Abha Na a arain Lambah Associaates for Gloobal Heritaage Fund The Terracott Temples of Maluti A Cons C serva ation Report t Pr repare ed for r Glo obal He eritage Fund Pr repare ed by Ab bha Nara ain Lamb bah Asso ociates The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R Ma arch 20 011 1 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Prepa ared fo or Global Heritage H Fund 625 Emersson Streett Suite 200 0 Palo Allto, CA 94 4301 t +1.650.325.7520 f +1.650.3 325.7511; www.glob w balheritag gefund.org Prepa ared by A Abha Narrain Lamb bah Assoc ciates Conservatio on Architec cts & Historic c Building Co onsultants 201 Amrit, B Wing, Cartter Road, Kh har (W), Mu umbai 40005 52 T Tel:+91 22 26055756; 2 website:www w.anlassocia ates.com The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 2 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Jeff Morgan and the Board of Trustees of the Global Heritage Fund for initiating this project and for their support for the heritage of this remote village community in Jharkhand. A special thanks to Ms. Jasmine Arneja for her active involvement and support. We are grateful to Mr. Adam Dunbar, Mr. Daniel Thompson, Mr. Jeff Adams and the entire staff at GHF for their support on this project. A special thanks to Mr. John Hurd and Mr. John Sanday for their support of this endevour. Our sincere gratitude to Mr. Sourav De and Mr. Krishnendu Bandopadhyay for their deep personal commitment towards the preservation of the temples at Maluti. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Gopaldas Banerjee, a long time resident and an elder of Maluti for his perseverance and commitment towards saving the rich temple heritage of Maluti. His lifelong research on the history of Maluti and its legends has been an invaluable source of information to the project team. We acknowledge with gratitude, Dr. Subrata Chakravorty for his guidance and valuable historical inputs. Project Team Abha Narain Lambah Associates Project Leader & Conservation Architect Abha Narain Lambah Project Archaeologist Shraddha Bhatawadekar Associate Conservation Architect Kruti Garg Project Architects Jiten Desai Akshay Kulkarni Architectural Interns – Documentation Durgesh Sarmalkar Priyanka Lele Vidhya Gopal Structural Conservation Advisor Dr. Michael O’Connor The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 3 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Location & Setting 1.2. History 1.3. The Village Setting 2. Architecture & Iconography 36 2.1. Evolution of Temple Architecture in Bengal 2.2. Terracotta Temples at Maluti: Location & Clusters 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.2.5. Cluster 1: Sikir Taraf Cluster 2: Rajar Bari Cluster 3: Madhyam Bari Cluster 4: Chhai Taraf Cluster 5: Mauliksha Temple Complex 2.3. Sculpture & Iconography in Maluti 3. Significance & Values 110 4. Conservation of the Temple Fabric 120 4.1. Conservation of the Temple Fabric: Issues & Recommendations 4.2. Condition Inventory & Fabric Assessment 5. Approach to Site Management 189 5.1. Archaeology & Research 5.2. Sustainable Rural Development 5.3. Policy & Protection 6. Balancing Preservation & Change 205 6.1. Future Management Issues 6.2. Ensuring Sustainable Change The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 4 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund 1. In ntro oduc ction n The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 5 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 1.1.Location & Setting Location The village of Maluti is located in Dumka District (Santhal Pargana) in the state of Jharkhand in India. The village is on the border of West Bengal and Jharkhand, near the North-Eastern border of Jharkhand. The village lies about 55 kilometre East of District headquarter of Dumka. Maluti is 16 km from Rampurhat (District Birbhum, West Bengal), which is to the East of the village, and 15 km from Mallarpur (District Birbhum, West Bengal), which is to the South-East of the village, which are the two nearest railway stations. The village lies near Surichua on the Rampurhat-Dumka Bus route. Geographical co-ordinates North- N 24q09’40.5” South- N 24q09’21.60” East- E 87q40’32.57” West- E 87q40’14.88” Area of the Village 400 m X 700 m N Left: The village of Maluti; Image Source: Google Earth Right Top: Context of the site in Jharkhand State on a geographical map of India Right Bottom: Context of the site in Dumka District on a geographical map of Jharkhand State The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 6 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Topography & Setting Maluti is situated at the eastern end of the undulated Chhota Nagpur plateau, rich in mineral resources. The rivulet of Chila, also called Chandan Ghat Nala, is to the South of the village. The river also marks the natural boundary between West Bengal and Jharkhand. The village is surrounded by many water bodies. It is believed that the village once had more than 60 tanks built by the Rajas who ruled Maluti. The area was once covered with dense forest. The agricultural lands around the village Maluti are identified by names like Bon-kata, Bagh-bia, Harin-dhanda, Hastikanda, Shial-mara, etc, referring in the local language to areas once covered with trees. Left Top: Topography and setting of Maluti; Image Source: Google Earth Left Bottom: Water tank at Maluti N The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 7 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The Shika aripara bloc ck, in which the village e is located, is predominantly inha abited by th he Santhal tribal comm munities (re eferred to as Adivasis). Maluti, thus t is surrrounded by b Adivasi villages v from m both Jha arkhand an nd West Ben ngal. The Suric chua aerod drome is lo ocated ne ear Maluti. The T aerodro ome was used by th he British military during World War II, and is no ow under the e Defence Ministry. M There arre numerou us stone crushing c un nits near Maluti. The sto one is brought from th he D hill ra ange. nearby Dumka Right To op: Surichua aerodrome e: Context of the Right Middle site with the surround ding villages an nd quarry siites; Image Sourc ce: Wikimapia Right Botto om: Topography and setting of o Maluti The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 8 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Maluti can be dessignated as a a ‘temp ple village’ since s this sm mall village e has over 60 temples which belong to the perio od between 17th and 19th centurie es. Located in clusters, these temples form an excelle ent setting with w the village fabric, which w givess a unique character to the village.. nous Benga ali The temples, built in indigen style of o architec cture, witth exquisiite terracotta a work, disp play masterry of the loc cal craftsmen n, who crreated the ese beautifful houses of worship… Maluti is a small village e with an area a of 28 hectare es. The temples and houses stand next to each other, o forming a closely knit group. g The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 9 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Protection & Legal Status Maluti lies in Shikaripara Block of Dumka District of Jharkhand. The village has a Gram Panchayat, the local village body, which looks after the administration in the village. The village of Maluti came under Santhal Pargana in 1855 from District Birbhum in Bengal. In the post independence period, the Santhal Pargana formed part of the State of Bihar. The village finally came under the newly formed State of Jharkhand in 2001. N Left: The village of Maluti; Image Source: Google Earth Right: The village of Maluti with its traditional household The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 10 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 54 temples in the village were gazetted by the Bihar Government in 1983 under Bihar Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites’ Remains and Art Treasures Act, 1976. At present, the temples are under the Jharkhand Government. Site Map of Maluti The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 11 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund 1.2.Hiistory The historic cal text is ba ased on the report r ‘Templles of Maluti’ written by Mr. M Gopaldass Mukherjee,, a resident of o Maluti, who w has do one extensive research on o the site. The antiq quity of the e village off Maluti go oes back to pre-historic c times. The e pre-historic r off Chila prov ve tools found in the river-bed that the area wass inhabited d during th he Palaeolithic period. The history of the villag ge from the pre-historic c period to the mediev val s in n mystery as a there is no n times is shrouded sufficient evidence to t reconstru uct this perio od. Towards the end of 17th ce entury, Maluti came intto limelight as the capiital of Nank kar Raj. Th he name Maluti M has m many legen nds for its origin. It is sa aid that the name is probably derived from m the wo ord ‘Mallah hati’. The Malla M kingss of Bankkura-Vishnupur had su uzerainty ov ver a vast a arae which included Bu urdwan, Midnapur, M a and some parts of Chhotanagp C pur plateau u, which was called Mallabhum. M Th here is ano other proba able version for the na ame. It is lik kely that Ma aluti is the corruption c of the word Mahulati orr Mohulti. Th he area is fu ull of Mohu ul trees, an nd names of many viillages are e prefixed with mo ohul. This possibility is also a strengtthened by the landre evenue rec cords which h mention the t name Mohulti. M It was w sometim me in the early 20th century that the name Maluti startted being ussed. The village of Maluti consists of terraco otta temples set within clusterss of vernac cular mud houses. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 12 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Pre-historic Layer Maluti reveals a distinct settlement layer from the pre-historic period. Pre-historic tools belonging to Acheulian and Middle Palaeolithic period have been found in the river bed of rivulet Chila also known as Chandan Ghat Nala. The tool bearing area extends from a point called ‘Sadarghat’ to an upstream point called ‘Shirali’, with a distance of one kilometre between the two points. The tools include handaxes, scrapers, blades, etc. The working edge is serrated and is still sharp. Prof. Dr. Subrata Chakravorty of Visva Bharati has confirmed that these tools belong to the Palaeolithic period. He has divided the tools collected from Maluti into two classes: x x Acheulian Middle Palaeolithic Dr. Chakravorty has also described in detail the Acheulian finds discovered from Chila, classification of such tools collected from the site and the raw materials used to make those tools. “Acheulian appeared at Maluti Sadarghat on Chila, the rivulet that flows in BirbhumJharkhand border land. Acheulian finds discovered from three localities, one of them fossiliferous include handaxes, cleavers, choppers, scrapers, and unqualified waste, flakes, cores and chips made of raw materials – traps, basalts, quartzite, chert, jasper, etc. The assemblage of Maluti Sadarghat shows preponderance of various other tools such as retouched flakes, side scrapers, end scrapers, point borers, sundry light duty tools.” Neolithic or Chalcolithic specimens are not found in the village or its vicinity as yet, but some Mesolithic artefacts are found. Pre-historic tools found in Maluti The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 13 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Nankar Raj Maluti iss believed to have existed lon ng before being the capital of the ta axexempte ed kingdom of Baj Basa anta dynastty. It was once o revere ed as a great g seat of learning. The mentio on of Maluti — known as ashi in ancient times — is found as Gupta Ka early as the t Shunga period (185 5 BC - 75 BC C). It is said that t it was at a Maluti that the king of Pataliputtra perform med the Ashvamed dh Yajna. V B Buddhists, followers of Later, Vajrayani Tantrik rittuals are believed b to have mad de the dense forests off Maluti theiir abode. Th he origin of the village deity Maulliksha can be b traced back to this period d. The deity resemble es Pandara a, Shakti of o Amitabh ha, worshipp ped in Vajray yana Buddhism. It is belie eved that th he great Hin ndu saint Adi A Shankara acharya, on his way to Varana asi, had stop pped over at a Maluti. So ome historia ans believe that t Maluti is the first place whe ere the Vedic c upheavall started. 7th century that the It was only in the 17 ame the ca apital of Na ankar Raj. viillage beca According A t folk lore to e, the kingd dom was awarded to Basanta Ro oy of village Katigram by Sultan Alauddin Husssain Shah of Gaura (1495A.D.