WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 Version 3.1 (revised 10 March 2014) WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 Introduction WA Health – our Western Australian public health system – provides safe, high quality health service delivery to nearly 2.3 million Western Australians. We serve our entire community, regardless of income, physical location or health status. WA Health is made up of more than 37,000 people and we handle every aspect of health service delivery at hundreds of sites across our State. The WA Health Operational Plan 2013-2014 (Operational Plan) offers a succinct and high-level picture of the work we do each day to assist all Western Australians to achieve healthier, longer and better quality lives. With a commitment to our leadership values (care, respect, excellence, integrity and teamwork), we will strive to deliver the new priorities for the coming year as well as ongoing, high level projects. Our mission to improve, promote and protect the health of Western Australians is supported by the four Strategic Intent Pillars and the priorities within the 2013-2014 Operational Plan are grouped under each of these pillars: 1. 2. 3. 4. Caring for individuals and the community Caring for those who need it most Making best use of funds and resources Supporting our team. The Operational Plan aligns with the WA Health Strategic Intent 2010-2015 and its release each year enables each Health Service and Division within WA Health to develop localised operational plans that detail priorities specific to each work area. This umbrella approach to planning ensures that everyone in WA Health is working towards the same priorities. The Operational Plan does not aim to provide exhaustive coverage of the high-level work underway across WA Health. Key areas of attention for 20132014 are apparent under each of the pillars, for example safety and quality, clinical services planning, Aboriginal health and workforce. In addition, the National Health Reform provides an opportunity to further invest in a number of areas, such as emergency and elective reform and sub-acute care to improve service delivery. WA Health has a comprehensive quarterly and annual reporting process in place to monitor achievement against its priorities. This accountability process acts not only as a catalyst to continually improve our health service, but also to benchmark WA Health services against other jurisdictions. WA Health has delivered an annual operational plan and evaluation process since 2005-2006 and is proud of the achievements that have been delivered over this period. The Operational Plan is a working document and may be updated each quarter to reflect updated priorities or new initiatives. As quarterly changes are made, the updated Operational Plan will be placed on http://www.health.wa.gov.au. 2 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 1. Caring for individuals and the community Good health is essential for a good quality of life, and a good healthcare system is essential for a strong community. At WA Health we play a major part not only in individual health care, but in the health of our entire community. Over the next 12 months we will improve the health of individuals and our community by: Our Priorities for 2013-14 State Level Responsible 1.1 Develop a new 2015-2030 strategic vision for WA Health: Strategic Investment Plan SSPP 1.2 Implementing initiatives outlined in the WA Health Strategic Plan for Safety and Quality in Health Care 2013-2017; Year 1 (2013-14) CEs 1.3 Managing activity targets in relation to: - Inpatient activity (weighted activity as per ABF) - Emergency department activity (weighted activity as per ABF) - Outpatient activity (weighted activity as per ABF) CEs CEs CEs 1.4 Progressing implementation in WA of the COAG National Partnership Agreement (NPA) on: - Preventive Health - Improving Public Hospital Services (NEAT, NEST and sub-acute care) PHCS CEs 1.5 Continue implementation of the Health Promotion Strategic Framework 2012-2016 PHCS 1.6 Development of a State Mental Health Plan 2015-2025 OMH 1.7 Commence implementation of the WA Health Immunisation Strategy 2013-2015 PHCS 1.8 Continuing development of: - Public Health Bill - Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Bill PHCS 3 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 1.9 Engaging with the GP and primary care sector in service planning, delivery and enhancement SSPP 1.10 Develop and commence implementation of a strategic plan for research OCMO 1.11 Developing an Oral Health Plan 2014-2019 for WA Health NMHS Health Service Level Responsible 1.12 Commence implementation of transition plan for Fiona Stanley Hospital CE, FSHC 1.13 Commence development of transition plans for: - Perth Children’s Hospital - Midland Health Campus - QEII Mental Health Unit - Busselton Hospital