Term 3 Week 3 5th August 2014 My Thoughts…… I always find it challenging when it’s my turn to write something for the Happenings. This is mainly because I don’t feel at all qualified to share anything profound or spiritually enlightening. This time I thought I would just share a couple of verses that work for me. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23 I like this one because I feel if we get the motivation right, and perhaps rely less on extrinsic rewards or “What’s in it for me?”, then the rest just falls into place. If I’m doing my best, God knows it and I don’t have to be so hard on myself when I don’t measure up to other people’s wide and varied expectations of me. Of course this one always works best in conjunction with Romans 8:28 Loxton Lutheran School Inc And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Having faith that God has placed me where I need to be at any given time, to be a witness for Him and carry out the good works that He has planned in advance for me to do, also helps. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 The qualifier here is that we need to be in an ongoing, communicative relationship with Christ, in order to know what in fact IS true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. I pray that you find peace this week in the knowledge that God knows exactly what is happening in your life and where you are at in your spiritual journey. The best news is that He loves us unconditionally anyway. Yours in Christ Loryn Taylor Dates for Your Diary Friday August 8th Riverland SAPSASA Athletics Day Glossop High School Friday August 8th Whole School Assembly 2:30pm in the LIFE Centre Friday August 8th Koorong Book Club Orders Due Friday August 15th VSC Training Following Chapel—10:00am in Room 12 Monday August 18th—Friday 22nd Book Week Connect to Reading Friday August 22nd Grandparents and Special Friends Day Includes commemorative tree planting Monday September 1 VSC Training 7:00pm in Room 12 A few words……... Dear Parents, SAPSASA Level. Grandparents and Special Friends Day I take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge Rebecca for her initiative, the High School for its support and Brett Tschirpig for his time and expertise in coaching the children as well as providing invaluable assistance to Beck. Thanks also to parents Angela Rollins, Kristy Reid, Rebecca Schaefer, Catherine Pumpa, Skye Hampel, Tanya Fielke and Trudy Battams, who not only supported their children but also helped out on the day. On Friday August 22nd the school will be conducting a Grandparents and Special Friends Day to be held in conjunction with the planting of a tree to mark the 175th anniversary of Lutheran Schooling in South Australia and our school’s Book Week celebrations. The morning will involve:1. A community breakfast (RSVP required) 2. Chapel Service (possibly outdoors – depending on the weather) 3. Tree Planting and burying of a time capsule 4. Classroom visits Invitations will be distributed to all school families later this week and we hope as many people as possible are able to attend to mark this significant milestone in Lutheran Education being achieved. VSC Training – Term 3 dates This term we will again be conducting two Valuing Safe Communities Awareness training sessions. The first of these will be on Friday August 15th at 10am (immediately after Chapel) while the final session for the term will be on Monday September 1st at 7pm. Both sessions will be held in Room 12 (Year 7 room) and will be conducted by Andrea Athanasopoulos. All parents and friends are reminded that attending a VSC Awareness session is a requirement before they are able to work as a volunteer at Loxton Lutheran School. SAPSASA Athletics Athletics Morning Thank you to all involved in the recently conducted school athletics morning held at Loxton High School, in Week 1 of term. An initiative of PE/Health specialist teacher, Rebecca Loxton, the activities provided an opportunity for all students in Years 3 to 7 to display their athletic prowess in the traditional events conducted at a primary school Page 2 SAPSASA Athletics Day This Friday our school athletics team, selected from the results of the athletics morning at the Loxton High School, will compete in the annual SAPSASA District Athletics Day, held at Glossop High School. Accompanying the team will be Teachers Rebecca Loxton and Andrea Athanasopoulos, as well as school assistant Di Boehm. Most of the team will travel by school bus while some team members will travel by private car. Thank you to Kay Hampel for volunteering to drive the school bus and also to the parents who have volunteered their services as event marshals. Pedal Prix The School’s “Divine Speed” pedal prix bike was on the track for its second competitive outing at the six hour pedal prix event in Adelaide, on Sunday July 28th. A great effort by team members and supporting parents resulted in a fantastic achievement. Out of 181 competitors, the team placed 123rd overall. From 66 primary school teams we were in 26th position. The total laps completed was 101 and the distance travelled was 140.16km. Congratulations to all involved! Sincere thanks to our sponsors – Loxton Cycles, GMA Insurance, Murray Pest Control, JLF Photography, Riverland Powder Coaters and Riverland Soda Blasters – without whose support, we would not have been