–15 525A.D.). So on of a poorr Brahmin, Ba asanta managed to c catch the pet hawk of the sultan and gave it back to the sultan. In n lieu of the hawk (baj)), Basanta was w given th he kingdom m and hen nce, he wa as called Ra aja Baj Basa anta. The capital of Ba aj Basanta was w Damra (8 kilomettre south of o Maluti). Ba asanta su ubsequently y expand ded his kingdom by bringing Ma allarpur esta ate under hiis suzerainty y. This brou ught him in n conflict with w the king g of the ne eighbouring g state of Ra ajnagar (Nagor). In a family feu ud which continued over g generationss, Raja Ra ajchandra, the grea at grandson of Baj Ba asanta was killed an nd his kingd dom was ta aken over by b the Raja o of Nagor. Mauliksha a Temple Comp plex The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 14 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund After this incident, Ramchandra and Mahadevachandra, the two brothers of the deceased king Rajchandra along with two nephews Rakharchandra and Prithvichandra left Damra and established the capital at Maluti, which was revival of Hindu culture in Maluti. After clearing the forest, they established their settlement at Maluti around 1680 A.D. They divided themselves in four houses (Chow-taraf). Rakharchandra, the eldest son of late Rajchandra had 1/4th share of the total property. His house was called ‘Rajar Bari’, i.e. house of king. Likewise with the same share the house of his brother Prithvichandra was called ‘Madhyam Bari’, i.e. house of second. Ramchandra, second brother of Rajchandra took another 1/4th share and it was called ‘Sikir Taraf’, i.e. house of 1/4th share. The fourth share was occupied by Mahadevchandra, the third and the youngest brother of Rajachandra. He had six sons, so the subjects used to call that house by the name of ‘Chhai Taraf’, i.e. house of six. Rajar Bari, Madhyam Bari and Sikir Taraf settled in a line from west to east and Chhai Taraf in the south of the village. Around 1857, Swami Bamdev (or Bamakhepa), one of Bengal’s greatest spiritual leaders, came here to be a priest but failed because he couldn’t memorise Sanskrit mantras. He was made to cook food for the puja. During his 18-month stay in Maluti, Bamakhepa used to spend most of his time at Maulisksha temple. Here he was first blessed. Then, he moved to Tarapith. His trident is still preserved at Maluti. The descendants of Baj Basanta used the title Raja till 1900 A.D. At the beginning of 20th century they left the Raja title and then onward they are called ‘Babus of Maluti’. Brahmins by caste, the royal family was very religious. Dandi Sanyasi of Sumeru Math, Kashi (Varanasi) is believed to have helped Baj Basanta gain the kingdom and became the Rajguru of the family. Goddess Mauliksha became the patron deity of the royal family. They worshipped her as Simhavahini. Instead of constructing palaces, the Rajas built temples. The activity continued simultaneously in all the tarafs, with each taraf competing with the other. This turned Maluti into a ‘Temple village’. Right Top: The temple of Bamdev Right Bottom: The trishul and shankha of Bamdev has been preserved in a temple at Maluti dedicated to Bamdev, the ascetic who is said to have attained ‘siddhi’ from Goddess Mauliksha The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 15 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Maluti in Legends Myths and legends add to the significance of the place and provide glimpses into a period. Numerous interesting legends and stories are associated with Baj Basanta, Rakharchandra, the descendant of Baj Basanta and the village deity Mauliksha. There is an interesting legend which gives an account of the acquisition of Nankar kingdom by Baj Basanta. The story relates that Basanta took birth in a poor Brahmin family. His father died in his childhood. Due to poverty, he had to tend cattle of others. A few days before becoming king, he was sleeping in the shade of a tree. As the sun was setting, the shade moved away and sun rays fell directly on his face. That time a snake, expanding its hood, protected Basanta’s face from the sun. Dandi Sanyasi, the monk belonging to the Sumeru Math, Kashi who was passing through that road was surprised at this sight and came near the boy. Dandi Swami looked at the boy closely and observed that the boy had enough signs on his body to become a king in the near future. He awoke Basanta and went along with him to his house in the nearby village. Reaching there, Swamiji came to know that Basanta had already received diksha from his family preceptor, but the mantra was not suitable for him to become a king. Therefore Swamiji wrote that mantra on a Bel leaf and asked Basanta to immerse the leaf in a pond. Then he gave him diksha afresh in the Sinmhavahini mantra. Immediately after the incident, as Alauddin Hussain Shah, the Sultan of Gaura encamped his troops near the village of Basanta, while returning to his capital. It is here that the pet bird baj of the begum flew away. The bird was caught by Basanta. Swamiji, on learning that the bird was with Basanta took him to the king and requested the king to give some land to poor Basanta as a prize for returning the bird. The Sultan promised to give as much land to Basanta as he could cover by riding a trained horse from dawn to dusk. Acquired, such land was made tax-free (Nankar) and the prestigious title ‘Raja’ was also conferred on him. Thus Basanta became a king overnight. There is a legend that Sultan Hussain Shah who gave Basanta the Nankar kingdom as a gift himself was a shepherd in his childhood. A snake also protected his face from the sun when he was asleep on the field. Therefore it seems that these two ingredients of the legend are interpolated. The story of Baj Basanta’s childhood as a shepherd and snake covering his face from sun appeared first in a book published by Dandi Swami Brahmananda Tirtha from Sumeru Math, Kashi between 1908 A.D. and 1912 A.D. The same story after minor modification appeared in local history in 1921 A.D. Thereafter most of the contemporary writers referred this story as the background for formation of the Nankar state. However, the part of the story that Basanta became a king in lieu of a bird (baj) with the help of a Dandi Sanyasi of Sumeru Math, Kashi may be true to a great extent because the word ‘baj’ has been prefixed with the name of Basanta to commemorate the event. The name ‘Baj Basanta’ is comparatively prominent because it can be found both in local history and government records. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 16 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund There are many interesting stories regarding Raja Rakharchandra Roy. Among them, a story in relation to goddess Tara of Tarapith is very popular. It was the beginning of the 18th century that Tarapith was a forested area and the act of worshipping goddess Tara was controlled by Kaula and Aghori Sanyasis. Rakharchandra used to go to Tarapith regularly in those days to worship goddess Tara. Once he went to Tarapith for a puja on a chaturdashi tithi immediately after Durga Puja. It was a regular practice at Tarapith to perform puja of the image of the Goddess outside the temple with the image facing East. While Raja was performing puja, some priests objected saying that the Raja could perform puja only after the chief priest had performed puja. The agitated Raja chose his own place across the river Dwarka in order to complete his puja. He filled earthen pot with water and chanted ‘mantras’ with great devotion. At that time, a miracle took place when the face of the image in Tarapith which was facing East turned to West to the side of Rakharchandra. The thrilled Raja brought the earthen pot and placed that on the altar of his patron deity Mauliksha. The image of goddess Tara is taken out of the main temple every year on Chaturdashi tithi after Durga Puja and is placed in ‘Viram Khana’ facing Maluti. Puja and sacrifice are offered to goddess Tara from the other side of river Dwarka on behalf of Maluti first. Only then does the formal Puja start. This practice is still prevalent. Goddess Mauliksha is said to be the elder sister of Goddess Tara of Tarapith. This is because the renowned yogi Bamakhepa attained his siddhi from Mauliksha first and then from Tara. A number of miraculous stories are heard about Maulikshatala. Many people claim to have seen at night the flame springing out from Hom-kunda. Kamala Kanta, a great ascetic was thrown out in the midnight while he was in deep meditation before the deity. Another story relates that sometimes at night, the sound of sweeping with broom-stick at different places at a time is heard from inside the boundary of this lonely temple. Yet another legend is there, that a large jackal appears suddenly and disappears also likewise inside the temple complex, though all the four outside gates remain closed. The idol of Mauliksha is no less miraculous. A group of three people demand to have seen a pale bluish ray come out of the idol after aarti in the evening. Goddess Mauliksha is said to be the combination of three mahashakti. She is believed to be ‘Pandara’ the shakti of Amitabha established by tantric Buddhists in bygone days. She is now worshipped as Sinmhavahini, the patron deity of the royal family and lastly, Raja Rakharchandra and ascetic Bamakhepa have brought Tara and Mauliksha closer by their flawless devotion. Devotes from all sects of Hinduism have continued worship of goddess Mauliksha according to their religious doctrine through centuries. As a result, goddess Mauliksha of Maluti is now a living deity to devotees irrespective of caste and creed. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 17 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund 1.3.Th he Villa age Set tting Domestic Architec cture Unlike ma any villagess in the region which are a being ra apidly tran nsformed with w mode ern materialss and form ms fast re eplacing th he vernacular architec ctural vocab bulary, Maluti largely re character of etains the traditional t an Indian n village. The vernacular domestic architectu ure consists primarily of o mud strructures wiith sloping ro oofs of thatc ch or terrac cotta tiles. Th he houses ra ange from single to two t storeye ed structuress, with the upper floo or made of a mud plasstered floorring supporrted on rolle ed twigs tied up with rope, spanning acro oss wooden logs. ger houses have a fore ecourt and a While larg walled garden g and many have h a fro ont verandah h facing the t street, the smaller houses may m just co onsist of a single roo om tenemen nt. While mo ost of the houses h reta ain the tradittional form, some thatc ch roofs hav ve been rep placed with h Galvanise ed Iron she eet roofing fo or rain prote ection. The village elde ers have inssisted that new consttructions also the sloping respect ro oof proffile characte eristic of the e village. Top Righ ht: A typical mud m house with circular cak kes of dried co owdung plaste ered on the exterior wall. w The roof is made of thattch. Middle: Traditional th hatch roofs arre often repla aced with me etal sheet roofs for rain protectio on. Bottom: A traditional flloor construction of rolled tw wigs tied up wiith string, span nning across wooden logs. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 18 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Typical streets lined with mud houses The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 19 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Even the house of the erstwhile Raja family is a modest bungalow with a front garden and smaller huts for storing grain and agricultural produce.The traditional tulsi plant grows in the garden in a white traditional planter that is watered ritually each day. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 20 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Typical streets lined with mud houses The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 21 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Top Right: A traditional m mud dwelling with a curved d e metal caniisters hanging g roof profille. Notice the from the roof r alogn with h earthen potss that villagerss hang to giive shelter to n nesting birds. Left: A mu ud and thatch hut with a tree growing outt through th he thatch roof. M constru uction using the t ubiquitouss Middle: Modern concrete box construc ction poses a threat to the e ape. pristine village streetsca The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 22 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The Villa age Service es There is no electrricity provid ded by th he Governm ment and the only y source of electricity y is solar panels installed in individua al houses. In 1986, electricity came c only for 15 day ys. The wires were stolen in triba al dominate ed Shikaripa ara area. The T powerr connectio on was ne ever restorred. The village has individua al-owned so olar power units. Lack of electricity y has be een identiffied by th he villagers as one of the major reasons of its current backwardn ess and migration fro b om the villag ge. In 2010 0, new possts are bein ng erected by the Government. ery rudimen ntary villag ge Apart frrom a ve dispensary with a lon ne compou under, there e is no docto or and no other o health facility in th he village. People P hav ve to travel 16 km to Rampurh hat in West Bengal to t get bassic treatmen nt. In spite of o these fac ctors, the litteracy rate in Maluti is surprisingly y high, with h almost 90 0% h at lea ast basic ed ducation. Th he people having Middle Sc chool in the e village wa as establishe ed in 1875. However, the t school has recently introduce ed Hindi as a the firsst languag ge. Therefore e, the students mostly y go outsid de the statte to We est Bengal villages of Kastagorra or Masra a as Bengali is taught in these sc chools. The nearest college c is in Rampurh hat or Mallarpur. Above: With no electricity in the village, solar panels are th he principa al source of ligh hting. While ele ectrical poles were w installed in 1986, these are red dundant as e electricity was not provide ed beyond the first 10 day ys in 1986. The e redundant ellectric poles are a n in Chhai Taraf still seen om: Left: The middle m school in the village that t has Hindi as Left Botto its principal language.. Therefore, ap part from the triibal communitty, the Beng gali communitty do not use this school an nd travel acro oss the state e boundary to Bengali educa ation schools. Right Botttom: Dish-ante enna atop a v village hut The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 23 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund The village produces biomass energy through the use of cowdung cakes that are used for fuel. There is no proper system of solid waste management and sewerage management in the village. As part of the Nirmal Gram (Clean Village) Scheme, the Government had provided some public toilets in the village. However, this scheme failed within a year and the toilets are dysfunctional. While some houses of the more prosperous do have attached toilets, these are with individual septic tanks and are not connected to any sewage system. Most villagers living on the fringe of the village still go out to the fields to defecate in the open. There are open drains at the periphery of the village along the road near Mauliksha temple but not within the village streets. Left: Large quantity of biomass is produced in the village through cow dung cakes used for fuel. Below: The walls of houses provide the surface for drying cow dung cakes The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 24 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund There is no piped water supply in the village and the principal source of water are the rain water ponds in the village, which are used for washing and irrigation. Handpumps are provided by the government for drinking water. There are more than 25 deep tube wells. No system of water purification is available in the village. There are bore wells in the village at regular intervals. Apart from a health centre with a lone paramedic, no other health facility is available in the village. People have to travel 16 km to Rampurhat in West Bengal to get basic treatment. Images showing the sources of drinking water from handpumps and bore wells to fresh water wells. People travel a distance to carry water back to their homes. Clothes are often washed from the water in the water ponds dotting the village. