ns-3 DCE with ovs/nox

クラウド/SDN インフラセキュリティハッカソン Hajime Tazaki, University of Tokyo 25th, June, 2014, At Okinawa Open Lab
ns-­‐3 Direct Code ExecuNon
OVS simulaNon
•  Goal – 
Dynamic Wi-­‐Fi AP configuraNon Many nodes (1000?) Mobility model/Precise Wi-­‐Fi simulaNon (ns-­‐3) Running Linux OVS implementaNon (Direct Code ExecuNon) •  Openvswitch + NOX integraNon •  Done –  Run 5 executables (ovs{-­‐vsctl,-­‐vswitchd,db-­‐tool,db-­‐server} nox_core) –  “ovs-­‐vsctl set bridge” done/but no contact to NOX –  Found missing system calls (epoll(2)/pthread_setname_np) •  Code –  hcps://gist.github.com/thehajime/6b349aa1551ccefe273b 3