obh.mail Friday 28th March 2014: Issue No. 117 A scene from the fabulous Curiouser & Curiouser Notes from the Head’s study…….. As we come to the close of another busy and exciting term, we can reflect on an astonishing array of activity throughout the school. From the first game of hockey on our wonderful new Astro to the magical production of Curiouser and Curiouser all our pupils deserve congratulations for their many achievements both in and out of the classroom. Please remember to read a book over the Easter holiday and spend some time away from the Xbox discovering something new! Clare joins me in wishing all our OBH families a happy Easter break. 64 days to go! Quote of the week Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Socrates Yours aye, John Brett Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Boarding News…... Boarders’ trip to Curve Motion After our supper on Saturday night, Mrs Chapman, Mrs Warren and Mr Turner bundled 40 excited boarders into three minibuses and set off for Bury St Edmunds. On arrival, having been kitted out with roller skates, the group took to the rink. Roller skating is clearly an ideal opportunity to let off steam and our group did not hesitate to take full advantage of this! Despite a variety in levels of competence, everyone had a smile on their face and all were happy to have a go including Mr Turner. Mrs Warren and Mrs Chapman on the other hand, watched nervously from the side, clutching the first aid bag and having the occasional chocolate to calm their frayed nerves. Mad Hatters Tea Party The Mad Hatters tea party was a great success. The children proudly wore their hats during the tea and we finished off with an Easter egg hunt outside. Many thanks to the kitchen for putting on such a tasty tea for us all. Mrs Drake Although there were a couple of incidents of bruised pride and sore bottoms, thankfully the session came to an end with everyone still in good spirits. It was a wonderfully entertaining evening and a great time was had by all. Even Mrs Chapman and Mrs Warren deigned to admit that they had had a super evening too. On Sunday, after a successful day rehearing for Curiouser and Curiouser the children grabbed their waterproofs and armed with their cryptic clue set of on their search for their Easter eggs. Only two teams managed to complete all nine clues – mainly due to Mr Drake’s warped sense of humour! In the end all teams managed to find enough chocolate to keep everyone happy. We hope everyone has a restful Easter and will return refreshed ready for some more action packed weekend fun! Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Matters of the Moment… GRAND OPENING OF THE ASTRO SPEECH COMPETITION The Grand Opening of the Astro will take place on Saturday There too many names to mention for this 24 May 2014. column! Please see next page for full list of those children who are to be congratulated! We are holding a speech competition to find the best Astro Opening Speech written by one of our OBH pupils. The winner will have their speech read out at the opening Curiouser & Curiouser ceremony and then have the amazing and unique opportunity of being the person who cuts the ribbon to officially open DVD and Photographs the new astro! Monday 7th April is the date for last orders for DVD’s and photo’s of this great show. How to enter: Anyone who is a current pupil at Old Buckenham Hall School Attached to the obh.mail is the order form for DVD’s and the photo order form along with the may enter. The content of the speech is at the discretion of the photo contact sheet is available in the school writer but must include: reason for the gathering, office. what it means to OBH to have a new astro, thanking Mrs Brett all those involved in the fund raising process. The speech must be no longer than 2 minutes when read aloud. The speech must be an original work by the OBH pupil. Entry Deadline: Friday 2 May 2014 Future Dates Open Morning Friday 25th April 9.30 am—12.00 noon Com p eti tio n e ntr i es sho uld be e m ail ed to We shall be holding an Open Morning on the [email protected] or handed into the school office for first Friday of the Summer term. If you know the attention of Mrs Brett on or before the entry deadline. of families who would be interested in OBH please do encourage them to join us. Judges: The Headmaster, Mrs Brett, Dr Marshall and Mr Willie Crawshay will judge the speeches and the winner will be informed in person. Grandparents’ & Godparents’ day Friday 2nd May Prize: The winner will either read his/her own speech at the Opening Ceremony or, if preferred, a suitable person nominated by the school will read the speech. The winner will then cut the ribbon to officially open the new Astro. The children will be shortly sending out invitations to their grandparents and godparents for this special day in the OBH calendar. However, please do ask your family members and friends to save the date in their diaries. GOOD LUCK! Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Congratulations for 50 pluses: Rupert Pooley Cecilly Jewers Molly Warren Charlie Harrison Charlie Lock Molly Webster Ned Stanton Hugo Van Vredenburch Cordelia Griffiths Primrose Ackroyd-Cooper Grace Gregory Anthony Doggett 25 pluses cont. Saturn Mercury Mars Mars Saturn Mars Mars Mars Saturn Saturn Jupiter Saturn Congratulations for 25 pluses: Edward Raymond Maya de Silva Sam Harrison Leilia Paske Charlotte Bowman Joshua Green Ted Pryke Archie Rook Emily Banks George de la Rue Jamie Dilnot Thomas Crawshay Oscar Brown Blake Weir Isadora Cutler Joshua Green Nicholas Warren Hamish Sugden Beatrice Glancey Caspar Hall Charlie Bidwell Sophie English Mars Jupiter Mars Saturn Saturn Mars Jupiter Mercury Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Saturn Jupiter Mercury Mars Mars Mercury Mars Mercury Saturn Mercury Monty Harrison Ismene Johnson Otto Bagshaw William Wright Oliver Devine-King Milly Pryke Finn Milbank Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] Mars Saturn Saturn Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Jupiter www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Middle School …….. Date for your Diary This week, the children in Years 2- 6 have had a wonderful opportunity to plan and put together some short videos based on the theme of gratitude. The Thank You Film Awards is a competition run by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Values at the University of Birmingham, and is aiming to encourage young people to consider the virtue of gratitude. Who are they grateful to? Why? How can they develop and express that gratitude in everyday life? Young people aged between 5 and 16 are invited to make a short film to say 'thank you' to a person, group or organisation they feel has inspired them, made a difference, or improved the local community, Britain or the world! The children whose films have made the shortlist will be invited to a cinema to see their film on the big screen, and there will be opportunities to win prizes for the school. On Monday 28th April, Years 2 – 6 will be taking part in a two hour theatre workshop based on the story of Stig of the Dump by Clive King. This should be a wonderful opportunity for all of the children involved. Clive King’s wonderful story of Barney and his neolithic friend Stig has been a firm favourite with children and adults since it was first published in the early sixties. Barney and Stig’s many adventures in and around the chalk pit near Barney’s grandfather’s house culminate in a fascinating journey back in time to the days when there were only Stigs and stone circles. All the teachers were very impressed with the way in which all of the children set about this exciting and creative opportunity. For further information, please have a close look at the website: http:// www.jubileecentre.ac.uk/ thankyouawards Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Curiouser and Curiouser If films are made memorable partly through their atmospheric location shooting then theatre requires an inventive set which comes alive, a character in its own right. This is certainly the case in John and Clare Brett’s musical version of Lewis Carroll’s Victorian classic which draws inspiration from both Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Charles Dodgson (Carroll’s real name) was not only a writer, mathematician and deacon; he was also a notable photographer. It seems highly appropriate then that the OBH production is set in a Victorian photographic studio. This offers the audience a constant reminder throughout the following spellbinding two hours that the colourful contents are a dream. The uncluttered set – brought to life by artist and designer Chris Vinz – is a visual delight. Artificial light makes its way through a large skylight, while a rocking horse, chessboard-patterned chests, an armchair and staircase all offer quirky ‘working props’. A stuffed dodo on one of the walls offers a clever reference: it is said that Dodgson identified himself with the dodo in Alice, due to his lifetime stutter. The opening framing scene in which a photographer takes