IRDA Regn. No. 135. | Corporate Identity Number: U66010MH2007PLC167164. Tradeview, Oasis Complex, Kamala City, P. B. Marg, Lower Parel (W). Mumbai - 400013. Toll Free: 1800 209 0502 (Monday to Saturday; 8 am to 8 pm). E-mail: [email protected]. APPLICATION FOR SURRENDER OF POLICY (Kindly fill in Block Letters) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS l l l l l l Amount payable on surrender is as per the policy terms and conditions. All the required details in the form should be completely filled in. Once policy is surrendered the policy contract terminates and cannot be reinstated back to inforce. In case your policy is assigned, the surrender request has to be signed by the assignee and the payment of surrender proceeds will be in the favor of the assignee who is now the policy owner, unless the assignee provides a NOC in favor of the policy holder in which case the payout will be made to the assignor. The cut off timings for NAV application in respect of allocation and redemption of units is 3:00 PM. This implies that if the application for surrender is received up to 3:00 PM on a weekday except holiday, the same day's unit value will be applicable. However, if the application for surrender is received after 3:00 PM on a weekday, then the next working day's unit value will be applicable (when the applicable day is not a working day valuation day would be considered). Surrender value will be calculated on completed policy years. POLICY NUMBER POLICY OWNER NAME ADDRESS City State TELEPHONE NUMBERS (STD CODE) PIN Residence Office Mobile Note: In case of address change or contact details change, please fill up a separate Policy Request Form and submit with valid address proof. PAN Card Documents to be submitted (Mandatory requirement): Photo id proof (self attested copy of either of PAN card, Driving License, Aadhar card) SURRENDER PAYOUT OPTIONS - þ Tick (as applicable) Fund Transfer (fill-up the details below) ACCOUNT HOLDER Name BANK NAME AND BRANCH BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT TYPE Savings NRE / NRO* IFSC CODE Cancelled cheque leaf along with pre-printed name If cheque does not contain pre-printed name, then please submit self-attested and Bank attested copy of bank statement/ pass-book showing pre-printed bank account number, account holder name, type of account, address, and IFSC code (which should be less than 6 months old) *For NRE/NRO account, letter from Bank/bank statement confirming all the premiums are received from the mentioned account number. Certification by Customer's Bank (to be provided only in case cancelled cheque leaf/Bank pass book not provided) We hereby confirm that the above bank details provided are correct and pertains to Mr./Ms. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Name / Emp id/ Signature of the Branch Manager IFLI/PS/PWSPform/v3/1212 Date PSR : 3001 D D M M Y Y Y Y Bank Seal Page 1 DECLARATION FOR SURRENDER I/We understand that the surrender of the policy results in the termination of the policy and that I/we are required to return the original policy document to the Company. I/We also understand and agree that the policy shall be deemed to have been duly surrendered and the company discharged of all liabilities under it upon the payment of surrender value, notwithstanding the non-production of the original policy document to the company, for any reason. Where the policy is not submitted to the company, the policy owner hereby agrees to indemnify the Company against all liabilities that the company many incur on account of any claim being made by any other person on the basis of possession of the policy document or otherwise. I/We also understand that the contract of insurances shall be deemed to have been duly terminated on my /our signing this application form for surrender of the policy. In case the policy is absolutely assigned, please specify in whose favour the payment of surrender proceeds should be made Assignor Assignee I/We have enclosed the policy document Yes No Signature of Policyholder Name, signature (and rubber stamp for coporate firm) of Assignee in case of absolute assignment Place Place Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Date D D M M Y Y Y Y DECLARATION (By Person filling the form on behalf of the policyholder for forms signed in Vernacular languages or Thumb Impression) I _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ having known the policyholder for a period of ________________ do declare that I have explained the nature of the questions contained in this form to the policyholder. I have also explained that the answers to the questions form the basis for accepting this request for Surrender. Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Signature of the Person filling the form on behalf of the policy holder (For forms signed in vernacular language / Thumb Impression) WITNESS DETAILS Witness Name and Signature Place Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Witness Contact Number IMPORTANT GUIDELINES 1. Cheque submitted along with payout requests should be cancelled/defaced. While doing so, please ensure the account no. / IFS code is clearly visible. 2. Cheque should not be signed 3. Attached snap shot of cancelled cheque for better understanding of customer. Highlighting the following checks.(Pictorial) • How to put Cancel cheque reflects • Mentioned Cheque not to be signed at the signature part • Importance of A/c No. & IFS Code – Highlight this area with comment “Ensure highlighted area is not defected while cancelling the cheque” Please ensure you do not deface this part while canceling the cheque Kindly deface the cheque number IFLI/PS/PWSPform/v3/1212 PSR : 3001 Page 2
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