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 25 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The Village V Com mmunity There e are over 400 4 househo olds in Malu uti. The 2001 ce ensus estiimated th he popu ulation of the villag ge at 357 75. Howe ever, these numbers are a dwindlin ng as an n increasing g number of the loca als have left the village in se earch of jobs and education and they return to th he village only durin ng the Kali Puja. P b of Since the village iss on the border West-Ben ngal, the v village pop pulation is essentially Bengali and peop ple in the village fo ollow all pra actices and d festivals of Benga al. The male to female ratio in the villag ge is 52:48. The Rajas of Maluti were up pper caste Brahmins, but the villages around a main nly consisted of tribal Santhal population. p Left: A sari sa alesman sells his h wares to the local women in the village. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 26 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Top Left: Ladies of a household d Bengali e traditionally y wearing the draped Bengali sari. Above: A tribal Santhali k woman ridiing a bullock cart with he er child in herr lap. Tribal women work k with their men m folk in all agricultural activities. oup of village e Left: A gro women. Wh hile the tribal women are e clustered to o the left, the Bengali d woman, wiith her head covered stands s to the e right. The difference in n draping the e sari signifiess the commun nity. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 27 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund There are differen nt commun nities in th he village. The T village e is domina ated by th he upper caste Hindu us such as the Bengali Brahmins. Other dw wellers inclu ude Adivassis, Harijans and backw ward caste es. There are a commun nities such as Baodi, Dom, Had di, Dhobi, ettc. These communitiess specialise in different activities su uch as Baod di, Dom, Ha adi nly involved in agricultural activitiess. are main Top Left: A Adivasi tribal wo omen Above: Yo oung women standing at their doorway. As moderrnization ma akes inroads in nto the villag ge, the youn nger women a are beginning g to adopt the Salwar Kam meez (seen worn w on the rig ght) over the tra aditional sari. al babu, a village elder expla ains Left: Gopa a narrativ ve panel of iconograp phy depicted o on the temple. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 28 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The com mmon lang guage of the t village is Bengali, but most people p can n understan nd and spea ak Hindi. Top: Adiva asi tribal wome en Above: A father f draws water w from a ha andpump for his h son to bathe e The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 29 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Rituals, Customs & Practices The large number of temples for different gods and goddesses at Maluti are a testimony to the significance of the village in the past. Today the religious fervour has diminished comparatively but the tradition has not been lost. It can be seen through puja and seva of numerous deities both male and female. Gods such as Vedic Gods like Narayana in the form of ‘Shaligram Shila’, Shiva in the form of shiva-linga and goddesses like Durga, Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati are worshipped with great enthusiasm. At the same time, people worship Manasa and Dharmaraj, the two local gods. The coexistence between Vedic and local gods is unique. Above all goddess Mauliksha, the patron deity of the royal dynasty receives highest adoration. She is considered to be the elder sister of Tara of Tarapith and draws a great number of pilgrims throughout the year. Image showing different ways of religious practices in Maluti The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 30 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund The word Mauliksha derives its origin to a union of two words mauli and iksha. Mauli means head and iksha denotes darshan i.e. to see. The goddess has a well-carved stone face, while the rest of the body is absent. She has been placed on a platform inside the ‘garbhagriha’ of Ek Bangla temple. Goddess Mauliksha is worshipped as ‘Sinmhavahini Durga’. The area of Bengal, Bihar came under the influence of Vajrayani Buddhists probably sometime around the 7th-8th centuries. In this respect Dr. Binoytosh Bhattacharya states “the influence of Vajrayani was much more in the whole of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. The idols of Buddhist gods and goddesses are available in maximum quality at these places.” Being so close to Bengal, the language, art, culture and numerous customs and festivals of West Bengal have greatly influenced the lives of the villagers residing at Maluti. Goddess Durga is generally worshipped throughout Bengal. Durga Puja is the prime festival of the people of the state. Like any other village of Bengal, this village also celebrates Durga Puja with great enthusiasm. In place of an image, a paper picture is placed. Other performances carried out include sacrifice of goats, sheep and buffalo-calves. One image of Durga can be seen in this village established about a century back by a monk named Sukhadananda Brahmachari for the common people of the locality. Looking from this angle, the icon of Mauliksha has some similarity with Pandara, the Shakti of Amitabha. Vajrayani Buddhists regard Amitabha as Dhyani Buddha, who are believed to have come from Adi Buddha or Vajradhar. Incidentally the icon of Mauliksha is facing westward. Her colour is red. A lotus-designed halo is present behind the icon. So taking all these factors into account, there is a probability that the icon had been established earlier by the Buddhist monks inside the forest before the village became the capital of Nankar Raj. Right: Goddess Mauliksha is the most popular deity in Maluti and also the surroundings The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 31 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Kali Puja is the main festival of Maluti. People from different villages around Maluti gather here during the Kali Puja. All the villagers settled elsewhere and those who migrate to the city in search of jobs, return to the village during the festival to be part of the festivities. This puja is performed on the Deepavali night. Goddess Kali is worshipped at eight places. The image of the Goddess is installed on the platforms which are permanently installed in the temples. Before installing the idols of Kali on platforms, it is the custom of the village that the women worship goddess Mauliksha first in the evening. The idol of Kali is worshipped from midnight followed by animal sacrifice in front of the temples. The next day, in the afternoon, idols are taken out in procession for immersion. A few idols of Kali from Adivasi villages are also brought to Maluti and they join the immersion procession. A fair remains here for about a week, which is attended by the villagers, their relatives, visitors, and Santhals from surrounding villages turning the whole environment into a festive mood. Other than goddesses Durga and Kali and local gods Dharmaraj and Manasa, there is a temple of Yogi Bamakhepa inside the village. It is believed that this ascetic attained siddhi from goddess Mauliksha. His trishul and shankha are preserved in this temple. The chief priest of Sumeru Math, Kashi visits Maluti every year and is revered by the villagers. Apart from the Durga Puja and Kali Puja, Sankranti is celebrated in the village wherein people of the village come together and have a feast in the Mauliksha temple. Right Top: Worship is offered daily in the Kali temples Right Bottom: The head priest of Sumeru Math in Maluti The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 32 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Econom my & Subsisttence The main nstay in the village iss subsistenc ce With farming. s small land d holding gs, agriculture is merely y for subsiste ence and th he farms are e small fam mily holding gs that bare ely allow su ubsistence. Almost 30% 3 of th he populatio on is engag ged in cultivation. The farming is depen ndent on ra ain water an nd there are e many rain n-fed waterr tanks in th he village, some s of which w are used u for th he purpose of cultivatio on. The land d is fertile but b since the ere are no o irrigation canals, th he agricultural season is i entirely dependent on o the ann nual rains and the village ha ad suffered crop failure e due to poor p rains th his year. The e crops gro own are mainly m padd dy, wheat, mustard m and d vegetable es. To op: A round mud m hut with a co onical thatch roof acts as a grrain silo to t store the ag gricultural prod duce. Above: Cows are revered in Hiindu custom and prized ffor th heir milk. ottom: A wom man chaffing ric ce Bo hu usk. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 33 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Another source off income is quarryin ng, which ta akes place near Malu uti. The ston ne crushing units have e provided a source of employm ment to ma any and to oday peop ple have mo oved out of Maluti, wh hich has also resulted in i dearth off agricultura al labourers in Maluti. als used to produce finely f crafte ed The triba utilitarian n craft itemss made up of date palm leaves and palm le eaves, but most m of the ese traditionss were lostt since wo orking in th he sttone-crushin ng re emunerative e. units became e more Jh harkhand being b the most mineral rich state of India, has a large n number of industries with w a majorr presence in Jharkhan nd, which is likely to provide more em mployment h is being opportunitiess. Howeverr not much done to pre eserve and promote traditional t craft skills and building c crafts. Top: With no other sourc ce of employm ment in the reg gion, villagers have h no other option but n the stone cru ushing units, in nhaling fine sto one dust in the e absence of any a health to work in and safety y gear. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 34 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 2. Architecture & Iconography The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 35 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 2.1. The Evolution of Temple Architecture in Bengal “Evolving in intimate association with the changing phases of the life and faith of the people, temple architecture of Bengal with its varied styles, decorative designs and graceful terracotta works of floral, animal and human forms is a great legacy.”1 The temple architecture of Bengal has a special place in the history of Indian art and architecture. Though certain established forms were adopted in Bengal, what was unique about the temple architecture here was the development of an indigenous style, unique to Bengal. The style spread outside Bengal and also influenced late architecture of Burma, Siam, Java, Cambodia and Nepal. Maluti, being on the border of Jharkhand and West Bengal shares its cultural ties with West Bengal rather than identifying itself with the culture of Jharkhand. The temple architecture which developed in Maluti is also the product of the temple building activity which started and developed in Bengal. The geography, topography and climatic conditions of Bengal were instrumental in determining the architectural style of the region. Rivers such as the Ganges and Brahmaputra contributed to the fertile alluvial plain in most parts of Bengal. Only some parts of Bengal such as the western part of Midnapur, Bankura, Burdwan, Birbhum and also Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Maldah, Bogra districts have laterite tracts. Due to non-availability of stone, brick and terracotta became important materials for temple construction in Bengal and thus contributed to the unique character of the temples. Development of Temple Architecture in Bengal The history of religious architecture in Bengal can be divided into as described by David McCutchion2 : 1) Early Hindu (until the end of the 12th century, later in the western areas) 2) Sultanate (14th to early 16th century) 3) Hindu Revival (16th to 19th centuries) During the early phase, which can be attributed to the Gupta period, several literary references of the existence of temples are found in the accounts of the reputed Chinese travelers Fa-Hien and Hiuen-Tsang in the illustrations of early Buddhist manuscripts and in later inscriptions. There is however, no surviving evidence except the remains of Paharpur. Further remains have been unearthed at places like Bangarh and Dinajpur. which have been mentioned as temple cities. Mention may also be made of the ruins of a big temple of Gupta times at Chandraketugarh. Temples constructed during this period were made of stone and brick. Between the 13th and 15th centuries, with the Turkish conquest and establishment of the Islamic Sultanate, the Indo-Islamic architectural style and craftsmanship influenced the development of Bengal’s indigenous architectural tradition. A regeneration of Hindu culture took place in Bengal in the 16th century through the efforts of Shri Chaitanya (1486-1533 A.D.) who popularized the Vaishnava cult. It elevated the status of common man and at the same time, provided impetus to the David McCutchion. Late Medieval Temples of Bengal: Origins and Classification. Calcutta: Asiatic Society. 1972. 2 Bimal Kumar Datta. Bengal Temples. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1975. 