No. 6791 ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI, GAJAPATI TENDER CALL NOTICE Dated.05.12.2014 Sealed tenders are invited from registered manufacturers / authorized distributors/Traders for supply of Drugs and consumables (In Generic) for Gajapati district of Odisha. Details regarding the terms and conditions and tender papers may be downloaded from or available at O/o. C.D.M.O, Gajapati (store Section) up to Dt. 26.12.2014 during office hours of all working days. The tender should reach to the office of the undersigned by Dt.26.12.2014 up to 5.00 P.M through Reg. Post /Speed Post or Courier services only along with all the relevant documents and E.M.D. The tenders will be opened on dated Dt 27.12.2014 at 11.00 A.M in presence of the tenders or their authorised representatives. The undersigned reserves the right to reject or cancel any or all the tenderers without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/Chief District Medical Officer Gajapati TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF Drugs and consumables (In generic) Chief District Medical Officer, Gajapati (HEALTH & F.W. DEPTT., GOVT. OF ORISSA) Tel / Fax: 06815 -223566/224081 Bid Reference No. – C.D.M.O (Gajapati) – 2014-15 – DC – 01 TENDER DOCUMENT FOR SUPPLY OF Drugs and consumables (generic) DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF SALE OF THE BID DOCUMENT: DT.04.12.2014 From 11 A.M to 4 P.M LAST DATE & TIME FOR SALE OF BID DOCUMENTS : 26.12.2014up to 5.00 P.M LAST DATE & TIME OF RECEIPT OF BID DOCUMENTS : 26.12.2014up to 5.00 P.M DATE & TIME OF OPENING OF TENDER : 27.12.2014 at 11.00 A.M PLACE OF OPENING OF BID DOCUMENTS: AND ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION AND RECEIPT OF BID DOCUMENTS CHAMBER OF C.D.M.O, GAJAPATI O/o. C.D.M.O, GAJAPATI GAJAPATI - 761200 Tel / Fax: 06815-223566/224081 Email: [email protected] SALE OF TENDER / BID DOCUMENT A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by prospective bidders on payment of a non-refundable fee as indicated below in the form of a Demand Draft in favour of ZSS (Non-NRHM Fund) Gajapati payable at Paralakhemundi from any Nationalised /Scheduled Bank at the office of the C.D.M.O Gajapati during office hours from 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on all working days as mentioned in the tender document. The Bidders may download the Tender Documents directly from the WEBSITE available at within Dt.04.12.2014. The tender cost fee of Rs. 2000/Plus VAT @ 5% (Non-refundable) by way of separate Demand Draft drawn in favour ZSS (Non-NRHM Fund) Gajapati should be enclosed along-with the Technical Bid. The Bidders should specifically superscribe, “DOWNLOADED FROM THE WEBSITE” on the top left corner of the outer envelope containing Technical Bid and Price Bid separately. The Tender cost fee and the EMD amount should be submitted separately in separate demand drafts. In case of any bid amendment and clarification, responsibility lies with the bidders to collect the same from the website or the office notice board before last date of purchase of tender document and the C.D.M.O, Gajapati shall have no responsibility for any delay / omission on part of the bidder. a) Price of bid document Rs.2000/ plus VAT @ 5% (Non-refundable) The tender paper will be rejected if the bidder changes any clause or Annexure of the bid document downloaded from the website. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO BE NOTED CAREFULLY BY THE TENDERERS 1. Purchaser : Health & F.W. Department 2. Indenter : C.D.M.O, Gajapati 3. Consignee : C.D.M.O, Gajapati 4. Delivery Period : Within 30days from issue of the purchase order. 