Tee&m Vol. 43. No. 8. pp. 1753 to 1758. 1987 Printedin Cheat Britain. oMMom/87 s3.00+.00 Q 1987 l’qpunon Journala Ltd. FUNCTIONALGROUP OXIDATION USING SODIUM PERBORATE’ ALEXANDERMcKILLOP* and JONATHANA. TARBIN School of Chemical Norwich, Sciences, Norfolk, University of East NR4 7TJ, England. Anglia, (Received in (IS.4 28 January 1987) Abstract - Sodium perborate in acetic acid is an effective reagent for the oxidation of anllines to nitroarenes and of It is also an sulphides to either sulphoxides or sulphones. excellent reagent for the oxidative deprotection of ketone dlmethylhydrazones. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of ketones can be carried out with sodium perborate in either trifluoroacetic acid and acid or acetic acid/trifluoroacetic mixtures, substituted phenols are hydroquinones and certain highly smoothly converted into quinones. Sodium 500,000 perborate tons per as detergents, is antiseptic little of handled used of the of formula for given as salt the to of the increase as hydration decreases. We have selective the easily be scaled nature, problems, it types Oxidation could of of Anilines corresponding ease well hydrogen it compounds,4*5 so has held peroxide been a number and for feu applications widely only of the to oxl- organic misconception and sodium very easily that borate. The to of water of given safe prove _/OH O-O’/B\OB HG,,//o-0 known / HO utility of of The various cheapness handling, to sodium and report oxidation the 2Na+ O-6B20 1 synthesis conditions. of are the oxidising controlled up and, non-toxic these the and aware in bleaching, has been epoxidatlon been is organic reaction fibre there (over oxygen” crystalline for has the potential for for mild of for low yield to azo to “active as we are the there part l-4). and the examined reagent very - amount oxidant useful (n reagent in chlorine stable, chemical of frequently structure be 1,7 As far anilines industrial surprisingly, this for a mixture is of Rather That least merely the but determined under at NaB03.nH20 example, ability is of acids.6 scale as a source forms of a-dlketones,2 oxidation due perborate various synthesis. of the may be large primarily applications alkenylboronic chemistry sodium for used to organic cleavage qulnones,3 dation to cheap, is and mouthuash. possible oxidant for very an alternative and as a mild study a annum) which of reagent it,is of oxidations the of tetrahydrate indeed a variety and absence be the perborate that functional described perborate, groups below together of effluent choice for or at as a an extremely with can its by-product least some of transformations. Anilines to Yitroarenes containing nitroarenes electron-withdrawing in good to excellent 1753 groups yield are smoothly on treatment oxidlsed uith to the excess of A. McKnm~ 1754 sodium perborate. 50-55OC uas signalled for to be by separation a variety those The reaction found of obtained peracetic acetic of anilines with acid, is the best optimum carried out in Table reagents commonly pertrifluoroacetic acid sodium I. acetic Completion crystalline given in glacial temperature. colourless, are other and J. A. Teem- These employed and 905 of borate, are for this and is and yield at least hydrogen acid, reaction data comparable oxidation, peroxide to such in as trifluoro- acid. Table Oxidation of Anillnes I to Nitroarenes with Sodium Perborate/Acetic ArNH2 ArN02 Yield, esb ArNO, Yield, -Ar Acid ArNH2 5 m2 -Ar Yield, $ 92 4-02NC6H4 85 70 4-ci c6~4 2,6-C1$6Hj a7 2-NCC6Hq a9 55 2,4,6-C13C6H2 a2 4-NCC6H4 91 2-02N-4-CH3OC6H3 3-Cp3C6H4 63 a0 4-RrC6H4 2-02NC6H4 aa 76 4-CH3COC6H4 4-C2H500cC6H4 73 84 4-CF3C6H4 86 47 4-CH3C+, 4-CR3OC6H4 4-CR3CONHC6H4 2 No attempt b Refers Anilines under extent depending tarry but generally substrate, of little practical accessible by quinoline and a were respectively. Attempted material, extend the to oxidation highly cyclohexylamine gave as tars, As group. of (66%) oxidation of could which are Interestingly, unaffected under 2-aminothiazole and anilines investigated nitrosobenzene and to gave, which products all moderate compounds methods. were nitro- a variable contaminated these expected, nitrobenzene aniline always as were to to therefore, 3-aminopyridfne, products a mixture are are, nitration of t-butylamine polar oxidised occurs N-aminophthalimide hydroxyl to products nltroarenes direct black oxidised also also consequence but to phenolic smoothly Attempts unsuccessful. starting oxidised crude pure conditions, were contained and the of products. are overoxidation yields reaction azobenxene groups but The readily a-aminoquinoline or redistilled electron-donating