Ques&on: Suitability Analysis for Migrant Schools in Beijing Given migrant children’s lack of access to public schools and need by Kan Liu Sources: Migrant school list (1kg.org), Harvard GIS (worldmap.harvard.edu/chinamap), OSM (download.geofabrik.de) for special schools, where are the op&mal zones for establising migrant schools in Beijing? Solu&on: Beijing Migra&on and Percent Change in # of Primary schools Iden&fy constraint and opportunity factors related to migrant schools in order to create a suitability analysis Findings: China Sources: China City Sta&s&cal Yearbook 2003, 2011 Source: Educa&onal Sta&s&cal Yearbook of China 2011; 2010; 1985 Background: China’s rural-‐to-‐urban migra&on has reached 240 million Suitable zones are concentrated in Beijing’s center (inside the 5th ring road) due to easy access to public transit, which is in opposi&on to the distribu&on paHern of exis&ng migrant schools Limita&ons: Problem: Migrant children cannot aHend public schools due to the Hukou system Solu&on: Migrant schools Constraints IDW 1. Due to &me and data constraints, many relevant factors are not included. Ideally, I should include natural factors such as slope and earthquake zones and, more importantly, socio-‐economic factors such as land use, rental prices, migrant popula&on census counts, and current migrant schools’ characteris&cs. 2. My findings do not explain why current exis&ng migrant schools are located outside the 5th ring road (outskirts of Beijing). My analysis does not take into considera&on either land costs or the legal stauts of migrant schools. 3. Data gathered from Google and OpenStreetMap are not comprehensive and may not accurately reflect up-‐to-‐date informa&on. Beijing Migrant School Suitability Zones Sources: Migrant school list (1kg.org), Harvard GIS (worldmap.harvard.edu/chinamap), OSM (download.geofabrik.de), Beijng City Lab (longy.jimdo.com), Google Place API Sources: Migrant school list (1kg.org), OSM (download.geofabrik.de) Sources: Migrant school list (1kg.org), OSM (download.geofabrik.de) Geocoding Na#onal'popula#on' polygon'shapefile' BJ#migrant# school#database# Ktvs#and#bars# database# #(google#API)# China#power#plants# point#shapefile# (gis.harvard.edu)# Beijing# polygon# shapefile# Subway#staKon# database# #(google#API)# City#parks# database# #(google#API)# China#road#polyline# shapefile# (StreetOpenMap)# Beijing# polygon# shapefile# Select'by' loca#on' geocode# geocode# Interpola&on Beijing'pop.' polygon' hapefile' migrant# school#point# shapefile# Ktvs#and# bars#point# shapefile# BJ#power# plant#point# shapefile# clip# interpola#on' buffer# buffer# buffer# Constraints geocode# Subway# point# shapefile# geocode# park#point# shapefile# clip# Sources: Migrant school list (1kg.org), Harvard GIS (worldmap.harvard.edu/chinamap), OSM (download.geofabrik.de) BJ#streets# polyline# shapefile# BJ#bus#stop# Point#shapefile# (longy.jimdo.com)# buffer# buffer# buffer# Analysis Flowchart migrant' school' raster'(IDW)' 2km#buffer# polygon# shapefile# weight#;2# 800m#buffer# polygon# shapefile# weight#;1# 2Km#buffer# polygon# shapefile# weight#:1# Union% Weight#2# 800m#buffer# polygon# shapefile# Weight#1# 300m#buffer# polygon# shapefile# Weight#2# Union% Opportuni&es Constraint% polygon% shapefile% Opportuni&es 500m#buffer# polygon# shapefile# Suitability Analysis Union% opportunity% polygon% shapefile% suitability% polygon% shapefile% Sources: Migrant school list (1kg.org), Harvard GIS (worldmap.harvard.edu/chinamap), OSM (download.geofabrik.de) Result analysis: Darker green zones (concentrated in the urban center) are suitable for establishing migrant schools, whereas darker brown zones are less suitable for migrant schools.
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