portraits of Alice and her sister is cleverly mimed to music and this atmospheric opening is brought to a fitting close by a ‘flash’ special effect, in both senses of the term. We already sense that we will return to this at the very end and, of course, in a way we never fully leave the ‘real’ world of the studio thanks to the clever set construction. If the set impresses, then the costumes dazzle. This applies across the entire cast. Some are stylishly elaborate, such as the Mad Hatter who sports a hat on which two smaller ones are perched, the Red Queen whose blood-red dress and crown contrast with the Queen of Hearts whose clown-like pallor and orange hair make her look chillingly like a demonic Ronald McDonald. Often the visual effect of the costumes is simply created, as in the Walrus wearing a fur coat or the birds, cats and chess pieces wearing hats which depict their identity. My personal favourite was the White Rabbit whose buttons are made from the same material as its bobtail. The clever touches are an integral part of this musical spectacular rather than invasively added on. A screen above the armchair allows thematically-linked images to be relayed, pocket watch faces projected as the White Rabbit appears being an early, inventive example. This applies to the sound effects as well, ranging from Alice’s recorded voice echoing in the auditorium as she reads from a book, the booming sound of the king’s horses and men arriving in vain to save Humpty Dumpty, the crashing of waves on the seashore, to the wonderfully eerie creaking noises which indicate that Alice is shrinking and expanding. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Curiouser and Curiouser is, appropriately, structured partly as a game of chess, with Alice moving haphazardly across the ‘board’ in search of an end or conclusion to the wonderful nonsense, but also – like a real dream – we move seamlessly from scene to scene. It is hard to pick out highlights when the production lacks any ‘dead time’ but particularly memorable moments include the following: an exquisitely costumed Moroccan caterpillar smoking a hookah surrounded by a butterfly chorus, the scene atmospherically bathed in green light; the fish and frog menservants meeting at the Duchess’ door; a tartan, dancing Tweedledum and Tweedledee; the ensemble party song as the entire cast appears on stage for the Mad Hatter’s tea party; and the wonderfully mad court case in which the stairs stylishly double up as the witness stand. The musical score is a delight, ranging from Alice’s opening solo Under the Silvery Moon, a groovy, funky caterpillar number, to the jazzy beat of the Croquet Song. Despite the fact that this production sees strong acting performances throughout the large cast it would be nonsensical – even by Wonderland standards – not to highlight the thrilling, mature performance of Alice herself (Mia Derrick). She is on stage throughout – after all, it is her dream – and has to maintain our interest and empathy. The quality of her singing, acting and observing is a pleasure to be enjoyed and cherished. The two hour performance is such a visual/aural delight that we want to hold Alice’s sister back from waking her up in the photographer’s chair as the magic comes to a close. The fact that Alice is still clutching the fluffy toy rabbit left with her by the White Rabbit playfully connects the dream world to the reality of the studio. To steal a line from this production, I have a curious feeling that those lucky enough to watch this performance will remember it for a long time to come. Live theatre should be magical, memorable, atmospheric and inventive; Curiouser and Curiouser offers us all of these dramatic qualities in abundance. Rodney Marshall Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Creative Writing…... Following the success of last year's creative writing book, which included poetry and prose from Years 6-8, I am in the process of editing a 2014 edition. Most pupils in the senior part of the school have already sent me personal narratives to be included. If anyone fancies writing any poems or stories during the Easter holidays then they can send these to me for inclusion. There is a 'quality control' customs to be passed through but all interesting pieces will be considered for inclusion. Writing new pieces (or improving former ones) represents a great way for Year 8s to revise for next term's Common Entrance exams as the creative/descriptive section represents 25% of the overall exam. Any pieces can be sent to me: [email protected] and