1 The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 36 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund growth of literature, art and architecture. Temple building activity received royal as well as local patronage and temples were built by men from mostly the higher classes; Zamindars, Brahmins, Kayasthas, landlords or by wealthy traders, and merchants. The temples were built to attain religious merit and fame, to commemorate an important landmark or event and also on burial grounds of saints and nobles. Most terracotta temples of Bengal were built during the period from late 16th through 19th century. Hundreds of temples were built at places like Vishnupur, Bankura, Bardhaman, Birbhum and Nadia. Types of Temples Varied architectural styles were adopted in Bengal. The temples of Bengal can be classified under the following heads3: 1. Rekha (Traditional) 2. Pirha (Traditional) 3. Bangla (Hut style) 4. Chala (Hut style) 5. Ratna (Indo-Islamic) 6. Domed (Indo-Islamic) 7. Spired (European-influenced) 8. Octagonal 9. Flat-roofed temples 10. Porches 11. Dolmancha, Tulsimancha, Rasamanch 12. Temples outside regular classification x Rekha (Traditional) Predominant in the Western districts bordering on Orissa and Bihar, also extending east into Hoogly and north-east into Burdwan district. The characteristic is its Shukanasa Shikhara and its finial of 3 Amalaka-Shila which caps the tower and carries the kalasha. x Bangla (Hut style) There are two types in this style: Ek-Bangla or do-chala and Jor-Bangla. Both are more common in East Bengal. The fully developed Ek-Bangla may have either a single entrance or triple entrance on typical twin columns, with or without extensive terracotta decoration. It has a do-chala roof, i.e. roof sloping from two sides and is surmounted by three finials. Jor-Bangla temples have two chambers with usually a common roof on them. x Chala (Hut style) …there was an indigenous style of building, approaching a kind of folk architecture, which was widely prevalent in southern Bengal. Characterized by a freshness and spontaneity, this type of structure was clearly derived from the thatched bamboo hut so common in most parts of Bengal. The curved cornice and eave, which are a special feature of these temples, are directly descended from the bamboo framework of the huts of these people, originally bent into this shape in order to throw off the frequent heavy rain. Most commonly found in Birbhum and Murshidabad districts and in isolated examples further East, the chala style was mainly based on imitation of the common village house in Bengal. The number of roofs were varied from two, four and eight layers of slanting roofs, thus described as do-chala, char-chala and at-chala temples. The sloping roof was adopted as being best fitted to resist excessive rainfall and damage caused by vegetation growth. These temples were built on a raised platform. The body of the temple consisted of a sanctum which is oblong or sometimes cubical. Ibid. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 37 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund The tradition of this type goes back to 2nd and 1st centuries B.C. and still survives in today. It also inspired certain important features of the Mughals and through the media of Mughal architecture it passed on to Rajputana and Punjab. The multiplication of temples of the same size and on the same platform was also very common. The number increased from two to twelve and from twelve to one-hundred and eight. x Ratna (Indo-Islamic) The pinnacle or ratna type has the same lower structure as the chala series- a rectangular box with curved cornice, but the roof is more or less flat (following the curvature of the cornice) and is surmounted by one or more towers or pinnacles called ratna. The simplest form has a single central tower (eka-ratna), to which may be added more towers by increasing the number of stories and corner turrets. The number can be increased through nine, thirteen, seventeen and even twenty-one upto a maximum of twenty-five. x Flat-roofed temples Another category is constituted by the flatroofed temples. They emerged from a long tradition Indo-Islamic palace and temple architecture, but in the 19th century, came strongly under European influences and lent themselves easily to modern building techniques. These too may be domed internally, more usually spanned by a shallow vault, and later with a flat-ceiling. Almost invariably, they have a porch on two or more pillars, initially of the traditional faceted kind, but in the 19th century, they were gradually replaced by the clustered pilaster type. The arches are cusped and the facades patterned like those of the chala and ratha designs, initially with terracotta decoration, subsequently plasterwork. Gradually, the type lost its traditional characteristics, becoming a mere Pakka Ghar, indistinguishable from modern domestic architecture. Innumerable such temples have been built in the late 19th and 20th century. Another common type of flat-roofed temple is the Durga or Kali Dalan built for the annual pujas, which were established in the 16th century. For the annual pujas, such large halls may also house permanent deities. The temple architecture soon in this case ceased to be distinguishable from domestic architecture. x Dolmancha, Tulsimancha, Rasamancha Tulsimancha, Dolmancha and Rasamancha are the three types of mancha or platform. Rasamancha is larger than the other two. The prime purpose of this type of temple is to enable the deity to be seen from all sides. Generally, it is octagonal in shape and stands on a high plinth with archway openings on all eight sides. It is generally used for installing images of Radha-Krishna. Inscriptions B.K.Datta described the peculiar style of giving dates of construction to temples of Bengal. The dates are given in words representing symbolically the respective numerical figures on a slab of brick or stone placed on the front door jamb. These plates either written in Sanskrit or both in Sanskrit or Bengali or in Bengali scripts record the name of the donor, name of the deity to whom it is dedicated and rarely the name of the architect. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 38 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple Building Activity Mukul Dey who made an extensive study of temples in Birbhum talks of the existence of guilds in Bengal. 30-40 men trained in a particular craft lived and worked under a master artist or craftsman. The master known as Sthapati took the responsibility for the erection of temple and for terracotta decorations. The Sutradhara had the broad knowledge and was an expert in measuring accurately. The Vardhaki specialized in painting and Takshaka in carpentry. Gradually, they achieved mastery in stone, metal, wood, terracotta and ivory. The temple builders worked as a group consisting of several families and formed a travelling group of artisans, who spread art and culture from village to village. B.K. Datta notes “The heads of these groups had readymade master plans of temples of varied sizes and shapes and they used to carry these plans with them. Planning according to the donor’s choice, and even details regarding arrangement of terracotta bricks according to the theme and pattern used to be completed and necessary instructions were issued by the leader before the commencement of the construction work. This statement is further confirmed by the discovery of bricks written or marked with a thick needle.”4 Top Right: A vegetal motif seen in terracotta at Maluti shows a strong influence of the Islamic art of the medieval Sultanate Left: The arched motif seen at the entrance doorway to the temple is an arcuate form, alien to the Hindu construction vocabulary until the advent of Islam. The floret designs along the arch are evocative of the Khalji arch at Alai Darwaza. Guilds of craftsmen often travelled from place to place, carrying influences across different patronage. Bimal Kumar Datta. Bengal Temples. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1975. 4 The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 39 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Building Materials Stone temples are very rare in Bengal. Stone is found employed mainly in door jambs, lintels and pillars, and also sometimes in carving. Besides black basalt, sandstone and granite, laterite stone known as phulpathar in some cases black marble was used. Since the land of Bengal is mainly a deltaic land, large deposits of clay are available, which are used for manufacture of bricks. Bricks were thus extensively used in construction of temples. Glazed tiles as discovered from the ruins of Gaur were also used from medieval times. Wood and bamboo were also used as building materials, since good timber was procurable in many parts as also bamboo. Wood carving was also practiced widely in Bengal. Seasoned Sal, Seguna, Neem, Sandal wood were generally used. But there are very few surviving examples due to the perishable nature of wood. Lime was used in the beginning for concreting the floor, but later it was used as a mortar. Mud mortar was also used in places like Paharpur. With the introduction of domes, and lintels in the Muslim period, mortar played an important part and the size of the bricks became smaller. Lime was also used as a plaster. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 40 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Terracotta Art “Being deeply involved with the art of clay the artists and craftsmen of Bengal worked again with zeal in medieval and postmedieval times when brick temples embellished with terracotta plaques and mouldings evoked memory of myths and post epochs and vied with monuments of stone as gems of architecture.”5 Clay as a medium of expression has been employed from ancient times. The plasticity and large availability of clay has made it a universal vernacular medium. The terracotta art can be traced from Indus Valley Civilization. There was a gradual spread of this art eastwards and it flourished in Bengal. Terracotta plaques were used on temples from early times. Many such plaques have been discovered at places like Paharpur, Rajshahi, Mahasthangarh, Mainmati and Bangarh. Top Right: A terracotta detail interspersed with lime plaster Above: A terracotta panel on a temple in Maluti depicting the war between Lord Rama holding a bow and arrow and the ten headed demon Ravana. S.S. Biswas, Terracotta Art of Bengal. Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan. 1981. 5 The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 41 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund The second activity in terracotta art started especially around the 16th-17th century and terracotta art expressed itself in full vigour during this period. The art was patronised by the ruling class as temples were built with profuse terracotta work on the façade. The height of excellence was reached in or about the middle of the 18th century when temple building activity spread all over Bengal, particularly in the districts of Burdwan, Birbhum, Bankura, Nadia, Hooghly, Murshidabad, and Jessore and it became the fashion of the day among the landlords and petty chiefs. The terracotta of the period was characterized by simplicity, unsophisticated virgin beauty, and a dynamic vitality. The plaques were larger in size compared to the earlier period, of deeper reliefs and crafted in the modeling method. B.K. Datta describes how terracotta plaques were made. “The artists used to prepare clay models first and from these modellings moulds were prepared. These moulds were then burnt in fire and used for turning out casts which were then carefully dried and burnt in special kilns. The other process was to cut out plaques on soft clay with sharp instrument and such plaques can be found in Charbangla temple of Murshidabad. Special kilns were used for the purpose.” In the opinion of Mr. Mukul Dey “Even seventy years ago there were regular guilds of artists and artisans conversant with this art. They all worked jointly. About a dozen men were trained in the art of temple building and lived and worked together under one master artist.” The terracotta art represents the art of people and thus life of people forms the main subject matter of this art. The themes and subjects introduced in terracotta art in Bengal are remarkable for their variety. They include divinities, semi-divine figures, toys, animal figures, floral, geometrical patterns, narrative scenes from mythology, Jatakas and scenes from contemporary social life. They reflect social practices, religious practices, cultural tradition and give a glimpse into the customs, manners, jewellery, dress and a lifestyle of the period. In the words of S.S.Biswas, “…The art of terracotta in Bengal defines or narrates as it appears the ballads of civilisation and the faith of the masses. The motifs and the style involved often convey the taste of an urban milieu and the traits of the genre with their own distinctive aspects. Such expressions at times evince a combination of ideals and techniques…”6 Left: Terracotta panels depict a range of scenes from battle, epics and every day life 6 Ibid, The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 42 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 2.2. Terracotta Temples at Maluti: Location & Clusters The activity of building temples at Maluti started when the Rajas of Nankar kingdom shifted their capital to Maluti. The oldest date available is 1719 A.D. It is believed that more than 108 temples were built in two centuries between 18th and 19th century. Many temples have collapsed over the years and according to local belief, only 72 temples remain today. However, out of these 72, Archaeological Survey of India has identified 62 structures which are of historical importance. Therefore, for further reference, the number 62 has been considered. The temples at Maluti can be divided in five separate clusters. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sikir Taraf Rajar Bari Madhyam Bari Chhai Taraf Mauliksha Temple Complex Te Sikir Taraf, Rajar Bari and Madhyam Bari are located close to each other while Chhai Taraf is to the south of the three complexes. Mauliksha Temple Complex is on the southern end of the village on the way to rivulet Chila. Rajar Bari, Madhyam Bari and Sikir Taraf are situated in a line from West to East. The Rajas were Brahmins by caste. They were of religious nature and were great philanthropist who supported scholarly activities. They led a simple life-style and lived in ordinary mud-built houses. They spent their vast revenue in public works, like excavating ponds to develop irrigation and constructing temples to promote religion. It is quite likely that different guilds were assigned work of building temples. The activity started in all the clusters simultaneously and this healthy competition created a cluster of temples, which defined the public squares in the village and gave it a special character. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 43 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The arch hitectural style s seen at Maluti is predomin nantly a regional style whic ch of flourished d all ov ver Benga al. Lot experime ents were undertak ken by th he artisans while w constrructing temp ples in Malu uti. the result is the am malgamation n of differe ent styles wh hich has giv ven a uniqu ue charactter to the village. hitectural sttyles at Ma aluti can be b The arch divided in nto differen nt categorie es as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C Chala Re ekha Ek k Bangla Fllat-roofed Ra asamancha a M Miscellaneou us At Malutii, most of th he temples are of cha ala design, i.e. tha atched ro oof, simp ple constructtions, rese embling th he hut-typ pe constructtion prevale ent in Benga al. Variation ns are seen in these ch hala temple es. Some tem mples are of o standard d chala typ pe, with a curved c corn nice and a char-cha ala roof, i.e. four sloping roofs giving th he shikhara a pyramid dal look. There T is on ne temple with w char-ch hala roof and a a straig ght cornice. The bada a, i.e. the portion fro om plinth up pto the corn nice is somewhat simillar to the Orissan O Rek kha type temples. t Th he ratha pro ojections on o the temple continu ue on the ba ada. The varia ation that is most predo ominant is th he char-cha ala shikhara a with ridge es and rath ha projectio on. These ra atha projec ctions thoug gh similar to o those seen n in Orissan n temples, do d not conttinue on th he lower portion of th he temple below b the shikhara. Th herefore, it is taken ass merely a variation of o the cha ala temple ittself. There are few te emples whic ch show ch haracteristic cs such ass heightene ed façade, curved co ornice and d char-cha ala roof with h ridges and d ratha pro ojections. Th he other varriation visible in the shik khara is in th he shape, which w is either e little rounded or straight edged. e Challa style of arch hitecture is pred dominant in Maluti M with varia ations in roofs as seen in the im mages The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 44 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund The temples are not oriented in any particular direction and are seen opening on all cardinal directions. The usual tendency visible in the complex is to build temples around a central open space which serves as a common open courtyard for all the temples as seen in Sikir Taraf and Chhai Taraf. There are some chala temples which stand as a couple, i.e. they stand on one platform and they share a common wall. There is one triplet with three temples on a same plinth with common walls. Another category seen at Maluti is the JoraShiva temples as described by McCutchian. These two temples stand on one platform and are similar on plan, but they do not share a common wall as seen in earlier cases. An interesting characteristic of the temples is the use of varied designs of amalaka and kalasha, i.e. the apex portion of the shikhara. Above the kalasha, trishul, a symbol of Shiva, is placed on Shaivite shrines. It is broken in many cases and only the metal rod remains. The chala temples are mostly meant for the worship of Shiva. The reason for this abundance of Shiva temples is perhaps the association of the Rajas with Dandi Sanyasi of Kashi, who was the preceptor of the family. Jora-Shiva temple in sikir Taraf cluster The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 45 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund All the te emples are built b on plinths of varyin ng size and d are apprroached by b steps. Th he temples have a single s entra ance and a narrow doorway d witth the heigh ht hardly 4’6 6”. The door is mostly wooden, as a has bee en preserved d in some temples, t with a woode en or stone lintel and d fixed on hinges. Th he temples generally g do o not have windows. The heigh ht of the tem mples varies from 15 fe eet to 50 fe eet The te emples hav ve only on ne chamber, mostly square, which w is th he garbhagriha of the e temple. The temples have shiiva-lingas in n the garb bhagriha. Th he interior iss plain and is not emb bellished wiith any terra acotta work. Within the garbhagrriha, there used to be a decorate ed linen or silken canopy or covering was hung over o the de eity. One suc ch example is seen in te emple 59. Temples also have a gomukha,, an outlet for f the wate er to drain of the tem mple after th he puja is performed.. It is a well w laid out o channel from the e interior and is also distinctly marked on n the plinth as a well. ostly on th he Terracottta work iss seen mo façade of o the temples and in n the corne ers which create c ban nds of horrizontal ridg ge elementss. There are e tiny niche es seen in th he cornice as well as run on the e façade as vertical bands b whic ch house the deities as l stories suc well scen nes from mythologica m ch as Krishna a-lila and Ra amayana. There is one templle of the Rekha R mod del existing in n Maluti ded dicated to Shiva. S Left: Te erracotta work on the façade e of a temple Right To op: A chala te emple on a plin nth approache ed by steps Right Bottom: B Rekha Temple in Raja ar Bari cluster The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 46 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The solita ary example e of Ek Bang gla style is th he Mauliksha a Temple. The style is a typic cal product of Bengal. The temple has a dod chala roof, i.e. slop ping roofs on o two side es. There is a verandah h in front of garbhagrih ha, which has h three pillars, which w is a characte eristic featurre of Ek Ban ngla temple es. The garb bhagriha ha as a single entrance e an nd two wind dows on either e side. The icon of goddess Mauliksha has been placed on a he garbhag griha. square alter inside th Th here are tw wo Durga temples, bo oth in Sikir Ta araf, both oriented o to tthe South. They T have a rectangula ar pillared porch in front of a re ectangular sanctum. The rooff of the te emples doe es not exist a any longer. The British in nfluence is visible v in the temples. Th he flat-roofe ed temples at Maluti are a simple constructionss dedicate ed to Goddess Kali. Th he only listted Kali Te emple is placed p in Madhyam M Ba ari and is a flat roofed d structure with w a single entrance. Left Top: Ek--Bangla temple Left Bottom:: Durga temple e Right Top: Flat-roofed Ka ali temple The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 47 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund A solitary y Rasamanc cha is seen n in Rajar Ba ari cluster. It I is likely that it wa as meant for f Radha-Krrishna worsship as the e place was w open fro om all sidess. It was prrobably use ed during fe estivals, Wh hat is impo ortant is th he location of the temple next to a cha ala temple, the t most sig gnificant tem mple in Maluti. Now a platform p ha as been insttalled for Kali K worship. e three tem mples in Rajar Bari whic ch There are are joined together through a common c w wall. They are e hexagon nal in plan n and hav ve peculiar conical roo ofs. cipal construction ma aterial used is The princ brick and d lime-morttar as seen elsewhere in Bengal. Different D sizzes of brick ks have bee en used for the t plinths as a well as te emples. Ston ne is used in some ca ases in doo or jambs an nd lintels. Wood is used d mainly forr doors, lintel, etc. Meta al is used fo or door lockss, for hangin ng the cano opy in the in nterior as we ell as trishul as the finial of the te emples. Shiv va-lingas are a mainly ca arved out of o black ston ne. The mixtu ure of lime and surkhi was used as the binding material. Sometime es only stucc co work wa as used on n the raised portion of pilasters of the sid dewalls of the temples providing g a contrastt. So ome of the temples att Maluti are plain but so ome temple es represen nt a very hig gh quality profuse of terraco otta carving with ornamental decoration n upon its wall. The te erracotta has been fixxed on the e façade ussing lime mo ortar. Most M of the chala c temp ples have sh hiva-linga in n the ch hamber, w which sho ows their association with w Shaivissm. There are a some te emples whic ch have tw wo to three lingas the re eason for wh hich is unknown. Th he Shakta cult is very popularr all over Be engal and the worship of Goddess Kali is predominantt in Maluti.. A platform m is seen permanently y installed in the temples at Maluti, M on which the image is installed during Kali Pu uja. Durga ttemples do not have any image inside, i thus it is not clear as to ho ow the god ddess was w worshipped. Ra adha-Krishn na worship was also popular p in Be engal esp pecially aftter Shri Chaitanya C popularized the Vaisshnava movement. Ra asamancha a was the fo orm of temple which is used was used u for Rad dha-Krishna worship. Many M temples are un nder worship, where people offer daily worrship in the e form of flo owers, incense burners, etc. Left: Rasam mancha in Rajar Bari Right: Shiv va-linga in the interior of a ch hala temple The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 48 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Inscriptio ons Some tem mples have e inscription ns which he elp in reconsstructing th he history of o temples as well as forming f important sou urces for th he socio-political histo ory of the village. Th he inscriptions are in ea arly Bengalli script, while the langu uage is a mixture m of Sa anskrit, Prak krit in and Ben ngali. The dates d are mentioned m Shaka erra, while in some s casess, Bengali era e has been n used. Inscriptions are pressent on som me temples in a band ju ust below th he cornice portion p of th he temple and a form an a importa ant source to date a particular p t temple and d often, the ey also describe the e donor’s name an nd genealog gy of the dynasty. d It is important to note tha at the insc criptions show that th he temples were dediicated in the t name of women as a well. Temple number n 61 is the earlie est temple in Maluti. Th he inscription in this tem mple reads: ‘Raja Ra akhar Vitta Sahodaka a Sashaddh ha 1641 barto Va aishnabodo oro Kirtihaimab Gaman **** R Rajchand ****ratha adi ettavasojjastibeta akya. Margashirse en Samapta a Mithun rash h Sourash paksha****’ p This inscrription clea arly mentions that Ra aja Rakharch handra wa as the pa atron of th his temple. His father’ss name was w Rajchan nd (Rajchan ndra, the defeated Na ankar king of Damra) and the na ame of his mother was w Haimava ati. This particular p t temple w was complete ed in the month m of Margashirsh M ha. The day y on which the temple was w dedicate ed was Miithun rasha a (month of Ashadh),, Shukla paksha p on 1641 Shak ka Samvat (1719 ( A.D.). The last bric ck containin ng the rema ainder of inscription is missing. m Another A insc cription in Chhai Tarraf group re ecords – “S Shri Shri Kali Saha ai. Shriman nt Gokul ch handrasya matu Shrim mati Ghria avati Devi Sh hri Shri Shiva Sth hapana. Swashida ch hakabda 16 691 B, 401 ***** II ****” Here also the t last brick is missing. The Shriyut in states that nscription ra’s mothe Gokulchand G er Shrimati Ghritavati G Devi D got constructed tthe Shiva te emple on 16 691 Shaka Samvat S (176 69 A.D.). Th here is no difficulty d in understand ding these ty ypes of writings but in ffew places the dates are not mentioned directly. They are a written in n cipher. The inscriptiion of a temple t in ‘R Rajar Bari’ group g registe ers“S Shri Shri Durga, D Sha ake Khasta au dadhi Chandra C parrimane cha a abda Pau ushe masi site pakshe trayodashya t ang Shanaiischarang bhabadhautr etang tran hettwarthang Bh sa adhyang havayabe Vishyeshwara V ajadhyaya Devi atti yatnai ya adakina. Sa an 1265 sal.” Th his inscriptio on does no ot mention the year directly. It ha as been ke ept in secre et writing. Th he date ca an be read from right to left as well w as in the reversse direction, which creates conffusion. The ttemple how wever can be assigned to 1859 A.D. stylistically, as the other date, i..e. 1949 A.D D. seems unlikely. After A deciph hering the d date, the me eaning of th he inscriptio on stands tthat Bishesw wari Devi established the temple e in the month m of Pa ausha, Krisshna paksh ha, Trayodashi tithi, Sa aturday 185 59 A.D. Inscriptions are found in the t below tthe band just cornice The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 49 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Clusterr 1: Sikir Tarraf This clusster is locate ed in the No orth-East. It can be furtther divided into two clusters, eastern and d western side e on either sid des of the road. er. There arre 22 templess in the cluste There arre 20 chala temples with variations; 1 standard ch hala, 7 standa ard chala with ridg ges and rath ha projection n, 1 chala witth heightene ed façade and ridges and rath ha projection n, 1 chala with straight co ornice, 2 Jora a-Shiva temp ples and 3 couples. emples. There arre 2 Durga te The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 50 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 1 This temple is located in isolation from other temples in Sikir Taraf and is oriented to the East. It is a hut-type (standard chala) temple with a char-chala roof. It has few terracotta plaques preserved on the façade. Terracotta work is not elaborate as compared to other temples since some niches are kept plain. The temple is dedicated to Shiva and has a shiva-linga in the garbhagriha. The entrance doorway has a multi-cusped arch, a motif that emerged from the Indo-Islamic Sultanate archtype. The step-rails of the temple have an elephant tusk motif. This temple has been restored Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). by The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 51 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 2 This temp ple is also located a little far from m the ma ain clusterr of temples in Sikir Tara af. It is orien nted to the West W and Thiis temple ha as a shikhara of a char-c chala type with ridges an nd ratha prrojection. What W is peculiiar in this temple is the bada stru ucture whic ch similar to that of Orissan n Rekha tem mple. Moreo over, the ratha a projection n on the tem mple is continu ued on the e lower portion of the tem mple (bada a) itself. The pecu uliarity of the e temple is that it is the only o chala te emple in Maluti has temple complex, which straight cornice un nlike the other o temples which ha ave a currved cornice. No terrac cotta work is visible on n the temple face, whic ch may have h been lostt over time. This temple too is dedicated d to Shiva. The Archaeological Survey of In ndia has carried out con nservation work w for this te emple. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 52 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 3 & 4 These Jorra-Shiva tem mples are lo ocated in th he eastern cluster c in Sik kir Taraf and d oriented to the East. o temples are a situated d on the sam me These two platform and are sim milar in plan, though the ey malaka an nd have a different apex (am kalasha).. These te emples dep pict a cha ala style wiith curved cornice c an nd char-ch hala shikha ara with ridg ges and rattha projecttion. A min nor variation is seen in the temple roof, while unded cha ar-chala roo of, temple 3 has a rou temple 4 has a strraight-edge ed pyramid dal roof. o be seen on o There is no terracottta work to to the faça ade. The tem mples are dedicated d Shiva. onservation work has been b carrie ed Here, co out by ASSI. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 53 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 5 There are e two Durg ga temples in Sikir Tarraf cluster. ple is in the e eastern cluster c of Siikir This temp Taraf an nd is oriented to the e South. Th he temple has a porrch with th hree arche ed entrance es. The garb bhagriha also has thre ee entrance es. There are e no window ws. here is row of busts in a straight line in the Th friieze. The pe ediment on n top with fa airies and fla anked by lio ons on eithe er side also are clear ev vidence of o British inffluence. The temple doesn’t housse any imag ge of a deity y. The temp ple is in dila apidated co ondition, wiith the roof having h colla apsed. A strong British colonial influenc ce is visible in i case of o pedime ent the architecture in flanked by b lions and d arch formss. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 54 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 6 The temp ple is locate ed in the eastern clustter of Sikir Ta araf and is oriented o to the West. Itt is a temple e of the chala c type with curve ed cornice. It has a cha ar-chala roo of and ridges and rattha projec ction. The temple is dedicate ed to Shiva. There are a a few terraco otta images depicting g Krishna ico onography visible on th he façade, in the nich hes in a friieze, the re est have disa appeared.A An inscriptio on is seen on o the band d just below w the cornice e. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 55 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 7 This temple is in the eastern cluster and is oriented to the East. The temple is of chala style and has curved cornice and a char-chala roof with ridges and ratha projection. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. The doorway is surmounted by a multifoil arched from, reminiscent of those developed in the Sultanate and seen in Imperial Delhi structures such as Alai Darwaza. The terracotta work is seen on the façade above the doorway, which depicts the war between Rama and Ravana. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 56 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 8 & 9 These tw win temples located in n the easte ern cluster off Sikir Taraf are a oriented d to the We est. Both stan nd on the sa ame platform and sha are a common wall. Th he temples are of cha ala type. The ey have a curved cornice, cha archala roo of with ridge es and ratha a projection n. Both the e temples have h shiva--lingas in th he garbhagriha, which h shows the eir associatio on to Sha aivism. ASSI has c carried o out conserva ation work of o the temples. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 57 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 10 This temple is located in the western cluster and oriented to the West. It is a chala temple with curved cornice and chala roof and ridges and ratha projection. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. It has been recently conserved by the ASI. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 58 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 11 This temple is located in the western cluster in the Sikir Taraf next to temple 13 and is oriented to the West. The temple is a chala temple with curved cornice and char-chala roof with ridges and ratha projection. It preserves terracotta panels above the door opening, which depicts the fight between Rama and Ravana. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. It has been conserved by ASI. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 59 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 12 This Durga temple in the western cluster is an exposed brick structure oriented to the South. The temple is in dilapidated condition and has no image in the garbhagriha. The profile of arches, columns and receeding door jambs demonstrate a colonial influence on architecture. It has a verandah with a four arched entrances. The garbhagriha has two entrances and windows on the front side. The roof of the temple has fallen. There is no image of deity in the temple. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 60 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 13 This temple, located in the western cluster faces West. The temple has a char-chala roof with ridges and ratha projection and thus belongs to chala style of architecture. It is an important temple as it preserves a large number of terracotta panels on the façade. The panel above the door opening depicts the war between Rama and Ravana. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 61 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 14 & 15 These Jora-Shiva typ pe of temp ples stand on o the same e platform and are similar in pla an. While tem mple 14 is oriented to t the Soutth, temple 14 is oriented d to the Norrth. e temples have a sim milar style of Both the architectture, i.e. chala type with curve ed cornice and char--chala rooff with ridges and ratha a projection n. Both hav ve a shiva-linga in the garbhagrih ha, i.e. shrine e chamber. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 62 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 16 The tem mple is loc cated in between n temples 14-15 and 17 in the e western cluster c of Sikir Taraf and is oriented to the North h. It is a chala c tem mple with curved cornice an nd charchala ro oof, with rid dges and ratha pro ojection. This temp ple has an in nscription in a band d below the e cornice. The temp ple is dedic cated to Shiva. i the ere is a In the interior, metal rin ng seen in n all four corners, which mu ust have been use ed to hang g canopy over shiv va-linga. Th he traces of the sa ame detail are seen in many temples. t The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 63 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 17 This temp ple in the western w clusster of Sikir Ta araf seems to t be the most m importan nt temple in n the cluster. It is eviden nt from the e scale of the t temple and a elabora ate terraco otta decoratio on on the t façad de. Fortunate ely, the panels ha ave been pre eserved to a large exte ent. The terracotta pane els include the t ween Rama a and Rava ana war betw depicted d in the central c pa anel above th he door op pening, stories from Krish hnalila, Ram mayana, other deities, social s scenes as well as floral pattterns. The tem mple is orie ented to the t North. The temple e belongs to chala ty ype of architecture. The T characte eristics of th he temple are a heighten ned faça ade, curv ved cornice and a ch har-chala ro oof with ridges and rattha projectio on.The tem mple has a shiva-ling ga in the garbhagrriha and thus is dedicate ed to Shaivissm. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 64 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 18 This temp ple in the western cluster of Siikir Taraf is orriented to th he East. It is chala a structure. It has a cu urved cornic ce and a ch hala roof witth ratha pro ojection. The temp ple is dedica ated to Shiv va. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 65 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 19 & 20 These twin temples are located in front of temple 14. The temples are oriented to the North. They stand on the same platform and share a common wall. The temples belong to the chala type of architecture with curved cornice and have char-chala roof with ridges and ratha projection. Both the temples are dedicated to Shiva. Other characteristics of the temples include engaged columns and arched doorway. Temple 20 has an original wooden door, with hinges and a lock. Many wooden doors are seen in other temples as well. Both the temples are dedicated to Shiva. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 66 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temples 21 & 22 These temples are located towards the southern end of Sikir Taraf. The temples are located next to a shrine dedicated to Goddess Kali which is a modern structure. These twin temples are oriented to the East. The temples stand on the same platform and share a common wall. They are of standard chala type with charchala roof and curved cornice. The temples are dedicated to Shiva and have a shiva-linga in the garbhagriha. Temple 22 has an inscription in a band just below the cornice. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 67 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Cluste er 2: Rajar Bari B This clusster is located d to the westt of Sikir Taraff. There are 17 temple es in the cluste er. a 12 chala temples with h variations; 4 standard chala c with rid dges and There are ratha projection, p 2 chala with heightened d façade an nd ridges an nd ratha projectiion, 3 twin temples. Th here is one triplet. The solitary exa ample of Rasama ancha in Maluti is seen in Rajar Bari. There is also 1 Rekha temp ple in the same cluster. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 68 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 30, 3 31 & 32 2 These three t temples are attached d to each other o and share a common wall. w They are oriented to the East. E These te emples are e peculiar hexagon nal shape in plan and have co onical shikh hara, not seen in other o clusterrs. All three temples ha ave shivalingas inside. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 69 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 33 3 & 34 These twin structuress are totally y in ruins. The temp ples are orriented to the t West. mmon wall between the t The com temple gives g an id dea that this t must be a couple off chala style e. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 70 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 35 3 This temp ple stands on a low plinth an nd is orientted to the North. Th he temple is in chala style of architecturre with its curved cornice. c The e roof is of char-cha ala type with w ridges and ratha a projection ns. The faça ade preserves some terracotta panels on o pilaster and som me decorattive bands on the fa acade. The tem mple is ded dicated to Shiva. ple has an inscription The temp in a ba and just below b the cornice. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 71 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 36 3 This temple is a unique temp ple among the t group of temples at Maluti ass it is the only o temple e in rekha sttyle of arrchitecture. It stands next n to tem mple 35, and a faces Ea ast. It is a ridged rek kha type with h tri-ratha prrojection. It stands on a low pliinth. erracotta panels p abo ove It has te the doorr opening, which w depiicts the batttle between Rama and a Ravana. ciation to Shaivism is Its assoc evident from f a shiv va-linga in the t garbhagriha. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 72 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 37 3 This temple is in an a advanc ced stage of structural distress. Th he temple is i oriented to the East. The temple has a heightene ed ala façade, curved cornice and a char-cha shikhara with w ridges and ratha projections. p The interior of the e temple has h howev ver survived. The temple e is dedicate ed to Shiva. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 73 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 38 3 This tem mple with heightene ed façade and curved cornice is the most importan nt temple in Rajar Barri and perha aps in Maluti. This is evident from the scale of o the temple, elaboratte terracotta work on the temple e, and the size of the e shiva-ling ga inside. he The temple is oriented to th East and d stands in betwee en temple 37 3 and temp ple 39, whic ch is a rasam mancha. The temple is in chala style with ridges an nd projections ratha a and rounded shikhara. ork on th he The terrracotta wo façade is almostt intact. It depicts the t war bettween Ram ma and Ravana in the centra al panel ab bove the door openin ng and divinities such h as Vishn nu and his incarnatio ons, Dasha aMahavid dya, sce enes from m in Ramayan na and Krishna-lila K the niche es, The tem mple is de edicated to t Shiva.The ere is an insscription in a band justt below the cornice. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 74 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 39 3 This is a solitarry examp ple Rasaman ncha in Maluti. of The temp ple stands next n to tem mple 38. The entra ance is orien nted to the South. The temple has an n octagona al plan with eight archwa ay opening gs. The roof is missing, m but it is likely that it must hav ve had a cu urvilinear roo of. When bu uilt, it must have been used for the purpose of so ome festiva als or to house im mage of Rad dha-Krishna. But at present, it is used fo or Kali worsh hip as is evident from f the pla atform installed for Kali worsh hip. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 75 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 40 This chala temple stands on a low platform. It is oriented to the East. It has curved cornice and char-chala roof with ridges and ratha projection. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 76 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 41 4 This temp ple located in Rajar Barri stands on na low plintth. The tem mple is orie ented to th he West. ple is of chala style off architectu ure The temp and has char-chala a roof and d ridges an nd ratha pro ojections. Some terrracotta pla aques are visible v on th he front faç çade, whiich depictt floral an nd geometriic patterns. The temp ple is dedica ated to Shiv va. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 77 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 42 4 This temp ple stands on o a low plin nth and is oriented to the Sou uth. The tem mple is in ruins but preserves terracotta plaques on the existing fa açade wh hich are masterpie eces of art. The temp ple must ha ave been of chala style, predominantly y seen in Ma aluti. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 78 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 43 4 & 44 These tw win temples stand on a low plintth. These tem mples stand d on the sam me plinth an nd share a common wall. The temples are a oriented to the North h. ples are of chala type e and have a The temp chala roo of with ridge es and ratha a projection ns. Temples have curve ed cornices.. n above th he Terracottta plaques are seen door ope ening and pilasters p on both b sides. Both the temples prreserve orig ginal woode en oth are dedicated to Sh hiva. doors. Bo The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 79 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Cluster 3: Madhyam Bari This cluster is located next to Rajar Bari, little to the south of Rajar Bari. Only three temples remain in this cluster out of which 1 is in ruins. The other two are chala temples with char-chala superstructure and ridges and ratha projections. There are 7 other temples situated in different locations, which have been added to Madhyam Bari for the purpose of description though their exact association with Madhyam Bari remains unknown. There is a couplet, a triplet and one chala structure with char-chala roof and ridges and ratha projections. The only Kali temple which has been numbered by ASI is in the same cluster. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 81 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 47 4 This temp ple is in ruiins. It is orie ented to th he West. atever rema ains, it can be discerne ed From wha that the temple must m have had a cha arof. chala roo to It is likely that the te emple was dedicated d ough no shiv va-linga can n be seen. Shiva tho The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 82 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 48 This temple stands on a plinth and is oriented to the West. This temple is standard chala type with char-chala roof and curved cornice. The roof has ridges and ratha projections and a trishul on the finial. Few Terracotta panels are visible on the façade. The temple is dedicated to Shiva.There is an inscription in a band just below the cornice. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 83 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 49 4 This tem mple standss on a p plinth and is oriented to the No orth. It is also a a cha ala d to o Shiva. temple dedicated The temp ple has a cu urved cornice and cha archala roo of with ridge es and ratha a projection ns. This tem mple was once ad dorned wiith terracotta work, th he traces of o which are a visible on n the façade e. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 84 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 23 This is a flat-roofed temple dedicated to Goddess Kali. The segmental arch, pediment flanked by two lions are indicative of British colonial influence. The shrine has no image of the goddess, but has a platform and a wooden plank, which is used to install the image of the goddess during Kali Puja. Worship is also offered daily in the temple. The temple is an important place for social gathering. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 85 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 24 2 & 25 These tw win temples stand nexxt to the Kali K temple. These tw wo temple es share a common n plinth an nd are orie ented to th he West. These two te emples are of standa ard chala ty ype with a char-cha ala roof an nd curved cornice. c There is no n terracotta a work on the temples. The temp ples are de edicated to o Shiva as is seen from m shiva-linga a in the garrbhagriha. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 86 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 26, 2 27 & 28 8 These th hree temple es stand on o the sam me plinth. Th hey are orie ented to th he West. The ey are simila ar in plan. Th hey are of chala c style of architectture with char-chala a roof an nd ridges and ratha projections p and curve ed cornice. The temp ples are ded dicated to Shiva. S The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 87 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 29 2 The tem mple standss next to Kali K structu ure which is a modern n structure. The temp ple o a plinth and is orie ented to th he stands on West. mple has a char-cha ala roof wiith The tem ridges and ratha projections p and curve ed cornice, thus belongs to the chala c style of architectture popula ar in Bengal.. The temp ple is dedica ated to Shiv va. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 88 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Clusterr 4: Chhai Taraf T This cluster is located d to the South h. er. There arre 11 templess in the cluste All these e are chala temples with h variations; 2 are standa ard chala te emples, 5 are with h ridges and ratha r projecttion, and 2 couplets. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 89 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 50 5 & 51 This coup plet faces North N East. These temples stand on the same plinth p along g with temples nd 54. 52, 53 an These tw wo temples share a common wa all, and hav ve a similarr plan as well w as simillar style of architecture a e. The shikha ara is of cha archala type t with h ridges and rath ha projectio ons. There are some terracotta pa anels on th he façade. These T seem m to be laterr additions. The tem mples garbhagriha. hav ve shiva-lin nga in th he The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 90 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 52 5 & 53 These twin temples stand next to temple 54 on the same plinth h. They face e South Ea ast. Temple number 52 2 is intact, but temp ple number 53 has co ollapsed and only th he doorway y and part of o the side wall w remainss. Temple 52 is of ch hala type with curve ed cornice and char--chala rooff and ridges and ratha a projection ns. Both the temples are a dedicatted to Shiv va. Temple 52 5 is peculia ar since it ha as three shiv valingas in the t garbhag griha. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 91 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 54 5 Temple 54 5 shares plinth with te emples 50, 51, 5 52 and 53 3. It is orientted to South h East. This is a Shiva temp ple in a cha ala style wiith ridges an nd ratha prrojections on o char-cha ala shikhara and curv ved cornic ce, the sty yle which is commonly c o observed in n Maluti. The temp ple has terrracotta wo ork preserve ed above the doorwa ay and on pilasters on o either sides. The temp ple is dedica ated to Shiv va. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 92 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 55 5 This temp ple shares plinth p with temple 56. The temp ple is oriented to the North N West. This temp ple is of chala type with charchala sh hikhara an nd ridges and a ratha projectio ons. The terracotta work is seen on the t façade of the temple above the doorw way and in the pilastters on both h sides. It sh hows scene of battle between Rama R and Ravana in the centrral panel as well as de epicts floral and geometrical mo otifs. a inscription in a band d just below There is an the cornice. mple has a shiva-ling ga in the The tem garbhagriha. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 93 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 56 This temple shares its plinth with temple 55. It is oriented to the North West. Like temple 55, this temple is a of chala type with curved cornice, char-chala shikhara with ridges and ratha projections. This temple has preserved terracotta panels on the façade to a great extent. The central panel depicts the battle between Rama and Ravana. Social scenes such as nauka-vilas, chaturanga sena, moving in a palanquin are depicted at the base of the temple. Floral and geometric motifs are also used for ornamentation. The temple has an inscription in a band just below the cornice. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 94 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 57 The temple is oriented to the North West. This temple is a chala structure with standard char-chala roof. The side walls of the temple have collapsed but the front façade and terracotta work on the façade remains fairly intact. The temple is dedicated to Shiva. The temple has an inscription in a band just below the cornice. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 95 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple 58 This temple is oriented to the North West. The peculiarity of the temple is that it is octagonal in plan. This temple is partly collapsed. It is a chala structure and has a char-chala roof with ridges and ratha projections as is evident from what remains of the shikhara. The temple has a shiva-linga in the garbhagriha, which shows that it is dedicated to Shiva. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 96 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 59 5 This Shiva a temple sta ands on a plinth p and faces No orth East. It is a simple hut type constructtion with standard ch har-chala roof. It has h an arc ched doorw way. The temple has terracotta panels of the façade, which depicts d the e battle between n Rama and d Ravana as a well as geometriical and floral ornamen ntation. The temp ple is dedic cated to Sh hiva as is evident from shiv va-linga inside the temple. There is also a Nand di and a trishul in the garbha agriha. A canopy c is hung in the temple e above the shivalinga, wh hich gives an idea as to o how the canopy was w hung in n the olden days. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 97 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 60 6 The tem mple standss behind te emple 59. It stands on o a plinth and is orie ented to th he North Easst. The temp ple is of cha ala type, with ridges an nd ratha pro ojections an nd curved cornice. c The faça ade has terrracotta pa anels, such as battle scene, flora al motifs, geometric cal patterns. The temp ple is dedica ated to Shiv va. There is an a inscription in a band d just below the cornice. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 98 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Cluster 5: Mauliksha Temple Complex This cluster is located to the extreme South in the village. It has two listed temples. Temple 61 is the oldest temple of Maluti dating back to 1719 A.D. Temple 62 is the main temple in the complex dedicated to goddess Mauliksha. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 99 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 61 6 This temple stands on a high h plinth an nd faces East. This tem mple is a sta andard cha ala temple with w char-c chala roof and curve ed cornice. The façade of this te emple is in a poor co ondition an nd only few w terracottta figures re emain in the e niches on the t facade e. The temp ple is dedica ated to Shiv va. This is th he oldest temple in the temp ple complex. The inscription on the façad de mentionss the date of o its constru uction as 1719 A.D. This thus beco omes the oldest o date ed temple in n Maluti tem mple comple ex. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 100 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 62 6 The temp ple stands on a low plinth and is oriented to the West. The e temple is ed to God ddess Mauliiksha. It is a dedicate tutelary deity d of the e Rajas of Nankar N and d is worshipp ped as Simhavahini Durga. D It is a temple of o Ek Bangla style. It has a thre eearched verandah which se erves as an a entrance e to the ga arbhagriha with a sing gle door. The e garbhagriha has sm mall window ws on eitherr side, not se een in case e of any oth her temples in Maluti exxcept the Durga D temp ple number 12. 1 The temple has a do-chala roo of. The man ndapa in frront of the temple is a newly bu uilt structure e. Both the temple an nd the mand dapa have been paintted. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 101 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Temple Complex A wall is built around the temple of Mauliksha, which incorporates other two temples, which seem to be modern structures and a space around them. In the complex, some images and other antiquities have been placed on the platform under a tree. It is likely that these remains belong to Pala period. Since it is a pilgrimage place, Mauliksha temple is visited by many people. There are a few shops outside the temple wall to cater to the visitors. A play area has also been developed outside the temples for the visitors who wish to spend some time in the area. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 102 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 2.3. Sculpture Iconography in Maluti & The iconography visible in Maluti is to be seen at two levels. First is the deities which are worshipped in Maluti, the other is the art and iconography visible in the terracotta panels which adorn the temples of Maluti. Some of the temples at Maluti are plain but some temples represent a very high quality of brick carving with profuse ornamental decoration upon the front facade. The largest number of temples in Maluti are dedicated to Shiva. Shiva is worshipped in the form of a linga. The base of the linga is made of earth on the temple floor and the stone linga is inserted into it. Goddess Kali is worshipped through image, which is installed on a platform only during Kali Puja. In other place, a beautiful plaque of goddess Durga killing the demon Mahishasura is depicted. Figurines of Lakshmi and Saraswati also appear in the same plaque. Right Top: Shiva-lingas in the chala temle Right Middle: A platform in the Kali temple on which the image is installed during Kali Puja. Right Bottom: A frieze showing scenes of village life and war The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 103 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund A wide range of themes are depicted in the terracotta panels. The most popular theme which becomes the focal point is the depiction of war between Rama and Ravana shown above the door opening. Rama is shown sitting on the arm of flying Hanuman or a chariot and shooting arrows. Lakshmana is shown behind him. His army is also engaged in this war. Ravana is depicted with 10 heads and 20 hands holding various types of weapons. He is on a chariot and he is also shooting arrows towards Rama. The scene comes alive as it is skilfully depicted by the craftsman Right Top: Gopal Babu explaining the iconography Right Bottom: A frieze from the Ramayana with Rama shooting an arrow at the ten headed Ravana The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 104 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Temple 45 4 & 46 These tem mples stand d on a low plinth p and are a oriented to the North-West. They are of pe with currved cornic ces and cha archala typ chala roo of with ridges and rath ha projectio on. These tem mples stand d as a coup plet and sha are a common wall. Unfortunately a wall of th he adjoining g household d also cuts through th he temples. The temples have fe ew terracottta a the door d openin ng. plaques preserved above ples are ded dicated to Shiva. S The temp Temple 46 4 has an in nscription in n a band ju ust below the cornice. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 80 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Other scenes depicted in the niches are scenes from Ramayana and also from Krishnalila, etc. Among the themes are scenes of Ramayana, Rama and Lakshmana with Hanuman, the meeting of Rama with Bibhishan, Sugriva saluting Rama, Ravana killing Jatayu and Sita sitting on a chariot, Rama, Lakshmana and Sita proceeding to the forest, the killing of Rakshasa Maricha, the abduction of Sita, are significant whereas among the scenes of Krishnalila, the scenes of Krishna raising Govardhana, Krishna with a calf, Krishna playing the flute, Radha-Krishna, Krishna killing the demon Bakasura, Krishna with Balarama, stealing of clothes of bathing gopikas by Krishna, churning of curd to procure butter by Yashoda are depicted in the tiny plaques. There is a typical terracotta plaque in which Krishna is shown with six hands, with two hands holding a bow and arrow, with other two a flute and in the fifth hand he has a bugle and in sixth hand he is holding a sword. The theme is taken from a ballad, where the devotee is saying to his tutelary goddess that you hold bow and arrow as Rama, flute as Krishna, bugle as Shiva and sword as Kali. Scenes from mythology, Puranas, epics influenced the artists. The walls of the temples provided them with a wide scope to display their mastery and skills and their inspirations, observations got reflected on this canvas in the most beautiful way. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 105 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund The other Hindu deities like Durga, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Brahma and even incarnations of Vishnu, Dasha Mahavidya are depicted mainly in the niches above the scene of battle between Rama and Ravana. Some mythological composite figures are also used for decorating the temples. Different terracotta panels on the façade of the temples The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 106 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund What is also interesting is the depiction of social life at the base of the temple on the façade. Scenes like Nuaka-vilas, Setu-bandha, Chaturanga sena moving for hunting are depicted at the bottom of the temples. The scene of a palanquin carried by bearers is also very interesting. A person, in all probability Raja, is sitting inside with a hookka. A dog is following the palanquin closely. Moving with dogs was traditional practice among the tribal people. Maluti is encircled from all sides by Santhals, hence this particular terracotta art of Maluti. Dancing, worshipping, milking of cows and ploughing of field are common scenes depicting daily life. Even soldiers are shown with guns. This not only gives insight into local life, but also shows different influences on the local life. Social life was depicted at the base of the temple The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 107 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund Terracotta plaques which are purely decorative and used for ornamentation are also impressive. Different forms of flora and fauna are used. Floral and geometric devices like vertical creepers, petalled rosettes, an arched recess enclosing floral devices, scroll work with tendrils and leaves, full and half-blown lotuses and lotus buds, crenellations resembling arrowheads, triangular devices containing an inset of multipetaled rosette hanging, swirling drapery have been used. Ornamented and curved pilasters are also attractive. Various animals are depicted in the scenes which shows their close association with human life. The flat surface is divided into horizontal and vertical divisions. The divisions are found to be filled with terracotta plaques and panels of which the themes are mythology, animals and human activity. There is repetition of decorative border. The scenes were influenced by the episodes of Indian epics, mythological scenes, and provide testimony to artistic excellence. Human activities, life of aristocrats, their sports and pastimes, their amusements, ornaments, jewellery, arms and weapons, their tastes, customs, costumes, their sentiment and culture, their affluence and poverty, their joy and sorrow, relationship of different sections of society, is also immortalised in terracotta art. The temples provided artists with canvas for expression of their ideas. They drew inspiration from society around them. Thus these panels provide a panorama of society and constitute valuable materials for reconstructing the social and cultural heritage. Floral, geometric forms adorn the spaces of the façade. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 108 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund 3. Sign S ifica ance e & Valu V es The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 109 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund 3.1 Sig gnifica ance The villag ge of Malu uti is a ‘tem mple village e’. Originally y 108, overr 60 terracotta temples survive from f the 18th and 19 9th centurie es. structures These have su urvived th he vicissitude es of time and a speak of tradition nal beliefs and a practices, artistic c influence es, technica al develo opments and th he constructtion vocabu ulary of the period. he sheer nu umber of temples make es it clear Th th hat the site e was witne ess to great building he patrons were the activity in the period. Th members m off the roya al family and these in ncluded wo omen patrrons. This gives an in nteresting in nsight into tthe practic ces of the Nankar N king gdom and at the same time, re eflect on tra aditional Ben ngali society. The temples have a distinct place in th he architecttural develo opment of Bengal B in th he late med dieval perio od. The loc cation of th he village is importa ant as it forms th he easternm most bound dary in the e spread of temple activity a in Be engal. At th he same tim me, the temp ples depictt a very hig gh quality of regional art of Easte ern India. Th he temples at Maluti were constru ucted of brrick in such a distinguished way th hat the use e of moulde ed bricks and terraco otta plaque es depictin ng naturalisttic and rea alistic scene es enhance ed the beau uty of these temples. Moreover, M what is significant is the ha armonious co-existenc ce of differe ent deities lik ke Shiva, Ka ali, Durga, V Vishnu as we ell as local deities like e Dharma araj, villag ge deity Mauliksha, M e etc. This re eflects the spirit of re eligious freedom and to olerance. Maluti M is the among th he rare villa ages of its kind with suc ch a large n number of te emples of su uch a high standard d of craftssmanship, unique. making m this temple e village The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 110 Abha Narain Lambah Associates for Global Heritage Fund 3.2 Values “Values can be defined as the relative social attribution of qualities to things; values thus depend on society and can change over time. The aim of conservation is to safeguard the quality and values of the resource, protect its material substance and ensure its integrity for future generations.”1 Bernard Feilden & Jukka Jokilehto, Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites, ICCROM, Rome, 1998 A heritage site preserves a number of values. The presence or absence of values will lead to the safeguarding and preservation of cultural heritage resources or in other instances, could lead to their neglect and destruction.2 At the same time, these values determine the policies for conservation at any particular heritage site. 1 2 Ibid. The Terracotta Temples of Maluti: A Conservation Report 111 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund The villag ge engende ers a multitude of value es: Archaeo ological an nd Historic value The village of Ma aluti preserrves over 60 nd terracotta temples belonging to 18th an th 19 cen ntury. Thesse templess, with their elaborate e terraco otta worrk becom me importan nt sources for the reco onstruction of history off the area, developme ent of temp ple activity, etc. e They also provide glimpses in nto socio-eco onomic life of the Nankar Kingdom m. They also o enrich ou ur knowledg ge about th he religious practices of the 18 8th and 19 9th century. The inscripttions on the e temples not n only help p date the temples, butt also give an a interesting insight in nto the dev velopment of Bengali script. Moreove er, the villa age exhibiits traces of habitatio on right from m the pre-hiistoric perio od, which adds i immensely to th he archaeological valu ue of the site e. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 112 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Artistic and a Aesthe etic Value The artisttic and aesthetic valu ue lies in th he high-qua ality terraco otta work visible v on th he temple fa acades. The e art at Ma aluti continues the terra acotta trad dition of la ate mediev val Bengal. The T represe entation of scenes fro om Ramayan na, Krishnallila as well as depictio on of social life at the base along g with wealth a fauna fo orm importa ant evidenc ce of flora and of the local belie efs and prractices an nd tradition current in n Bengal in the la ate medieva al period. They T provid de importa ant evidence e of the skills and mastery achieve ed by the local craftsm men and artiisans and are a masterpie eces of Indiian art. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 113 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Architec ctural and Technical T Value The temp ples of Maluti bear wiitness to the high qua ality of crafttsmanship and a the skillls of the builders b in the use of o terracotta ornamen ntation and brick construction. The main co onstruction material employed e in constructtion was brick b and lime l mortar, with terra acotta panels on the façade. The result is the beauttiful amalg gamation of o different styles of arrchitecture prevalent in i d the late medie eval period d. Bengal during This has given a un nique chara acter to the village. Over O 60 te emples surrvive in the village ev ven today, and stand testimony to the high quality of craftsmansh hip achieve ed uilders. by the bu Setting and a Landsc cape Value The settting of the e temples within the vernacular village architectu ure gives a special character c to o the villag ge of Malutti. The temp ples are orie ented in suc ch a manne er that they y form impo ortant publiic squares in i the village, creating spacess for socia al gathering g. Moreove er, the landsscape of the village, with w open grazing la ands and a number of lakes adds to the overa all experience on site. Religiouss and Spirittual Values Many of the temple es in Maluti are still und der worship. Most of the e temples are dedicate ed to Shiva. Moreoverr, deities like e Durga, Ka ali, aj are also local deities like Dharmara temple has worshipp ped. The Mauliksha M become a place of pilgrimage e. The temples us spirit an nd are testiimony to the religiou spirituality y of the Na ankar kingd dom, which is still reflec cted in the village v today. The villag ge truly dese erves the title of ‘templle village’. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 114 Abha Na arain Lambah Associa ates for Glo obal Herita age Fund Socio-ec conomic Value V Research and Educational Value e Many traditional t social activities a s still continue e in the villa age of Ma aluti. Thus th he of village ca an be looke ed at as a storehouse s information on religious and soc cial practices and trad ditions, whic ch are otherwise lost in other parrts of Benga al. Th here is scope for rresearch in n various aspects like art, a architecture e, socioeconomic, re eligious practices, etc.. and also th he importa ant place the village e has in ov verall development of temple arc chitecture provides in n Bengal. also The sitte opportunitiess for public c understan nding and appreciation n of the rich h terracotta a tradition and develo opment of indigenous temple architecture of Bengal through h proper in nterpretation n. The temp ples of Maluti have a potential to generate e revenue by b attracting g tourists. Th he tourists would w get enthralling g experienc ce when the ey visit this heritage h villa age. The Ter rracotta Temples of o Malutii: A Conse ervation Report R 115
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