2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Thursday, June 12, 2014 Scheduled Events & Activities 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tradeshow Set Up 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM Volunteer Check-in 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Registration 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Instant Gallery Receiving 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM Empty Bowls Receiving & Ticket Sales 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM Demonstrator Orientation (Invitation Only) 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Demonstrator Set-up 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Welcome Reception/Exhibitions Opening 212-B 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM Videographers Meeting 104-B 106-C Special Interest Night – 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Kurt Hertzog Principally Pens 102-A Rob Wallace Gizmos & Gadgets 103-A Jim Rodgers Segmented Turning 106-A David Lindow Ornamental Turners 211-B Friday, June 13, 2014 Other Scheduled Events & Activities 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM Registration 7:00 AM to 7:50 AM Empty Bowls Receiving & Ticket Sales 7:00 AM to 7:50 AM Instant Gallery Receiving 7:00 AM to 7:50 AM Volunteer Check-in 8:00 AM to 8:20 AM Opening Ceremonies 8:20 AM to 8:40 AM Break 301-C Rotation 1 - 8:40 AM to 10:10 AM Richard Findley Stair Spindle with Routed Flutes 101-A Michael Mocho Beyond the Basic Box: Design & Details 101-B Christophe Nancey Turning & Carving a Spiral Around an Oval Shape 101-C Brian Gisi Pen Designing 102-A Alan Carter Split the Difference 102-B Patrick Bookey A New Spin to Turning it Thin 102-C Jimmy Clewes Box with Insert & Brass Inlay 103-AB More for this rotation on next page. 1 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Friday, June 13, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 1 - 8:40 AM to 10:10 AM (Continued) C arm e n D e L a P az D e c o rative F in ish e s: M e tallic P ain ts, P atin as, G ild in g 1 0 4 -B T o m W irsin g E ve ry o ne C an T u rn a P e rfe c t B o w l 1 0 5 -A N e il S c o b ie L e af B o w l 1 0 5 -B D o u g F ish e r O ff K ilte r 1 0 5 -C D e re k W e id m an D raw in g w ith th e L athe 1 0 6 -A J . P au l F e n n e ll H o llo w F o rm s: T e c h n iq u e s, T o o ls & F o c u s 1 0 6 -B E llsw o rth , F o ste r & M artin M ak e rs In te n t 1 0 6 -C J o e R um in sk i Y o u th C lass: Intro d uc tio n to T urn in g 2 1 1 -A O p e n M e e tin g In tro d u c tio n to O rnam e ntal T u rn in g 2 1 1 -B C aro l E llis H an d b ags o n a K n ittin g M ac h in e 2 1 3 -B Other Scheduled Events & Activities 8 :4 0 A M to 6:0 0 P M In stan t G alle ry O p e n 9 :1 0 A M to 6:3 0 P M E m p ty B o w ls R e c e ivin g, T ic k e t S ale s & R e d e m p tio n 9 :1 0 A M to 6:3 0 P M S p e c ial E x h ib itio n s 1 0 :0 0 A M to 6:3 0 P M T rad e sh o w O p e n 1 0 :1 0 A M to 1 1:0 0 A M B re ak 1 1 :0 0 A M to 1 2:3 0 P M C lo se d M e e tin g: L ighth o use fo r th e B lin d Rotation 2 - 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM R ic h ard F in d le y S p in d le w ith H an d -C ut B arle y T w ist M ic h ae l M o c h o O n -L ath e T e x tu ral T e c h n iq u e s C h risto p h e N an c e y T e x turin g & P atin as A lan C arte r T u rn it T h in P e ggy B o o k e y S u p e r B o w ls are F u ll o f H o le s J im m y C le w e s P latte r w ith E m b e llish e d R im L y n n e Y am aguc h i T u rn a B lin d E y e T o m W irsin g E ve ry o ne C an T u rn a P erfe c t P latter N e il S c o b ie L e af B o w l D o u g F ish e r O ff K ilte r A n d re w C h e n S e gm e nte d T urn in g 1 0 1 J . P au l F e n n e ll E m b e llish m e n t T o o ls & T e c h n iq u e s