I will endeavour to reply with comments and/or suggestions. Rodney Marshall Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Help for Heroes Lost & Found Year 6 Wire Sculptures for sale to raise money for 'Help for Heroes'. A small pair of girl’s glasses have been found and are in the School Office for collection. Three Year 6 boys in Art desperately wanted to help raise money for Help for Heroes, so they took a photo of themselves with their wire and plaster sculptures and asked if they could put it in the OBH mail. Anthony Doggett, Alick Liddell and Daniel Soborg have made these sculptures to raise money for Help for Heroes'. If you are interested in buying one or all 3 of these works of Art, by making a donation to 'Help For Heroes' please feel free to come and collect them from the Art Room and I will pass your donation onto Mr Drake to add to the funds raised by the Fun Run. Thank you and well done boys! ‘Cello for Sale For sale: 1/8 size Stentor ‘Cello for £150 with case and bow included. If interested please contact either the music department or Sophie Dixon Smith directly. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail News from Pre-Prep… Years 1 & 2 Years 2—Date for the Diary On Monday 28th April, Years 2 will be joining Years 3,4, 5 & 6 to take part in a two hour theatre workshop based on the story of Stig of the Dump by Clive King. Year 1 and Year 2 have had a very busy last week of term. Over the past few weeks we have been collecting small change for Sport Relief and Help for Heroes. We can now confirm that Year raised £237.73 and Year 2 raised £300.39, a fantastic effort by all and thank you for all the support. The children greatly enjoyed the Fun Run, in their fancy dress and most of the children ran the entire course – a very impressive achievement. Well done to all children and parents that took part. This should be a wonderful opportunity for all of the children involved. Clive King’s wonderful story of Barney and his neolithic friend Stig has been a firm favourite with children and adults since it was first published in the early sixties. Barney and Stig’s many adventures in and around the chalk pit near Barney’s grandfather’s house culminate in a fascinating journey back in time to the days when there were only Stigs and stone circles. Both Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed watching ‘Curiouser and Curiouser’ on Wednesday this week. The children recognised the story and enjoyed watching the characters. We enjoyed our final Forest Schools, roasting marshmallows over the campfire and squashing them between two chocolate digestive biscuits, learning about the importance of bees, pretending to ‘be a bee’ and identifying different flowers around our school grounds. Wish hope that everyone has a fantastic Easter holiday. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Reception & Nursery Look what we have done this term……… Nursery Coffee Morning Special thanks to Anna Hills who arranged the two coffee mornings for Nursery parents this week. Her efforts were very much appreciated and much enjoyed by all who were able come along. Pre-Prep & Nursery Sunflower competition Nursery and Pre-Prep are holding a sunflower growing competition with each child being sent home with a packet of seeds to plant and tend to at home. Toward the end of the summer term measurements and photos will be asked for and a prize will be given to the tallest sunflower grown. Teddy Bears Picnic Friday 27th June 12.00 noon—2.00 pm For all Nursery families there will be a Teddy Bears Picnic in the school grounds. Put the date in your diary:and come along to join in the fun and…. bring a picnic! Further details next term. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Rugby East Anglian Prep Schools X-Country For some pupils it was a busy day on the rugby pitch last Sunday: On Sunday 16 intrepid, yet nervous OBH cross country runners arrived at Framlingham for the Annual Cross Country Event. It was a clear crisp day and the course was beautifully manicured and thanks to a spell of dry weather, free of the dreaded MUD. We were greeted by Old Boy Joel Bahar and Old Girl Amelia Marsh, who walked the course with the pupils and the parents, so that they did not get lost! With the dramatic backdrop of Framlingham Castle the races started at a frenetic pace. All the runners coped with the dreaded hill and overcame their nerves to put in some splendidly gutsy performances. Every child put their heart and soul into the race, crossing the finish line in varying states of severe