10 Annual State Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Zonal IMS Conference 6th 7th September, 2014 The Taj Gateway Hotel | Raipur, Chhattisgarh Key Highlights 2 Plenary 1 Workshop 1 Keynote 26 Lectures Workstations with Hands on Training 3 Panel Discussion 1 Quiz Free Paper & Poster 30 Invited Faculty www.obgyncg2014.com | [email protected] Invitation DearColleagues, The10 AnnualStateConferenceofObstetricandGynecology&ZonalIMS ConferenceisbeingorganizedonSeptember6 and7 ,2014atTheTajGateway Hotel,Raipur,Chhattisgarh.Itiswithgreatpleasurethatweinviteyoutobeapartof thisconference. Theconferenceisencompassingbothobstetricsandgynecology.Thestate conferenceisdedicatedtovariousobstetricproblemswhichweencounterinour dailypracticelikeEarlypregnancyloss,GDM,PPH(alongwithvideoofB-Lynch, InternaliliacAligation,etc),dif icultiesencounteredincesareanwillbediscussed. Theendocrinologysessionthrowslightontheendocrinologyofpregnancy,preterm &infertility.Therearezonalquiz,papersandpostersforthePGsandothers. TheZonalIMSConferenceisdedicatedtomidlifeproblemsandtransitionthrough menopause.Thereislaunchofpoisemagazine,club35+.Nulife-Midlifeworkshop willthrowlightonmidlifeproblemsanditsmanagement.Theoperative urogynaecologyworkshopwilldemonstratecasesonstressincontinence,vault prolapse,nulliparousprolapseandothervaginalprocedures(subjecttocase availability)alongwithdetaileddiscussiononvoidingdif icultiesinwomen. ConferenceisstuddedwithverypreciousgemsfromFOGSIandIMSandsetina backgroundofaninspiringambienceandpersonalizedhospitality. Dr.AbhaSingh Dr.JyotiJaiswal Dr.ManojChellani OrganizingChairperson, PresidentRaipurO&GSociety, PresidentAOGCGRaipur OrganizingSecretary OrganizingSecretary, SecretaryRaipurO&GSociety ChapterSecretaryIMSRaipur NationalFaculty Dr. Abha Singh (Raipur) Dr. Aruna Kumar (Bhopal) Dr. Bharti Dhorepatil (Pune) Dr. Chaitanya Shembekar(Nagpur) Dr. Girija Wagh(Pune) Dr. Haraprasad Pattanaik (Cuttak) Dr. Karuna Bhavani (Hyderabad) Dr. Laxmi Maru (Indore) Dr. Laxmi Shrikhande (Nagpur) Dr. Maninder Ahuja (Faridabad) Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra (Cuttak) Dr. Nirmala Vaze (Nagpur) Dr. Poonam Mathur (Indore) Dr. Priya Bhave (Bhopal) Dr. Pushpa Sethi (Gurgaon) Dr. Rishma Pai Dhillon (Mumbai) Dr. Rooplekha Chouhan (Jabalpur) Dr. Sanjay Gupte (Pune) Dr. Shobha Gudi (Bangalore) Dr. Sonal Bathla(New Delhi) Dr. S.Inamdar (Wardha) Dr. Suneel Gupta (Nagpur) Dr. Ujjwala S. Deshmukh (Nagpur) Dr. Uday Thanawala (Mumbai) Dr. Vineet Mishra (Ahmedabad) Dr. Yashodhara Pradeep (Lucknow) StateFaculty Dr. Abha Daharwal Dr. Asha Pandey Dr. Avinashi Kujur Dr. C.S Shrivastava Dr. Gauri Dutta Dr. Jyoti Jaiswal Dr. Kakoli Patnaik Dr. Kiran Agrawal Dr. Lalita Rao Dr. Madhuri Laha Dr. Manoj Chellani Dr. Meena Armo Dr. Monika Agrawal Dr. Mukti Farishta Dr. Nalini Madharia Dr. Nalini Mishra Dr. N.B Dalla Dr. O.P Sundarani Dr. Pooja Upadhyay Dr. Preeti Agrawal Dr. Purnendu Saxen Dr. Rekha Ratnani Dr. Ritu Jain Dr. Roopali Verma Dr. Ruchi Kishore Dr. S Birthare Dr. S Parial Dr. Sangeeta Jogi Dr. Sarita Dubey Dr. Shalini Jain Dr. Sheela Pahlajani Dr. Smit Srivastava Dr. Smrity Naik Dr. Sushma Verma Dr. Swati Mahobia Dr. S. Wavre Dr. Tabbasum Dalla Dr. Tripti Nagaria Dr. Veronica Yuel Dr. Vinita Naik Dr. VN Mishra Dr. Yousuf Memon FogsiCentralBody Dr. Suchitra Pandit President Dr. Gokul Chandra Das Vice