Ch 3 Conceptual Modeling – First Steps ORM is a method for • modeling an information system at the conceptual level • querying an information system at the conceptual level • mapping between conceptual and other levels. Chapter 3 • overview of ORM’s conceptual schema design procedure • detailed discussion of the first three steps in this procedure. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 1 Ch 3 Conceptual Modeling – First Steps Some remarks: One basic question is whether to use the attribute concept as a primitive modeling construct. ORM uses relationships instead of attributes in order to facilitate capturing, validating, and evolving the conceptual schema, …while still allowing compact attribute-views to be automatically derived for summary or implementation purposes. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 2 Ch 3 CSDP Overall approach: • Divide the universe of discourse into manageable subareas. • Apply the CSDP to each subarea. • Integrate the subschemas into a global conceptual schema. Conceptual Schema Design Procedure (CSDP) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transform familiar examples into elementary facts. Draw the fact types, and apply a population check. Check for entity types to be combined, and note any arithmetic derivations. Add uniqueness constraints, and check the arity of fact types. Add mandatory role constraints, and check for logical derivations. Add value, set-comparison, and subtyping constraints. Add other constraints and perform final checks. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 3 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts If you want to get the data model right, start with examples of the data to be delivered by the system. By analogy with the UML term, we call these “data use cases”, since they are cases of data being used. If you ever do use UML’s process use cases to drive the modeling process, you should at least flesh them out with data samples before working on the class diagrams. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 4 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts examples of data use cases: output reports, input forms, and sample queries. These might appear as tables, forms, diagrams, or text. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 5 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts elementary fact : a simple assertion, or atomic proposition, about the UoD. The word “fact” indicates that the assertion is taken to be true by users in that business domain. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 6 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts We think of the UoD as a set of objects playing roles. Elementary facts are assertions that particular objects play particular roles. simplest … a single object plays a given role. e.g. consider a small domain in which people are identified by their first names. One fact about this domain might be: 1. Winter 2015 Ann smokes. ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 7 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Usually a relationship involves at least two roles. example: 2. 3. Ann employs Bob. Ann employs Ann. In general, an elementary fact asserts that a particular object has a property, or that one or more objects participate together in a relationship. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 8 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Elementary indicates the fact cannot be split into smaller units of information that provide the same information as the original. Elementary facts usually do not use logical connectives (e.g., not, and, or, if) or logical quantifiers (e.g., all, some). For example, sentences (4)–(9) are not elementary facts. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Winter 2015 Ann smokes and Bob smokes. Ann smokes or Bob smokes. Ann does not smoke. If Bob smokes then Bob is cancer prone. All people who smoke are cancer prone. If some person smokes then that person is cancer prone. ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 9 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Initially we consider only basic objects: these are either values or entities. A value is a constant that is self-identifying in the sense that when you see the constant written down in some context you always know what is being referred to. Values are constants (typically character strings or numbers). As a result, values can be referenced directly, without needing to identify them with a description. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 10 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Entities Since humans may misinterpret, and information systems lack any creativity to add context, we play it safe by demanding that entities be clearly identified by definite descriptions. To begin with, the description must specify the kind of entity being referred to: the entity type. A type is the set of all possible instances. Each entity is an instance of a particular entity type (e.g., Person, Country). Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 11 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Note that some authors use the word “entity” for “entity type”. We sometimes expand “entity” to “entity instance” to avoid any confusion. Consider the sentence 12. Lee is located in 10B. This could be talking about a horse located in a stable, or a computer in a room, and so on. By stating the entity types involved, (13) avoids this kind of referential ambiguity. Names of object types are highlighted here by starting them with a capital letter. 13. Winter 2015 The Patient ‘Lee’ is located in the Ward ‘10B’. ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 12 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts ORM uses logical predicates to specify objects and the roles they play In logic, a predicate is basically a declarative sentence with object holes in it. To complete the sentence, the object holes or placeholders are filled in by object terms. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 13 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Consider the following sentence: 17. The Person with firstname ‘Ann’ smokes. the object term is “The Person with firstname ‘Ann’”. The predicate may be shown by itself as “… smokes” using an ellipsis “…” as a placeholder for an object instance. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 14 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts A binary predicate is a sentence with two object holes. Most predicates in information models are binary. example: 18. The Person with firstname ‘Ann’ employs the Person with firstname ‘Bob’. the predicate may be shown by itself as “… employs …” Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 15 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Mixfix For naturalness, we write predicates in mixfix (or distfix) form, where the terms may be mixed in with the predicate. For example, the following ternary fact uses the predicate “… moved to … during …”. 