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Highly efficient hydrogen and power production
from gas without CO2 emissions
Dr. Arnstein Norheim
Senior Engineer
[email protected]
The main challenge;
the global climate - energy situation
ZEG Power
more energy – less emission!
The ZEG – technology (ZEG®)
Innovative, high efficient
co-production of
electricity and hydrogen
from hydrocarbon gases
with integrated
CO2- capture
ZEG Power
- more energy and less emissions
Sustainable use of carbon based fuels
– Increased life span of fossil energy reserves
No release of greenhouse gases
– CO2 capture an integrated part of the
– No additional costs
Sustainable solutions for an increasing
energy demand
– Positive, varied market possibilities
– Phased technology deployment
ZEG Power AS, the company
• Established in 2008
– JV between the two Norwegian research
institutes Institute for Energy Technology &
Christian Michelsen Research
• Business objective
– Design, build and verify the patented ZEG® for commercial power
plants of increasing size and complexity
• Main deliverables
– Concepts and detailed design of ZEG® plants for selected
applications in varying sizes
– Complete small scale plants. Manufacturing will be outsourced
through agreements with key partners for detailed design, component
manufacturing, and construction
R&D from 2001; key to ZEG Power development
Unique patented technology
System integration
Technology applications
Very positive conclusions with
respect to efficiency and cost
System design and modelling
Core technology elements
verified: SESMR and SOFC
Reactor technology
Solid high temperature CO2 sorbents
Stack development
1kW el + 1kW H2 demo plant tested
ZEG Process Evaluation
ZEG Power HYSYS simulations
Efficiency (LHV)
CO2 Capture
700 MW H2 +
400 MW el
50 MW H2 +
400 MW el
400 MW
78.5 %
81.3 %
77.0 %
~ 100 %
~ 100 %
~ 100 %
Statoil Aspen Plus simulations – 400 MW el power plant:
– ZEG: 75 % energy efficiency (LHV) for stand alone power production
including ~ 100 % CO2 capture and compression of CO2 to 110 bar.
– Traditional amine based CO2 capture: 48-50% energy efficiency (LHV)
Power Market potential
Superior cost efficiency at 400 MWel
Results from a techno-economical feasibility study.
Comparison to conventional pre-combustion
technology (auto-thermal reforming, water-gasshift, amines, combined cycle)
Comparison of NPV- values, 400 MWel with CO2-capture
ZEG Power
ATR + amines
J. Meyer et al. Energy Procedia 4, 1949-56 (2011)
Efficiency ~ 77%
100% CO2 capture
No NOx
ZEG Power highlights 2013
Commissioning of a 50kW ZEG® Demo plant
based on upgraded landfill gas; BioZEG
Third party assessment of the ZEG® technology
Pre-engineering of a 400kW ZEG® plant; ZEG400
New patent applications filed
50kW ZEG demonstration plant
The BioZEG-project
Cost-effective stand alone green production of hydrogen and electricity
– Demonstration of close thermal
integration of SOFC (el) &
Reformer ( H2 - SESMR)
– Biomethane (upgraded landfill
Output: 70% total efficiency
– Hydrogen (30 kWH2)
– Electricity (20 kWel)
– CO2
BioZEG 3D assembly
HyNor Lillestrøm
H2-refuelling station
30kW SE-SMR system, 10Nm3 H2/hour (~ 20kg/day)
SOFC Module (20 kWel)
Stacks from PLANSEE / Fraunhofer IKTS
Will produce 100 MWh electricity in 2014
The integrated 50kW BioZEG plant
Test campaign of 50 kW
BioZEG plant
First major up-scaling towards industrial ZEG - plants
Establish operational knowledge on industrially relevant ZEG-plant
Maximise system efficiency by optimised heat integration
Study ZEG-plant operational flexibility
Study long-term ZEG-plant operational stability and performance
– Optimised operational data forming basis for development of
commercial, small-scale standalone ZEG-plants
– Basis for further development of core ZEG-technologies and ZEGplants
Third Party Assessment
The ZEG-technology and upscaling from 50kW to 400kW
are evaluated by the German research institute ZSW
The concept and potential is confirmed
– “Compared with commercial available combinations of technology, the ZEG400
concept shows high potential to become cost effective even when engineering
costs for the first plant are considered. This due to the high system efficiency and
the included carbon capture technology, which leads for alternatives to high
investment and operation costs”
No clear showstoppers are identified
– Risks and concerns indicated in different technology elements
Recommended areas for development are focused in the on-going
projects and in planned work
Next step…….
ZEG 400kW plant
Mongstad Test Center - TCMDA
The possibility of technology tests
at TCMDA is discussed
- “proof of concept”
in industrial scale
Main objectives:
•Heat integration with heat transfer loop
•H2 – cycling for efficiency optimisation
•Operation for improved lifetime
Pre-engineering phase supported by
Market and industrial opportunities
The main strengths of ZEG® for
energy production:
High overall efficiency with integrated
CO2 capture
– All types of carbon based fuels can be
– Product composition can be varied
within design limits dependent on
market demand of electricity and
hydrogen (and heat)
– Applications and scale from small scale
distributed plants based on biogas to
industrial scale power plants
Scale and
ZEG® - a modular technology
applicable at increasing scale
ZEG Large Scale Power
ZEG Industry
MW-scale power production
Production of ammonia, methanol
Unconventional hydrocarbons
and heavy oil processing
Integrated processes
(metallurgical, mineral dressing)
ZEG Offshore
Standalone power to offshore oil & gas
Distributed energy from
without CO2-emission
Hybrid solutions for
Greenhouses, district heating, bio-refineries
Market and Partner Strategy
The ZEG Power market is an immature market, allowing the technology
development to mature together with the market and strategic partners.
Identification of areas and potential industrial actors where ZEG® will give a
high potential added value.
Case / feasibility studies together with industrial partners will be important to
identify areas of special interest for ZEG®
– Standalone distributed ZEG® plants based on biomass resources
(the BioZEG-concept)
• Hydrogen refuelling stations
– Integrated industrial solutions where power, heat, hydrogen and/or CO2 is
– Integrated solutions for exploitation of heavy oil
– Power production
• Offshore
ZEG Power by 2017
• BioZEG200 - a commercial product
Developed and sold (Bio)ZEG400 concepts
for demonstration projects
Successful 400kW plant –
«proof of (industrial) scale»
Ensured demonstration of all
critical technology elements
Ongoing concept design and
pre-engineering of MW scale plants
– Process optimisation
– Cost reductions
ZEG Power
– possible collaboration with Industrial Partner
• Project collaboration
– General project support
• Existing projects
• New projects
– Specific feasibility studies
Small scale distributed energy production
Biomass applications - gasification
Integrated industrial applications
Offshore electricity production
• Direct investment
ZEG Power as
Superior technology for high - efficiency energy production
For more information contact Arnstein Norheim, Senior Engineer
[email protected]