on the is yields. recrystallised conditions, 4-aminopyridine, above uhich pure, same this more and the the materials. (45-70s) 2- to containing arenes by was made to optimise aliphatic be (92%) amlnes in addition not and azoxybenzene to were unchanged identified. nltrocyclohexane while was a minor component. Oxidation of Sulphides A wide variety either sulphoxides effect either oxidation excess to ot present in Table * the oxidant were obtained or using or an in good II. sulphone Clearly in each transformation. perborate 50% (5 eq), Moreover, is to of those sulphides of the the effective both used were an to for sodium smoothly a small sulphoxldes sulphone data Por the amino to found When only Representative particularly sulphides been methanolic solution, a few percent oxidation of also yield. acid by chromatography. perborate has aqueous excellent in acetic case oxidation conditions using in the perborate identical was employed removed sodium of for sodium sulphones yield; and was easily and Under excess eq) available alternatlvely corresponding (1.1 or Sulphones is sulphones, anilines, and oxidised reagents transiormation. of hydroxide, to Suiphoxides of was also are given sulphide group and a 1755 Functionalgroupoxidation . sulphide of can be readily oxidant in acetic 2 by acetylation acid gave sodium acid gave 2 in 81s followed the by oxidation sulphone namely examined, 2 the perborate treatment accomplished; in in acetic aold at 50-55OC of Sulphides of gave Table Oxidation of the which the with disulphone Yield, 8 equivalents with n-C4Hg 93 99 t-C4Hg 72 97 CH3 73 94 CH3 75 91 CH3 ‘gH5 a5 98 71 98 No attempt Refers was made to optimise to pure, a :I 2 - Sodium Yield, t-C4Hg 1 of Sulphon&@b 5 n-C4H9 5 in 5 in 89s yield. and Sulphones Sulphoxid&lb R-S-R’ ‘gH5 amino group Acid Sulphide 4-ClC6H4 an excess II to Sulphoxides Perborate/Acetic ‘gH5 4-CH9C6h4 with excess of sodium perborate in acetic Only one example of a disulphide was oxidation 5, Sor example, Protection yield. with 93% yield. ,3-dithiane 1 of 2. $ yields. recrystalllsed or redistilled products. *02 NH2 81x “ZCg3 =gQ 3 (CH3CO)20 NECOCB3 1 =I a 93% Sal3 “ZcH3 4 n n 89% sxii ‘6’5 02SxS02 3 ‘sH5 Oxidation Ketones of to Esters Baeyer-Villlger conditions only as ulth acetate in Sl$ oxidation benzoate. of for of OF ketones the oxidation which have uith of at 4-Hethoxyacetophenone, yield sodium high for ketones aptitude. equivalents required oxidation employed aromatic migratory CH3 s s yield under the standard perborate. conversions, cyolohexanone to Data for typical ketone For sodium anilines least for one ketones, and trifluoroacetic caprolactone oxidations group example, oonditions other perborate under and sulphldes of gives outlined more acidic aoid the is same effective relatively high 4-methoxyphenyl above, and with conditions was necessary benzophenone and of are summarised in Table to III. 3 were for phenyl 1756 A. MCKILLOP and I. A. TAREIN Table III Oxidation Of Ketones to Esters with Sodium Perborate/Acetic Acidg Ketone Solvent C6H5COCH3 C6H5CH$OCH3 4-CH3C6H4COCH3 4-CH30C6H4COCH3 4-C6HgC6HqCOCH3 4-RrC6H4COCH3 C6H5COC6H5 Cyclohexanone Ester 501 CF3COOH/CH3COOH 50% CF3COOH/CH3COOH 50% CF3COOH/CH3COOH CH3COOHi 50% CF3COOH/CH3COOH 80s CF3COOH/CH3COOH CF3COOH CF3COOHi Yield,@2 C6H5OCOCH3 C6H5CH20COCH3 4-CH3C6H40COCH3 4-CH30C6H4OCOCH3 4-C6H5C6H4OCOCH3 4-SrC6H4OCOCH3 C6H5OCOC6H5 Caprolactone 00 88 79 81 a4 78 81 79 a Reactions at room temperature unless indicated otherwise. !? No attempt was made to optimise yields. C Refers to pure, recrystallised or redistilled material. 2 Reaction carried out at 50-60°C. Oxidat&ve Cleavage o? N,N-Dimethylhydrazonesto Ketones There are few convenient methods for the oxidative regeneration of ketones from N,N-dimethylhydrazones, and the most commonly used reagent appears to be reactions observed with sodium periodate.0 In view of the slow Baeyer-Villiger ketones and sodium reactivity Smooth of oxidative perborate a variety acetic ketone deprotection were no complications of in of was acid, observed Data for Cleavage of was of to the reagent and, as expected, are - 3-cn30 = 4-CH30 4-Br 3-NO2 4-NO2 a No attempt 1 Refers derivative in Table Ketone Hydrazone Yield, 94 0 59 jN(CH3J2 z-C3H7CC3H7-" was made to optlmise to pure, recryatallised IV. to Ketones with NN(CH3)2 83 83 86 89 a4 97 92 91 - 2-CH30 there Acid fllN(CH3)2 C6H5CCH2CH3 R R-H - 4-CH3 the given the system. IV N,N-Dimethylhydrazones Ketone Yield, $a*b examine to even with examples Sodium Psrborate/Acetic Hydrazone interest SO-60°C oxidation, representative Table Oxidative at due to Baeyer-Villiger 4-methoxyacetophenone. it