Guidelines ………………………………….. (20 min) 3. Club Meeting ……....……………………………….…………. (15 min) a. Club membership b. Non‐club membership 4. Child‐Parent Activities…………….………………..……….. (20 min) 5. Programming ……………………………………………..……... (35 min) a. Registration b. Family Network c. Induction d. Public relations e. Field trips f. Conference “Fun Day”, etc. g. Investiture Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ PATHFINDER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 6 Adventurer Curriculum (90 minutes) NOTES Purpose To understand the Adventurer curriculum, constituting areas of specialization to the participant. Objective To suggest methods of teaching the Adventurer curriculum In a creative and meaningful manner. Explanation 1. Adventurer Goals ………………………………………………... (5 min) 2. Overview ……………………………………….…....…………... (10 min) 3. How to Use the Curriculum Materials ……………….. (15 min) 4. Planning for Success ……………………………………….…. (25 min) a. Understanding creativity b. Study the class curriculum c. Work out your teaching plan d. Dealing with special challenges e. School classroom curriculum 5. Plan Your Calendar and Work Your Plan ………….…. (20 min) a. Identify special needs and interests b. Choose a track‐requirement to work c. Who will teach the requirement? d. When will the requirement be taught? e. Where will the requirement be taught? f. What information do they need to know? g. How will you teach it? 6. Resources …………………………………………………………… (15 min) Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 7 Adventurer Family Network Program (90 minutes) NOTES Purpose To teach successful parenting techniques and thereby receive God’s promised blessing. Objective To emphasize the importance of parental accountability, authority, and responsibility of child training, and to teach children how to honour parents. Explanation 1. Parental Empowerment ………………….…………………. (15 min) 2. The Adventurer Family …………………….…………………. ( 5 min) 3. The Adventurer Family Network Meeting…………… (30 min) a. Parental relationship b. Community resources c. Network program 4. Adventurer Family Network as a Support System.. (30 min) a. Goal b. Family involvement c. Adventurer Family Network is… d. Community resources 4. Parental Affirmation.………………………………………….. (10 min) Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1 Name _____________________________________________ ADVENTURER BASIC STAFF TRAINING – Section 8 Adventurer Awards (60 minutes) NOTES Purpose To help each child achieve various Adventurer goals by Participating in fun, meaningful activities. Objective To teach Adventurers that learning is fun; To encourage them to grow mentally, physically, socially, spiritually; To include Jesus in every activity. Explanation To develop an awareness that some children need greater challenges and additional activities while others may find it difficult to accomplish the requirements. 1. Goals …………………………………………………………………. (10 min) a. To teach the Adventurer new concepts and activities in fun and creative ways b. To challenge a more adventurous child without discouraging a lesser achiever. c. To help each Adventurer achieve a balanced life. d. To encourage each child to do his or her best. 2. Be Creative …………………….…………………………………. (20 min) a. Enjoy learning on the chosen subject b. Present ideas in a fun way c. Collect ideas and materials d. Have hands‐on experience e. Expand and make the requirements come alive. 3. Awards…………………………………………………….………… (30 min) Instructor’s Name _______________________________ Instructor’s Signature ____________________________ Date Completed ________________________________ 1
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