President Dr. Indrani Ganguli Vice President Dr. Ritu Joshi Vice President Dr. Sheela Mane Vice President Dr. Roza Olyai Vice President Dr. Hema Divakar Immediate Past President Dr. Prakash Trivedi President Elect (2015) Dr. Nozer Sheriar Secretary General Dr. Hrishikesh D. Pai Deputy Secretary General Dr. Jaydeep Tank Treasurer Dr. Madhuri Patel Jt. Treasurer Dr. Gorakh Mandrupkar Jt. Secretary IMSCentralBody Dr. Maninder Ahuja President Dr. Neelam Agarwal Vice President Dr. Jaideep Malhotra Secretary General Dr. Sonal Bhatia Joint Secretary Dr. Jyoti M. Shah Treasurer Dr. Anu Vij Jt. Treasurer Dr. H.P. Pattanaik President Elect Dr. Jyothi Unni Immediate Past President Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar Ex Officio Secretary InternationalRepresentation Dr. Sunila Khandelwal CAMS Dr. Duru Shah APMF Dr. Atul Munshi NAMS OrganisingCommittee RaipurObstetricsandGynecologicalSociety President Prof Dr. Abha Singh Secretary Dr. Manoj Chellani Clinical Secretary Dr Avinashi Kujur Joint Secretary Dr. Roopali Verma Dr. Tabassum Dalla Treasurer Dr. C.S Shrivastava Executive Members Dr. Tripti Nagaria Dr. Nalini Mishra Dr. Abha Daharwal Dr. Monika Agarwal Dr. Nalini Madhariya Office Assistant Mr. Pankaj Dewangan OrganisingCommittee IndianMenopauseSociety-RaipurChapter Founder Chapter Secretary Prof Dr. Abha Singh Immedaite Past Chapter Secretary Prof. Tripti Nagaria Chapter Secretary Dr Jyoti Jaiswal Treasurer Dr. Kalpana Sukhdev Joint Secretary Dr. Smriti Naik Executive Members Dr Kiran Agrawal Dr Sangeeta Jogi Dr Priti Agrawal Dr Swati Mahobia Dr Sushma verma Dr Shalini Jain Dr Ruchi Gupta Dr Sumi Agrawal Dr Ritu Jain Dr Asma Khan Scienti icProgramme Day1:Saturday,6thSeptember2014 BRAmbedkarHospital-ConferenceHall,2ndFloor PXPPĈ ÒÓ Time RegistrationandBreakfast Topic Speaker MessagefromIMS LiveUrogynecologyOperativeWorkshop-Demonstrationsof Faculty-Dr.H.Pattanaik,Dr.VineetMishra,Dr.Abha 0900-1300 SurgicalmanagementOfStressIncontinence,vault Singh, prolapse,SacrospinousFiaxation,nulliparousProlapseandother Moderator-Dr.JyotiJaiswal,Dr.TabassumDalla vaginalSurgery,(subjecttoavailabilityofCases) Saturday,6thSeptember,SeminarHall,AdministrativeBlock,DepartmentofObstetric&Gynecology, Dr.BRAmbedkarHospital,Raipur 1000-1100 Dr.ManinderAhuja,Dr.PushpaSethi,Dr.JyotiJaiswal, Club35+PublicForumActivity Dr.SmrityNaik,Dr.SumiAgrawal Lunch-HotelTajGateway HotelTajGateway-HallA 1300-1400 1400-1440 1440-1520 1520-1540 InaugurationofConferencebyChiefGuestDr.SanjayGupte(PastPresidentFogsi) Launchof"Poise"Magazine&Club35+byGuestofHonourDr.ManinderAhuja(PresidentIMS)and Dr.PushpaSethi(ChairpersonClub35+) PlenarySession-"MedicoLegalAspectsofObstetrics&Gynae" Dr.SanjayGupte KeynoteaddressbyPresidentIMS Dr.ManinderAhuja Topic-HormonyofHormonesinmidlife Chairpersons-Dr.KakoliPatnaik,Dr.ShaliniJain,Dr.AvinashiKujur 1540-1555 VaultProlapse-Canitbeprevented 1555-1610 PhysiologyofIncontinence Dr.AbhaSingh Dr.YashodharaPradeep Chairpersons-Dr.NaliniMishra,Dr.SaritaDubey,Dr.SwatiMahobia 1610-1630 MedicalManagementofIncontinence Dr.H.Pattanaik 1630-1645 SurgicalManagementofIncontinence Dr.VineetMishra 1645-1730 PanelDiscussion-"CryofBladder" Moderator-Dr.H.Pattanaik&Dr.VineetMishra Panelists:Dr.YashodharaPradeep,Dr.Rooplekha Chouhan,Dr.MrityunjayMohapatra,Dr.JyotiJaiswal, Dr.PreetiAgrawal,Dr.RekhaRatnani HallB