able to put the bike on the track Special thanks to our Team Manager, Cambell HAPPENINGS From the Principal………. Lawrence, and the supporting parents – in particular Skye Hampel, for her time and effort in organising the catering and collecting resources for the team. Our next competition is the big one – the 24 hour Murray Bridge event to be held on the 20th and 21st of September. Year 2 Camp On Thursday of this week, our Year 2s will be involved in their annual class camp. This year the class will be involved in an educational program at the Adelaide Zoo – and even staying the night there. On Friday morning, the children will be treated to a guided tour by Russell Ebert, of the new Adelaide Oval Stadium. All being well, the children should be safely back in Loxton at 5pm. Strategic Plan The School Council is currently in the process of gathering information for the development of the school’s next Strategic Plan, which is planned to come into effect from the beginning of the 2015 school year. Co-ordinating the Strategic Planning sub-committee is Rebecca Arnold and we thank her for her time and expertise in managing this very important process. As a part of the process, we are asking for input from school families and friends via a simple four question survey which will go home with this newsletter. Completed surveys should be returned to the school office ASAP. A pinup board labelled “Strategic Plan” will also be located in the foyer of the LIFE Centre on Fridays for 2-3 weeks. This will enable people to put forward suggestions about the school’s strategic direction by pinning them to the board or writing them down in the areas provided. Any information / ideas provided will assist in providing direction and form the basis of the direction they will take. Further, more targeted Page 3 mechanisms for information gathering will follow this initial process, after which the plan will be written, scrutinised, evaluated and eventually published. UV Readings Parents are reminded to check the UV readings on the school website on a daily basis to determine whether children will need to wear their hats during play times at school. Any reading of 3 or above means that hats will be required to be worn. ICAS Competitions We have recently received the results for the ICAS Computer and Science competitions. Certificates will be presented to all participants of these competitions at this week’s school assembly on Friday afternoon. Parents of children who have been awarded merit, credit or distinction certificates, will be notified prior to the assembly. May God bless you in the days that follow. Yours in Christ, Terry Sawade From the Business Manager The following invoices will be sent out on Friday of this week. Term 3 School fees Term 3 ELC Fees Year 3/4/5 camp fees Final invoice for Year 7 Canberra trip Have a great week! Hannelie van Niekerk Business Manager HAPPENINGS ELC News SCHOOL ASSEMBLY (Every Second Friday) NEXT: Friday 8th August 2:30pm in the LIFE Centre School worship Chapel services are held at 9:15am, every Friday in the LIFE Centre. Friday August 8th Chapel will be held at 9:15am in the LIFE Centre and led by Tracy and the Year 1 class. The theme will be ‘The Ark’. Friday August 15th On behalf of the ELC children, our families and the committee, we would like to congratulate Rachel, Blake and Matilda on the arrival of Clara Esther. We know she’ll bring you all much love, laughter and happiness. We look forward to meeting Clara soon. We would like to thank Sonia Altchwager for the donation of games, Jo Oldman for the tree stumps and Peter Kernich for the outdoor sink for our sandpit. The children have been busy having fun with the recent additions. Our eight new children, who started this term, have settled in beautifully and we are enjoying getting to know each other. ‘Abraham’. We have been watching the herbs and vegetables grow in our garden and the lettuce and baby spinach are now ready to be picked! We have also added bulbs and flower seeds to the garden ready for spring. Parents and friends are welcome to stay afterwards for Have a fantastic fortnight. a coffee and catch up. God bless, Chapel will be held at 9:15am in the LIFE Centre and led by Monty. The theme will be Lisa Lloyd and Nicole Drake Prayer Corner ELC educators This week we are praying for: Jazlyn Molyneux Jesse Morena Jerlina Kingson Chloe Hucks Scarlett Hall Youth Environmental Leaders and Mrs Nicole Drake ELC Educator Church Services St Peter’s Lutheran Church 10th August 8:30am 10:30am HC Concordia Lutheran Church 10th August Page 4 10:00am HC We have been lucky enough to be chosen to be part of the YEL programme (Youth Environmental Leaders). It is an environmental information day where we learn about our country and how we have harmed it and how we can improve or help it. We'd like to encourage you to do the same. You only need to do little things like put your rubbish in the bin, don't waste food—recycle it by giving it to the chooks, don't waste water—turn the tap off when you are brushing your teeth, have a three minute shower, use mulch in your garden. We've also learnt about taking care of our native animals and we got to hold some lizards. It's been lots of fun and also informative. Sam Koop, Jané van Niekerk, Amber Brewin and Austin Hampel HAPPENINGS Choir News Last week was a big and exciting week for