Quantitative and In Vitro Deposition of Zanamivir Dry Powder Inhalation by HPLC Yang Yang, Guo Na, ZiWei Yang, XingGuo Mei* Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, No. 27, Taiping Road, Beijing 10085, People’s Republic of China *Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86-10-66932644, E-mail address: [email protected] Abstract Dry powder formulations for inhalation are often composed of micron-sized drug particles and inert carrier particles. Currently, nearly all DPI products (Relenza®, Seretide®, Spiriva®, Symbicort®, Beclophar®, Flixotide®) already on the market rely on lactose as a carrier material. However, the use of lactose has some disadvantages, such as its sugar-associated reducing function that may interact with functional groups of drugs such as budesonide or peptides and proteins. Mannitol is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations and food products. It may be an attractive alternative carrier to lactose because it does not have the reducing effect and is less hygroscopic. Zanamivir is a new anti-flu drug, which is being trumpeted by Glaxo Wellcome. Although the zanamivir dry powder (Relenza®) presented good aerosolization properties, drawbacks are linked to lactose. In our previous study, a number of dry powder formulations were produced by jet mill zanamivir with mannitol as the carrier. In this study, a high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for 1 the estimation of the content of zanamivir dry powder inhalation (DPI) and its in vitro deposition. The separation was achieved by Luna SCX column (250×4.6 mm, 5 μm, make: Phenomenex), a mixture of acetonitrile / buffer (60/40 and pH=3.7) as mobile phase, at flow rate of 1 ml/min. Detection was carried out at 233 nm. The calibrated linear plot of zanamivir was within 0.05- 0.15 mg/ml with the mean recovery within 99.60%- 102.81% and within-day and among-days RSD of less than 2%. The relative standard deviation of the repeatability test was 0.12%. Developed method was found to be accurate, precise, selective and rapid for estimation of the content of zanamivir DPI and its in vitro deposition. The in vitro deposition was also evaluated after the aerosolization of powders at 60 l/min via Aerolizer® inhaler into a Twin-Stage Impinger (TSI) and a Next Generation Impactor (NGI) (analysed using high performance liquid chromatography). It was found that the trends in the FPF values from the NGI data broadly mirror those of the TSI study. The FPF values for tanamivir DPI were lower by NGI than TSI, an effect most probably due to the lower aerodynamic cut-off for the NGI. Key words: Zanamivir, dry powder inhalation, content, in vitro deposition, HPLC 2 INTRODUCTION Zanamivir (5- acetylamino- 4- guanidino- 2, 6- anhydro-3, 4, 5- trideoxy- D- glycerolD- galacto- non- 2- enoic acid), also known as Relenza®, is a new anti-flu drug, which is being trumpeted by its manufactures- the pharmaceutical giant Glaxo Wellcome- as the first breakthrough in flu treatment for 30 year. It is a potent and highly selective inhibitor of the influenza A and B virus neuraminidase. Mechanism of action has on viral neuraminidase catalyzes cleavages of terminal sialic acid residues attaches to glycoprotein and glycolipids, a process necessary for release of virus from host cell surfaces (1). When administered directly to the human respiratory tract, zanamivir was shown to have potent antiviral effects. Inhalation of small molecule drugs and biopharmaceuticals is an efficient and convenient local drug delivery method (2). We have produced a zanamivir dry powder inhalation (DPI) using mannitol as carriers. Zanamivir in rat and monkey plasma by positive ion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC)/ tandem mass spectrometry were developed (3). Till the date there is no HPLC method available for analysis of the content of main component in zanamivir DPI and its in vitro deposition. The aim of this study was to determine the content and in vitro deposition of zanamivir DPI by HPLC. MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents and materials Zanamivir (purity: 99.11%) was purchased from Haoxin pharmaceutical Company (Wuhan, China). Mannitol was obtained from Bodi Chemicals (Tianjin, China). 3 Methanol and acetonitrile of chromatographic grade were purchased from J. T. Baker Company (USA). All other materials or solvents were of analytical or chromatographic grade and were used as obtained commercially. Preparation of sample solution Zanamivir dry powder inhalation was prepared in mobile phase, diluted the solution and reached the final concentration of 0.1 mg/ml of zanamivir. This final solution marked as sample solution. Chromatographic conditions HPLC chromatograms were obtained using Agilent HPLC system with G1311A Quat Pump, G1329A Autosampler, Diode array detection (Agilent Technologies, USA). The HPLC analysis was completed using a Luna SCX column (250×4.6 mm, 5 μm, make: Phenomenex). The detector was connected to a computer and the data were analyzed by chemistry station (B.04.02). Determination of zanamivir was done by using acetonitrile / buffer (60/40 and pH=3.7) at