Y T EN RI RD EE AI N H GI SS G RE N IN BE G AU TY TH ER AP Y PH OT OG RA PH CO Y UN SE LL IN G CO UR PA SE RTGU TIM ID E E 20 14 /1 5 EN IT EM TA L AG PI AN OS M H G NT IN RE CA OU AL SP OR T CI AC C SO A COLLEGE FOR ALL At West Lothian College we want to make all our students feel welcome and comfortable in their learning environment. We believe in treating everyone equally regardless of gender, disability, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or sexual orientation. The College is committed to preventing any form of harassment and discrimination. CONTENTS STUDYING TO SUIT YOU PART-TIME STUDY OPEN LEARNING 4 6 HOW TO ENROL 6 9 10 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY SUPPORT FOR LEARNING FUNDING OPTIONS HOW TO APPLY 6 ONLINE COURSES 7 PART-TIME FEE GRANT (PFG) 12 COURSE INFORMATION 8 11 14 WORK-BASED LEARNING COURSES FOR STUDENTS WITH SUPPORT OPEN LEARNING NEEDS HOW TO STAY CONNECTED 8 HOW TO FIND US 30 36 40 42 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 3 STUDYING TO SUIT 4 west lothian college YOU AT WEST LOTHIAN COLLEGE WE HAVE A COURSE AND STUDY ROUTE TO SUIT YOU. 5 STUDYING TO SUIT YOU WE RECOGNISE THAT NOT EVERYONE IS ABLE TO COMMIT TO FULL-TIME STUDY AND THIS COURSE GUIDE OUTLINES THE OTHER OPTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU. WHETHER YOU WANT A CHANGE OF CAREER AND NEED TO GAIN NEW QUALIFICATIONS WHILST WORKING OR YOU WANT TO TAKE UP A NEW HOBBY, WE HAVE A COURSE AND STUDY ROUTE FOR YOU. Part-time Study Part-time courses are ideal if you want to come to college, be part of a class and have regular face to face contact with teaching staff. Part-time courses are taught in a variety of ways and can include 1 or 2 evenings per week or day release. Each course in this guide will state the study modes available. 6 west lothian college Open Learning Why is Open Learning the right choice for you? Previously, many people have been excluded from learning because they were unable to attend regular day or evening classes due to personal circumstances or other commitments. Open Learning courses remove the attendance requirements of traditional classes, opening up opportunities to those who have previously been excluded. This means you can arrange your study time to suit your schedule. Support For Learning The College can provide invaluable support if you have an additional learning need such as dyslexia or a physical difficulty. Our friendly and professional team can assist whether you require additional learning support, help with special equipment/materials or special arrangements for examinations. To make an appointment to discuss your specific needs, please contact Lorna Jenkins, Access and Support Service Leader on 01506 427610, [email protected] STUDYING TO SUIT YOU FUNDING OPTIONS Fee Information Fees for all part time courses are payable by cash, cheque or credit/debit card or at the Student Advice Centre during office hours. Please note that fees can only be taken when accompanied by an enrolment form. Additional Costs Some courses may require you to purchase equipment or materials not covered by the course fee. Your lecturer will be able to advise you of these costs. SDS Individual Learning Account (ILA) An SDS Individual Learning Account is a Scottish Government scheme administered by Skills Development Scotland that helps pay for your learning. It’s for people who have an income of £22,000 a year or less or who are on benefits. If you are 16+ and living in Scotland, you could get £200 towards the cost of learning with a learner account from SDS ILA Scotland. Courses that are registered with SDS are marked: Important: You must have received confirmation that your ILA account is active before the start date of your course. Even if you’re not sure what you plan to study, it’s worth applying for your ILA now to avoid delaying your enrolment at College. For more information visit - myworldofwork.co.uk or call 0800 917 8000. www.west-lothian.ac.uk 7 STUDYING TO SUIT YOU Part-time Fee Grant (PFG) PFG is a scheme run by the Student Award Agency for Scotland (SAAS). If you are studying 30-119 SCQF credits per year you may be eligible for funding towards the cost of your course. The amount of funding will depend on the number of credits being studied (please see the table below for a guide of funding available from SAAS). Eligibility, residency and other conditions apply. SCQF credit values are for guidance only. SCQF Credits Maximum PFG Funding £ 30 321 40 428 48 514 If you wish to apply for the PFG, you must do this online at www.saas.gov.uk. 64 685 Courses registered for PFG funding are marked and the SCQF credits value shown alongside. E.g 48. 72 771 88 942 90 964 Each SCQF credit attracts 1/120th x £1285 e.g. a course with 70 SCQF Credits would attract 70/120 x £1285 = £749. Students will be invoiced for the full course fee and will be given a credit on presentation of the PFG Award Notice. 