MBA Programme operations excellence INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG MM5002 People in Organization (Human Resource Management) EXECUTIVE MBA EXECUTIVE BANDUNG January – April 2014 1 Contents No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DESCRIPTION Facilitator Profile ……………………………………………………………………………………. Course Description ………………………………………………………………………….…………. Expected Learning Outcomes ………………………………………………………………….. Course Outline ………………………………………………………………………..……………… Prerequisite ……………………………………………………….……………………………………. Grading Policy …………………………………………………………………….…………………. Reference ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Course Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 3 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 2 1. Facilitator Profile Prof. Dr. JANN. HIDAJAT TJAKRAATMADJA Email : jannhidajat@sbm‐ Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1978 (Bachelor). He then continued his studies in Industrial Engineer at Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (got Master in 1981) and in 2001 he earned a Doctor of Knowledge Management from his, Industrial Engineering and Management, ITB. In 2004, Jann got Professor in almamater Knowledge Management ITB. In 2007, Jann with his colleges from academica and practise develop KMSI (Knowledge Management Society) and he ellected as a first President. Jann has extensive experience in the academic world. His career was starts in 1978 as a lecturer for Method and Time Study, Ergonomic, Production System and Management of Technology in Industrial Engineering (IE) Department, Industrial Technology (IT) Faculty of ITB. Jann has authored a college three textbooks titled “Teknik Tata Cara Kerja” (Method and Time Study) in 1980, “Manajemen Teknologi” (Management of Technology) in 1996, and Knowledge Management dalam Konteks Organisasi Pembelajar in 2007. In the first career, he was the head of Method Study and Ergonomic Laboratory of IE Department from 1978–1981 and from 1985–1990. In 2002‐2003 he becomes the head of Management Studio of IE Department of ITB and People Management Advisor for ITB Vice Rector of Recourses and General Affairs. In 1994 and 1996, he was also member of the evaluation committee of President Republic of Indonesia Paramakarya I and II Award, a productivity award for national small and medium enterprise. Since December 2003, Jann was move from ITB IT Faculty to ITB School of Business and Management (SBM). In 2003 – 2005 he was a Director of Graduate School of Business (MBA‐ITB) in SBM‐ITB. Currently, he is the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for SBM‐ITB.Jann also serves as Senior Lecturer for Management of Technology, Knowledge Management and Information Technology, People Management, Learning Organization, Operations Management and Organization Behavior for both ITB’s Graduate and under graduate Management School. Prior to his present position, he has throughout his career retained a lectureship at MBA‐ITB and under graduate Management School ITB programs as Senior Lecturer.Jann has been consultants to various studies and projects with state enterprises and many government projects. He has also been an Instructor and moderator for various courses, training and workshop in Mind Management, Management of Technology, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization, People Management, Operations Management, Organization Behavior, Service Management, Change Management, Logistics and Project Management. 3 PRASETYO BUDI SAKSONO E‐mail: [email protected] Mobile phone: 081 114 3077 PRASETYO BUDI SAKSONO holds an MBA degree from University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA in 1990 and Sarjana Teknik degree in Industrial Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1980. He has attended various seminars, workshops and trainings both internationally and in Indonesia, as well as serving as speaker/trainer on various occassions. He has been part time lecturer at the MBA Program of the ITB School of Business and Management since 2003 on the subject of Leadership, Business & Corporate Strategy, and People Management & Organizational Behavior. His academic interests include a wide range of subjects such as strategic management; corporate governance, ethics and social responsibility of corporation; corporate communication; people management and organizational behavior. He spent most of his working years with PT Timah (Persero) Tbk. Prior to his retirement in May 2010, he was Member of Business Risk Committee of the Board of Commissioners, Strategy Advisor to the Board of Directors, Commissioners and Non‐Executive Director of Subsidiaries and Affiliate, and other managerial positions including Corporate Secretary (1996‐2008), Business Development Manager (1993‐1996), and Managing Director of the Secondary Employee Cooperative (1991‐1993). 