Item No. 5 Orange Park, Florida June 24, 2014 The meeting of the Orange Park Town Council was called to order in the Town Hall Council Chambers at with Mayor Steve Howard presiding. Other Councilmen present were Vice-Mayor Gary Meeks, Councilman J.B. Renninger, Councilman Scott Land, and Councilman Eugene Nix. Also in attendance were Town Manager Jim Hanson, Attorney Sam Garrison of Kopelousos, Bradley & Garrison, Police Chief Gary Goble, Fire Chief Ty Silcox, Public Works Director Chuck Pavlos, Economic & Community Development Director T.C. Amato, Interim Finance Director John Villanueva, Capital Projects Manager Rusty Grimes, and Town Clerk Sarah Campbell. The invocation was given by Councilman Nix, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. RECOGNITION OF 4-H CLUB MEMBERS Mayor Howard presented certificates of recognition to members of the 4-H Chapter, “The Hoe Nine Yards” for building butterfly garden boxes at the Orange Park Skate Park. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES FOR THE MEETING DATED JUNE 3, 2014 Councilman Nix moved to approve the minutes of the Council meeting dated June 3, 2014. Councilman Renninger seconded the motion which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. MAYOR TO CALL ON ANYONE IN AUDIENCE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL No one addressed the Council during this time. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 26 RELATED TO SURCHARGES TO CONSUMERS OUTSIDE THE TOWN BOUNDARIES Councilman Renninger moved for a first reading, by title only, of the ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the Town Code. Councilman Nix seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. Ms. Campbell read the ordinance into the record by title only. STAFF DIRECTED REPORTS Energy Conservation Measures – Mr. Pavlos stated that the Water Management District issued their list of funded projects. They have funding for the top 34 projects. The Town’s project was number 47. He anticipates no agreement with them for water meter replacement. The Town does have meter replacement in the current capital budget and in the proposed capital plan for next year. Town Council Meeting June 24, 2014 Page 2 Eldridge Loop Retention Area –Mr. Pavlos located correspondence with the Water Management District regarding the permit for the pond. He will give a full and accurate report once the information has been reviewed. Mayor Howard asked for an update on Mr. Brown’s tree. Dogwood Lane Driveway Naming – Attorney Garrison stated that the area in question is not public right-of-way. It lies only on private property. The Town has no authority to name it and has no further action to take. The area is a non-exclusive easement and not a private or public road. Mayor Howard asked for an update on the authority to close Stiles Avenue. Mr. Hanson stated that staff is researching activity from the 1980’s Town Council. PRESENTATION OF 2012-2013 FISCAL YEAR AUDIT REPORT Ms. Leanne Cross, Mauldin & Jenkins, presented the audit report to the Council. She read the independent audit management letter into the record. Vice-Mayor Meeks moved that the audit letter not be read into the record in the future. Councilman Renninger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. Vice-Mayor Meeks moved to accept the 2012-2013 audit report. Councilman Renninger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN RESOLUTION ADOPTING A FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL Vice-Mayor Meeks moved to open the public hearing on the proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Councilman Nix seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. Mayor Howard opened the public hearing, and as there was no one to address the Council on this item, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Nix asked how cost estimates were obtained. Mr. Hanson stated that it is strange to prepare the Capital Plan before the budget is adopted and funds identified. He stated that this was issued two weeks after he started and not many details are known. He will be making recommendations to change this in the budget. Ms. Campbell stated that estimates were obtained from some contractors prior to making capital projections. Councilman Renninger noted that Kingsley Avenue East and River Road are not included in the Plan and are important projects. Town Council Meeting June 24, 2014 Page 3 Vice-Mayor Meeks moved to approve a resolution adopting Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Councilman Renninger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE CLAY COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Councilman Land moved to appoint Vice-Mayor Meeks to the Tourist Development Council. Councilman Nix seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. TOWN MANAGER REPORT Mr. Hanson stated that the stop sign at Campbell and River Road has been unbagged and will remain in place. Mr. Hanson stated that research on a Municipal Super Tuesday Election is ongoing. He noted that work on Eldridge Loop is ongoing. He updated information on the following Council requests: - Rewriting of a purchasing policy would be a large staff project. First reading of a utility surcharge ordinance was tonight. Lights at the Clarke House have been fixed; the paint will be looked at. Elected officials are not included in the pension plans Staff is looking for the lease for the T.C. Miller Center Stiles Avenue closure research is ongoing. The San Robar House has been torn down. The property will be sold. Mr. Hanson stated that there have been a number of requests for project work and staff will need direction on where to spend their time. He will give a list of all projects to the Council for them to determine which ones are most important. Council members should rank their top five priorities, and he will present them at the July meeting. TOWN CLERK REPORT Ms. Campbell had nothing to report. TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT Attorney Garrison had nothing to report. Town Council Meeting June 24, 2014 Page 4 LETTERS FOR ACTION OR REVIEW No letters were presented for action or review. MAYOR TO CALL ON ANYONE IN AUDIENCE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Ms. Barbara Davidson, 2710 Holly Point Road West, commented on the Capital Improvement Plan and commended Mr. Hanson on the priority list. MAYOR TO CALL ON COUNCILMEMBERS AND ATTORNEY FOR REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS Councilman Renninger commended the recent Northeast Florida League of Cities dinner that the Town hosted. Well over 100 were in attendance along with Mr. Gil Zephyr, who is running for Second Vice President of the Florida League of Cities. Councilman Renninger stated that the Town needs to take action regarding Loring Village Court, or decide not to proceed. No responses were received from the residents following the engineer’s report. Mr. Hanson stated that taking over the private stormwater issue would be a new city service. He recommended reviewing this item during budget discussions. Councilman Nix moved to take no action in the area and therefore avoid setting a precedent, with a letter to the residents referencing the engineer’s report. Councilman Renninger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0. Mr. Hanson stated that he would send a letter out. Councilman Renninger stated that there will be a Culture & Recreation Committee meeting on June 24 at 4:30 p.m. to review Town park facilities. Councilman Renninger requested information related to Town vehicles that were recently sold in an online auction. Ms. Campbell stated that she would send the information. Councilman Land noted that there have been issues in the north end of Town. He questioned whether letters regarding a Community Redevelopment Area had been sent to the County Commission as voted on by the Council. Mr. Amato stated that he would research the issue. Councilman Nix commented on the proposed location of the television for presentation viewing. He stated that he contacted the vendor regarding their quote and found that some items could be removed. It would cost $1,200 to move. The Council discussed fixed monitors on the dais for viewing and requested a quote for the next meeting. Town Council Meeting June 24, 2014 Page 5 Vice-Mayor Meeks noted that the audit commented on a perpetual inventory system. He recommended looking at the inventory module for the Tyler Technologies system for the next budget year. Vice-Mayor Meeks commended the Fire Department for working with local businesses to improve their alarm systems and emergency plans. Mayor Howard thanked the Public Works Department and Mr. Bowles for installing an aerator in the Clarke House Park pond. Mayor Howard stated that parking issues on Reed Street at Kingsley Avenue are ongoing. Mayor Howard stated that the next talk with the Mayor would be on Thursday, July 3 from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Mayor Howard stated that there will be a Public Safety/Public Works Committee meeting on Thursday, July 10 at 4:00 p.m. and the next Council meeting is on Tuesday, July 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Nix moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Vice-Mayor Meeks seconded the motion, which passed unanimously, 5 to 0.
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