8 Should students leave early they will be liable for any monies claimed back by SAAS. west lothian college Subject to a limit of the cost of the course. SCQF credit values for Work-based SVQ courses will be worked out on an individual basis. Courses for students with Support Needs West Lothian College offers a range of courses for those with additional support needs. There are a variety of courses available providing students with the opportunity to develop new skills and build their confidence. Courses are based at various locations in West Lothian and are available on a part-time (day) basis. For further information please contact Donna Shields on 01506 427758. HOW TO APPLY IF YOU REQUIRE FURTHER INFORMATION ON ANY OF OUR PART TIME COURSES VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON WWW.WEST-LOTHIAN.AC.UK/COURSES OR CONTACT THE STUDENT ADVICE CENTRE ON 01506 427555/427558 Courses that require an interview are marked with the symbol: Please come along to one of our enrolment evenings (dates are on page 11) where you’ll be able to speak with someone from the relevant department. Following a successful interview, you will be provided with an enrolment form and invited to apply for the course. 9 APPL FOR Y Y OUR ILA T ODAY HOW TO ENROL IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A COURSE THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE AN INTERVIEW, YOU CAN ENROL BY COMPLETING AN ENROLMENT FORM. You can do this by coming along to Student Advice Centre on the 1st floor of the street building to complete an enrolment form and to make your payment by cash, cheque or credit/debit card. If you have any queries before coming along then please don’t hesitate to contact the Student Advice Centre beforehand on 01506 427555/427558. 10 west lothian college Monday to Thursday, 9am - 5.45pm and Friday, 9am - 3pm. Alternatively, you can come along to one of the enrolment evenings. If you choose to wait until the enrolment evenings you should be prepared to queue and we cannot guarantee there will be spaces left on your course of choice. Bringing the completed enrolment form with ILA account details if appropriate, will speed up the process. Please note payment is required at the time of enrolment. Any cancellations prior to the course start date are subject to an administration fee. If you have any questions about a specific course, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Advice Centre on 01506 427555/427558. Remember to apply for your ILA before coming to enrol on a course. Enrolments for courses where ILA’s are the method of payment cannot be made until you have your ILA account number. All courses are subject to change or cancellation DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OPEN DAYS 19 JUNE 2014, 14 & 19 AUGUST 2014 4PM-7PM 11 ONLINE COURSES 12 west lothian college COURSE INFORMATION Online courses Course title Mode Start date Duration Cost HNC Business Online Flexible 1 year £1000 96 HNC Management and Leadership Online Flexible 1 year £1000 96 Diploma in Management and Leadership Online Flexible 1 year £1000 96 PDA Leadership and Change Online Flexible 1 year £200 PDA Managing Self and Others Online Flexible 1 year £200 PDA Organisational Leadership Online Flexible 1 year £200 PDA Strategic Management Online Flexible 1 year £200 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 13 COURSE INFORMATION 14 west lothian college WEST LOTHIAN COLLEGE OFFERS A WIDE RANGE OF INTERESTING AND EXCITING COURSES THAT CAN DEVELOP YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS WHILST ENHANCING YOUR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. 15 COURSE INFORMATION Business Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost Part-time Evening Tuesday & Thursday 6-9pm 2/9/14 16 months £1,830 Payable to Napier University CIPD Certificate in Human Resource Practice Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £895 CIPD Certificate in Learning and Development Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £895 HNC Accounting Part-time Evening Monday & Wednesday 6-9pm 25/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) ILM Level 3 Certificate in Management Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 27/8/14 1 year £650 ILM Level 5 Certificate in Management Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £695 Sage Accounting Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 10 weeks £200 Sage Payroll Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 4/11/14 8 weeks £150 BA in Business Management 16 west lothian college 90 48 Creative Industries Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost NQ Digital Imaging Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 12 weeks £200 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost Bridal & Evening Make-up & Long Hair Design NEW * Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 24 weeks £200 12 weeks £180 (Kit required) Beauty Therapy NC Nail Finishes * Part-time Evening Monday 6-9pm 25/8/14 November and March dates available Artificial Nail Structures * Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 - March date available 12 weeks £240 (Kit required) HN Remedial Massage* Part-time Evening Thursday 6-9pm 30/10/14 24 weeks £200 (Kit required) Spray tanning Contact Student Advice Centre 01506 427555/427558, Dates to be released on website in due course Ear Piercing Contact Student Advice Centre 01506 427555/427558, Dates to be released on website in due course Eye treatments Contact Student Advice Centre 01506 