1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Exam Questions: Total 50 Marks Question 1 (6 marks): a) [3 marks] Write a 6800 program that finds the quotient of two bytes stored in variables x and y. The output is stored into a variable called quotient. For example, if x is 910 and y is 410, then after the program executes, quotient will be equal to 210. This is because 410 divides into 910 at least twice. Do not compute the remainder. 1 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 b) [3 marks] Write a 6800 program that sums all of the bits in a byte. The byte is stored in a variable called n and the sum is stored into the variable s. For example, if n is equal to 0xFE (or binary 11111110), then after the program executes, s will be equal to 7. This is because the sum of all of the bits in 0xFE is 7. 2 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 2 (6 marks): a) [2 marks] How many hosts are there per subnet for the network if the subnet mask is b) [2 marks] Write down the IP address for a machine on the network using subnet mask so that it is on subnet ID 33 and has a host ID of 18. c) [2 marks] Given the IP address and the subnet mask, write down the subnet ID. 3 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 3 (4 marks): Match the following OSI layers with its function in the table by writing the name of the corresponding OSI layer in the table: Transport Physical Data Link Session OSI Layer Function Establishes, manages and terminates connections Uses the protocols TCP and UDP Enables data to be transmitted over a medium like fiber or twisted pair wire Delivers a frame to an adjacent node 4 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 4 (4 marks): a) [2 marks] Consider the following digital logic circuit: What is the output, F, of this digital circuit if: A =0 B =1 F = b) [2 marks] Describe the difference between a Selector and a Decoder. 5 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 5 (12 marks): a) [2 marks] Suppose that 0xE2F9 was the original message that was sent, but instead there were some errors and 0xE2C9 was the message that was received. Write down the Hamming Distance between the two words. b) [2 marks] Use the Hamming algorithm to correct the codeword 5243 (base 8) using even parity. c) [2 marks] Create an 8 bit hamming codeword for the value 0xD using even parity. Show your answer in hexadecimal. 6 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 d) [2 marks] Use the Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) method and odd parity to detect and correct any errors in the message 0xF7C4774CFF. The last byte, 0xFF, is the Block Check Character (BCC). Write down the corrected message in hexadecimal. e) [2 marks] Use the Cyclic Redundancy Check method to encode the data 0x12F9 using the 4 bit polynomial 0xB and write down the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in hexadecimal. f) [2 marks] Using the Checksum method, encode the ASCII characters ABC (case-sensitive) and write down the Block Check Character (BCC) in hexadecimal. 7 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 6 (6 marks): a) [3 marks] Use the division algorithm shown in lectures to divide these 4 bit binary numbers. Write down the quotient and remainder and show all of your working: 1101 divided by 0100 b) [3 marks] Use the multiplication algorithm shown in lectures to multiply these 4 bit binary numbers. Show all of your working: 1010 multiplied by 1101 8 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 7 (6 marks): Consider the following is a Hex-Dump of a section of computer memory: _Addr__:__0__1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__A__B__C__D__E__F 0x8590 : B8 BE 7D 36 4C 68 2F 60 D3 C6 22 EB 15 EB 38 41 0x85A0 : 41 AD D6 95 04 0C 2D 17 3E 33 A2 91 09 3E 62 6F 0x85B0 : 52 9B F9 48 03 28 A9 D7 EF CB C2 04 B6 FB 46 F8 0x85C0 : A8 1C 8D AC 28 BA C3 67 EE 66 F8 F7 A4 15 BA A1 0x85D0 : B0 B3 EA B4 DB 93 8B CB 5E 4E CF 15 49 15 0D F2 a) [2 marks] Using the Hex-Dump above, what is the 3 byte value stored at memory address 0x85CE using little endian addressing? b) [2 marks] Convert 0x546175 to ASCII using 1 byte per character. c) [2 marks] Identify one of the key responsibilities of an Operating System Kernel. 9 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Question 8 (6 marks): a) [2 marks] Identify and describe the purpose of one of the CPU registers involved in the Fetch-DecodeExecute cycle. b) [2 marks] What is the purpose of an Opcode? c) [2 marks] Explain the purpose of the Control Unit. 10 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 End of Examination 11 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Appendix A This section contains additional information only and does not contain any exam questions. ASCII Table Appendix A This section contains additional information only and does not contain any exam questions. ASCII Table 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 000 NUL BS DLE CAN SP ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x 001 SOH HT DC1 EM ! ) 1 9 A I Q Y a i q y 010 STX LF DC2 SUB " * 2 : B J R Z b j r z 011 ETX VT DC3 ESC # + 3 ; C K S [ c k s { 100 EOT FF DC4 FS $ , 4 < D L T \ d l t | 12 of 16 101 ENQ CR NAK GS % 5 = E M U ] e m u } 110 ACK SO SYN RS & . 