5. Mode of Delivery : By Air / Road / Rail (On door delivery basis) 6. EMD Rs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty five Thousand) only per tender. The Earnest Money Deposit will be paid in the shape of demand Draft only in favour of ZSS (NonNRHM Fund) Gajapati, from any Nationalised /Scheduled Bank payable at Gajapati. The EMD will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders within 7days and the EMD of qualifying bidders will be refunded after successful completion of supply of items within the stipulated time-period 7. General Conditions for supply of Drugs: a) At the time of supply, the supplier must submit a test report of the batches being supplied from a NABL/Government approved laboratory that the supplied drugs are of standard quality based on which the Drugs can be used or distributed. b) The district will also do random testing of the supplied drugs if required for which quality testing, packing & forwarding charges if any will be borne by the supplier. c) The supply is to be made in less number of batches (less than 3) and maximum two phases. The supply should be made in good packing condition & labelling. d) All bills should be super – scribed as per the “subject supply of Drugs & consumables under respective scheme “& bill should be prepared on values of the goods + VAT / C.S.T & then Entry tax on Total Value. e) Sales taxes/ VAT will be paid extra. Entry Tax. If any, should be paid by the supplying firm at the entry points, which will be reimbursed to the firm along with payment for the supply, on production of entry tax payment receipt in original attached to the bill of supplied items. f) All bills should contain the Tax Payers Identification Number (T.I.N), So far as VAT is concerned. g) After supply all the batches of all Items / Drugs will be sent for quality testing to different testing laboratories. If any batch of any item / drug comes out to be NOT OF STANDARD QUALITY (NSQ), the supplier of firm will replace the full stock of that batch no. and take back the available NSQ stocks from different Health Institution of the District at his own cost. No payment will be made for the replacement of NSQ drugs with good quality drugs. h) If the firm / supplier doesn’t replace the full stock of that batch of item declared NSQ within one month of issue of the letter, he will be derecognized for that product and no payment will be made to him for that product or if he has taken the payment for that product the total cost of that batch of NSQ drugs will be deducted from any payment due for him and no further orders will be given to him for that product. i) Liquidated damage will be charged @ 0.5% per week beyond 30 days & upto 60 days from the date of issue of the purchase order. 8. Pre-qualification: A. Manufacturing units /Authorised dealers/Traders are eligible to participate in the tender provided, they have (i) Valid manufacturing Drug license along with list of products approved for manufacture, GMP/ WHOGMP of the manufacturers. (ii) Valid ISO certificate of the manufacturers. (iii) VAT clearance and PAN Card of the firm (iv) Average turnover of Rs.1 Crore for last three years (from 2011-12 TO 201314). (v) Valid Drug licence. (vi) Bidders who have been blacklisted either by the Tender inviting authority or by any district/state Govt. or Central Govt. organization for the quoted item is not eligible to participate in the tender during the period of blacklisting. Affidavit of the same to be submitted stating that the firm has neither been black listed nor any criminal cases pending against them. B. Authorised distributors/traders are eligible to participate in the tender provided: (i) They should submit manufacturer’s authorization to transact business on behalf of the manufacturer. (ii) The authorised distributor/trader will submit all the documents in support of eligibility of the manufacturer. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Sealed tenders will be received by Dated 26.12.2014 upto 5.00 PM by the C.D.M.O. GAJAPATI in the office for the purchase of Drugs & Consumables. Any tender received after the due date & time will be rejected / returned to the sender unopened. The tenders will be received through Regd. Post / Courier services / Speed Post only. 2. The bidders are to submit their tenders in separate sealed covered envelope for technical bid and financial bid by subscribing “Technical Bid” in cover “A” and Financial Bid in cover “B” and both covers should be put in third cover which should be subscribed as “Tender for Supply of Drugs & Consumables” 3. The sealed tender of Cover “A” (Technical bid) submitted by the tenderer will be opened by the purchase committee in presence of the Tenderer/ authorized representative in the office chamber of the CDMO, Paralakhemundi, Gajapati on dated.27.12.2014at 11 A.M. 4. The Financial Bid will be opened of only those who have technically qualified. 5. Delivery Period within 30 days from the issue of the supply order. 6. Rate quoted by intending tenders shall be valid for 1 year. 7. The undersigned reserves the right to place the order in phases. 8. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the tender without any thereof. . Sd/Chief District Medical Officer Gajapati reason Check List Please put √ in the respective box Application for Supply of Drugs & Consumables to Gajapati District. Sl No Details 1 Name of the Firm with Complete Address: 2 3. 4. Whether Tender documents has been obtained from O/O CDMO, Gajapati or Downloaded from Website. If obtained from O/o CDMO, Gajapati receipt of the tender paper cost submitted or not ( Please mention ) If Downloaded from Web site then tender paper cost in shape of DD worth of Rs 2000 /-+VAT@5% to be submitted along with the tender paper. EMD of RS.25000/-Deposited ( Yes/ No) 5. Sale Tax Registration, VAT Clearance & Pan card (Xerox Copy ) submitted or Not 6. Drug Licence (Submitted or not) 7. ISO, GMP/WHO GMP of the Manufacturer (Submitted or not) Manufacturer’s authorization to transact business on behalf of the manufacturer (Submitted or not) Turn over proof of the firm (submitted or not) 8 8. 9. To be filled up Remarks Details of DD no. & date to be mentioned Details of DD no. & date to be mentioned Separate checklist enclosed Tender document containing total no of pages. It is certified that the above information submitted by me/my firm is true and best of my knowledge and if any information is found false at any point of time then the whole offer/tender may be cancelled. I have suppressed no facts in the tender which could debar me to participate in the tender. If it is revealed after opening of the tender that any fact is suppressed by me, tendering authority shall have the right to reject my tender along with other punitive action against me as per law. Again I agree & will abide with the terms & conditions fixed by the authority. Signature of the tenderers. N: B: Please submit Xerox copy of all documents as per tender instructions. Check list for ISO and GMP Sl. No . Name of the Manufacturer ISO Certificate submitted (Yes/ No) GMP submitted (Yes/ No) Authorisation submitted (Yes/ No) Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Note:- 1. Submitted ISO certificates and GMP certificates should have a valid period. 