4 2. Course Description Course Description This course on People in Organization is designed to introduce and familiarize students with aspects of people behavior as well as issues and problems in managing people in global context organizations. The course will be divided into two segments. The first segment introduces basic concepts of people behavior in organizational context. The underlying question will be: Why do people do what they do in organizational settings, and what can we ‐ as a leader and manager ‐ do to influence that behavior? The second segment will be devoted to the subject of managing people in organization. It will address the contemporary issues and problems in managing human capital from a general management policy point of view. 3. Expected Learning Outcomes By attending and fully participating in all activities of the course, student will be able to Develop an understanding relationship between Organizational Health Index (OHI) and business performance, as well as the relationship between OHI and people in organization as a group and as an individual Develop an understanding of self and others as the basis for managing individual differences and human resource diversity with the view to managing personal development, nurturing effective interpersonal relationships, and effectively managing teamwork. Diagnose organizations’ people policies and align such policies with the organization’s strategic directions Create mechanism for appropriate people influence and engagement to the organization Identify appropriate policy to acquire, deploy, develop and retain critical talent Identify appropriate policy to create workplace design for engaged and committed people. 5 4. Course Outline The general outline of the course will include the following topics: 1. Introduction to the concepts of Organizational Health Index and its relation with the consepts of human behaviour in organization and its impact to business performance 2. Understanding of self and others and managing the interpersonal effectiveness 3. Understanding group process and dynamics and managing teamwork 4. Power, politics and leadership in organization 5. Organizational structure, culture and change management 6. Strategic human resources management 7. Managing human resources influence 8. Managing Talent 9. Designing and managing reward system 10. Designing and managing High Performance Work Systems Course Structure: People in Organization Contemporary Business Challenges & the Role of People in Organization Organizational Structure, Culture & Change International HR Management Managing Effective Team Talent Succession Management Leading Self & Others Performance Management Power, Politics & Influence Managing Reward System Interpersonal Effectiveness HR Planning, Recruitment & Selection Understanding Self & Others Competency‐Based HRM 5. Prerequisite None 6 6. Grading Policy Method of Learning Learning of this course will be conducted through active participation of students in individual, group and class activities in the form of combination of class discussions of cases and reading materials, and other experiential methods of learning. A high proportion of classes will be devoted to the use of cases as well as extensive reading materials for class discussion. In order that students gain maximum learning experience, it is expected that students Attend all classes, Be fully prepared with the materials scheduled for the sessions, Fully submit the assignment(s) – individually or in group, on time, and Actively participate in class activities / discussions. To be fully prepared for a class, it is suggested that student spare sufficient time reading the materials scheduled to be discussed for the day / sessions. It is suggested that students prepare summaries of all readings and cases individually before the scheduled class to enable them to actively participate in class discussion. Method of Evaluation and Grading: Evaluation and grading of your learning will be undertaken in line with the method of learning. Final grade will be determined as a weighted average of the following component: – – – – – Individual in class participation Individual assignment Group work (Case Analysis, Presentation & Discussion) Midterm Final Exam 20% 10% 20% 25% 25%+ 100% 7. Reference Main references: 1. McShane, Steven L., and Mary Ann Von Glinow: “Organizational Behavior [essentials]” McGraw‐Hill, 2007 2. Noe et. Al. :Human Resources Management – Gaining a Competitive