NulifeWorkshop(IMS) Chairpersons-Dr.KiranAgrawal,Dr.MonikaAgrawal,Dr.RuchiKishor 1550-1600 Welcome&Introduction Dr.JyotiJaiswal 1600-1615 MenopauseBasics Dr.PushpaSethi 1615-1630 SymptomsofMenopause Dr.SangeetaJogi Chairpersons-Dr.MuktiFarishta,Dr.AbhaDaharwal,Dr.RituJain 1630-1650 Menopause-ManagementOptions Dr.ManinderAhuja 1650-1705 LongTermSequelae DrPoonamMathur 1705-1715 CancerScreening-Menopause Dr.TriptiNagaria Cultural Program and Banquet Dinner @ 1930 hrs onwards at Hotel Taj Gateway Scienti icProgramme Day2:Sunday,7thSeptember,2014 0830Hrs Time RegistrationOpens Topic Speaker HotelTajGateway-HallA SessionOnEarlyPregnancyLoss Chairpersons-Dr.SheelaPahlajani,Dr.N.B.Dalla 0900-0915 TreatmentofThreatenedAbortion Dr.LaxmiMaru 0920-0935 ManagementofAlloimmuneFactor Dr.GirijaWagh Chairpersons-Dr.LalitaRao,Dr.NaliniMadhariya 0940-0955 LutealPhaseDefect&Hyperprolactemia 1000-1015 AnatomicalFactorsinEPL 1020-1035 TreatmentofAPLAinEPL:Thrombophilia 1100-1200 PanelDiscussionon"RecurrentPregnancyLoss-ThinkingoutofBox" 1230-1315 PlenarySession "CaesareanSection-gettingaroundtoughcorners" Dr.LaxmiShrikhande Dr.RooplekhaChouhan Dr.ArunaKumar Moderator:Dr.GirijaWagh Panelist:Dr.S.Inamdar,Dr.Avinashi Kujur,Dr.MonikaAgrawal, Dr.GauriDutta,Dr.S.Wavre, Dr.TabbasumDalla, Dr.AbhaSingh Lunch 1315-1400 1400-1600 EndocrinologySession Chairpersons-Dr.SwatiMahobia,Dr.PoojaUpadhyay 1400-1415 PhysiologyofOvulationInduction Dr.ChaitanyaShembhekar 1420-1435 TacklingOvulationInductioninEndocrinologicalDerangement Dr.BhartiDhorepatil Chairpersons-Dr.PreetiAgrawal,Dr.SushmaVerma 1440-1455 Predictingandpreventingpretermlabour Dr.RishmaPaiDhillon 1455-1510 Thyroiddisorderinpregnancy Dr.PriyaBhave 1510-1530 Endocrinologyofearlypregnancy 1530-1700 Dr.ManojChellani GDMWorkshopChairpersons-Dr.SBirthare,Dr.AshaPandey 1530-1545 DiagnosisofGDM&Glycemictargets:TheIndianPerspective Dr.SuneelGupta 1545-1600 RoleofOralHypoglycemicagentsinManagementofGDM-TheCurrentScenario Dr.V.N.Mishra Moderator:Dr.UdayThanewala 1600-1700 PanelDiscussion-"Dealing&DeliveringwomenwithGDM"Acasebaseddiscussion Panelist:Dr.ShobhaNGudi, Dr.SuneelGupta,Dr.V.N.Mishra, Dr.NaliniMishra,Dr.KarunaBhavani Day2:Sunday,7thSeptember2014 0830Hrs RegistrationOpens HallB Time Topic Speaker PPHFOGSIWorkshop 0915 MessagefromFOGSIPresident Dr.SuchitraPandit NationalCo-ordinator Dr.SheelaMane ScientificSession 0930-1230 0930-1005 SessionI RedAlert-Chairperson-Dr.MadhuriLaha,Dr.MeenaArmo Groundreality-epidemiology,demographics,Statewisestatistics Dr.KarunaBhawani(12mins) GoldenHour-RiskIdentification,initialstepsinmanagement(Fluidresuscandoxytocin) Dr.ShobhaNGudi(12mins) Bloodlossestimation,assessmentofshock Dr.TriptiNagaria(12mins) 1005-1110 SessionII "ActionSwift&Transfer"&SurgicalProcedures-Chairperson-Dr.VinitaNaik,Dr.VeronicaYuel PrinciplesoftransferandNASG Dr.KarunaBhawani(12mins) Blood&BloodproductsinPPH Dr.O.P.Sundarani(12mins) Tamponade Dr.ShobhaN.Gudi(12mins) B-LynchSuture Dr.NaliniMishra(12mins) InternalIliacArteryLigation 1110-1130 Dr.AbhaSingh(15mins) AudienceInteractionwithExpertForum 1130-1230 SessionIII WorkstationwithHandson Bloodlossestimationspecimens Tamponade-CondomCatheter Suturingtechniques-B-Lynch,Hayman's,Uterinearteryligation,stepwiseligation,Cho's Sutures,etcNASG Day2:Sunday,7thSeptember2014 0830Hrs RegistrationOpens HallC Time Topic Speaker 0830-0930 