exhaustion. Barnaby Anderson and George Strutt played for their local team, Hadleigh U10 who were plate winners in the Colchester Rugby Festival. George to be especially congratulated for scoring the only try in the entire festival against the “mighty” Colchester. Well done George and to Barnaby. Sam Harrison played outside centre for the victorious Bury St. Edmunds U9 team at the Westcliffe Rugby Festival after a close final against Epping UC. The score was 1-1 so it came down to point difference as the decider which Bury won by one try! There were some tired limbs on Monday morning. A big well done to the following runners: Stop Press IAPS Swimming Sam Ponty has made it through to the IAPs national finals for the Under 12 Boys' 50 m backstroke. Many congratulations to him on this wonderful achievement. Under 11 Boys Alick Liddel, Hugo Van Vredenburch, Theo Cripps and Oscar Brown Under 11 Girls Cosima Dixon Smith, India de Labilliere, Georgina Jewson and Maddy Weir Under 10 Boys Ted Pryke, Caspar Hall, George de la Rue and Blake Weir Under 10 Girls Primrose Ackroyd Cooper, Maisy Webster, Marina Crawshay and Claudia Harrison A big thank you to all the supporting parents who enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of running. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Fun Run Sport Relief and Help for Heroes 2014 Last Friday the entire school dressed up for this years sponsored run. As ever the children didn’t disappoint with their efforts! We had everything from eight legged races to children in evening dresses complete with high heels! How they managed to get round the course is a mystery to me! The atmosphere was fantastic with all the children, parents and staff getting involved and as you can see from the photos they all seem to be having such fun. Well done to all who took part and for the parents and staff for supporting this event. So far we have raised just short of £4000 which is a fantastic effort, please can I ask for any further sponsor forms and donations to be brought into school for the start of next term, or they can be sent into me at the school address. My thanks as always go out to you all, especially the children for supporting this year’s charities and we will have the final figure for you at the beginning of next term. Mr Drake Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail OBH Golf Society If you are interested in becoming a member of this new society, please register your interest with Lee Tweed by email: [email protected] Tennis News Tennis Camps We are planning to run Day tennis camps 9:00am to 3.00 pm £25 per day per child and Mini tennis camps 10.00 -12.00 pm £8 per day per child during the holidays in Easter, Summer and October half term. April 2014 Wednesday 2nd & Thursday 3rd: Day Friday 4th: mini camp Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th: Day Friday 11th: mini camp Spaces are available on 9th/10th April July 2014 Tuesday 8th & Wednesday 9th: Day Friday 11th: mini camp October 2014 Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd: Day Friday 24th: mini camp Please contact Lee Tweed on [email protected] Easter Cricket Camp Thank you for those that have signed up for the cricket camp this year. If you would like to reserve your place please send a cheque into school for either, £55 for both days or £30 for a single day. And a reminder that the camp as per last year has limited spaces. The Camp will be held on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th April starting at 10.00am with a finish time of 4.00pm. We will be holding two days of coaching, using indoor and outdoor nets, square practices and bowling and batting clinics. We will also be running our first SUPER SIX tournament on the new astro! If you would like to attend please can you send an email to Mr Drake on [email protected] to secure a place. Ladies Morning Tennis As the weather is getting better we are planning to start up our Ladies Morning’s after the Easter Break- Monday & Thursday 8:30 am until 10.00 am. Cost is £9 per session. Tennis Box League There is a sign up sheet on the Tennis notice board for a box League for Years 3-8. The children will be put in the appropriate box and there is prize money for the winner of each box. This will start after Easter and be useful preparation for the School matches. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail Results Match Reports Monday, 24th March Rugby U9A v. Ipswich Prep Rugby v. Ipswich Prep U9A U9 B Won Lost Wednesday 26th March Hockey Colts C v. Stoke College House Netball Won Jupiter U9 A & B v. Culford Rugby v. Culford U9 A U9 B This was a very dominant performance from the U9A team completely overwhelming the opposition. The boys commitment to defending their line was the best I have seen this year, and had it not been for three very generously awarded tries then the margin of victory would have been much greater. Runners up 2nd equal Match Reports Hockey Colts C v. Stoke College A solid performance from the Colts C team and a great way to finish the season. OBH dominated the first half but just did not manage to release the vital passes to free runners. Stoke battled hard and kept themselves in the game - with the score remaining 0 - 0 at the break. This tournament proved to be an excellent end to the season for both the A and B team, with both finishing as runners up in their individual tournaments. The B team recorded their first win of the season, drawing and losing the other two. While the A team recorded three wins and one loss. All players have made exceptional progress from the start of the season and on Wednesday it was very rewarding being their coach. Have a very good Easter. The second half saw good attacking opportunities at both ends but it was OBH who scored first. The visitors equalised soon afterwards and then OBH were unlucky to take the lead when shots hit the post or passed just wide of the target. However, a number of driving attacks down the right and strong crosses in to the 'D' enabled OBH to score the decisive goal and seal victory. Well done to the whole squad. Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk obh.mail HOUSE HONOURS BOARD Lent Term 2014 Oliver Pryce Alfie Robson Sophie English Hettie Brown Monty Harrison Claudia Price William Hilsum Ben Moore Henry Kelly Matilda Grant Fenella Jewers Edward Marsh Ned Stanton Jorge Estringana Arabella Woo Freddie de la Rue Emma Buckle Daisy Minter Nimal de Silva Grace Gregory Ella Pryke Josh Hearn Thomas Bates Scarlett Simmonds Anthony Haworth McKenna Charlotte Allen Sofia Chopra Jasper Ackroyd-Cooper Faith Bahar Maddy Anderson Maddie Walmsley-Stevenson Molly Webster Freddie Ackroyd-Cooper Evalina Hills Harry Bidwell Alick Liddell Henry Bevan Henry Luttman-Johnson Saturn Jupiter Mercury Saturn Mars Mars Mercury Jupiter Mars Mercury Mercury Saturn Mars Mars Mars Mars Mercury Mercury Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Mercury Mars Saturn Mars Saturn Jupiter Saturn Mars Mars Mercury Charlie Drake Primrose Ackroyd-Cooper Max Casas Imogen Hainsworth Sam Sporborg Kavi Chopra Imogen Wheeler Cordelia Griffiths George Strutt Alexander Brown Eleanor Marriage Ned Stanton Hugh van Vredenburch Anthony Doggett Ben Luttman-Johnson Nick Gambier Florence Rook Maisy Webster Seb Milbank Georgie Goswell Francesca Hughes Maya de Alwis Tilly Lockhart India de Labilliere Harry Rowland Florence Rook Lottie Rowland Barnaby Anderson Francis Topham-Smith Rupert Mathers Oliver Meredith Auriel Pawsey Max Casas Elliot McBean-Willis Daniel Soborg Sienna Middleton Izzie Allanson Nick Stanton Mars Saturn Saturn Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Mars Mars Saturn Mercury Mercury Mercury Mars Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Mars Mars Mars Mercury Mars Mars Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Jupiter Mars Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] Caspar Vaughn Oscar Rook Scarlett Morris Ed Gambier Gregory Cutler Mia Derrick Tom Luttman-Johnson Rufus Easdale Max Woods William Hilsum Rupert Pooley Cecilly Jewers Molly Warren Edward Raymond Charlie Harrison Maya de Silva Charlie Lock Sam Harrison Leilia Paske Charlotte Bowman Ted Pryke Archie Rook Emily Banks George de la Rue Jamie Dilnot Thomas Crawshay Oscar Brown Blake Weir Isadora Cutler Joshua Green Nicholas Warrant Hamish Sugden Beatrice Glancey Caspar Hall Charlie Bidwell Sophie English Florence Morgan Oscar Wright Saturn Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Mercury Saturn Mercury Mars Mars Mars Jupiter Saturn Mars Saturn Saturn Jupiter Mercury Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Saturn Jupiter Mercury Mars Mars Mercury Mars Mercury Saturn Mercury Saturn Jupiter www.obh.co.uk obh.mail HOUSE HONOURS BOARD Lent Term 2014 Monty Harrison Ismene Johnson Otto Bagshaw William Wright Oliver Devine-King Milly Pryke Finn Milbank Mars Saturn Saturn Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Jupiter Old Buckenham Hall Brettenham, Suffolk, IP7 7PH | tel: 01449 740252 | email: [email protected] www.obh.co.uk
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