Advantage, McGraw Hill, 6th edition (2008) 3. Dubois, David D. and William J. Rothwell: “Competency‐Based Human Resource Management”, Davis Black Publishing, Mountain View California, 2004 7 Suggested additional references: 1. McKinsey Quarterly; Abeerdeen Consulting; Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) white papers 2. Warren Bennis: “On Becoming Leaders” 3. Edgar Schein: “Organizational Culture & Leadership” 4. Michael Beer “Human Resource Management; A General Manager’s Perspective Texts and Cases”, Free Press, 1985 5. Paul Evans et. Al: The Global Challenge Frameworks for International HR Management, McGraw Hill (2006) 6. Cappelli, Peter: “Talent on Demand: Managing Talent in an Age of Uncertainty”, Harvard Business Press, 2008 7. Jensen, Doug, Tom McMuller and Mel Stark: “The Manager’s Guide to Rewards; What You Need to Know to Get the Best for – and from – Your Employees”, AMACOM – Hay Group, New York, 2007 8. Lawler III, Edward E.: “Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage”, John Wiley & Son, New Jersey, 2008 9. Milkovich, et. Al: Compensation. 10. Relevant HBR and HBSP Materials. 8 8. Course Schedule Date Session Time Topic & Materials Lect Class PART A : ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 1 14.00 15.30 2 15.30 17.00 3 17.00 18.30 4 14.00 15.30 5 15.30 17.00 6 17.00 18.30 7 14.00 15.30 8 15.30 17.00 9 17.00 18.30 10 14.00 15.30 11 15.30 17.00 12 17.00 18.30 13 14.00 15.30 14 15.30 17.00 15 17.00 18.30 SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY Introduction & class management; Lecture: An Overview of Organizational Behavior • Read McShane & Glinow Part 1 Ch 1 • Read 01 - Clawson A LEADER'S GUIDE TO WHY PEOPLE BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DO Topic 1: Understanding Self and Other • Read McShane & Glinow Part 2 Chapter 2, 3, 5 & 6 • Read 02 - Drucker - Managing Oneself [HBR R0501K] • Case 01 - Life Stories of Recent MBAs [HBS Case 9-410-026] Turn in the StrengthQuest Internet Assignment Topic 2: Interpersonal Effectiveness • Read 03 Goleman - What Makes a Leader [HBR R0401H] • Read 04 HBS Note - Understanding Communication in One-on-One Relationship [HBS 9-476-075] • Read 05 HBS Note - Building Effective On-on-One Relationship [HB • Case-2: Helen Ramsay [INSEAD 404-083-1] Topic-3: Power, Politics & Influence • Read 06 Cialdini-HarnessingThe Science of Persuasion [HBR 7915] • Read 07 HBS Note - Power Dynamics In Organizations [HBS 9-494-083] • Read 08 McKinseyQ - Harnessing the power of informal employee networks • Case 03 The Power of Bill Fowler at Blackmer [Short Case] Topic-4: Managing Team Effectiveness • Read 09 HBS Note - Managing your team [HBS 9-494-081] • Read 10 Brett, Behfar & Kern - Managing Multicultural Teams [HBR R0611D] • Case 04 How Do You Manage an Off-Site Team [HBS 3685] Topic-5: Leadership • Read 11 Fairholm - Defining Leadership - A Review of Past, Present, and Future Ideas • Read 12 Kouzes & Posner - The Leadership Challenge - Part I (Ch 1&2) • Case 05 Alice In Wonderland (A) [INSEAD -400-003-1] Topic-6: Organization Structure, Culture & Change • Read 13 Cameron - A Process for Changing Organizational Culture • PBS PBS PBS Case 06 WFM Unique Work Culture [ICFAI 406-084-1] FINAL TEST : 2014 9 Date Session Time Topic & Materials Lect Class PART B : HUMAN CAPITAL SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY • Introduction & class management; 1 14.00 15.30 2 15.30 17.00 Topic: Competency Based HR Management (Dubois, Milkovich) 3 17.00 18.30 Case-1: Human Resources at Hewlett-Packard (A) (HBSP # 9-495-051) 4 14.00 15.30 Group Assignment: Job Analysis & Evaluation, and Methodology 5 15.30 17.00 Topic-2: HR Planning, Recruitment & Selection (Noe) 6 17.00 18.30 Topic-3: Compensation (Milkovich) 7 14.00 15.30 Case-2: Executive Remuneration at Reckitt Benckiser plc (HBSP # 9-104-062) 8 15.30 17.00 9 17.00 18.30 10 14.00 15.30 11 15.30 17.00 Topic-6: International HR Management (Paul Evans) 12 17.00 18.30 Case-3: Microsoft Competing on Talent (A) (HBSP # 9-300-001) 13 14.00 15.30 Case-4: Lincoln Electric - Venturing Abroad (HBS) 14 15.30 17.00 Case-5: JetBlue Airways - Starting from Scratch 15 17.00 18.30 Reading-3: Maximizing Your Return on People (HBR Reprint R0703H) • Topic-1: HR Framework – Gaining a competitive advantage (Michael Beer, Noe, Ulrich) • Topic-4: Performance Management; • Reading-1: Notes: Managing Performance (HBSP # 9-496-022) JH JH Case-3: Verizon Comm Implementing a HR Balanced scorecard • Topic-5: Talent Management Succession Management ; • Reading-2: “A Players” or “A Positions”? (HBR Product 2424) JH FINAL TEST : 2014 10
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