427555/427558, Dates to be released on website in due course * Kit payment and tunic required prior to start of course * Must have Anatomy and Physiology SCQF Level 7 and body massage SCQF Level 6 prior to starting course www.west-lothian.ac.uk 17 Hairdressing Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost HNC Hairdressing Part-time Day Monday 9-4.30pm 25/8/14 2 years £600 Hair Colouring – An Introduction* Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 27/8/14 24 weeks £200 Ladies Hair Cutting – An Introduction* Part-time Evening Monday 6-9pm 25/8/14 24 weeks £200 Long Hair Up* Part-time Evening Monday or Wednesday Contact Student Advice Centre 01506 427555/427558 Dates to be released on website in due course Balmain Hair Extentions Contact Student Advice Centre 01506 427555/427558 Dates to be released on website in due course 48 Motor Vehicle Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost HNC Automotive Engineering Part-time Evening Monday & Wednesday 6-9pm 25/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) Basic Motorcycle Maintenance Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 27/8/14 17 weeks £100 SVQ3 C&G Vehicle Maintenance Day Release Tuesday (Yr1), Wednesday (Yr2), Thursday (Yr3) 9-4.15pm 26/8/14 3 years £700 (Year 1) * Kit payment and tunic required prior to start of course 18 west lothian college 48 COURSE INFORMATION Construction Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost Advanced Craft Carpentry & Joinery Day release Wednesday 9 - 6.15pm 27/8/14 1 year £800 64 HNC Civil Engineering Day release Monday & Wednesday Monday or Wednesday 25/8/14 25/8/14 1 year 2 years £1300 £600 (Year 1) 48 HNC Construction Management Day release Monday & Wednesday Monday or Wednesday 25/8/14 25/8/14 1 year 2 years £1300 £600 (Year 1) 48 HNC Construction Management Part-time evening 26/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) 48 9-6pm 9-6pm 9-6pm 9-6pm 6-9pm 48 Housing Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost CIH Level 2 Certificate in Housing Practice Part-time Day Wednesday 9-12pm 3/9/14 5 months £575 CIH Level 2 Certificate in Housing Maintenance Part-time Day Wednesday 9-12pm 3/9/14 5 months £575 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 19 COURSE INFORMATION Engineering 20 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration C&G L3 Award PAT 2377 Part-time Evening Monday 6-9pm 1/9/14 6W plus 1 £200 evening for exam. C&G L3 (17th edition) 2382 Part-time Evening Monday 6-9pm 1/9/14 9 weeks £225 C&G Solar PV systems Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 3/9/14 15 weeks £600 C&G L3 (2394-01) Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 3/9/14 12 weeks £400 C&G L3 (2395-01) Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 3/9/14 12 weeks £500 C&G L4 (2396-01) Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 3/9/14 12 weeks £500 CAD for Engineers Part-time Evening Monday 6-9pm 25/8/14 12 weeks £100 HNC Electrical Engineering Part-time Evening Monday & Wednesday 6-9pm 25/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) 48 HNC Engineering Systems Part-time Evening Monday & Wednesday 6-9pm 25/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) 48 HNC Mechanical Engineering Day release Tuesday 9-4pm 26/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) 48 NC Manufacturing and Service Engineering Day release Tuesday 9-4.15pm 26/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) west lothian college Cost COURSE INFORMATION Hospitality Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost Mediterranean cooking - Healthy and delicious NEW Part-time Evening Monday 5.30-8.30pm 25/8/14 12 weeks £100 Introduction to Sugar Flowers NEW Part-time Evening Monday 5-8pm 16/3/15 3 weeks £65 Accelerated Learning in Pro Cookery Part-time Evening Tuesday 5-8pm 26/8/14 3 years £500 (Year 1) HNC Hospitality Part-time day Tuesday 1-7pm 26/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) Introduction to Breadmaking Part-time Evening Monday 6-9pm 25/8/14 12 weeks £100 Modern fusion Cooking 1 Part-time Evening Thursday 6.30-9.30pm 28/8/14 12 weeks £100 Modern fusion Cooking 2 Part-time Evening Thursday 6.30-9.30pm 22/1/15 12 weeks £100 Practical Cake Craft Part-time Evening Wednesday 5.30-8.30pm 27/8/14 24 weeks £400 Tea Time Treats Part-time Evening Monday 5.30-8.30pm 19/1/15 12 weeks £100 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 48 21 COURSE INFORMATION Health and Safety Course title Mode Child and Baby Emergency First Aid (HSE) Day Time Date Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £80 CSCS Health and Safety Course, Exam and Card Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1/2 day £130 Emergency First Aid at Work Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £80 IOSH Working Safely Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £80 IOSH Managing Safely Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 4 days £380 Counselling 22 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost NQ Introduction to Counselling Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 12 weeks £115 COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills (Comprising COSCA 1,2,3 and 4) Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £850 