the school choir. On Tuesday night (29th July) 20 students from Loxton Lutheran School Choir joined students from other Loxton and Mallee Primary School choirs to sing at the Riverland Primary Schools Music Festival at the Chaffey Theatre. The day before the performance, our choir rehearsed at the Lutheran Rest Home, to share what they had learnt with the residents. A 3 hour full dress rehearsal was held on the morning of the performance and the LLS students were rewarded by going to McDonalds or KFC for lunch. A big thank you to Mrs Kay Hampel for driving the bus to Renmark for us. Experiencing the sometimes laborious rehearsal schedules, constant repetition and self -discipline required to perform to such a high standard, offers a unique educational opportunity to develop self-confidence and team work in students. Knowing all the hard work that goes into the preparation, just makes the performance all the more exhilarating and memorable for the students. Congratulations and a special thank you to the LLS choir and their parents, who supported them: Jarrah Frahn, Amelia Fulham, Morgan Giles, Lily Gunn, Boyd Hampel, Emma Hansen, Brittney Kaesler, Heath Kelly, Stefan Kudra, Morgan Lysne, Jorgia Maczkowiack, Jesse Morena, Dylan Mulvey, Skye Payne, Mercedes Phillis, Gretel Pumpa, Jasmine Richards, Tasmin Smith, Jané van Niekerk and Macy Wright. The students’ singing, dancing and behaviour was sensational and we are all very proud of their performance and the way they represented our school. Sing On! Margaret Wormald (Choir Trainer) Page 5 HAPPENINGS Library News New Library Mat We sincerely thank the members of the P&F for their donation of a large, bright colourful mat for the library. The students are enjoying the comfort that it offers as they sit on it to read and the way it brightens the library. Book Week—Week 5 Children’s Book Week is in Week 5 (16th—22nd August). This year we are celebrating the occasion as part of our school’s Grandparent’s and Special Friends Day on Friday 22nd August. The theme for this year’s Children’s Book Week is “Connect to Reading”. In line with this theme, every student in the school will make a chain with each link representing a book that they have read as part of the Premier’s Reading Challenge. These chains will be connected together to show how many books our students have read this year and, hopefully, to create an impressive sight for our visitors on that day. We urge as many students as possible to complete the Premier’s Reading Challenge before this date so that they can participate fully in this activity. This year we have decided to have a break from the traditional Book Week fancy dress parade, with Lutheran Schools South Australia’s 175th Anniversary also taking place that week. In class library lessons we have been looking at most of the books nominated for the Children’s Book of the Year Awards in the various categories. These will be on display throughout the week, in the library. More information about Children’s Book Week can be obtained from the website http://cbca.org.au/ bookweek.htm Congratulations to the following students who have recently completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge: Brodie Rollins Mitchell Koop Judd Tschirpig Hudson Hearn Riley Battams Zane Sheffield Aimee Oldman Alexia Flight Gretel Pumpa Tyson Kent Callan Maczkowiack Lucas Cockshell Rhianna Falting Sarah Munchenberg Jazlyn Molyneux Happy Reading Margaret Wormald (Teacher/Librarian) Page 6 Koorong Book Club orders are due by Friday 8th August HAPPENINGS CANTEEN NEWS from Bronny Cook TERM 3 ROSTER 2014 August 8 Pip Inglis August 15 Jo Munchenberg August 22 Amanda Phillis August 29 Kristy Reid September 5 Student Free Day September 12 Dianne Smith September 19 Lisa Koop September 26 Karina Tschirpig Canteen helpers need to be at the canteen for a 9:30am start. Please arrange a swap or fill-in person if you are unable to fill the position. Just a reminder that pies/pasties and pizzas are only available on Fridays Share: your High’s and Low’s. Read: a verse from your Bible. Talk: about how the verse relates to your Highs and Lows. Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Friday: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 7:1-9 Saturday: Psalm 85:8-13 Thursday: 1 Corinthians 7:10-24 Sunday: Matthew 14:22-33 Pray: for one another. Offer a PTA prayer; Praise, Thank and Ask. Pray for special needs. Bless: one another. Remember that you belong to God and one another. Page 7 HAPPENINGS Community Noticeboard FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK THE COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD IN THE GALLERY… DOWNLOAD OUR SCHOOL APP TODAY Contact the School office for more information. Page 8 HAPPENINGS Community Noticeboard FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK THE COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD IN THE GALLERY… LOXTON LUTHERAN SCHOOL https://www.facebook.com/LoxtonLutheran Page 9 6 Luther Road Loxton SA 5333 Phone: 08 8584 7496 Fax: 08 8584 5478 Principal: Terry Sawade E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.loxton-lutheran.sa.edu.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoxtonLutheran School Council Chairman: Nicolle Jachmann Educational Excellence - Together in Christ HAPPENINGS
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