The file IBU2.ini for the PRO version In addition to the settings for the BASE version of the card the following configuration strings allow you to configure some additional functions of the PRO card to suit your needs, this tutorial describes in detail the various options. Configuration of the receiver channels The PRO version supports 5 or 6 receiver channels, this choice can be made via the Setup dip-switch n° 6. When set to OFF the card will consider the 5th channel (usually a two way switch on the transmitter used for retractable landing gears) as a toggle switch for playing two separate sound effects (Slider1 and Slider2). In the ibu2.ini file you can find these three following strings (in this case the 3rd string is unused). Slider1=usspeak1.wav Slider2=usspeak2.wav Slider3=usspeak3.wav You can simply change the sounds by renaming the audio files that the string calls, just like the other engine or effects sound management. Remember to always have the corresponding sound file into the root of the memory card By setting the dip-switch n°6 to ON the card assumes that you have a 6 channel receiver, so the behaviour of the 5th channel changes becoming the switch that will turn on or off the tank engine. The 6th channel (usually a rotary pot on the transmitter used for flaps) now becomes a three position rotary switch for playing three different sound effects. In the ibu2.ini file now you can use also the 3rd string : Slider1=usspeak1.wav Slider2=usspeak2.wav Slider3=usspeak3.wav The position of the 6th channel rotary pot will start the relative sound effect as specified above : From 0..25% = No sound played or stop playing the current sound From 25%..50% = Plays the sound matched with Slider1 From 50%..75% = Plays the sound matched with Slider2 From 75%..100% = Plays the sound matched with Slider3 Whatever sound the card is playing can be stopped moving the pot to 0 position, in the same way you can jump from one sound to another. In addition to the barrel recoil servo the PRO card can control two more servo used for the traverse and barrel up/down, this option is useful when you plan to set up a tank destroyer such as the Jagdpanter or any tank without turret. Furthermore the card has the ability to control not only a standard servo but also a continuous rotation servo. The next page describes in detail the various configuration options. Configuration of the traverse servo SrvBrandInverseCmd=FALSE; Flag to reverse servo direction. Value accepted TRUE, FALSE This value allows to reverse the direction of the servo rotation, useful when you have installation issue. SrvBrandUpdate=20; Timing of servo position update , in ms. Value accepted 0..100 This value allow to change the speed of the servo rotation, increasing it will slow down the movement. SrvBrandType=0; servo Brand type: 0=Normal, 1=Continous rotation. Value 0, 1 Here you can choose the type of servo you are using. Take note: In case you are using this output with a continuous rotation servo to move the turret traverse you need to set the type to 1 , otherwise (if selected type=0) since the output maintain the current position, the servo will not stop when you release the stick. Configuration of the barrel elevation servo SrvAlzoInverseCmd=FALSE; Flag to reverse servo direction. Value accepted TRUE, FALSE This value allows to reverse the direction of the servo rotation, useful when you have installation issue. SrvAlzoUpdate=20; Timing of servo position update, in ms. Value accepted 0..100 This value allow to change the speed of the servo rotation, increasing it will slow down the movement. SrvAlzoType=0; servo Alzo type: 0=Normal, 1=Continous rotation. Value 0, 1 Here you can choose the type of servo you are using. Take note: In case you are using this output with a continuous rotation servo to move the barrel up/down you need to set the type to 1 , otherwise (if selected type=0) since the output maintain the current position, the servo will not stop when you release the stick. The continuous rotation servo is a unit that maintains the central position (neutral) as long as the stick is in the neutral position, moving the stick in one direction (or in the opposite direction) the actuator will rotate in the corresponding direction until the command is maintained. Bringing back the stick in the neutral position the actuator stops. Typically are custom modified servo or commercial items like the Hitec HSR-1425CR. Configuring the power feed to gearboxes PowerMotorScale=100; value range (0..100%) This value allows you to modify the scale factor of the motors supply, allowing fine tuning of the power in order to match the “real tank” speed. The default value is 100 (%), decrease this value step by step (10% suggested) until you reach the desired speed. Please note that this option will not affect the traction power but only the speed. Configuring the Inertia InertiaInitialStatus = 0; Inertia initial status. Values 0 (off) - 1 (on) This parameter allows you to set whether the inertia is switched on automatically. (The inertia can be turned on or off also from the transmitter) In this example the value 0 (zero) means that the inertia is turned off at tank start-up. By changing this value to 1 the inertia will be on at tank start-up.
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