19. The Scientist with surname ‘Einstein’ moved to the Country with code ‘USA’ during the Year 1933 CE. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 16 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Example In reports like Table 3.1, the column headings and table names or captions often give a clue as to the object types and predicates. The column entries provide the values. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 17 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts translating row 1 as an elementary fact: 20. The Person with surname ‘Wirth’ designed the Language named ‘Pascal’. entity types and reference modes appear as nouns the predicate as a verb phrase. If we read it from right to left, we might say: 21. The Language named ‘Pascal’ was designed by the Person with surname ‘Wirth’. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 18 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts consider Table 3.2. columns don’t have separate names Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 19 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Verbalizing: 23. The Person with firstname ‘Terry’ is married to / is married to the Person with firstname ‘Norma’. Notice that the forward predicate is the same as the inverse. This is an example of a symmetric relationship. Such relationships create special problems (as discussed in a later chapter). To help avoid such problems, at the conceptual level no asserted predicate should be the same as its inverse 24. The Person with firstname ‘Terry’ is husband of / is wife of the Person with firstname ‘Norma’. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 20 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Ternaries Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 21 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts We might at first consider expressing this information as sentence (25), using the ternary predicate “… designed … in …”. 25. The Person with surname ‘Wirth’ designed the Language named ‘Pascal’ in the Year 1971 CE. with no information loss: 26. 27. The Person with surname ‘Wirth’ designed the Language named ‘Pascal’. The Language named ‘Pascal’ was designed in the Year 1971 CE. Here “no information loss” means that if we know (26) and (27) then we also know (25). Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 22 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts facts (26) and (27) may be set out more concisely as (26a) and (27a). 26a. 27a. Person (surname) ‘Wirth’ designed Language (.name) ‘Pascal’. Language (.name) ‘Pascal’ was designed in Year (CE) 1971. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 23 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts If the reference schemes for entity types are declared earlier, they may be omitted in setting out the facts. For example, (26) and (27) may be specified as: Reference schemes: Person(surname); Language(.name); Year(CE) Facts: Person ‘Wirth’ designed Language ‘Pascal’. Language ‘Pascal’ was designed in Year 1971. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 24 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts consider the two output reports in Figure 3.2. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 25 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Re Figure 3.2. We may read off the information for Figure 3.2 (a) and Figure 3.2(b), respectively, as shown in the following two facts. 30. 31. The Politician ‘George W. Bush’ was born in the Country ‘US’ in the Year 1946. The Politician ‘George W. Bush’ visited the Country ‘GB’ in the Year 2003. only one of the above facts is elementary. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 26 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Re Figure 3.2. Connecting two sentences by “and” forms a logical conjunction Intuitively, fact 30 is equivalent to the conjunction of facts 32 and 33, so fact 30 is splittable (non-elementary). Formally, this is because of a uniqueness constraint on the politician column each politician was born in only one country and in only one year. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 27 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Consider Figure 3.2. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 28 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Consider Figure 3.2. One tricky feature of this table is the final column – there are sets of degrees. Phrase your sentences to include only one degree at a time. Step 1 applied to the first row results in four facts that may be set out as follows. 34. 35. 36. 37. Winter 2015 The Lecturer with name ‘Adams JB’ was born in the Year 1946 CE. The Lecturer with name ‘Adams JB’ has the Age 42 years. The Lecturer with name ‘Adams JB’ holds the Degree with code ‘BSc’. The Lecturer with name ‘Adams JB’ holds the Degree with code ‘PhD’. ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 29 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts more difficult example - Table 3.5 Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 30 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts step 1a: verbalize the information (perhaps informally): Tute group A meets at 3 p.m. Monday in Room CS-718. Student 302156 belongs to group A and is named ‘Bloggs FB’. step 1b: verbalize the information as elementary facts: 38. 39. 40. 41. Winter 2015 The TuteGroup with code ‘A’ meets at the Time with dhcode ‘Mon 3 p.m.’. The TuteGroup with code ‘A’ meets in the Room with roomNr ‘CS 718’. The Student with studentNr 302156 belongs to the TuteGroup with code ‘A’. The Student with studentNr 302156 has the StudentName ‘Bloggs FB’. ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 31 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Some exercises, pages 80++ Perform step 1 of the CSDP for the following output reports. In verbalizing the facts, you may restrict yourself to the top row of the table unless another row reveals a different kind of fact. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 32 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Athlete (.name) ‘Jones EM’ pole vaults a height of Length (cm:) 400. OR Athlete (.name) ‘Jones EM’ pole vaults Height 400 (cm: Length). Person (.name) ‘Jones EM’ has height of Length (cm:) 166. Person (.name) ‘Jones EM’ was born in Year (CE) 1955. Could this be true?: each row contains just a ternary, elementary fact: Person (.name) ‘Jones EM’ had a height of Length (cm:) 166 in Year (CE) 1995. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 33 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Some exercises, pages 80++ Perform step 1 of the CSDP for the following output reports. In verbalizing the facts, you may restrict yourself to the top row of the table unless another row reveals a different kind of fact. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 34 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts The Student with StudentNr 1001 for the Course with CourseCode ‘CS112’ achieved the Rating 7. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 35 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Some exercises, pages 80++ Perform step 1 of the CSDP for the following output reports. In verbalizing the facts, you may restrict yourself to the top row of the table unless another row reveals a different kind of fact. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 36 Step 1: From Examples to Elementary Facts Person (.firstname) Person (.firstname) Person (.firstname) Person (.firstname) Person (.firstname) Person (.firstname) Winter 2015 ‘Ann’ is a parent of Person (.firstname) ‘Colin’. ‘Ann’ is a parent of Person (.firstname) ‘David’. ‘Ann’ is a parent of Person (.firstname) ‘Eve’. ‘Bill’ is a parent of Person (.firstname) ‘Colin’. ‘Bill’ is a parent of Person (.firstname) ‘David’. ‘Bill’ is a parent of Person (.firstname) ‘Eve’. ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 37 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Draw a conceptual schema diagram that shows all the fact types. This illustrates the relevant object types, predicates and reference schemes. Once the diagram is drawn, we check it with a sample population. Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 38 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Simplifying reference schemes: (b) Simplifies the formal representation in (a) Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 39 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Entity types, reference schemes, fact types, predicates, roles, sample populations roles predicate A car plays this role A person plays this role … … sample population Now, we’ll do this using VS/Norma … Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 40 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Reference modes may be • popular • unit-based (measurement) • general Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 41 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Popular reference modes An initial list includes name, code, title, nr, #, and id. popular reference modes are preceded by a dot “.” e.g. (.name) (.nr) Now, let’s examine this in VS/Norma … Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 42 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Unit-based (or measurement) reference modes built-in list of physical units (e.g., cm, kg, mile) and monetary units (e.g., USD, XEU) When parenthesized, unit-based reference modes are appended by a colon “:”. Each unit is based on a unit type (or dimension), which may optionally be displayed after the colon. example: (kg: Mass), (lb: Mass), (USD: Money), (XEU: Money) Now, let’s examine this in VS/Norma … Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 43 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate General reference modes no added punctuation example: ISBN, URL Now, let’s examine this in VS/Norma … Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 44 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Multiple fact types Now, let’s examine this in VS/Norma … Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 45 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Same UoD but different approaches Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 46 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Ring fact types – one object type, multiple roles Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 47 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Ternary fact type Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 48 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Nesting of fact types Now, let’s examine this in VS/Norma … Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 49 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Bar charts, etc Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 50 Step 2: Draw Fact Types and Populate Bar charts, etc Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 51 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations check to see •if there are some entity types that should be combined. •if some fact types can be derived from the others by arithmetic computation Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 52 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations Consider Table 3.11 and Figure 3.25 MovieStar and Director overlap and so these two entity types must be combined Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 53 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations Combining MovieStar and Director yields a Person entity type: Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 54 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations •shows that it is possible to be both a star and a director •does not imply that every movie star is a director •a later chapter discusses how to add subtypes later if necessary •if some other facts are to be recorded only for directors, we form a Director subtype of Person for those additional facts Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 55 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations Similar case – someone is showing the Chair and Instructors as different types After further consideration we understand that one of the instructors is chosen to be chair headed by DeptName known as Dept (.code) employs Chair (.name) Instructor (.name) Combine Chair and Instructor Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 56 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations headed by [Chair] DeptName known as Dept (.code) Chair (.name) Staff (.name) Instructor (.name) employs [Employee] Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 57 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations With ORM unit-based reference schemes are implicitly all based on the same entity type … so the following is ok (see Table 3.12 and figure 3.27) But we can compress these types into one and use role names One other point … Markup is derivable and must be shown as such Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 58 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations With ORM unit-based reference schemes are implicitly all based on the same entity type … so the following is ok (see Table 3.12 and figure 3.27) * is used to show that a fact type is derivable Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 59 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations Example: consider the following class list generated at the UofW Winter 2015 ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 60 Step 3: Trim Schema; Note Basic Derivations Summary • • • • • • Winter 2015 Verbalize a data use case Transform verbalization to elementary fact types Draw the diagram Create sample populations Combine entity types if they overlap Transform fact type to derivations if applicable ACS-4906 Ron McFadyen 61
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