CAHS NMHS NMHS WACHS 1.14 1.15 Continuing implementation of the Paediatric Implementation Plan; And delivering the expansion of: - Newborn Hearing Screening Program to private hospitals - Community Child Health Services Continued implementation of health service reform initiatives across regional WA CAHS WACHS 4 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 2. Caring for those who need it most Our WA public health system is designed to promote fairness in all its programs, policies and standards. Our goal is to make sure that the health services we provide and the community services we purchase are available to all Western Australians, with a focus on improving the health and wellbeing of those whose need is greatest. We will achieve this by: Our Priorities for 2013-14 State Level 2.1 2.2 Developing and implementing agreed Commonwealth/State aged and continuing care strategies - HACC Regional Assessment Framework - Dementia strategy - Provision of high quality residential aged care and measurement of compliance with care standards - Incorporation of aged-friendly principles and practice into all service delivery (community, residential, acute, rehabilitation) Continuing implementation to imbed the Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health and Indigenous Early Childhood Development National Partnership Agreements across WA Health Responsible IHSR IHSR WACHS WACHS CEs 2.3 Developing a State Aboriginal Health Plan to renew and continue partnerships with the Aboriginal community, Commonwealth Government and other key stakeholders, consolidate current initiatives and provide a clear vision for the future SSPP 2.4 Continuing implementation of the WA Cancer Plan 2012-2017 SSPP 2.5 Commence implementation of recommendations of the Stokes Report: Review of the admission or referral to and the discharge and transfer practices of public mental health facilities/services in Western Australia OMH 2.6 Continuing implementation of hospital and community based palliative care services strategy SSPP Health Service Level 2.7 Increase by 10% the number of Aboriginal people attending for dental care in the Kimberley and Pilbara by 30 June 2014 Responsible NMHS 5 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 3. Making the best use of funds and resources The cost of delivering health services is increasing worldwide and WA’s public health system is no exception. At WA Health, we understand that Western Australians expect high-quality, accessible and fairly-distributed health services in exchange for their tax dollar. We are absolutely committed to using the resources entrusted to us to provide WA taxpayers with an optimum service and value-for-money. We will do this by: Our Priorities for 2013-14 State Level Responsible 3.1 Attaining 2013-14 WA Health budget parameters SHEF 3.2 Continuing implementation of service configurations in line with the WA Health Clinical Services Framework 2010-2020 CEs 3.3 Complete development of the WA Health Clinical Services Framework 2014-2024 IHSR 3.4 Continuing development and implementation of the Activity Based Funding and Management (ABF/M) Program 2013-2014 PAQ 3.5 Developing the 2014-2015 Performance Management Framework PAQ 3.6 Implementing, complying and reporting against the 2013-2014 Performance Management Framework CEs 3.7 CEs 3.8 Implementing the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for services undergoing mid-cycle or organisationwide surveys in 2013-14 Continuing development of detailed investment plan, including next tranche of building investment 3.9 Development of the WA Health ICT Strategy 2015-2025 HIN 3.10 RS 3.11 Development of financial management reform program, including uniform data, reporting tools, business systems and business intelligence Achieving compliance with State Records Act 3.12 Continue to implement the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy 2011 PAQ RS SHEF 6 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 Health Service Level 3.13 Responsible Continuing implementation of ICT priorities for 2013-2014, including: - implement ICT services to facilitate the opening of Fiona Stanley Hospital - provision of new services for Princess Margaret Hospital and the New Children’s Hospital - commence replacement of Laboratory Information System - implement radiology Picture Archive & Communication System (PACS) - commence implementation of the Alesco Stabilisation Project - commence development of ICT infrastructure to remaining metropolitan and country hospitals - continued implementation of webPAS (web based Patient Administration System) SMHS HIN HIN HIN HCN HIN HIN/SMHS 3.14 Achieve 80% implementation of a computerised patient management system in the School Dental Service by 30 June 2014 NMHS 3.15 Continuing implementation of WA Health’s capital works program in line with Government