Intern Competencies Assessment (ICA)

Intern Competencies Assessment (ICA)
13 week assessment
About this assessment
The Preceptor Guide published by The Pharmacy Board of Australia/AHPRA emphasises the
importance of the preceptor’s role in providing evaluation, appraisal, and feedback to the intern. An
excerpt from the Preceptor Guide is reproduced below:
Both the preceptor and intern pharmacist should evaluate the performance and training plan of the
intern pharmacist regularly. These evaluations may be directed by the intern’s ITP.
The objectives of the intern year should be confirmed early in the supervised practice year with the intern
pharmacist. The main goal with each review is that the intern pharmacist is making gains or
improvements as the year progresses. The preceptor’s approach to all aspects of the appraisal scheme
should be discussed and explained.
It is important that the appraisals are completed at the times scheduled on the ITP, discussed together
and forwarded immediately to the ITP coordinator. This process is a valuable opportunity for the
preceptor and the intern pharmacist to review progress of training together and for the ITP coordinator
to become aware of any problems and identify where assistance may be required. Feedback should be
objective and constructive and obtained from both the preceptor and the intern pharmacist.
The University of Sydney ITP involves three formal appraisals which are to be completed by the
preceptor and returned to the University. These complement the regular appraisals which occur at
the end of Discussion Blocks and at other times in accordance with the Training Action Plan. This is
the first of three Intern Competencies Assessments and is designed to be completed approximately
13 weeks after the intern’s commencement. This timing is somewhat flexible but should be
completed between 10 and 15 weeks after commencement.
The focus of this assessment is not on the clinical or regulatory competence of the intern, but rather
on behaviours and attitudes which are the hallmarks of professional practitioners.
What to do
Read the ICA to familiarise yourself with the material
Carry out the assessment in collaboration with the intern. Guidelines for the conduct of appraisals
can be found in the Preceptor Guide, pages 5-7, available from
Ask the intern to make any comments at the end of the form if they wish
Ensure all necessary signatures are completed
Return the completed form to The University of Sydney
If you wish to provide comments of a confidential nature you do not wish to disclose to
the intern, please include them in a separate letter and return it in the envelope with the
ICA. The University of Sydney will contact you to discuss the matter discreetly.
NAPE Pharmacy Intern Training Program
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©The University of Sydney
Intern Competencies Assessment (ICA)
13 week assessment
To be completed by the supervising pharmacist after 13 weeks of supervised practice
INTERN pharmacist name:
SUPERVISING pharmacist name:
WORKPLACE address:
How to complete this form
This form should be completed by the supervising pharmacist who has had the greatest opportunity
to observe the intern pharmacist’s skills during the period of time covered by this assessment. If this
is a different person than the official preceptor pharmacist then they must clearly state their name
and position at the workplace and ensure the form is also signed by the intern’s preceptor.
For each assessment criteria tick the box which best expresses the intern pharmacist’s usual
performance. If necessary you may qualify any assessment with a short comment (eg “more
experience is required” or “not applicable to workplace setting).
Commitment to work and workplace
Willingness to work
Conscientiousness, diligence and personal responsibility
Ability to grasp essentials
Understanding of role within work environment
Use of opportunities to extend knowledge and skills
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Quality of work
Ability to maintain high standard of work (in general)
Ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical work
Reliability in carrying out instructions and following procedures
Ability to plan and complete own work and organise work of others
Ability to recognise potential sources of error in own and others’ work
Self-reliance and resourcefulness
Ability to make clear and concise written communication
Attitude to patients
Ability to identify importance of patient-centred care
Ability to anticipate and recognise patients’ needs
Ability to understand patients as individuals
Skills in gaining confidence and co-operation of patients
Attitude to co-workers
Acceptance by colleagues and co-workers
Ability to communicate with other health professionals
Courtesy & helpfulness
Willingness to collaborate with colleagues
Ability to accept instruction, advice, constructive criticism
Ability to instruct and supervise others
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Personal behaviour
Neatness and grooming
Ability to handle difficult situations
Professional attitude
Ability to communicate effectively in spoken English
Recognition of cultural and linguistic diversity in communication
Preceptor’s Comments
If you wish to provide comments of a confidential nature you do not wish disclosed to
the intern, please include them in a separate letter. The University of Sydney will contact
you to discuss the matter discreetly.
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©The University of Sydney
Intern’s Comments (to be completed after reading Preceptor’s Comments)
Sign here
PRECEPTOR pharmacist:
Date ___/___/___
INTERN pharmacist:
Date ___/___/___
SUPERVISING pharmacist:
Date ___/___/___
(if ICA not completed by preceptor)
Make a photocopy then post the original form to:
Graduate Certificate and ITP Manager,
Pharmacy & Bank Building (A15), The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006
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©The University of Sydney