CE 206: Engineering Computation p Sessional Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) Why study Differential Equations? Many physical phenomena are best formulated mathematically in terms of their rate of change. Motion of a swinging pendulum Bungee-jumper Equation d 2θ g + sin θ = 0 2 dt l dv cd 2 =g g− v dt m CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Euler’s Method The first derivative provides a direct estimate of the slope at ti: dy = f (t i , yi ) dt ti Euler method uses that estimate as the increment ffunction: φ = f (t i , yi ) yi+1 = yi + f (t i , yi )h CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed MATLAB Code: Euler’s Method function [t [t,y] y] = eulode(tspan,y0,h) eulode(tspan y0 h) % % % % input: dydt = name of the M-file that evaluates the ODE tspan = [ti, tf], ti and tf limits of independent variable y0 = initial value of dependent variable h = step size output:y = solution vector if nargin<3,error(‘less than 3 input arguments'),end ti = tspan(1); tf = tspan(2); t = (ti:h:tf)'; n = length(t); % if necessary, add an additional value of t % so that range goes from t = ti to tf if t(n)<tf yi +1 = yi + f ti , yi h t(n+1) = tf; n = n+1; end y = y0*ones(n,1); %preallocate y to improve efficiency for i = 1:n-1 %implement Euler's method y(i+1) = y(i) + dydt(t(i),y(i))*(t(i+1)-t(i)); end ( CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional ) Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Exercise: Euler’s method Solve the bungee jumper problem using Euler Euler’ss method (use a step size of 2 s). Compare the results with the analytical solution cd 2 dv =g− v dt m Given g = 9.81 Given, 9 81 m/s2, cd = 0.25 0 25 kg/m, kg/m m = 68 68.11 kg 60 Analytical solution: 50 v(t ) = v (m/s) 40 ⎛ gcd ⎞ gm tanh⎜⎜ t ⎟⎟ cd ⎝ m ⎠ 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t (sec) CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Heun’s Method Predictor: yi0+1 = yi + f (ti , yi )h f (ti , yi ) + f (ti +1 , yi0+1 ) Corrector: yi +1 = yi + h 2 Exercise: Modify y eulode.m to implement p Heun’s method. Solve the same bungee-jumper problem. CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed 4th order Runge-Kutta method 1 yi+1 = yi + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 )h 6 where k1 = f (t i , yi ) ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ k2 = f ⎜t i + h, yi + k1h ⎟ ⎝ 2 2 ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ 1 1 k3 = f ⎜t i + h, yi + k2 h ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 2 2 k4 = f (t i + h, h yi + k3h) CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed MATLAB Code: Runge-Kutta Method function [tp,yp] = rk4(tspan,y0,h) % input: dydt = name of the M-file that evaluates the ODEs % tspan = [ti, tf]; initial and final times % y0 0 = i initial iti l values l of f d dependent d t variables i bl % h = step size % output: tp = vector of independent variable % yp = vector of solution for dependent p variables if nargin<3,error(‘3 input arguments required'), end ti = tspan(1); tf = tspan(2); tp = (ti:h:tf)'; n = length(tp); % if necessary, add an additional value of t % so that range goes from tp = ti to tf if tp(n)<tf t ( )<tf tp(n+1) = tf; n = n+1; end CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed MATLAB Code: Runge-Kutta Method y = y0*ones(n,1); %preallocate y to improve efficiency for i = 1:n-1 %implement RK method hh = tp(i+1)-tp(i); tt = tp(i); yy = yp(i); k1 k2 k3 k4 = = = = dydt(tt,yy); dydt(tt + hh/2, yy + 0.5*k1*hh); dydt(tt + hh/2, hh/2 yy + 0 0.5*k2*hh); 5*k2*hh); dydt(tt + hh, yy + k3*hh); yp(i+1) = yy + hh hh*(k1 (k1 + 2*k2 2 k2 + 2*k3 2 k3 + k4)/6; end CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Practice Problem Solve the following initial value problem over the interval from t = 0 to 2 where y(0) = 1. Display all your results in the same graph dy = yt 3 − 1.5 y dt (a) Analytically (b) Euler Euler’ss method with h = 0.5 0 5 and h = 0.25 0 25 (c) Heun’s method with h = 0.5 (d) 4th order RK method with h = 0.5 CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed MATLAB’s common ODE solvers MATLAB’s ode23 function uses second- and third-order RK functions to solve the ODE and adjust step sizes. sizes MATLAB’s ode ode45 function uses fourth- and fifth-order RK functions to solve the ODE and adjust step sizes. This is recommended as the first function to use to solve a problem. problem MATLAB s ode113 function is a multistep solver useful MATLAB’s for computationally intensive ODE functions. CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Example of ODE solver: ode45 The functions are generally called in the same way [t y] = ode45(odefun [t, ode45(odefun, tspan, tspan y0) y solution array, y: y where each column represents p one of the variables bl and d each h row corresponds d to a time in the h t vector odefun: function returning a column vector of the righthand-sides of the ODEs tspan: time over which to solve the system If tspan has two entries, the results are reported for those times as well as several intermediate times based on the steps taken by the algorithm If tspan has more than two entries, the results are reported only for those specific times y0: vector of initial values CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Solving a system of ODE using ode45 Predator-prey problem Solve dy1 = 1.2y 1 2y1 − 0.6y 0 6y1 y2 dt dy2 = 0.8y 0 8y2 + 0.3y 0 3y1 y2 dt with y1(0)=2 and y2(0)=1 for 20 seconds function yp = predprey(t, y) yp = [1.2*y(1)-0.6*y(1)*y(2);… -0.8*y(2)+0.3*y(1)*y(2)]; predprey.m p p y file tspan = [0 20]; y0 0 = [2 [2, 1] 1]; [t, y] = ode45(@predprey, tspan, y0); figure(1); plot(t,y); figure(2); plot(y(: plot(y(:,1),y(:,2)); 1) y(: 2)); CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Example using ode45 Predator-prey problem Solve dy1 = 1.2y 1 2y1 − 0.6y 0 6y1 y2 dt dy2 = 0.8y 0 8y2 + 0.3y 0 3y1 y2 dt with y1(0)=2 and y2(0)=1 for 20 seconds CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Practice Problem: motion of a pendulum d 2θ g + sin θ = 0 2 dt l Analytical solution (assuming θ = sinθ): ⎛ g ⎞ t ⎟⎟ ⎝ l ⎠ θ (t ) = θ 0 cos⎜⎜ If l = 2 ft, g = 32.2 ft/s2 and θ0 = π/4, Solve for θ from t = 0 to 1.6 s using (a) Euler Euler’ss method with h = 0.05 0 05 (b) Using ode45 function with h = 0.05 (c) Plot your results and compare with the analytical solution dθ g + sin θ = 0 2 dt l 2 CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional dθ =v dt dv g = − sin θ dt l @t = 0, θ0 = π/4 @t = 0, v = 0 Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Boundary value problem: the shooting method the boundary-value problem is converted into an equivalent initial-value problem. ⎧ dT ⎪ dx = z d 2T + h′(T∞ − T ) = 0 ⇒ ⎨ 2 dz dx ⎪ = −h′(T∞ − T ) ⎩ dx Generally, the equivalent system will not have sufficient initial conditions -A guess is made for any undefined values. - The guesses are changed until the final solution satisfies all the B.C. For linear ODEs, only two “shots” are required - the proper initial condition can be obtained as a linear i interpolation l i off the h two guesses. CE 206: Engg. Comp. Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Problem: shooting method Solve d 2T 4 4 ′ ′ + h T − T + σ T − T =0 ( ) ( ) ∞ 2 ∞ dx with σσ’=22.7x10 7x10-9 K-3 m-2, L L=10 10 m, m hh’=00.05 05 m m-22, T∞=200 200 K, K T(0) = 300 K, and T(10) = 400 K. First - break into two equations: q ⎧ dT ⎪ dx = z d 2T 4 4 + h′(T∞ − T ) + σ ′(T ∞ − T )= 0 ⇒ ⎨ 2 d dx ⎪ dT = −0.05(200 − T ) − 2.7 ×10 −9 (1.6 ×10 9 − T ) ⎩ dz CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Problem: shooting method Code for derivatives: function dy=dydxn(x,y) dy=[y(2);… -0.05*(200-y(1))-2.7e-9*(1.6e9-y(1)^4)]; 0 05*(200 (1)) 2 7 9*(1 6 9 (1)^4)] Code for residual: function r=res(za) [x,y]=ode45(@dydxn, [0 10], [300 za]); r=y(length(x),1)-400; Code for finding root of residual: fzero(@res, -50) Code for solving system: [x,y]=ode45(@dydxn, [0 10], [300 fzero(@res, -50) ]); CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Practice Problem: shooting method The b Th basic i diff differential i l equation i off the h elastic l i curve ffor a uniformly if l lloaded d d beam is given as d 2 y wLx wx 2 EI 2 = − dx 2 2 If E = 30000 ksi, I = 800 in4, w = 1 kip/ft, p/ L = 10 ft, solve for the deflection of the beam using the shooting method and compare the numerical results with the analytical solution L 3 wx 4 wL L3 x wLx y= − − 12 EI 24 EI 24 EI CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Numerical solution: finite difference finite differences are substituted for the derivatives in the original equation d 2T + h′(T∞ − T ) = 0 2 dx d 2T Ti−1 − 2Ti + Ti+1 = 2 dx Δx 2 Ti−1 − 2Ti + Ti+1 + h′(T∞ − Ti ) = 0 2 Δx −Ti−1 + (2 + h′Δx 2 )Ti − Ti+1 = h′Δx 2T∞ CE 206: Engg. Comp. Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Numerical solution: finite difference The linear Th li diff differential ti l equation ti iis ttransformed f d iinto t a set of simultaneous algebraic equations. Since T0 and Tn are known (Drichlet boundary conditions), they will be on the right-hand-side of the linear algebra system ⎡2 + h′Δx 2 ⎢ −1 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢⎣ −11 2 + h′Δx 2 O CE 206: Engg. Comp. Sessional −1 O −1 ⎤⎧ T ⎫ ⎧h′Δx 2T∞ + T0 ⎫ ⎥⎪ T1 ⎪ ⎪⎪ h′Δx 2T ⎪⎪ ∞ ⎥⎨ 2 ⎬ = ⎨ ⎬ O ⎥⎪ M ⎪ ⎪ M ⎪ 2 + h′Δx 2 ⎥⎦⎩Tn−1 ⎭ ⎪⎩h′Δx 2T∞ + Tn ⎪⎭ Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Numerical solution: finite difference If there h iis a d derivative i i b boundary d condition di i (Neumann B.C.), the centered difference equation is solved at the point and rewriting the system equation accordingly. For a Neumann condition at T0 point: ⎛ dT ⎞ dT T1 − T−1 = ⇒ T−1 = T1 − 2Δx⎜ ⎟ 2Δx dx 0 dx ⎝ 0⎠ −T−1 + (2 + h′Δx 2 )T0 − T1 = h′Δx 2T∞ ⎡ ⎛ dT ⎞⎤ 2 2 −⎢T1 − 2Δx⎜ ⎟⎥ + (2 + h′Δx )T0 − T1 = h′Δx T∞ ⎝ dx 0 ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎛ dT ⎞ 2 2 (2 + h′Δx )T0 − 2T1 = h′Δx T∞ − 2Δx⎜⎝ dx ⎟⎠ 0 CE 206: Engg. Comp. Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed Practice Problem: Finite difference Solve the nondimensionalized ODE using finite difference methods that describe the temperature distribution in a circular rod with internal heat source S d 2T 1 dT + +S =0 2 dr r dr Over the range 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, with boundary conditions T (r = 1) = 1 dT dr =0 r =0 For S = 1, 10 and 20 K/m2 plot the temperature versus radius CE 206: Engg. Computation Sessional Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
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