2. Submit Manufacturing license along with list of products approved for manufacture. Signature of the bidder List of Drugs Slno Name of the Drug Specification Name of the manufacturer Rate Quoted Each(Including VAT) Remarks 1 2 3 Signature of the bidder LIST OF DRUGS AND CONSUMABLES FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 Sl. No. Name of the Item 1 2 Inj. Ketamine HCl Inj. Thiopentone Sodium 3 Inj. Bupivacaine (Heavy) 4 Lidocaine Hydrochloride gel 2% 5 Inj. Lignocaine HCl 6 Inj. Lignocaine HCl and Adrenaline Bitartrate 7 Inj. Lignocaine HCl and Dextrose (Heavy) 8 9 10 Inj. Glycopyrrolate Inj. Ephedrine HCl Inj. Neostigmine Methylsulphate 11 Inj. Neostigmine Methylsulphate + Glycopyrrolate 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 34 35 36 Tab. Aceclofenac Tab. Diclofenac Sodium Inj. Diclofenac Sodium Tab. Ibuprofen Tab. Ibuprofen Susp. Ibuprofen Tab. Mephenamic Acid Syp. Paracetamol Paracetamol Drop Inj. Paracetamol I.V Tab. Paracetamol Kid (Disp Tab. Paracetamol Kid Tab. Paracetamol Paracetamol Rectal Suppository Inj. Pentazocine Lactate Inj. Tramadol HCl Tab. Tramadol Hydrochloride Inj. Betamethasone Sod. Phosphate Syp. Cetrizine Dihydrochloride Tab. Cetrizine Dihydrochloride Tab. Chlorpheniramine Inj. Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Inj. Hydrocortisone Sodium Tab. Levocetirizine Inj. Pheniramine Maleate 37 Tab. Prednisolone 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Syp. Prednisolone Inj. Atropine Sulphate Inj. Dimercaprol Inj. Pralidoxime Chloride / Tab. Carbamazepine Inj. Fosphenytoin Sodium Inj. Lorazepam Inj. Phenobarbitone Tab. Phenobarbitone Inj. Phenytoin Sodium Tab. Phenytoin Sodium 29 30 31 32 33 Specification / Strength 50 mg of Ketamine 500 mg/Vial Bupi 5mg/ml + Dextr 80mg / ml 30gm/Tube Lignocaine HCl 21.3mg + NaCl 6mg Lignocaine HCl - 21.3 mg / ml + Adrenaline 0.005 mg / ml Lignocaine HCl - 53.3 mg / ml + Dextrose 75mg / ml 0.2 mg/ml 30 mg/ml 0.5 mg/ml Neostigmine Methylsulphate 2.5 mg + Glycopyrrolate 0.5mg /ml 100 mg/Tab 50 mg/Tab 25 mg/ml 400 mg/Tab 200 mg/Tab 100mg / 5ml 100 mg/ D.T 125 mg/5 ml 100 mg/ 1 ml 1000mg/100ml 125 mg/ Tab 250 mg/ Tab 500 mg/Tab 170mg/Suppository 30 mg/ml 50 mg/ml 50 mg/Tab 4mg/ml 5 mg/ 5 ml 10 mg/Tab 4 mg/Tab 4 mg/ml 100 mg/Vial 5 mg/Tab 22.75 mg/ml 10 mg/Tab Scored 10mg/5ml 0.6 mg/ml 100 mg/2ml 500 mg/20 ml 200 mg/Tab. 75mg/ml 1 mg/ml 200mg/ml 30 mg/Tab 50 mg/ml 50 mg/Tab Name of the Manufaturer Rate Quoted Each (Including VAT) Remarks Sl. No. Name of the Item 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Tab. Phenytoin Sodium Tab. Albendazole Susp. Albendazole Tab. Mebendazole Inj. Amikacin Sulphate Inj. Amikacin Sulphate Tab. Amoxycillin Trihydrate Tab. Amoxycillin Trihydrate Cap. Amoxycillin Trihydrate Tab. Azithromycin Tab. Cefadroxil (Dispe Tab. Cefadroxil Tab. Cefixime Tab. Cefixime Tab. Ciprofloxacin HCl Tab. Ciprofloxacin HCl 65 Tab. Cotrimoxazole 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 Cap. Doxycycline HCl Inj. Gentamicin Sulphate Inj. Gentamicin Sulphate Tab. Linezolid Susp. Linezolid Tab. Levofloxacin Tab. Norfloxacin Tab. Norfloxacin Cap. Tetracycline Inj. Streptomycin Sulphate Clotrimazole Vaginal Pessaries Tab. Fluconazole Tab. Fluconazole Cream Terbinafine Tab. Metronidazole Tab. Acyclovir Tab. Doxylamine Succinate + Pyridoxine Inj. Ethamsylate Tab. Folic Acid 85 Tab. Iron 86 87 Iron drop Inj. Iron Sucrose 88 Syp. Iron 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Inj. Kenandione (Vit. K) Inj. Menadione (Vit-K3) Inj. Tranexamic Acid Tab. Tranexamic Acid Inj. Frusemide Tab. Frusemide Tab. Clopidogrel Tab. Isosorbide Dinitrate Tab. Amlodipine