west lothian college 40 COURSE INFORMATION Health and Social Care Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost HNC Social Care (Evening) Part-time Evening Tuesday and Thursday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £800 64 HNC Social Care (Day release) Day release Wednesday 9-4pm 27/8/14 1 year £800 64 NQ Intermediate 2 Care Units Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 NQ Higher Care Units NEW Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 NQ Intermediate 2 Biology Units Part-time Evening Thursday 6-9pm 28/8/14 1 year £300 NC Health and Social Care Day release Wednesday 9-4pm 27/8/14 1 year £1200 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost Drawing Summer School Part-time Day Tuesday and Thursday 9am4pm 26/8/14 2 weeks No cost Art and Design www.west-lothian.ac.uk 23 COURSE INFORMATION Industry Related Courses Course title Mode Security Industry Authority (SIA) CCTV Public Space Surveillance Operations Day Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 4 days £200 Security Industry Authority (SIA) Security Guard Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 4 days £200 BTEC Level 2 Introduction to Professional Taxi and Private Hire Driving Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 8 half days £350 4 Weeks £200 NEW Security and Events – SQA Door Supervisor, NPA Spectator Safety & SIA Door Supervisors Licence 4 REASONS TO STUDY SECURITY AND EVENTS AT WEST LOTHIAN COLLEGE 24 west lothian college Time Date 9-4.30pm 1 You'll develop expertise in safety planning, legislation, identifying and managing risks, crisis planning and communications, and other critical areas. 2 Achieve a National Progression Award in Introduction to Spectator Safety and SIA Approved Door Supervisors Qualification. Monthly 3 Our students have gone on to manage event safety at major global events such as the Commonwealth Games. 4 The first 3 year SIA Licence will be funded by the College. COURSE INFORMATION Customer Service and Retail Course title Mode WorldHost Ambassador Workshop Day Time Date Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £85 WorldHost Customers with Disabilities Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £85 WorldHost Principles of Customer Service Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £85 WorldHost Principles of Supervising Customer Service Performance Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £85 WorldHost Services Across Cultures Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 1 day £85 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 25 Languages 26 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Access 3 Part-time Day & Evening Various TBA 25/8/14 1 year £300 ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Intermediate 1 Part-time Day & Evening Various TBA 26/8/14 1 year £300 ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Intermediate 2 Part-time Day & Evening Various TBA 25/8/14 1 year £300 ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Intermediate Higher Part-time Day & Evening Various TBA 25/8/14 1 year £300 Italian – Personal and Social Language Part-time Evening Tuesday 7-9pm 26/8/14 17 weeks £100 Italian – Transactional Language Part-time Evening Tuesday 7-9pm 27/1/15 17 weeks £100 Spanish – Personal and Social Language Part-time Evening Monday 6-8pm 25/8/14 18 weeks £100 Spanish – Transactional Language Part-time Evening Monday 6-8pm 26/1/15 17 weeks £100 Introduction to BSL (British Sign Language) Part-time Evening Thursday 7-9pm 28/8/14 18 weeks £150 British Sign Language Intermediate 1 Part-time Evening Thursday 7-9pm 29/1/15 17 weeks £150 British Sign Language Intermediate 2 Part-time Evening Thursday 5-9pm 28/8/14 35 weeks £300 Higher English Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 west lothian college COURSE INFORMATION Sciences Course title Mode Day NQ Higher Human Biology Part-time Evening Tuesday NQ Higher Psychology Part-time Evening NQ Higher Sociology Time Date Duration Cost 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost Mathematics National 4 Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 Mathematics National 5 Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 Mathematics Higher Part-time Evening Wednesday 6-9pm 27/8/14 1 year £300 Mathematics www.west-lothian.ac.uk 27 COURSE INFORMATION Childhood Practice 28 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost HNC Early Education & Childcare Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday 6-9pm 26/8/14 2 years £600 (Year 1) 48 HND Childhood Practice Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday 6-9pm 26/8/14 2 years £900 (Year 1) 72 PDA Childhood Practice Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 18-24 months £800 (Year 1) 64 NPA Playwork and Childcare Part-time Evening Thursday 6-9pm 28/8/14 15 months £300 (Year 1) Higher Early Education and Childcare Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 NC Care Issues for Society: Childcare NEW Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 HN Early Education and Childcare: Graded Unit 1 Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 1 year £100 Early Education and Childcare: Theoretical Approaches to