Socials 10 Chapter 4 Study Questions 1. What was the name given to the territory granted to the HBC in 1670? Rupert’s Land 2. How was this area defined? all land with rivers flowing into Hudson Bay (drainage basin/watershed) 3. What type of fur used by the HBC as a form of currency? beaver (MB – made beaver) 4. In its first century, the HBC followed a trade policy known as: “stay by the Bay” 5. By what route(s) did the HBC ship its furs? to England directly from Hudson Bay 6. In what three ways was the NWC unlike the HBC? was based in Montreal, did not have a strict trade policy, had its employees travel to Aboriginal communities to trade 7. By what route(s) did the NWC ship its furs? to England via Montreal (across the Greats and St. Lawr. River valley) 8. The hivernants of the NWC differed from the factors of the HBC how? they lived in the Northwest year‒round 9. Explorers for the NWC were employed primarily to do what? search out new fur-trading areas 10. The most observable result of the aggressive policies of the NWC was what? the NWC having many more trading posts than the HBC 11. What were the NWC employees who paddled canoes called? voyageur 12. The NWC used what type of watercraft(s)? canots du nord and canots du maître 13. Why did the HBC used York boats? with a sail, they were faster than canoes; they were sturdier than canoes, they could be used later in the year (in snow and ice) 14. How did the fur trade disrupt traditional Aboriginal ways of life? middlemen often cheated Aboriginal traders, the use of firearms depleted supplies of game, some Aboriginal peoples converted to Christianity, the demands of the fur trade forced Aboriginal peoples to trap full time 15. What was most important to Aboriginal peoples? sustaining themselves and their families 16. What things, introduced by Europeans, damaged traditional Aboriginal ways of life? smallpox, measles, and alcohol 17. The fur trade encouraged the movements of Aboriginal groups into new areas because: as fur supplies became depleted, trappers had to find new fur sources 18. What are the advantages of a mind map? What do mind maps not show? indicate sources of water and other natural resources, show the location of prominent landscape features, show the approximate travel times between places. They do not use an accurate scale for distances 19. As supplies of furs declined: competition between fur trading companies intensified 20. The Canadian habit of saying “eh” may come from: the Cree word “Eha” (I agree) 21. Aboriginal women in the fur trade contributed how? made articles like snowshoes, gathered useful items like pine gum acted as guides and interpreters 22. The Métis developed mainly because: the NWC encouraged its traders to take Aboriginal wives 23. What happened when an Aboriginal woman married a fur trader? her family gained social status 24. Why did the NWC encourage intermarriage between its fur traders and Aboriginal women? such marriages strengthened ties with local Aboriginal groups 25. If a fur trader had taken an Aboriginal wife, and then left the Northwest, he would most likely do what? abandoned his Aboriginal wife (and often the children, too) 26. The HBC initially discouraged its employees from marrying Aboriginal women because: it did not want to support too many dependents 27. The term Métis referred to persons of Aboriginal and French‒Canadian ancestry. Persons of Aboriginal and Scots/British ancestry preferred the term: country-born 28. The Métis were usually of which religious affiliation? they followed Aboriginal religions 29. As the Métis began to farm, they used which system to lay out their farms? the seigneurial pattern 30. The main product which the Métis supplied to the NWC was: pemmican 31. The most important social event for the Métis was: the bison hunt 32. The bison hunt was: organized like a military expedition 33. In what three ways was the bison hunt significant? dangerous, a source of community pride, an important economic activity 34. Why did Lord Selkirk want to establish agricultural colonies in British North America? he was alarmed at the plight of poor Scots farmers 35. Why was Lord Selkirk was able to obtain a grant of land from the HBC? he was a director of the HBC 36. Where was the location of Selkirk’s land grant from the HBC? at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers 37. How did the settlers in the Red River Colony survive their first two years? the NWC and the Métis assisted them 38. The governor of the Red River colony, Miles Macdonell, feared that supplies would run out in 1814. As a result, he: issued the Pemmican Proclamation 39. The Pemmican Proclamation was designed to: provide enough food for the Selkirk colonists 40. What was the response of the NWC to the Pemmican Proclamation? they harassed the colonists, set fire to buildings, destroyed crops, and arrested Miles Macdonnell 41. When the colonists returned to the Red River colony in the late summer of 1815, their leader, Colin Robertson attempted to take what action? make peace with the NWC and the Métis 42. The new governor of the Red River colony, Robert Semple: attacked and burned Fort Gibraltar 43. Why did Semple regard the Métis as inferior? the Métis were of mixed ancestry 44. Who was the first leader of the Métis in Red River? Cuthbert Grant 45. In 1816, Semple and a group of colonists confronted the Métis at Seven Oaks. What was the result of that battle? the Métis killed 21 colonists 46. What did Lord Selkirk do immediately after the Battle of Seven Oaks? led a military expedition against the Métis 47. In 1817, Lord Selkirk made a treaty to gain legitimate control over the lands of the Red River Settlement. With whom did he make this treaty? the Cree and Anishinabé 48. The NWC responded to Lord Selkirk’s activities in 1817 by: filing lawsuits against him 49. In 1820, both the NWC and HBC were suffering financially, so they decided to do what? they merged 50. Under the merger of 1821, what did partners in the NWC obtained? 55 shares in the new company 51. How did the HBC retain control of the new merged company? having furs shipped via Hudson Bay 52. Aboriginal peoples, besides being trappers, were employed by the HBC how? as guides, translators, and map-makers 53. Who was the appointed in 1821 to be the new governor of the HBC’s holdings in the Northwest? George Simpson 54. In order to obtain the cooperation of the Métis, what did Simpson do? employed Cuthbert Grant as Warden of the Plains 55. George Simpson’s method of management was: to spend the summer travelling throughout the Northwest 56. George Simpson brought his English wife to the Red River Settlement in 1830. How did this caused problems? the Simpsons were socially isolated and Mrs. Simpson refused to socialize with the Métis 57. By 1860, who were the majority of people in the Red River Settlement? Métis 58. What was the basis of the economy of the Red River Settlement? the needs of the HBC, growing crops and supplying produce for them 59. Why was the Red River cart so noisy? its axles were not greased 60. A group which caused social tensions in the Red River Settlement in the 1860s were: the Orange Order - an anti-French, anti-Catholic movement 61. Who was the leader of the Canadian Party in the Red River Settlement? Dr. John Christian Schultz 62. To which group was the leader of the Canadian Party opposed? Métis 63. In 1869, the government of Canada purchased Rupert’s Land from whom? from the HBC 64. What did the HBC give up when it sold Rupert’s Land to the Canadian Government? 2.8 million acres of land 65. How did Canadian land surveyors cause problems in the Red River Settlement? they did not recognize existing claims by settlers to their lands 66. What was Louis Riel’s profession? lawyer 67.* In October, 1869, Louis Riel decided to: stop surveyors because they were trespassing 68. What did the National Métis Committee do when faced with uncertainty about the future of the Red River Settlement? took over Fort Garry and formed a provisional government 69. What does a provisional government function as? a means of preserving order until a permanent government can be created 70. What was the objective of Riel and the provisional government? create a province which would respect the rights of all persons 71. When William McDougall proclaimed himself governor of the North West Territories, he made Riel’s government the de facto legal authority in the area, how? because he was across the border in the US at the time 72. What did Louis Riel fear the Canadian Party would do in late 1869? they were armed and prepared to take control of the Red River Settlement, he was afraid they’d attack the provisional government 73. John A. Macdonald’s attitude toward the Métis was: racist 74. Thomas Scott was executed because: he was generally unpleasant, but moreso, he was tried and accused of treason
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