25. Nov. 2014 16:52 DLA PIPER AUST +61 7 3229 4077 No. 1052 P. 1 AM,Ir Alilll Vall,loill PI.. le-mi//i Illl» OW 4000 PON... LA PIPER VI*.Ilmit P*I 00 a01 mt212 alll*lli. 1401 7 I4000 For personal use only F401712S4077 W---am Yomr Ince Complny Announcement P ibm Annralian Securitim Exch= S 0 rrd'Bl.® B,Fax: 1300 135638 LI] EL£73161;4 21115 Total number ofpages: 6 25 Novink 2014 Dear Sir/Madam NOTICE OF CHANGE 01 1 4 : 01 SUBSTANTIAL HOLDER QORM 604) - VIRGINAURINALIA HOIDINGS LIMITED We act Er Blihad Air,vays PJSC We attach a No¢ice of (11mgo of brecests of Subetantial Holder (Fum 604) reing §0 Vigin Austtali'a 1:L'M gs T,imited ACN 100 686 00 YOUrS SiIMX* LYNDON MASTERS PRK"Or DLA PIPER AUSTRALIA Direct +61732464007 Lydon.Mastefs@i iper.com MA......Kin DLA PIPER AUST +61 7 3229 4077 25. Nov. 2014 16:52 No. 1052 P. 2 p..12 16*(ly %001 Form 604 3,Sli 91 8 Notice of change of Interests of substantial holder For personal use only In C , -- 100 5 1. DI<Illiefe hiliahillitl) Ell/M...PIC.'le....4/Abl.W.*.14,8.....al"Wel'.Al.,nd AC'*ARSN /'"0'0'hil 11""'chgole/»t-ofli 5,11*I 1I m 21/1la014 18tm014 11».lwh..0.0.»C=¥- lam 314 1 -.004/.- Ths*mi<=diols/ ,imdI,1 I-,1 Il »compo,Vor -oul,I,* Ili,d,I.I. Ib =„/,.Illi/*of m//aclm¢»Ida ................4.4/m.H.*400..al....p....=*/0..4-=.1 9....Call'IM Plign'. n./9. p./.0,8 mill 2128 7/4/48,/6 oak'.1 v."p-M wa,Pollef ® !==0 m Utu ™ 1lms On WI .. . .Ul,Rm 3,04.012.1]1 1 a»-S.-b - P,Ill=ligs <=h d 1, / 01* I *i ni,/I gi a MIM uniml of m #4 - holds / m -1,• B d e aic,ill= 1 lii mpm, 4014 *Ie,moilfli lialdilililli401•• •Illidi,1/ W* no0=»licm,Ilic =*IIinil lo,I£ pl....1... m m 1.0 2UllMll NZ ' PJBC Nlid 4-4 p.'On". D,1.- 4 .1--=-4-,100/An .../300.3- 21#11 14 eollair'll.t e[ A , , dh'* 25. Nov. 2014 16:52 DLA PIPER AUST +61 7 3229 4077 No. 1052 P. 3 Pilla/-de«mi-=INI,Ill-subilill,-rh-Waic,/lill=hclm,=,Imli= All- .//.1 Hdilit For personal use only 18..... '801/. .... 0-* Pmen' ./al '1 ¢® IW//m=el)41» C ,Por,10 41=j 4•NE... 11 0,Ii' I han '=ly bye* i. 9 Ga"„"id- 8='Abu./ -A p.mal .. PJSC ..h'.IN..g Ah.. ....MI. I.-=* .*ki -* 1070078 i1 ii Ki Mb i i 0=0.-0 al 1 4077 i1 p &12' lili 1 Jli iii !l 1. +61 7 ili ili .,, 1 ; i lit i 1!i t i liti [ 1 1 i im liti i fi B E 16:52 ' 1 iii 4 ill 1! liti x 14 1 I iii.