Development and Learning Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 1 year £100 Early Education and Childcare: Facilitating Playwork Opportunities Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 1 year £100 west lothian college COURSE INFORMATION Course title Mode Day Time HND Childhood Practice: International Perspectives in Early Education & Childcare Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday HND Childhood Practice: Sociology of Childhood Part-time Evening HND Childhood Practice: Managing Quality in Early Education and Childcare Setting Date Duration Cost Flexible from 26/8/14 £100 £300 Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 £100 £600 Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 1 year £100 HND Childhood Practice: Teamwork in A Care Setting Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 1 year £100 HND Childhood Practice: Personal Development Planning Part-time Evening Tuesday or Thursday Flexible from 26/8/14 1 year £100 Course title Mode Day Time Date Duration Cost NPA Exercise and FitnessLeadership NEW Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 1 year £300 HNC Fitness, Health and Exercise NEW Part-time Evening Tuesday 6-9pm 26/8/14 2 years £600 Sport and Fitness www.west-lothian.ac.uk 48 29 WORK BASED LEARNING 30 west lothian college TO STAY AHEAD IN TODAY’S HIGHLY COMPETITIVE JOB MARKET, IT IS NECESSARY TO POSSESS UP-TO-DATE SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS. 31 WORK BASED LEARNING Work based qualifications allow you to gain this edge while earning a salary and you can immediately put new found skills into practice. There are three types of work based qualifications: Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs), Professional Development Awards (PDAs) and Modern Apprenticeships (MAs). SVQs, PDAs and MAs let employers know that you are motivated and proactive in your job, adaptable to changing work situations, ready to take on responsibility and able to do your job well. Customer Service and Retail 32 Course title Mode SVQ Retail Date Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 6 months £425 SVQ Customer Service Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £275 SVQ Customer Service Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 8 months £525 SVQ Warehousing and Storage Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 8 months £550 SVQ Sales Professional (Retail) Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 10 months £575 west lothian college Day Time WORK BASED LEARNING Customer Service and Retail Course title Mode PDA in Leading Change Day Time Date Date Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 PDA in Managing Finances Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 PDA in Managing Projects and Business Processes Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 PDA in Planning and Implementing Change Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 PDA Managing Self and the Work of Others Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 SVQ 2 Business Administration Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 SVQ 3 Business Administration Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 10 months £575 SVQ 3 Management Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 10 months £750 SVQ 4 Leadership and Management of Care Services Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 12 months £900 SVQ 4 Management SCQF Level 9 Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 12 months £1000 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 33 WORK BASED LEARNING Learning and Development Course title Mode SVQ 3 Learning and Development Day Time Date Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 10 months £1000 SVQ 4 Learning and Development Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 1 year £1100 925SVQ 4 Management of Learning and Development Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 1 year £1100 Course title Mode Date Duration Cost SVQ 2 Social Service (Children & Young People) Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 8 months £725 SVQ 3 Social Service (Children & Young People) Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 10 months £1000 SVQ 4 Social Service (Children & Young People) Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 1 year £1100 Children’s Care 34 west lothian college Day Time Health and Social Care Course title Mode SVQ 2 Social Service & Healthcare (residential) Day Time Date Date Duration Cost Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 6 months £550 SVQ 2 Social Service & Healthcare (at home) Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 6 months £675 SVQ 3 Social Service & Healthcare Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 10 months £1000 SVQ 4 Health and Social Care (Adults) Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 12 months £1100 PDA in Health and Social Care Supervision Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 flexible 3 months £200 Date Duration Cost flexible 1/2 day £50 CPD for Children’s Care and Health and Social Care (SSSC Approved) Course title Mode Day Time Various courses available Contact West Lothian College 01506 427955 