Per la gloria d'adorarvi Ernesto's aria from the opera Griselda Text by Paolo Antonio Rolli (1687-1765) Set by Giovanni Battista Bononcini (1672-1750) Per la [per la gloria d'adorarvi l.ja] For the glory of-adoring-you, (For the joy of adoring you,) voglio amarvi, [v.o o luci o care. lu.ti ka.e] I-want to-love-you, oh eyes (I want to love you, oh beautiful eyes.) Amando [ penerò, ma dear. sempre ma sm.pre v'amerò,] loving I-will-suffer, but always I-you-will-love, (In loving you I will suffer but I will not cease to love you.) Sì, [si nel nel mio penare. mio] Yes, in my (Yes, in my suffering.) Penerò, [ suffering. v'amerò, luci lu.ti I-will-suffer, I-will-love-you, eyes (I will suffer but I will love you, dear eyes!) Senza speme [sn.tsa di di] of delight affetto [ dear! diletto Without hope (Without hope of joy,) vano è sospirare, sos.pi.a.e] vain affection is-(but) longing, (futile affection is but longing,) Ma [ma i i vostri v.stri But (the) your (but your sweet eyes,) care! ka.e] dolci rai dol.ti rai] sweet eyes Per la gloria d’adorarvi (Griselda) Page 1 of 2 chi vagheggiar [ki va.ed.dar può mai, pw mmai] who admire-(them) could (who could not help but admire them,) E [e non non not-ever, v'amare?] and not love-you? (and not love you?) Penerò, [ v'amerò, luci lu.ti I-will-suffer, I-will-love-you, eyes (I will suffer but I will love you, dear eyes!) care! ka.e] dear! (Literal translation and IPA transcription © 2007 by Bard Suverkrop—IPA Source, LLC) Per la gloria d’adorarvi (Griselda) Page 2 of 2
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