www.severntrentservices.com ClorTec® On-site Sodium Hypochlorite Generating Systems MCT Series 5.4 to 16.2kg/day The ClorTec™ on-site sodium hypochlorite generation process offers unparalleled safety and cost efficiency. ClorTec on-site systems generate typically 0.8% sodium hypochlorite by combining three common consumables: Salt + Water + Energy → Sodium Hypochlorite + Hydrogen NaCl + H2O + 2e- → NaOCl + H2 ClorTec is a further development in sodium hypochlorite generation systems from Severn Trent Services. The MCT product series provides users with a cost effective, reliable and safe method of generating sodium hypochlorite on demand. ClorTec cells are mounted on an all plastic construction frame, using a modular format to facilitate servicing and provide enhanced potential for expansion. The process is a simple and straightforward method of generating sodium hypochlorite from brine for municipal and industrial applications, and is approved for use in the disinfection of potable water, wastewater and water applications. ClorTec on-site sodium hypochlorite generating systems are fully ATEX compliant. System Benefits: Clear electrolytic cells means that initial maintenance can be performed by visual inspection. Optimised systems reduce whole life cost compared to commercial sodium hypochlorite No need for bulk storage or transportation of hazardous chemicals Consistent solution strength that is not subject to rapid decay ClorTec units are mounted on a frame to facilitate servicing, transport, ease of installation and provide additional potential for expansion. Typical Performance Characteristics: Model MCT-12 MCT-24 MCT-36 Output of Cl equivalent kg/day 5.4 10.8 16.2 Flow L/day 681 1363 2044 Salt used kg/day 16.3 32.7 50 Electricity Consumption Kw hrs (AC) 23.8 47.6 71.3 500.0015EU.2 Sodium Hypochlorite: 0.8% ± 0.05% concentration ClorTec ClorTec II 3G E Ex nA II C T 4 X For Techn ical Sup po rt, Sp ares a nd Servi ci ng con ta ct : Se ve rn Tre n t ServicesLtd. Park La ne , Mi nw orth , Su tton C oldfield West Mi dl an ds. B7 6 9BL Tel : +44 (0)121 31 3 2 300 Ema il : cu sto me rca re @se ve rn trentservices.co.uk Web si te : w w w .se ve rn tre n tservices.com www.severntrentservices.com Figure 1 - ClorTec™ System Schematic Note: Certain equipment is optional Control Panel Benefits: Inbuilt DC power supply Control via colour touch screen Fully automatic Allen Bradley or Mitsubishi PLC Product Tank Benefits: Integrated dilution blower and air flow switch Product level sensor Range of sizes ClorTec™ Generator Skid Benefits: Integrated duplex water softener Optional standby brine pump Transparent generating cells Dilution water temperature control Severn Trent Services Represented by: Arley Drive Birch Coppice Business Park Dordon, Tamworth B78 1SA Tel +44 (0) 182 726 6000 Fax +44 (0) 182 726 6099 [email protected] www.severntrentservices.com 500.0015EU.2 DEC/09
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