# i lilli 11 11!!11 /1 iIi . uli i ' S 3 i i i i iill 3/3/9 l i l i I l! ili 3 9 9 For personal use only 25. Nov. No. 052 P. 4 ®*40'ma-*M-8 2. *r g, 25. Nov. 2014 16:53 DLA PIPER AUST +61 7 3229 4077 No. 1052 P. 5 ANNEXURE A Vi01 Allatralla Holdlis UITIRD ACN 100 886 226 Thh 18 A=,axire A of one page refecled to hi the Folm 604 Notk:e of chwige of kite,z,#da of mibshrtial holder signed by For personal use only roe 8,Id dats 125 November 2014 Sigra B /5/0.'i)*.1./90*1*11/2/1,1.i.'...93243 5« LE£448"L- El# Qwip Eneljoi* Company name ASC Ak#2 Servk:es Cer ) Plivale Lid Ad*=s ASC - Ablne Service Centre PrNah, Unlgd, 10*Floor, Wiliagpop IT P=k, OPP. V,eN Rabay SWon, Vaght, Nd MurnA Wa - 400 706 Ami aus Gulf LLC mde,m Ga T*14 *,de„* 9 Floor, SJ To, r Is St&,ated ned UnNe,Gal H©•pR,4 Beh d Al Hlai Benk Bkig Akport Roed, Abu Dhabl, UAE N al Leaoh,g Lkilned Et*,ad EHL Leashlg 1_hill d, PO Box 309, l*md Hot=, Gr,td Ca,n= el-1104, CO,twl Islarlds Hola Travel M2,;agement LLC Offlge 101, Block 5, 14 Maza, I<halia CRy A PO Box 35688, Abu Dfuabli UNE Armaguaid Vaitables ME=te@ement LLC Ofrice 202, Block 17, Elhad PIEIZa, Khall, CRY /4 Ethid All)ort SeNIces LLC PO Boor 36680, Abu DhaK UAE Camo Tem*m' let floor Room ' 216, Abu DI abl Eltad Aillort SOM,ces. Grol,ld LLC Elhed A port Services - Ca rhig LLC Illemallorml Akport Abu DI* UAE P.O. Box 35564 Abu [}habl, lAE P.0. Box 3187, Calertng Bulclng, Abu DI bl ellad Airport Senflces - C go LLC Topbonus Ul EUhad Invelb,lelit Holc Comp y LLC El d Tol,Isrn LLC Global Loyalt' Compmy LLC InkE*rtal Nport Nu Dhabl UAE Cago Termu lit Iloor Room 216, Abu Dhabl Irilemallor/ Rport Abu DImbl. UAE 34 Floor, 1 Ashley RNd, All]*,chin, Cheshh'e, lk,lad Kh dom, WA14 2[)T P.O. Bmc 35566, Abu Oh"*, UAE p.0.80* 85586, Abu Dfu,bk UAE Blh=1 Guest LLC P.O. Box 35666, Abu Dhabi, UAE P.O. Box 35588, Abu Ohabl UAE Jet Pilvtage Plivile 1-khld Shiya Centre, Bahi Nport Ro d, Aiditeri EaK )Aanbel, 400 090, Incfla Abu DI,abi A cralt T. -' , ' , : ': LLC Emad Flam Colege LLC E[h# Tecr Ic Ircand 1-*ril C=Eleep l. d P.0, Box 35668, Abu Dh':4 LINE Al *Rpor Al * UAE El»id Ahm/% 15-17 De,mn Stree4 DubDI 2, Ire.W ES»d Ah,Ne,5, 200 -lafyme,Emith Rged, London, W6701-,UK 25. Nov. 2014 16:53 Besjoup Ltd DLA PIPER AUST +61 7 3229 4077 Ellad Ah,ya, 200 Harrmemmith Road, London, IM 704 UK Ethid Global C=go Man ement Compmy LLC P.O. Box 36688, Abu Dhabl, UAE Global 840,18 Smete Sc k= LLC P.0. Ba 35566, Abu Ollabl, UAE For personal use only No. 1052 P. 6
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