OAB Newsletter 2-2014 - The Omaha Agri

Monday, February 24, 2014
11:30-12:00 Networking
12:00-1:00 Luncheon
Anthony’s Steak House
72nd & F Streets, Omaha, Nebraska
$15.00 at the door
Speaker: Robert White
“Ethanol - Revitalizing America”
RSVP BY THURSDAY February 20, 2014
Bring A Friend/Invite a Friend to Join
Questions? — Talk to Ken Pohlman, Recruitment Chairperson (402-334-7770)
Or Lauren Albert: [email protected]
Please introduce yourself if you see a new face.
If you are looking for a way to get more involved with the Omaha Agri-business Club, there are a
variety of areas that take very little time or more if you have it to spare. Contact one of the board
members or officers for more information concerning available opportunities. We welcome fresh new
FACEBOOK—We are on Facebook! Be sure join our Fan Page!
February Meeting Details: Robert White, Director of
Market Development for RFA, leads the effort to increase the
availability and consumption of ethanol, along with consumer
education, social media, and marketing. He will be discussing
DC, both in Congress and federal agencies, state efforts,
advancements in production, economic impact of industry,
the evolution of fuel retailers and ethanol at retail, and what
the future holds.
Robert works with petroleum marketers and retailers, state
and federal agencies, fleets and consumers on a daily basis.
He is also sought a sought after technical expert for the
ethanol industry on ethanol, E15, E85, and blender pumps.
He is a veteran of the US Army. He is proud member of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion.
Looking Back: Janurary 27, 2014 – Sean McGuire, Health Reform Guru and
Political Analyst, discussed the Affordable Care Act and everything that it means to
us in our future. He has read the legislation multiple times and offered a concise
summary of the law, and quantified what it really means to us and those we care
about. He answered a few of our questions and provided information to prepare
ourselves, our families, and our businesses.
Looking Ahead to April, 28, 2014 - A freelance writer and fifth-generation
Nebraskan, Jeff Barnes is a board trustee of the Nebraska State Historical Society,
past chairman of the Nebraska Hall of Fame Commission, and former marketing
director for the Durham Museum.
A former newspaper reporter and editor, Barnes is the author of "Forts of the
Northern Plains," "The Great Plains Guide to Custer," and the newly published "The
Great Plains Guide to Buffalo Bill." He is a frequently requested speaker with
Humanities Nebraska and presents throughout the Great Plains on the history of the
Congratulate Our New Officers!
PRESIDENT – Brent Pohlman
VICE PRESIDENT – Jeremy Reineke
TREASURER – Dennis Cihacek
SECRETARY – Bernie Winter
News and Events:
March 24, 2014 - Omaha Agri-Business Annual Banquet
April 28, 2014 - Next meeting back at Anthony’s with Jeff Barnes as guest speaker
March 12 – 13, 2014 – 48th Annual Triumph of Agriculture - Farm & Ranch Show at the CenturyLink
Center Omaha. The Omaha Agri-Business Club has been fortunate again to receive a complimentary
booth. Please show your support of this show and stop by. Or better yet, volunteer to help man the
booth. Please contact Lauren Albert at Midwest Laboratories by calling (402) 334-7770 or email,
[email protected]. For more information on this event, please visit:
Save the date(s) – Our upcoming meeting dates are as follows:
March 24 - Annual Banquet
April 28
May - TBA
June - TBA
July - TBA
August - TBA
September - TBA
October 27
November 17
December 15
Our Speaker for the
2014 Annual Banquet
on March 24, 2014:
Mitch Holthus
2014 Annual Omaha Agri-Business
Banquet: March 24, 2014
It has been confirmed that Mitch Holtus will be our
speaker for our Annual Banquet coming up on March 24,
2014! Mitch will discuss topics in Agriculture and will touch
on sports topics involving the Kansas City Chiefs and the
Creighton Blue Jays.
You can now purchase tickets
on our website:
We need silent auction items for inclusion into a catalog for our Annual Banquet
coming up on March 24, 2014!!! Please fill out the form on our website:
www.agbusinessomaha.com/banquet to have your silent auction item included!
Please don’t say goodbye! - 2013 dues are now due. I will be removing names of members
that haven’t paid 2013 dues. If you don’t know your dues status, email or call Lauren at 402-3347770 ext. 270 or [email protected]. You can also check your status on the Omaha AgriBusiness website under the members section. If your name is highlighted gold, you are not paid
through 2013.
You can notify Lauren if you do not wish to continue your membership.
NEW!!! You can now pay your dues online! Visit our website: www.agbusinessomaha.com and
click on the Pay tab!
I would like to join the Omaha Agri-Business Club!
I would like to renew my Omaha Agri-Business Membership.
___1 Year $10
___2 Years $20
___Other________ Amount Enclosed $_______________
(Please Print) Name ___________________________________________________________
Company ____________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________
City_________________ State _____ Zip ________ Phone _____________________________
Fax ____________________ e-mail _______________________________________________
□ I require a paper copy of the Newsletter.
□ No paper copy is necessary. Please email me a copy of the newsletter or I will access it
from the website if no email address is provided.
Complete the above form, enclose a check made payable to The Omaha Agri-Business Club for your
dues, and send to: Lauren Albert, Secretary, Midwest Laboratories 13611 B Street, Omaha, NE 68144.