Besylate Tab. Atenolol Tab. Enalapril Maleate Inj. Labetalol Tab. Losartan Potassium Tab. Metoprolol Tartarate ER Tab. Metoprolol Tartarate Cap. Nifedipine 82 Specification / Strength 100 mg/Tab 400mg/Tab. 200 mg/5ml 100 mg/Tab 500 mg/2ml 100 mg/2ml 125 mg/Tab 250 mg/Tab 500 mg/Cap 500 mg/Tab 250 mg/Tab. (DT) 500 mg/Tab 100mg/Tab 200mg/Tab 500 mg/Tab 250 mg/Tab TMP 80mg + SMZ 400mg / Tab 100 mg/Cap 10 mg/ml 40 mg/ml 600mg / Tab. 100mg/5ml 500mg / Tab. 400 mg/Tab 100 mg/Tab 500 mg/Cap 0.75 gm/Vial 100 mg / Pessary 50 mg/Tab 150 mg/Tab 1% w/w 400 mg/Tab 400mg/Tab. Doxylamine Succinate 10 mg + Pyridoxine 10 mg / Tab. 125 mg/ml 5 mg/Tab Equivalent to 100 mg of Elemental Iron Elemental Iron 50 mg / ml. 50 mg/ 2.5 ml Each 5ml Contains 30mg of Elemental Iron 1mg/0.5ml 10 mg/ml 500mg/5ml 500mg/Tab. 10 mg/1 ml 40 mg/Tab 75 mg/Tab 5 mg/Tab 5 mg/Tab 50 mg/Tab 5 mg/Tab 20mg/4ml Amp. 50 mg/Tab 50 mg/Tab 25 mg/Tab 5 mg/Cap Name of the Manufaturer Rate Quoted Each (Including VAT) Remarks Sl. No. Name of the Item Specification / Strength 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Tab. Nifedipine Tab. Telmisartan Inj. Dobutamine HCl Inj. Dopamine HCl Tab. Atorvastatin Tab. Atorvastatin Clotrimazole Mouth Paint Cream Clotrimazole Gamma Benzene Hexa Chloride + Cetrimide Mupirocin Ointment Oint Betamethasone Valeate Povidone Iodine Solution Chloroxylenol Solution Lysol (Cresol With Soap) Soln. Formaldehyde Surgical Spirit 121 Tab. Antacid 122 Dicyclomine Drop 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 Inj. Dicyclomine HCl Tab. Dicyclomine HCl Syp. Dicyclomine Tab. Domperidone Susp. Domperidone Inj. Drotaverine Tab. Drotaverine HCl Inj. Metoclopramide Cap./Tab. Omeprazole Inj. Ondansetron Tab. Ondansetron Syp. Ondansetron Tab. Pantoprazole Inj. Pantoprazole Inj. Promethazine HCl Tab. Promethazine Tab. Rabeprazole Inj. Rabeprazole (I.V) Tab. Ranitidine Inj. Ranitidine HCl Tab. Gliclazide Tab. Glipizide Tab. Metformin HCl Chloromycetin Eye Ointment 147 Ciprofloxacin Eye /Ear Drop 20mg/SR Tab. 40mg/Tab. 50mg / ml 40 mg/ml 40 mg/Tab 10 mg/Tab 1% w/v 1% w/w GBH 1% w/v + Cetrimide 0.1% w/v 2 % w/w 0.1% w/v 5% w/v, 500ml 5% w/v, 100ml 50%, 500ml 34% to 38% w/v 100ml/btl (Alu. Hydroxide 250mg + Mag. Hydroxide 250mg+ Methyl Polysiloxane 50mg) / Tab. Dicyclomine HCl 10mg + Activated Dimethicone 40mg / ml 10 mg/ml 20 mg/Tab 10 mg/5 ml 10 mg/Tab 1 mg/ml 20 mg/ml 40 mg/Tab 10 mg/2 ml 20 mg/Cap./Tab. 2 mg/ml 4mg/Tab 2 mg/5ml 40mg/Tab 40mg/vial 25 mg/ml 25 mg/Tab 20mg/Tab 20mg / vial 150 mg/Tab 50 mg / 2 ml 40 mg/Tab 5 mg/Tab 500 mg/Tab 1% w/v 0.3% w/v 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 148 149 Clotrimazole & Lignocaine Ear Drop Gentamicin SulphateEye /Ear drop 150 Homatropine Eye Drop 151 Lidocaine + Ofloxacin Ear Drop 152 Ofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution (Clotrimazole 1% w/v + Lignocaine HCl 2% w/v) 0.3% w/v of Gentamicin, 2% Lidocaine 1.73% w/v+ Ofloxacin 0.3% w/v 0.3% w/v Name of the Manufaturer Rate Quoted Each (Including VAT) Remarks Sl. No. Name of the Item 153 Saline Nasal Drop 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 169 Timolol Eye Drop Inj. Carboprost Tromethamine Inj. Hydroxy Progestrone Tab. Isoxsuprine SR Tab. Isoxsuprine Inj. Magnesium Sulphate Inj. Methylergometrine Maleate Tab. Methylergometrine Maleate Tab. Misoprostol Tab. Norethisterone Acetate Inj. Oxytocin Inj. Diazepam Tab. Diazepam Tab. Lorazepam Budesonide Inhaler 200 metered doses Tab. Doxofylline 170 Inj. Theophylline & Etophylline 171 172 Dental intra oral X-Ray films Inj. Sodium Bi-Carbonate 173 Tab. Calcium & Vit. D3 174 Tab. Riboflavin 175 Cap. Vit A.D 176 177 178 