Kovvitare FZE wass founded in 2013 by Gro oup of Entrep preneurs withh the ambitio on and strateegic plan to supply proce ess contro ol & automattion products along with other Electricaal & Mechaniccal Engineerin ng needs and d Green Energgy solutions. Our V Vision is to atttain Custome er WOW and ssustainable P Profitable Gro owth in the m markets we op perate. Our M Mission is to create and maintain lasting professional integrityy with our sttakeholders in end to en nd process an nd through innovative e approaches of trading. We co ommit ourse elves to repre esent, promote and supply only high Q Quality produ ucts and servvices with competitive Co ost and sttringent Delivvery Timeline es adherence e. n solutions and deals innto followingg: Kovv itare caters entire Inst rumentation mpany Com ITEC Coun ntry Italy Pro oduct Portfol io Pressure Meeasurement ((Gauges, Diap phragm Sealss, Accessoriess, Switches) Temperaturre Measurem ment (Gauges,, Switches) Level Measuurement (Gau uges, Magnetostrictive seensors) KLEEEV USA INC. U. S.. A. C E S A A R E B O N E T T TI S . P. A D W Y Y E R I N S T R U M ME N T S I N C. Italy Pressure Meeasurement ((Gauges, Diap phragm Sealss, Accessoriess, Switches) Temperaturre Measurem ment (Gauges,, Switches) Level Measuurement (Gau uges, Switchees, Magnetosstrictive sensors) Instrument Manifolds & Fittings Industrial V alves (Manuaal & Actuated d) Solar Panelss (Mono crysttalline and Multi crystalline) KW or MW Solar system (On Grid / Offf Grid (for KW W)) Solar Waterr Heater, Irriggation pumps & Street Ligh hts Level Indicaators – Glasss Level Gaugees, Magnetic Level Gauge es, Resistive Levvel Gauges High Pressuure Valves – Forged and cast valves, Piston valve es, Bellows sealed valves, flo oating and Trunnion ball U. S.. A. nsmitting Insstruments for f Measuring, Controllingg and Tran Pressure, A Air Velocity, Flow, Levvel, Temperaature, Proce ess Control, H Humidity, D Data Loggers And Recorders, Te est Equipment’ s, Valves P. O. Box: 52547, Sharj rjah, UAE Tel: +971 4 3 3552303 | Fa ax: +971 4 3552302 | Em mail: [email protected] m | Websitee: www.kovvvitare.com S M A A R E Q U I P . I N ND U S T R I A I S L T D A FUJI ELECTRIC G E M M S S E N S O R S & C O N T R O L L S K E L LL E R N I V EE L C O I N O R R A M EE T E K J O F R A M A C C N A U G H T RON NAN U. S.. A. SMART Preessure, Diffeerential Presssure, Level, Temperature Transmitterr Density / Cooncentration Transmitter, Valve Positiooners & Posittion Transmittters France SMART Preessure, Diffeerential Presssure, Level, Temperature Transmitterr U. K.. Pressure Sw witches, Levvel Switches,, Flow Switcches, Pressure Transmitterrs Switzerland Hunggary Level Switchh (Vibrating, C Capacitance, Ultrasonic Gaap, Float) ed Level Transsmitter (Radaar, Ultrasonicc, Magnetostrictive, Guide Wave Radarr, Capacitive ttype) Swed den Temperaturre Transmitteer Signal Isolattors U. S.. A. Temperaturre Calibrator Signal, Deadd Weight and Multifunctio on Calibrator Austtralia Positive Dispplacement Flo ow Meters (P PD Meter) Oval Gear M Meter U. S.. A. Continuous Level System m Pressure Traansmitters (PPeizoresistive)) Digital Presssure Gauges Pressure Ca librators nd Pump Pressure Ca libration Han P. O. Box: 52547, Sharj rjah, UAE Tel: +971 4 3 3552303 | Fa ax: +971 4 3552302 | Em mail: [email protected] m | Websitee: www.kovvvitare.com RACIINE FEDERAT TED INC. KEI C CABLES WAA AREE ENERGIES PVT. LTD. U. S.. A. Indiaa High and low w tension cab bles (EHV, HT & LT) Control andd Instrumentaation cables House wiress and stainlesss steel wires Indiaa Turbine Flow w Meter Insertion M agnetic Flow Meter Rota meter (Variable Areea Flow Meteer) Clamp on U ltrasonic Flow w Meter Solar Panelss (Mono crysttalline and Multi crystalline) KW or MW Solar system (On Grid / Offf Grid (for KW W)) Solar Retail Products Solar Waterr Heater Solar Irrigattion pumps Majorr Certification ns / Approvals: & Support, which makes us u recognized d in most off the leadingg organization ns. We repreesent produccts We vvalue Time & ded with the ffollowing certifications: award CEE Certified he National Accreditation B Board for Tessting and Calibration Laborratories (NAB BL) Th ISO O 9001:2000 ATTEX PEED GOST ULL Clean Energy Council TU UV Certified P. O. Box: 52547, Sharj rjah, UAE Tel: +971 4 3 3552303 | Fa ax: +971 4 3552302 | Em mail: [email protected] m | Websitee: www.kovvvitare.com Our key product portfolio caterrs to: Producct Gaauges / Indiccators (Bourrdon, Capsulle, Diaphrag m, Piston tyypes) Diaphragm ttype) Di fferential Prressure Gau ges (DPG) (D Di gital Gaugess Sw witches Tr ansmitters Caalibrators Di aphragm Se als Gaauge Cocks Gaauge Savers / Over Load Protectors Sn nubbers / Pu lsation Dam mpeners Sip phons Co ooling Towerrs Flu ushing Ringss Gaauges / Indiccators (Bimeetallic, Gas f illed type) Sw witches Tr ansmitters Caalibrators Re esistance Tem mperature Dettector (RTD) Th hermocoupless Th hermo‐wells Daata Loggers Gaauges / Indiccators (Tabuular, Glass ‐ Reflex and TTransparentt, Magnetic, Flo oat & Board types) Sw witches (Float, Displacer, PPaddle, Vibrattion Fork and Rod types) Tr ansmitters ((Ultrasonic, Magnetostrrictive, Rada r, GWR, Disp placer types) Flo ow‐meters Flo ow Indicatorrs Daata Loggers Tw wo / Three / / Five w a y M a n i f o l d Valves w ith all kind of or ientations Di stribution Valves Ne eedle, Block & & Bleeds, Mulltiport Valvess Al l kind of Tesst & Calibrattions Instrum ments Baall Valves Ch heck Valves Gaate Valves Glo obe Valves Pisston Valves Bu utterfly Valvess duct Categoryy Prod Presssure Tem mperature Leveel Flow w Man nifold Valves Cali brations Indu ustrial Valve es P. O. Box: 52547, Sharj rjah, UAE Tel: +971 4 3 3552303 | Fa ax: +971 4 3552302 | Em mail: [email protected] m | Websitee: www.kovvvitare.com Solaar So olar Panels (M Mono crystallinne and Multi crystalline) KW W or MW Solaar system (Onn Grid / Off Grid (for KW)) So olar Retail Pro oducts So olar Water Heater So olar Irrigation pumps We w wish to share our honorrs with yourr recognized organizationn & ponder the promineent opportun nity to serve ffor your IInstrumentation, valves an nd solar produ ucts range. oresee the best affiliation, professional partnership & & evolve for m mutual beneffits years aheaad. We fo Thankking you & adjjure your atte ention, Warm m Regards, For Ko ovvitare FZE, Chirayyu Vora Manaaging Partner +971 52 9344466 [email protected] P. O. Box: 52547, Sharj rjah, UAE Tel: +971 4 3 3552303 | Fa ax: +971 4 3552302 | Em mail: [email protected] m | Websitee: www.kovvvitare.com
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