flow rate of 1 ml/min. The detector wavelength was 233nm. The column was maintained at 30 °C through out the analysis. A 20 μl sample as described in the sample preparation was injected. Buffer solution was prepared by dissolving 0.77 g sodium acetate in 500 ml water. The final pH was adjusted to 3.7 ± 0.05 with dilute acetic acid and filtered through 0.45 μm before use. Standard curve preparation Standard solutions were prepared by weighing a known amount of zanamivir by serial dilution with mobile phase, resulting in final concentrations of 0.15, 0.12, 0.1, 0.08, 4 0.05 mg/ml. A blank solution was also prepared with mobile phase. Each set of standards and a blank was analyzed chromatographically 3 times. The peak area was recorded and standard curve was constructed by linear regression of mean peak area and concentration. Accuracy and precision In accordance with ICH guideline (4), the accuracy and precision of the method were studied by using 3 known concentration levels of zanamivir (0.05, 0.08 and 0.1 mg/ml) and 3 replicates each of the total analytical procedure, within day and between 3 days. These samples were considered as unknown samples and analyzed chromatographically using the proposed procedure. Repeatability In accordance with Q2B-ICH guideline (5), repeated analysis of a homogeneous sample was performed by the same analytical procedure and the same analyst, with the same equipment and in the same laboratory. Robustness The robustness of method as carried out by changing the chromatographic conditions such as flow rate and organic solvent portion of the mobile phase. Content of zanamivir DPI The powders (10 mg eq zanamivir) was accurately weighed and quantitatively transferred into a 50 ml volumetric flask. The resulting solution was diluted with mobile phase and then filtered through 0.45μm filter. Samples were analyzed by the HPLC as described above. 5 In vitro deposition In vitro powder deposition was determined separately with a twin-stage impinger (TSI) (Copley Scientific, UK) and a next generation impactor (NGI) (Copley Scientific, UK) operated under standard conditions (Appendix XII part C, British Pharmacopoeia 2010). The Aerolizer® inhaler (Schering, Co.) was attached to the throat of the TSI with a rubber mouthpiece adaptor and tested at 60 l/min for 5 s. Ten of size 3 gelatin capsules, manually filled (25 mg powder in each), were discharged into the TSI before the apparatus was disassembled. The contents of the device, capsules, mouthpiece and throat and each impinger stage were washed with mobile phase into volumetric flasks, made up to volume and passed through a 0.45 μm cellulose acetate filter. Samples were analyzed by the HPLC as described above. The Aerolizer® inhaler was attached to the throat of the NGI with a rubber mouthpiece adaptor and tested at 60 l/min for 4 s. Ten capsules as described above were discharged into the NGI. After the run, the capsule, inhaler, adaptor mouthpiece, throat, and NGI stages were washed with mobile phase into volumetric flasks, made up to volume and passed through a 0.45 μm cellulose acetate filter. Samples were analyzed by the HPLC as described above. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Quantitative analysis The peak purity of zanamivir was assessed by comparing the retention time of standard zanamivir sample good correlation was obtained between the retention time 6 of standard and sample. Placebo and blank was injected and there were no peaks. There are no interferences hence method is specific. Representative chromatograms are shown in figure 1, 2 and 3. The calibration function was determined by linear regression over the range 0.05-0.15 mg/ml. The regression equation was Y= 23.50 X – 237.0, where X is the concentration of standard samples (mg/ml), and the correlation factor was 0.9999. The results of studying the accuracy and precision are shown in table 1 and 2, respectively. The recoveries are 99.60%- 102.81%with relative standard deviations between 0.01 %and 1.58%, which are in acceptable ranges. Also, as shown in table 3, the relative standard deviation of repeatability test is acceptable (0.12%). The results of robustness studies are shown in table 4 and 5. With the change of flow rate of 0.8 ml/min, 1 ml/min and 1.2 ml/min, change of organic solvent portion of the mobile phase with of 10% less, actual, 10% more and their tailing factor, plate count obtained within the limit. Content of zanamivir DPI The proposed HPLC method has been used in the analysis the content of zanamivir in DPI. As a result, the 3 Batches contents of zanamivir DPI were 99.73% ± 0.35, 99.86% ±0.22 and 100.12% ±0.12, respectively. In vitro deposition of zanamivir DPI Firstly, the in vitro deposition testing was performed using TSI and the data analyzed to give the recovered dose (RD, the total amount of drug collected in the device, capsule, mouthpiece and throat, upper and lower stages), emitted dose (ED, the total 7 amount of drug collected in the mouthpiece and throat and upper and lower stages) and fine particle fraction (FPF, the ratio of drug in the lower stage to the RD). The results are shown in Table 