R ad d a, R ile y , W allac e T h e C u rre n t S tate o f W o o d A rt N ic k C o o k Y o u th C lass: G ard e n D ib b le O p e n M e e tin g E n gin e T u rn in g/G u illo c h e L e slie R e ad y F u se d G lass P e n d ant ($ 10 ) 2 1 2 -A B C 1 0 2 -A 1 0 1 -A 1 0 1 -B 1 0 1 -C 1 0 2 -B 1 0 2 -C 1 0 3 -A B 1 0 4 -B 1 0 5 -A 1 0 5 -B 1 0 5 -C 1 0 6 -A 1 0 6 -B 1 0 6 -C 2 1 1 -A 2 1 1 -B 2 1 3 -B 2 *P le ase n o te , d ate s, tim e s an d p re se n te rs m ay b e su b je c t to c h an ge an d /o r su b stitu tio n . (5 /8 /2 0 1 4 1 0 :1 2 A M ) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Friday, June 13, 2014 (Continued) Other Scheduled Events & Activities 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Lunch Break 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM WOW Brown Bag 101-C 1:15 PM to 1:45 PM Intimate Critique (Sign up in Advance) Rotation 3 - 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM Anthony Harris Dual-Chambered Tobacco Pipe Instant Gallery 101-A Les Casteel Segmenting: Increasing Production 101-B Joshua Salesin Go Nuts with Miniatures 101-C Brian Gisi Pen Construction 102-A Lee Sky Birdhouse Ornament with Eggs 102-B Todd Hoyer Wood Characteristics 102-C John Beaver Wave Bowls Jennifer Shirley Hammered Copper Lids 104-B Rudolph Lopez Wing Bowl from Log or Crotch 105-A Alan Trout CA Finishing on Larger Pieces 105-B James Santhon Spindle Duplication in Architectural Turning 105-C Clay Foster Low-Tech, Low-Cost Surface Enhancement 106-A Michael Werner Multi-Center Bowl 106-B Ellsworth, Wolfe, Yamaguchi Make a Great Demonstration 106-C Kip Christensen Youth Class: Kitchen Whisks & Screwdrivers 211-A Bill Ooms Mini Metal Lathe for Woodturning 211-B Julie Fisher Free Arm Quilting 213-B 3:30 PM to 3:50 PM 103-AB Break Rotation 4 - 3:50 PM to 5:20 PM Vince Wilson Introduction to Metal Spinning 101-A Al Hockenbery Ball in a Ball 101-B Joshua Salesin OT Artistry: Beyond the Rose Engine 101-C Doug Baldwin Light & Shadow: Photographing Wood Objects 102-A Tom Eckert Playing with Magic 102-B Todd Hoyer Turning a Crotch 102-C John Beaver Bangles Joe Fleming Airbrush Demystified 103-AB 104-B More for this rotation on next page. 3 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Friday, June 13, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 4 - 3:50 PM to 5:20 PM (Continued) Rudolph Lopez Square to Round Bowls, Vases & Hollow Forms 105-A Theo Haralampou Xylobowl Tongue Drums 105-B Andy Cole Natural-Edge Nested Sets 105-C Clay Foster 106-A Michael Werner Where Do Ideas Come From? Where Do They Go? Off-Center & Twisted Spindles 106-B Zander, Kennard, Schneider Artist Showcase 106-C Bonnie Klein Youth Class: Stick Pens 211-A Bill Ooms Making Pen Parts 211-B Pat Jones Soap Making 213-B Other Scheduled Events & Activities 5:20 PM to 7:15 PM Dinner Break 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Open Social Hour 301-C 7:30 PM to 9:15 PM EOG Auction 301-C Saturday, June 14, 2014 Other Scheduled Events & Activities 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Instant Gallery Open 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM Empty Bowls Receiving, Ticket Sales & Redemption Tradeshow Open Rotation 5 - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM Steven Kennard Teardrop Box 101-A Al Hockenbery Ball in a Ball 101-B Christophe Nancey Inspiration & Creation 101-C Bonnie Klein Spin-Top Box 102-A Jason Schneider Turning Corrugated Cardboard 102-B Patrick Bookey A New Spin to Turning It Thin 102-C Jimmy Clewes Scorched Lidded Bowl Jennifer Shirley Hammered Copper Lids 104-B Joe Ruminski Tree to Bowl 105-A Alan Trout CA Finishing on Larger Pieces 105-B Andy Cole Natual-Edge Nested Sets 105-C 103-AB More for this rotation on next page. 4 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Saturday, June 14, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 5 - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM (Continued) Clay Foster J. Paul Fennell Wallace, Pho, Riley Kip Christensen Bill Ooms Mary Lou Glick Wobble Pot Developing a Personal Vocabulary Professional Development for Woodturners Youth Class: Christmas Ornaments Thin Layered Boxes Card Making ($10) Other Scheduled Events & Activities 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Special Exhibitions 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Break 9:45 AM to 11:45 AM Chapters Meeting Rotation 6 - 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Steven Kennard Teardrop Box Les Casteel Segmenting: Increasing Production Christophe Nancey Spirals Around an Oval Shape Bonnie Klein Basic Threaded Box Jason Schneider Fillers & Wax for Corrugated Cardboard Peggy Bookey Super Bowls are Full of Holes John Beaver Photographing Your Work Rudolph Lopez Wing Bowl from Log or Crotch Theo Haralampou Xylobowl Tongue Drums James Santhon Spindle Duplication in Architectural Turning Clay Foster Where Do Ideas Come From? Where Do They Go? J. Paul Fennell Turning Hollow Forms: Techniques, Tools & Focus Ellsworth, Kelsey, Wallace Chasing Professionalism in Woodturning Al Hockenbery Youth Class: String Puzzle David Lindow Ornamentally Turned Layered Boxes Leslie Ready Big Bead Peyote Bracelet ($6) 106-A 106-B 106-C 211-A 211-B 213-B 212-ABC 104-B 101-A 101-B 101-C 102-A 102-B 102-C 103-AB 105-A 105-B 105-C 106-A 106-B 106-C 211-A 211-B 213-B Other Scheduled Events & Activities 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM 12:45 PM to 1:00 PM Lunch Break Intimate Critique (Sign up in Advance) Youth Lathe Drawing Instant Gallery 211-A 5 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Saturday, June 14, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 7 - 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Richard Findley Spindle Turning for Furniture Restoration 101-A Michael Mocho Make It Move: Mechanical Connections 101-B Joshua Salesin Go Nuts with Miniatures 101-C Brian Gisi Pen Construction 102-A Alan Carter Split the Difference 102-B Todd Hoyer Vessel Orientation 102-C Jimmy Clewes Lidded Box with Brass Inlay Sullivan, Dickerman, Fulkerson, Greenberg, Hinkelman Rudolph Lopez Turning with Disabilities 104-B Thin-Stem, Natural-Edge Goblet 105-A Neil Scobie Offset Seed Pod 105-B Doug Fisher Carving Out a Niche 105-C Andrew Chen Segmented Turning 201 106-A Michael Werner Multi-Center Bowl 106-B Cole, Bosch, Furr Regional Symposiums 106-C Nick Cook Youth Class: Candleholder 211-A David Lindow Ornamentally Turned Hexagonal Boxes 211-B Barbara Polston Secrets of a Linen Whisperer 213-B Other Scheduled Events & Activities 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Break 3:00 PM Voting for the Collaborative Challenge Closes 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM POP Auction Rotation 8 - 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Vince Wilson 103-AB 212-ABC 212-ABC Introduction to Metal Spinning 101-A Michael Mocho On-Lathe Textural Techniques 101-B Kip Christensen 101-C Brian Gisi Teaching New Turners: Projects & Techniques Pen Designing Lee Sky Birdhouse Ornament with Eggs 102-B Todd Hoyer Turning a Crotch 102-C 102-A More for this rotation on next page. 6 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Saturday, June 14, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 8 - 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (Continued) Jimmy Clewes Platter with Embellished Rim 103-AB Carmen De La Paz Decorative Finishes: Color, Crackles, Waxes 104-B Joe Ruminski Tree to Bowl 105-A Neil Scobie Offset Seed Pod 105-B Doug Fisher Inspiration, Observation, Creativity 105-C Derek Weidman Drawing