6 > F N V ^ f n v ~ 111 BEL SI ETB US ' / 7 ? G O W _ g o w DEL 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Logic Gates 13 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 6800 Reference ==================================================== Programming Reference ==================================================== Assembly statements contain the following fields: [Label] Operation [operand] [comment] Label: Can be used to define a symbol, to skip the field use a blank or tab Operation: Defines the opcode or directive opcodes are not case sensitive Operand: Contains an address or the data ignored with inherent addressing Comment: Used for software documentation can be at end or start of statement uses a semicolon to start the comment Examples: label adda 3 ;comment here adda label clra ;inherent address ; this is a full line comment ==================================================== Assembler: Tag Description Example Directives: ---------------------------------------.org Where to put code .org $200 .equ Define Constant .equ 100 .set Define Constant .set 100 .rmb Reserve Memory .rmb 16 .byte Define Variable .byte 64 Array of bytes .byte 1,2,3 .word Define Variable .word 5000 array of words .word 1,2,3 .str Define string .str "text" array of strings .str "a","b" .end End of Program .end ==================================================== Number: Prefix Description Example Format: ---------------------------------------Decimal 320 $ Hex $240 % Binary %0110101 ' Character 'm ==================================================== Operand: Format Description Examples REF Formats: ---------------------------------------Inherent clra H #<data> Immediate ldaa #4 I <data> Relative bra 10 R <data> Direct,Extended ldaa 4 D,E ldaa label <data>,x Indexed ldaa 4,x X 14 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 ==================================================== Instruction Reference ==================================================== Status Flags: H I N Z V C | | | | | | | | | | | --| | | | -----| | | --------| | -----------| -------------------------------- Carry-Borrow Overflow Zero Negative Interrupt Mask Half Carry ==================================================== Nnemonic Operation Mode Status Branch and Jump -------------------------HINZVC BRA Branch Always R -----BCS Branch if Carry Set [C=1] R -----BCC Branch if Carry Clear [C=0] R -----BMI Branch if Minus [N=1] R -----BPL Branch if Plus [N=0] R -----BVS Branch if Overflow Set [V=1] R -----BVC Branch if Overflow Clear[V=0] R -----BEQ Branch if Equal [Z=1] R -----BNE Branch if Not Equal [Z=0] R -----BLT Branch if < (signed) R -----BLE Branch if <= (signed) R -----BGE Branch if >= (signed) R -----BGT Branch if > (signed) R -----BLS Branch if Lower or Same (unsgn)R -----BHI Branch if Higher (unsigned) R -----BSR Branch to Subroutine R -----JSR Jump to Subroutine EX -----JMP Jump Absolute EX -----RTS Return from Subroutine H -----Accumulator Only ------------------------HINZVC ===> NEMz can be either NEMA or NEMB <=== ASLz Arithmetic Shift Left A H --**** ASRz Arithmetic Shift Right A H --**** LSRz Logical Shift Right A H --0*** ROLz Rotate Left A H --**** RORz Rotate Right A H --**** CLRz Clear Accumulator A [A <- 0] H --0100 COMz One's Complement A H --**01 DECz Decrement A [A <- A - 1] H --***INCz Increment A [A <- A + 1] H --***NEGz Negate A [A <- 0 - A] H --**** PSHz Push Accumulator H -----PULz Pull/Pop Accumulator H -----TSTz Test A [A <- A - 0] H --**00 ABA Add Accumulators [A <- A + B] H *-**** CBA Compare Accumulators [A - B] H --**** DAA Decimal Adjust A H --**** SBA Subtract Accumulators [A<-A-B] H --**** TAB Transfer Accumulator [B <- A] H --**0TBA Transfer Accumulator [A <- B] H --**0- 15 of 16 1007ICT - Introduction to Computer Systems & Networks Final Examination, Semester 1, 2014 Memory Reference ------------------------HINZVC ===> NEMz can be either NEMA or NEMB <=== LDAz Load Accumulator [A <- M] IDXE --**0STAz Store Accumulator[M <- A] DXE --**0ADCz Add with Carry [A <- A+M+C]IDXE --**0ADDz Add [A <- A+M] IDXE --**0SBCz Subtract w. Carry[A <- A-M-C]IDXE --**0SUBz Subtract [A <- A-M] IDXE --**0BITz Bit Test [A and M] IDXE --**0ANDz Logical AND [A<- AandM] IDXE --**0EORz Exclusive OR [A<- AxorM] IDXE --**0ORAz Inclusive OR [A<- Aor M] IDXE --**0CMPz Compare Memory [A - M] IDXE --**** ASL Arithmetic Shift Left XE --**** ASR Arithmetic Shift Right XE --**** LSR Logical Shift Right XE --0*** ROL Rotate Left Memory XE --**** ROR Rotate Right Memory XE --**** CLR Clear Memory [M <- 0] XE --0100 COM Complement Memory[M <- !M] XE --**01 DEC Decrement Memory [M <- M - 1] XE --***INC Increment Memory [M <- M + 1] XE --***NEG Negate Memory [M <- 0 - M] XE --**** TST Test Memory [M - 0] XE --**00 Stack and Index -------------------------HINZVC CPX Compare X IDXE ---*-DES Decrement SP [SP <- SP - 1] H -----DEX Decrement X [ X <- X - 1] H ---*-INS Increment SP [SP <- SP + 1] H -----INX Increment X [ X <- X + 1] H ---*-LDS Load SP IDXE --**0LDX Load X IDXE --**0STS Store SP DXE --**0STX Store X DXE --**0TSX Transfer SP,X [X <= SP + 1] H -----TXS Transfer X,SP [SP <= X - 1] H -----Status Flags ----------------------------HINZVC CLC Clear Carry H -----0 CLV Clear Overflow H ----0CLI Clear Interupt Mask H -0---SEC Set Carry H -----1 SEV Set Overflow H ----1SEI Set Interupt Mask H -1---TAP Set Status Mask [Flags<-ACC] H ****** TPA Load Status Flags [ACC<-Flags] H -----Miscellaneous ---------------------------HINZVC NOP No Operation H -----WAI Wait for key press H -1---- 16 of 16
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