6. The lower stage of the TSI has a higher aerodynamic particle size cut-off (6.4μm) than the NGI (4.46μm); as such, TSI is a less rigorous challenge for each formulation than NGI and this manifest in higher FPF figures. Secondly, the in vitro deposition testing was performed using NGI and the data analyzed to give the RD (drug collected in the device, capsule, mouthpiece and throat, pre-separator, stages 1–7 and MOC) and FPF (ratio of drug collected in stages 3-MOC to the RD). The results are shown in Table 6. For the powders, the greatest amount of deposition was achieved on stage 4 followed by stages 3 and 2, respectively. Very small amounts were deposited on stages 7 and MOC rendering it difficult to obtain a sufficient sample size for full analysis. The remainders in each case constitute deposits in the pre-separator as well as powder losses which occurred during the experiment. The trends in the FPF values from the NGI data broadly mirror those of the TSI study. In all cases, FPF values for these formulations were lower by NGI than TSI, an effect most probably due to the lower aerodynamic cut-off for the NGI as noted earlier. In all cases, the ED for these formulations had an ED of over 90% of the total capsule contents, which is probably a reflection of the (presumably lower) force of cohesion in the powders. CONCLUSION The proposed method is simple, specific, accurate and precise and hence can be used 8 in routine for estimation of zanamivir in DPI dosage. Statistical analysis of the results has been carried out revealing high accuracy and good precision. The percentage RSD for all parameters was found to be less than two, which indicates the validity of the method and assay results obtained by this method are in fair agreement. The developed method can be used for routine quantitative simultaneous estimation of zanamivir in DPI dosage form and its in vitro powder deposition. Acknowledgments: We are grateful to the financial support from the Important National Science & Technology Specific Projects (Grant No. 2012ZX09301003-001-009) of China. REFERENCES 1. Cox RJ, Mykkeltvedt E, Sjursen H, Haaheim LR, The effect of Relenza treatment on the early immune response induced after influenza vaccination, Int. Congress Series., 1219, 2001, 829-834. 2. Saint-Lorant G, Leterme P, Gayot A, Flament MP, Influence of carrier on the performance of dry powder inhalers, Int. J. Pharm., 334, 2007, 85-91. 3. Todd M, Baughman, Wayne L, Wright. Determination of zanamivir in rat and monkey plasma by positive ion hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) / tandem mass spectrometry, J. chromatography B, 852, 2007, 505-511. 4. Pharmaceutical application data. Tokyo. 77. ICH-Guideline Q2A, Validation of Analytical Procedures: Definition and Trminology, http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/ichq2a.pdf (access: July 2006). 5. Pharmaceutical application data. Tokyo. 77. ICH-Guideline Q2B, Validation of 9 Analytical Procedures: Methodology, http://www.fda.gov/cder/gdlns/ichq2bmeth.pdf (access: July 2006). 10 Figure 1.Chromatogram for blank Figure 2.Chromatogram of Standard 11 Figure 3.Chromatogram of the sample 12 Table 1. Within-day accuracy and precision of the proposed HPLC method expected concentration mean determination SD Recovery (%) RSD (%) n 0.08000 0.08115 0.05 101.44 0.25 3 0.10000 0.10267 0.44 102.67 0.54 3 0.12000 0.11953 0.04 99.61 0.01 3 13 Table 2. Between-day accuracy and precision of the proposed HPLC method expected concentration Mean determination SD Recovery (%) RSD (%) n 0.08000 0.08102 0.07 101.28 0.32 3 0.10000 0.1023 1.02 102.31 1.26 3 0.12000 0.11954 0.18 99.62 0.06 3 0.08000 0.08177 0.08 102.21 0.39 3 0.10000 0.10281 1.09 102.81 1.33 3 0.12000 0.11952 0.04 99.60 0.01 3 0.08000 0.08153 0.14 101.91 0.64 3 0.10000 0.10243 1.28 102.43 1.58 3 0.12000 0.11953 0.20 99.61 0.06 3 14 Table 3. Repeatability data Injection Peak areas Injection-1 288877 Injection-2 288463 Injection-3 288139 Injection-4 287841 Injection-5 288628 Average 288389.6 % RSD % 0.12 15 Table 4. Robustness (flow rate variation) System suitability results No. Flow rate (ml/min) USP plate count USP tailing 1 0.8 2187 1.1 2 1 2223 1.1 3 1.2 2072 1.12 16 Table 5. Robustness (Mobile phase variation) Change in organic composition System suitability results No. in the mobile phase USP plate count USP tailing 1 10% less 2012 1.1 2 Actual 2230 1.1 3 10% more 2039 1.2 17 Table 6. In vitro powder deposition of the powders (n=3) Determined using TSI Determined using NGI Fine particle fraction (FPF)% 24.04 ±1.6 21.04 ±1.2 Emitted dose (ED)% 97.7 ±2.5 98.1 ±1.9 18 19 FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1: Chromatogram for blank Figure 2: Chromatogram of Standard Figure 3: Chromatogram of the sample 20 TABLE LEGENDS Table 1: Within-day accuracy and precision of the proposed HPLC method Table 2: Between-day accuracy and precision of the proposed HPLC method Table 3: Repeatability data Table 4: Robustness (flow rate variation) Table 5: Robustness (Mobile phase variation) Table 6: In vitro powder deposition of the powders (n=3) 21
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