PosterDisplay 0900-1100 IMSZonalQuiz QuizforPGStudentsandunder5yearsPostPG. Topic-ShiftingPendulumofHRT QuizCommittee Dr.JyotiJaiswal(09893231900) ([email protected]) 0900-0930 PreliminaryEliminationTheoryRound(BestFourwillbeselectedforAudioVisualRound) Dr.SmrityNaik ([email protected]) Dr.SumiAgrawal ([email protected]) 1000-1100 AudioVisualRound(ContactDr.SmrityNayakat09826132563) Dr.AbhaPargania ([email protected]) Moderator:Dr.ManinderAhuja, SonalBathla 1100-1200 PanelDiscussiononMidlifewomen-ArewetakingGoodCareofthem? 1430-1600 JudgementofPosterandPaperPresentation(ContactDr.AvinashiKujurat09425508878) Panelist:Dr.NirmalaVaze, Dr.UjjawalaDeshmukh, Dr.V.N.Mishra,Dr.S.Parial, Dr.PurnenduSaxena, Dr.SmitSrivastava, Dr.YousufMemon ScientificCommittee Dr.MonikaAgrawal Dr.AvinashiKujur ([email protected]) Dr.ChandrashekharShrivastava Dr.AsmaF.Khan Dr.MadhupreetaAgrawal Dr.Vaishali Venue-TheTajGateway The Gateway GE Road Raipur welcomes you to the heart of Chhattisgarh. Standing conspicuously on Labhandi, G.E. Road, Surat-Hazira Bypass, the Gateway Hotel GE Road Raipur is the sanctuary of choice for the weary business traveller of the times. Next to the hotel is the biggest mall of the city- Magneto mall. Built on 3.5 acres of prime real estate, the property is optimally located in the heart of the city centre and principal business districts. The new built hotel is situated on G E Road and is in close vicinity of Tata Steel – VIP Road, Jindal Steel and Power, Laferze, Maruti Suzuki, NTPC, BPCL and HPCL. A grand ballroom offers 597 sq mt of banqueting space with state of art conferencing facilities. High bandwidth Wi-Fi, LED TV playing HD channels in all rooms, a roof top swimming pool and 3 different Food & Beverage outlets are some of salient features of the hotel. The hotel is a sophisticated sanctuary blending traditional heritage with modern cosmopolitan efficiency. Address & Contact information The Gateway Hotel GE Road Raipur G E Road, Behind Magneto Mall, Raipur Chhattisgarh 492006, India Tel: 91 771 6661000 Fax: 91 33 6661111 Organizing Chairperson Official Conference Manager Dr. Abha Singh Organizing Secretary Dr. Manoj Chellani, Dr. Jyoti Jaiswal Mr. Sumeet Ghai C-56, First Floor, Opposite SBI Mayapuri Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi-110064 M: +91-9560493999 www.obgyncg2014.com | [email protected] 10 Annual State Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Zonal IMS Conference 6th 7th September, 2014 The Taj Gateway Hotel | Raipur, Chhattisgarh RegistrationForm Title_________________ First Name ________________________Last Name ________________________ Correspondence Address _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________State ___________________________ Postal Code __________Telephone ________________Mobile_______________ Email ______________________________________________________________ Accompanying Person, if any Name _____________________________________________________________ RegistrationFees Category Till31stAugust Delegate 3000 Student 2000 AccompanyingPerson 2500 Post31stAugustandOnSpot-Rs4000/- ModeofPayment Multicity Cheque / Demand Draft: Send in favor “ Raipur Obstetrics and Gynecological Society” to be sent to Conference Secretariat Payable at Raipur along with the filled registration form Draft / Cheque No ______________ Date _____________________ Drawn on ______________________ Amount _________________ Bank Transfer : Account Name: Raipur Obstetrics and Gynecological Society Account No: 09182010015860 Bank Name: Oriental Bank of Commerce Address: Pt. JNM Medical College Campus, Raipur - 492001 IFSC Code: ORBC0100918 Registration fees Includes Workshop and conference fees Lunch Tea/coffee on both the days. Dinner on 6th September. Admission to all Scientific sessions, poster and exhibition conference kit bag, badge, notepad, pen Cancellation Policy All cancellations should be notified in writing to the Secretariat Cancellation by 20th August - 50% refund Cancellation after 20th August -100% cancellation (No Refund) Please send the duly filled form and payment to Conference Secretariat Conference Secretariat Dr. Manoj Chellani (Ph. 09826611688) Aayush Fertile Hope ICSI Test Tube Baby Centre 20, Ashoka Plaza, Ashoka Ratan, VIP Estate , Shankar Nagar, Vidhan Sabha Road, Raipur (CG) - 492007 Conference Manager Mr. Sumeet Ghai C-56, First Floor, Opposite SBI Mayapuri Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi- 110064 M: +91-9560493999 www.obgyncg2014.com | [email protected] 10 Annual State Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Zonal IMS Conference 6th 7th September, 2014 The Taj Gateway Hotel | Raipur, Chhattisgarh HotelAccommodationForm Title Prof / Dr. / Mr. / Mrs : _______ First Name ____________________________ Last Name ____________________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________ State: _____________ Country: _________________ Pincode: ____________ Mobile: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________ Hotel Details Type of Room Required: Single: Double: Twin: Number of Occupants: ____________ Check in Date: _______________ Check out Date: ____________ Total No. of nights: _______ Name of Room Sharer(if any) _____________________________________ Hotel Single Room Twin / Double Room The Taj Gateway Hotel INR 5500 INR 6000 Mode of Payment Multicity Cheque / Demand Draft: Send in favor “ Raipur Obstetrics and Gynecological Society” to be sent to Conference Secretariat. Terms and Conditions All Tariffs given above are per room per night basis, including breakfast In case of any changes in tax structure by the Government, the revised tax amount will be applicable and will be payable by the Delegate/Guest Rooms will be allotted on a first come first serve basis and are subject to availability All payment should reach the secretariat within five days of submitting the Hotel Accommodation Form or else the same will be treated as a dummy booking and cancelled thereby Mentioned rates are only valid, if booked through official conference website. For Booking log on to www.obgyncg2014.com Cancellation Policy for Accommodation All cancellations should be notified in writing to the Secretariat Cancellation by 20th August - 50% refund Cancellation after 20th August -100% cancellation (No Refund) Conference Secretariat Dr. Manoj Chellani (Ph. 09826611688) Aayush Fertile Hope ICSI Test Tube Baby Centre 20, Ashoka Plaza, Ashoka Ratan, VIP Estate , Shankar Nagar, Vidhan Sabha Road, Raipur (CG) - 492007 Conference Manager Mr. Sumeet Ghai C-56, First Floor, Opposite SBI Mayapuri Industrial Area, Phase www.obgyncg2014.com | [email protected]
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