179 Cap. Vitamin B Complex Syp. Vitamin B-Complex Tab. Vitamin C Vit. E Drop 180 Susp. Zinc Acetate 168 182 Black Disinfectant Fluid (Phenyl) ISI (4 Litre) Sterile Water For Injection 183 Microporus Adhesive Paper Tape 184 Catgut Chromic 185 Catgut Chromic 186 Polypropylene 187 Polypropylene 188 Polyglactin 189 Polyglactin 190 Intra Cath 191 192 193 Intra Cath Intravenous Set Intravenous Set 181 Specification / Strength 0.65 % w/v 0.5% 250 mcg/ml 250 mg/ml 40 mg/Tab 10 mg/Tab 500 mg/ml 0.2 mg/ml 0.125 mg/Tab 200mcg/Tab 5mg/Tab 5 IU/1ml 5mg/ml 5 mg/Tab 2 mg/Tab 100mcg / puff 400mg/Tab. Theophylline 50.6 mg + Etophylline 169.4 mg/2ml 4.1cm x 3.1cm 7.5% w/v 500mg Elemental Calcium + Vitamin D3: 400IU /Tab 10 mg/Tab Vit. A 5000 IU + Vit. D3 400 IU/Cap 5mg/Cap. 100ml/btl 500 mg/Tab 50mg/ml Each 5ml contains 20mg of elemental zinc 4 Litre 10ml/Vial 2.5cm. x 10 yds (9.1 mtr) per roll , Size:- 1, length: 1 x 152cm, (without needle) Size:-1-0, length: 1 x 152cm, (without needle) Size:- 1, length: 70cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 40mm (Heavy needle) Size:- 1-0, length: 70/90cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 30mm (needle Size:-1, length: 90cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 40mm (Heavy needle) Size:- 1-0, length: 90cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 40mm (needle) Adult, Sterilised Size 18, 20,22 (Adult) Child, (Sterilised Size 24 Adult, Child, Name of the Manufaturer Rate Quoted Each (Including VAT) Remarks Sl. No. Name of the Item 194 Surgicals Blades 195 Operation Gloves 196 Disposable Examination Gloves 197 Spinal Needle Disposable Adult as per BIS 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 Tab. Ofloxacine + Ornidazole Tab. Cefexime + Ornidazole Cap. Racedotril Racecetrol sachet Lactobacillium Sachet Tab. Ecosprin Tab. Ecosprin Tab. Clopitrogrel Tab. Atrovastire Tab. Atrovastire Tab. Calcium + Glycosarrine Easyfix Gypsona Plaster Real Disposable bedpen Disposable Urinale Xylocaine topical anaesthia spray X-Ray Developer X-Ray Fixture Disposable Syringes Specification / Strength Pre - sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 sizes 10 , 12 ,15,20,22, 24, ISI : 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred AS PER TENDER SPECIFICATION 6", 61/2", 7", 71/2",Sterilised,small,mediu m and large,pre-powdered, 23 / 25G (70 - 90mm) with hub (Colour coaded as per ISO Standard) 75mg 150mg 150mg 10mg 20mg 9 ltr 9 ltr 2 CC Disposable Syringes 5 CC, Disposable Syringes 10 CC CHEMICAL ITEMS 1 Urea Kit 2 Creatinin Kit 3 ASO 4 RA 5 Toxo 6 Trygliceride 7 HDL Cholesterol 8 Cholesterol 9 Uristix (Multi Stick) 10 Barium Chloride 11 N/10 HCL 12 Sodium Citrate Solution 13 Coverslip 14 Leishman's Stain 15 A,B,D Group 16 Bendict Solution 17 CRP Kit Name of the Manufaturer Rate Quoted Each (Including VAT) Remarks Sl. No. Name of the Item 18 VDRL 19 Widal Kit 20 Heamoglobin tube 21 Heamoglobin popeet 22 Test tube (Glass) 23 Centrifuse tube 24 Microscope bulb 25 JSB Stain-1 26 JSB Stain-2 27 HCG kit 28 HBSAG kit 29 SGOT Kit 30 SGPT Kit 31 Alkaline Phosphate 32 Torny Kat 33 Uric Acid 34 Liquid Paraffin 35 Esbach's Reagent 36 Tissue Paper 37 Acitic acid 38 Glucose Reagent 39 Bilirubin Reagent 40 Rubber Teat 41 Test tube washing brush 42 fouchet's Reagent 43 QBC immersoin Oil 44 QBC Capilliary Tube 45 CBC Capilliary Tube 46 Dengu Rapid Test Kit (IgG,IgM) 47 Chikungonia rapid test kit (IgM) Specification / Strength DENTAL ITEMS 1 Straight Probe 2 Straight Elevator 3 Silver powder 4 Dental X-Ray film Name of the Manufaturer Rate Quoted Each (Including VAT) Remarks
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