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 35 OPEN LEARNING 36 west lothian college OPEN LEARNING OFFERS FLEXIBLE STUDY THAT FITS AROUND YOUR LIFESTYLE. Support is available from subject staff and you will be expected to maintain regular contact with your named tutor to monitor your progress. As an Open Learning student you are entitled to some of the benefits of full-time students including a Student Card and access to the Library and Sports Facilities. Course title Mode Day Date Duration Cost Communication Units (Core Skills Level 4) Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Communication Units (Core Skills Level 5) Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Communication Units (Core Skills Level 6) Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Communication (NC) Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 80 hours £200 ECDL European Computer Driving Licence* Open Learning supported study flexible from 25/8/14 1 year £220 IT – Core Skills Level 4 Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 IT – Core Skills Level 5 Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Literature 1 Open Learning self study flexible from 25/8/14 40 hours £100 * Supported sessions on a Tuesday evening or Friday morning www.west-lothian.ac.uk 37 OPEN LEARNING 38 Course title Mode Day Date Duration Cost Numeracy Core Skills Level 3 Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Numeracy Core Skills Level 4 Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Numeracy Core Skills Level 5 Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Children and Young People: Process Of Play NEW Open Learning Self Study flexible from 28/08/14 1 year £100 Working with Children and Young People NEW Open Learning Self Study flexible from 28/08/14 1 year £200 Childhood Practice: Graded Unit 3 NEW Part-time Evening Self Study flexible from 15/1/15 20 weeks £200 Childhood Practice and Social Services: Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Professional Practice NEW Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/08/14 20 weeks £200 Holistic Approaches to Childhealth Open Learning Self Study flexible from 26/08/14 16 weeks £100 west lothian college OPEN LEARNING Course title Mode Day Date Duration Cost Child Development: Birth to 12 Years Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 16 weeks £100 Child Development and Health Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 16 weeks £100 Children and Young People: Rights and Protection Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 16 weeks £100 Developmental Theory in Early Education And Childcare Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 16 weeks £100 Nutrition for Fitness Health and Exercise Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 16 weeks £100 Supporting Children with Additional Support Needs Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 16 weeks £100 NQ Higher Early Education and Childcare Open Learning Self Study Flexible Start Dates 1 year £300 Caring for People with Dementia Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Infections Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Sociology and Psychology for Care Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Values and Principles for Care Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 Introduction to Psychology Open Learning Self Study flexible from 25/8/14 20 weeks £100 www.west-lothian.ac.uk 39 HOW TO STAY CONNECTED? 40 west lothian college www.west-lothian.ac.uk www.west-lothian.ac.uk 41 HOW TO FIND US 42 west lothian college By car From the North, East and West Enter Livingston off Junction 3 of the M8 Motorway. Follow the A899 (dual carriageway) for Livingston Centre (approximately 2 miles). Exit at Livingston Centre (previously Almondvale Centre). The College is signposted from the first roundabout. From the South (either East or West on the A71) Exit at the roundabout for Livingston onto the A899 (dual carriageway) for Livingston Centre. Exit at the first slip road (clearly signposted as Town Centre). At the first roundabout exit left, following the College signs. By bus There are frequent services from both Glasgow and Edinburgh to Livingston Bus Station in the town centre, just a short walk from the College. Contact First Group South East & Central Scotland on 01324 602200,First Group Greater Glasgow on 0141 423 6600 or Customer Careline on 0870 872 7271 for travel information. Bus timetables are available on 0871 200 2233. By train Trains run regularly to both Livingston North and Livingston South train stations. Livingston North station is on the Edinburgh Waverley - Bathgate Line, while Livingston South station is on the Edinburgh Waverley - Glasgow Central Line. Frequent bus services operate from both stations to Livingston town centre, a short walk from the College. Train timetables are available from First Scotrail Enquiries on 0845 748 4950. www.west-lothian.ac.uk 43 West Lothian College Almondvale Crescent, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 7EP Tel: 01506 418181 Fax: 01506 409980 Email: [email protected] www.west-lothian.ac.uk Scottish Registered Charity No. SC021216 Board of Management
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