expected cash flows and scheduling RS 3.16 Continuing implementation of WA Health capital projects, including: - operational and transition planning for the new Royal Perth Hospital and overall site planning for the future of the RPH precinct - commissioning of Fiona Stanley Hospital - commissioning of State Rehabilitation Service - implementation of the QEIIMC master plan - continuing construction and implementation plan for Midland Health Campus development - implementation of Graylands Health Campus master plan - continuing construction of the Perth Children’s Hospital, on time and on budget - completion of Busselton Health Campus development - continuing implementation of Karratha Health Service development SMHS CE, FSHC CE, FSHC NMHS NMHS NMHS CAHS WACHS WACHS 3.17 Establish a centralised Business Intelligence & Performance Unit to support timely evidence based decision making SMHS 3.18 Providing systems that support WA Health in maximising compensable patient billing and revenues: - HIN to provide and support Information Technology (IT) systems that enable WA Health to provide appropriate revenue collection - HIN to collaborate with Health Services to ensure that the IT systems capture the required information - Assist with the verification of existing business processes (including the re-use of already documented business processes) with Health Services HIN/HCN 3.19 Continuing implementation of the Southern Inland Health Initiative and primary health care service reforms WACHS 7 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 4. Supporting our team Each and every staff member, whether directly or indirectly involved in care, has an important role to play in ensuring healthier, longer and better lives for our patients. The success of our public health system is built on the skill and passion of our people – working together. We will build the capacity and capability of WA’s public health system, by: Our Priorities for 2013-14 State Level Responsible 4.1 Designing and delivering leadership development initiatives and talent management strategies that assist WA Health to support and retain world-class health leaders IHSR 4.2 Establishing an Aboriginal Workforce Strategy with ambitious targets and innovative strategies to increase and retain an Aboriginal workforce SSPP 4.3 Commence review and development of Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan PHCS 4.4 Increasing by 100 the number of Aboriginal people employed in WA Health in 2013-14 SSPP 4.5 Support WA Health to identify, treat, mitigate and minimise risk, in accordance with WA Government Policy PAQ 4.6 Supporting the training of WA Health staff in the management of corporate and clinical risks PAQ 4.7 Implementation of the WA Health Workforce Retention Framework 2012-2015 SHEF 4.8 Development of a system-wide strategic workforce framework that will include a ten year workforce plan aligned to the Clinical Services Framework 2014-2024 RS Health Service Level Responsible 4.9 Continue implementation and monitoring of the program of activities within the SMHS reconfiguration plan SMHS 4.10 Continue workforce transition planning and service reconfiguration for: - Fiona Stanley Hospital - Midland Health Campus SMHS NMHS 4.11 Implementing the WA Health Aboriginal Cultural Learning Framework SSPP 4.12 Developing key Aboriginal leadership across WA Health SSPP 8 WA Health Operational Plan 2013–2014 Legend of Acronyms ABF ABM CAHS CE CE, FSHC COAG FSH GP HACC HIN ICT IHSR IT NEAT NEST NMHS NPA OAH OCMO OMH PACS PAQ PHCS QEIIMC RPH RS SHEF SMHS SSPP WA WACHS webPAS Activity Based Funding Activity Based Management Child and Adolescent Health Service Chief Executive (of Metropolitan and Country Health Services) Chief Executive, Fiona Stanley Hospital Commissioning Council Of Australian Governments Fiona Stanley Hospital General Practitioner Home And Community Care Health Information Network Information and Communications Technology Innovation and Health System Reform Information Technology National Emergency Access Target National Elective Surgery Target North Metropolitan Health Service National Partnership Agreement Office of Aboriginal Health Office of the Chief Medical Officer Office of Mental Health Picture Archive and Communications System Performance Activity and Quality Division Public Health and Clinical Services Division Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Royal Perth Hospital Resource Strategy Division State Health Executive Forum South Metropolitan Health Service Strategic System Policy and Planning Division Western Australia WA Country Health Service Web-based Patient Administration System 9 This document can be made available HP11975 APR’11 in alternative formats on request. 201403 10 WA Health 2 013 -2014 Operational Plan - V3.1 (revise d 10 Mar).doc
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