N,N-dimethylhydrazones 53 yields. or redistilled material. e@b Functional group oxidation Oxidation of Hydroquinonea Only for a very phenol study as oxidation, quinones. A number excellent yields but the o%idations and Phenols limited of of of to Pufnones of the utility was undertaken many reagents are available results are summarised typical qulnones were obtained phenols uere mixtures of products were obtained obtained from highly substituted less from of the yields or sterically Hydroquinones of for sodium the in of Table pure encumbered perborate preparation corresponding In most cases suocessful. and moderate Table Oxidation 1757 of Good V. to hydroquinones, rather complex quinones were only phenols. V and Phenols Sodium Perborate/Acetic to Quinones with Acid 0 R2 H H OH H H 64 H OH H H 85 95 H 85 OH H 96 H OH H H 86 CH-CH-CH-CH OH H H 79 The No attempt !? Refers safety discharged the it, at reagent are completely least used, clearly the of public is drainage certain important conditions and olefins contrast oxidations of other of sodium used these types day. and, in - oxidant thousands groups the acetylenes situation functtonal of is groups, A further functional the perborate useful innocuous and to material. functional an especially every standard in that completely systems protection/deprotection perborate is the Hence) yields. certain that unaffected, all. of handling, are 47 or redistilled demonstrate oxidation by-products under at recrystallised $asP 53 42 c*3 (CH313C was made to optimise and ease Into of if for The CH3 H to pure, results H CR3 H 2 reagent (CR3)3C H CH3 H above CH3 H H CH3 work. during Ii H effective Of cost, are OH OH CH3 (CH313C slowly R3 CH3 H CH3 scale Yield, R’ are of are not oxidised is not terms large tons are feature affected study. when many other groups highly in for attractive present a by Alcohols only very oxidants necessary functionality. EXPERIMENTAL General Procedure for Oxidation of Aniltnes. A solution of the aniline (0.01 mol) in glacial acetic acid (20 ml) uas added slowly (ca. 1 h) to a stirred suspensfon of sodium perborate tetrahydrate (8.3 g, 5 eq) in glacial acetic acid maintained at 50-60°C. The reaction mixture uas stirred at 50-60°C for a total A. MCKILLOP and J. A. TARBIN 1758 of 1 .5-2 h. after which separation of sodium borate uas comolete. The mixture was cooled; the inorganic salts removed by filtration, and iced water (ca. 250 ml) added. The crude nitro COmpOUnd was obtained by filtration or olvent extraction and purified by short column chromatography -followed by distillation or crystallisation. General Procedure Por in one portion to (1.66-l .83 g, l-l.2 formation) in glacial continued at 50-60°C and the crude product Oxidation oP Sulphldes. The sulphide (0.01 mol) was added a stirred sodium perborate tetrahydrate suspension of eq for sulphoxlde formation; 8.3 g, 5 eq Por sulphone acetic acid (70 ml) maintained at 50-6OOC. Stirring was for 1 .5-3 h, until separation of sodium borate was complete then isolated and purified as described above. General Procedure Por Ketone Oxidation (see DerbOrate tetrahydrate in 30 ml of solvent the mixture stirred for 4-8 h. The crude described above, Table III). 3 Eq (4.98 g) of sodium was used per 0.01 mol of ketone and product was isolated and purified as 4 Eq (6.65 g) of General Procedure Por Oxidation OP N,N-Dlmethylhydrazones. sodium perborate tetrahydrate in 30 ml of glacial acetic acid was used per 0.01 The mol of -dimethylhydrazone, and the mixture- stirred at 50-60°C for 3-5 -h. crude product was isolated and purified as described above. For hydroquinones, General Procedure Por Oxidation oP Hydroquinones and Phenols. mol of 3 eq (4.98 g) of sodium perborate tetrahydrate were used per 0.01 substrate, for phenols, 5 ~eq of oxidant (8.3 g) were used -per 0.01 mol of substrate. Glacial acetic acid (20 ml) was used as solvent for all the examples for which trifluoroacetic acid was glven in Table V except 2,6-di-t-butylphenol, All reactions were carriFd out at 50-60°C for 2-4 h, and crude products used. were isolated and purified as described above. Acknowledgement. We gratefully work by the Ministry of Defence. acknowledge generous financial support of this REFERENCES 1. Preliminary communication: 21(, 1505 (1983). 2. C.F.H. 3. A. Rashld 4. S.M. 5. L. Huestls, 6. D.S. 7. A. Hansson, 8. T.W. Inc., Allen and J.H. and G. Read, A. Clark, J. Matteson Chem. Ed., s, and R.J. Acta J. Moody, Chem. Stand., and J.A. Chem. Ed., Chem. Sot., Mehta and M.V. Vakilwala, J. McKillop J. 327 J. 1323 Tetrahedron Lett., 72 (1942). (1967). Am. 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