Omaha Agri-Business Club
For immediate release
February 12, 2014
Brent Pohlman
Omaha, NE
Annual March Banquet Announcement
Omaha, NE – Omaha Agri-Business Club –The Omaha Agri-Business Club will be holding its annual “Celebrate
Ag” banquet on March 24, 2014 at the Ralston Arena in Ralston, Nebraska. Tickets available for this event are
$35.00 per person.
The banquet will consist of dinner, silent auction and a special guest speaker. This year’s speaker will be Mitch
Holtus – “The Voice of the Kansas City Chiefs.” Mitch Holthus has been the “Voice of the Kansas City
Chiefs”since 1994. Following the NFL season, Holthus is a television play-by-play talent for selected college
basketball games. In addition, Mitch Holtus has been active in the Agriculture Community presenting on
various topics at different Agricultural Conferences. Mitch’s presentation will include topics on the following
subjects: Agriculture, Kansas City Chiefs and Creighton Blue Jays.
Tickets for this event can be purchased online at AgBusinessOmaha.com or by sending a check to: Omaha AgriBusiness | c/o Lauren – Midwest Labs |13611 B Street | Omaha, NE 68144
The Omaha Agri-Business Clubs’purpose is to provide agricultural information to its members on a monthly
basis. In addition, the club helps support local agricultural organizations, events, and educational initiatives.
The Omaha Agri-Business Club typically meets on the last Monday of each month at Anthony’s Steakhouse. If
you would like more information about this event or about becoming a member, please check out the Omaha
Agri-Business Club Website, AgBusinessOmaha.com.
Omaha Agribusiness Club Leadership Award
Description – The Omaha Agribusiness Club’s Ag Leadership Award will be presented at our
Annual National Ag Week Banquet held in March of each year. The Club Awards Committee,
consisting of five impartial members, will select the recipient. The Club will donate a check in the
name of the honoree to the charity of his/her choice. The details of the award are listed below.
Award Eligibility—The honoree must be located in or provide service in an area generally
defined as Nebraska and western Iowa.
Selection Criteria –The club seeks to honor an agribusiness or individual that has made
exceptional contributions to agriculture. This can include but is not limited to:
Efforts to help young people prepare for careers in agriculture or agribusiness
Promotion of agriculture or agribusiness within the local and larger community
Efforts to increase public understanding of or appreciation for agriculture
Contributions (broadly defined) to the community
Offering or developing innovative products or services for agriculture
Nomination Procedure
Any interested person may nominate an agribusiness or individual for this honor, by
completing a nomination form
Nominations must include two letters of recommendation that describe the nominee’s
contributions to agriculture. These letters may accompany the form or be sent separately to
the Awards Committee.
The nomination deadline will be February 21, 2014
The current Awards Committee will select the honoree
Nominations not selected will be retained for consideration the following year. To be
reconsidered after that, a new form must be completed.
OABC Ag Leadership Award Winners include:
Jerry Warner
Sherman Berg
Ken Pohlman
Milton Fricke, Jr.
Richard Hahn
Senator Lavon Heidemann
Roger Wehrbein
Mike Krause
Dr. Allen Blezek
2014 Agri-Business Award Nomination Form
Nominee Information
Name (Please print): ____________________________________________________
Agri-Business / Company: ________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ Fax: _________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________
Is the nominee aware of being nominated for this award?
_____ Yes _____ No
Nominated By
Name (Please print): _____________________________________________________
Agri-Business / Company: ________________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ Fax: _________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
Send your nomination to:
Lauren Albert
Awards Committee Chair
Midwest Laboratories, Inc.
13611 B St.
Omaha, NE 68144
Telephone: (402) 334-7770
Fax: (402) 334-9121
Email: [email protected]
2014 AgriAgri-Business Award Nomination Form
Page 2
Please provide information that you feel is most important for the Omaha Agri-Business
Club’s Awards Committee Members when they make their selection. (This may be on separate
pages.) Describe the exceptional contributions your nominee has made to agriculture. These
contributions may include but are not limited to:
a) Efforts to help young people prepare for careers in agriculture or agribusiness
b) Promotion of agriculture or agribusiness within the local and larger community
c) Efforts to increase public understanding of or appreciation for agriculture
d) Contributions (broadly defined) to the community
e) Offering or developing innovative products or services for agriculture
Brent Pohlman
Midwest Laboratories, Inc.
Ken Pohlman
Midwest Laboratories, Inc.
Jeremy Reineke
First National Bank of Omaha
Dennis Cihacek
Great Harvest Bread Company
Bernie Winter
Farmers National Company
Brent Pohlman
Midwest Laboratories, Inc.
Roger Wehrbein
R. W. Cattle Company
Omaha Agri-Business Club
13611 B Street
Omaha, NE 68144
Art Armbrust
Armbrust Kennels
Dennis Cihacek
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Harold Johnson
NP Dodge
Jeff Hoffman
Deloitte & Touche LLP
2013 Directors
Jackie Boryca
SAC Federal Credit Union
Jerry Warner
Farmers National Co.
Eddie Biwer
Tina Henderson
NE Farm Bureau Federation
Gary France
Wells Fargo
Mike Krause
Hertz Farm Management
Bernie Winter
Farmers National Company
Stan Lierz
Hertz Farm Management
Milt Fricke
Fricke, Inc.
Monte Stauffer
UNL Coop Extension Svc.
Roger Wehrbein
R. W. Cattle Company
Doug Carr
Snitily Carr
Don Hickman
Mutual of Omaha
Dick Raasch
Raasch Financial
Robert Mancuso, Jr.
Triumph of Ag Expo
Nick Warner
E4 Sons