with the Lathe 106-A Michael Werner Off-Center & Twisted Spindles 106-B Wolfe, Kelsey, Martin Photography: Organization & Workflow 106-C Nick Cook Youth Class: Garden Dibble 211-A David Lindow Ornamentally Turned Pens 211-B Bonnie Klein Chain Mail Pendant 213-B Other Scheduled Events & Activities 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM Ticketed Event: Symposium Dinner & Door Prize Drawing 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Awards Ceremony 8:30 PM Silent Auction Closes 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM POP Auction, EOG Live/Silent Auction Payment, Pick-up 301-C 301-C 301-C Sunday, June 15, 2014 Other Scheduled Events & Activities 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Empty Bowls Ticket Sales & Redemption 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Instant Gallery Open 8:00 AM to 2:15 PM Tradeshow Open 8:00 AM to 2:15 PM Registration 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Special Exhibitions 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM EOG Auction Pickup Rotation 9 - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM Anthony Harris Open Meeting: Terry Martin Joshua Salesin Bonnie Klein Alan Carter Todd Hoyer John Beaver Dual-Chambered Tobacco Pipes TWB Working Meeting OT Artistry: Beyond the Rose Engine Woodturning Fun Turn it Thin Wood Characteristics Wave Bowls 101-A 101-B 101-C 102-A 102-B 102-C 103-AB More for this rotation on next page. 7 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Sunday, June 15, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 9 - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM (Continued) Joe Fleming Airbrish Demystified 104-B Tom Wirsing Everyone Can Turn a Perfect Platter 105-A Neil Scobie Offset Doughnut Sculpture 105-B Andy Cole Natural-Edge Bowls with a Flair 105-C Open Open 106-A J. Paul Fennell Embellishment Tools & Techniques 106-B Hockenbery, Bosch, Clewes, Lopez Joe Ruminski Getting Smarter Faster – Finding the Right Class Youth Class: Ball & Cup Toy 106-C Open Meeting Ornamental Turning Open Forum 211-B Heidi Hellinghausen Digital Memory Keeper 213-B 211-A Other Scheduled Events & Activities 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Break 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM Members Meeting Rotation 10 - 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Richard Findley Stair Spindles with Routed Flutes 104-B 101-A Michael Mocho Beyond the Basic Box: Design & Details 101-B Christophe Nancey Texturing & Patinas 101-C Doug Baldwin 102-A Todd Hoyer Light & Shadow: Photographing Wood Objects Vessel Orientation Lineberry, Scobie, Smith, Wahl Instant Gallery Critique Tom Wirsing Everyone Can Turn a Perfect Bowl 105-A Doug Fisher Color Your World 105-C Clay Foster Low-Tech, Low-Cost Surface Enhancement 106-A Long, Beaver, Cooper, Kennard Let There Be Light 106-C Nick Cook Youth Class: Candleholder 211-A Open Meeting Ornamental Turning Open Forum 211-B 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM 102-C 103-AB Lunch Break 8 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM) 2014 SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE* Sunday, June 15, 2014 (Continued) Rotation 11 - 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM Michael Mocho Make It Move: Mechanical Connections 101-B Christophe Nancey Inspiration & Creation 101-C Jimmy Clewes Scorched Lidded Bowl Neil Scobie Offset Doughnut Sculpture 105-B Doug Fisher Color Your World 105-C Clay Foster Wobble Pot 106-A J. Paul Fennell Developing a Personal Vocabulary 106-B Cole, Riley, Wallace Elements of Critique 106-C 103-AB 9 *Please note, dates, times and presenters may be subject to change and/or substitution. (5/8/2014 10:12 AM)
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