APSA General Council Meeting Agenda October 20th, 2014 at 1700 (ECHA 2-420) 1. Call to order (1700) 2. Roll call (2 min) Daniel Leung Siobhan Gallivan Kimiko Spence Katie Swan Mehnaz Anwar Jon Hung Joey Ton Brittyn Ozipko Vyto Jankauskas Brad Snodgrass Humirah Sultani Sam Turner Karlson Kennedy Bryan Hodgson Yasir Iqbal Helen Marin Katie Hamelin Phoebe Hsu Scott Wakeham Cassandra Woit Dan Burton Alyssa Schmode Dr. Doschak No regrets 3. Additions to the agenda (1 min) CSHP elections (Vyto)- 3 minutes Mr. Pharmacy sponsor (Helen)- 3 minutes 4. First and second motion to approve agenda (1 min) Motion to approve the agenda. First by Katie, Seconded by Bryan. 5. Review of Minutes from October 6th, 2014 (1 min) Motion to approve the minutes from October 6th, 2014. First by Sam, Seconded by Alyssa. New Business: 1. CAPSI competitions update- Dan (5 min) There is a lot of empathy with the exams going on currently. Compounding competition last Friday went well and was won by the PharmD team. Because they can't go to PDW based on the rules on the CAPSI side this year we had extra money in the budget, so they got 50 dollars for their halloween potluck which is not usually given to the team that doesn't go. Second place team is being sent to PDW, and be reimbursed. For the upcoming competitions, council members should consider competing for the PIC and OTC competitions because there are spots available so that we don't waste the judges evening. It's all OSCE prep really and you get the chance to win money, so definitely sign up or push your friends to. Currently looking for one more patient from fourth year, the price for a standardized patient is going up (around 400 dollars for two SPs for a couple for hours) so students are cheaper and more can participate. If anyone knows of any pharmacist available on Friday to judge, we need just one more to have six to balance the workload. *The Numbers competing right now is 4 and 4; 4 mores spots for the PIC and 6 more spots for OTC *Pharmacists are needed there at 5 o'clock for judging (if available) 2. PEBC info session Food- Katie (5 min) November 17th fourth year class rep is hosting the pretest and PEBC info session. It has changed from a one hour pretest and hour and a half info session to a 3 1/2 hour event over dinner time, so I would like about 300 dollars for pizza to feed hungry fourth years and prevent hypoglycemia (looking at approximately 75 students). For the pretest there is an evaluating exam which the international students have to write, to standardize their examination process and then a qualifying exam. We want to have as many students out to take the pretest in order to see how they would fair on the actual PEBC *Consider this for following years, for both fall and winter totaling $600 a year Motion: Be it resolved that APSA Council approve the budgetary item of $300 for food for the PEBC Pre-test and Information session for both the Fall and Winter semester to be placed under the fourth year Class Representative’s budget, totaling $600 annually. 3. Social updates- Brittyn (5 min) Pubcrawl tickets are on sale for Saturday November 1st and then on November 7th (beginning of the long weekend) is the Mr. pharmacy unveiling party. Still waiting on the proofs but they will be $5 with a free drink with all the money being donated to Mr. Pharmacy. Dates for blue and gold, I want to have it at the beginning of PAM so we are looking at Feb 28th ideally *The 7th March runs the issue with daylight savings time and you will be charged the extra hour; use as an alternative date *Usually the kick off and all the announcements are done there and it's a good way to get the faculty to come out *There are no midterms and finals the week following at this point; waiting on the first years class schedule *Looking at the same venue as last year, with the same rules for alcohol for the punch competition 4. Textbooks and Wellness events- Jon (5 min) Volunteers: Katie x 2, Mehnaz, Bryan, Phoebe, Kimiko from 12 - 1 *Textbooks are mostly in, everything but pocket Rx files as it's on backorder, so distribution is set for Monday at noon. It shouldn't be too bad as we will be going out of the Mckesson study rooms and its better than having it in the student office. Putting a table at the door and the students will line up outside, have noise control, give name and one card and give the books that way. If people want to pick up for other students, have their information and signature. All leftover textbooks will be taken to the APSA office or storage, and students can come and pick up at the initial date. *Applied to bearsden for a spooky sundae funday ice cream session for all classes; check the budget for wellness ($200 for all wellness events). The lounge would be the good location to help raise awareness that it is open and have all years interact. 5. PharmD class budget- Joey (5 min) Important to bring this up to council and work the PharmD program in. The classes will keep growing over the years so we want to discuss the class' involvement in the future, have an outline to go off from and approve a small class budget; $200 amount for each class rep is given, with the social reps have a separate amount for punch competition. Maybe to be consistent we should apply the same $200 budget; not to necessarily be used fully but to have there as the class grows. *16 students currently and they are only here one semester, rotation for the rest *Maybe look at the amount given to each fourth year class rep and follow that model since they work on a semesterly basis as well ($100 per class rep) *Only way to know is apply it now and then adjust it accordingly. Will revisit next year. Motion: Be it resolved that APSA Council approve a budgetary item of $100 for the PharmD class, to be placed under the PharmD Class Representative’s budget, for social related events. 6. Independent Night- Mehnaz (5 min) Eliane emailed about independent night, the biggest recruitment event of the year with about 120 students at the faculty club. She is just wondering if there is still interest and looking for feedback about last year's event and suggestions to take forward this year. *Great event to keep going to get student's out *You get to see a lot of different practices and it's worth it to hear stories from small business owners *Not recruiting but just coming in for a speed dating style to talk about independent practice; some recruitment for fourth years and summer students but not necessarily a job fair type thing *Any new ideas? Try and find a few newer pharmacists/different people from the same pharmacy to get different perspectives, set up the speed dating aspect better, mix up classes at the event so the older years can generate more questions/more year mingling/makes it more worth the pharmacists time, make a seating plan to mix the groups so it's a more structured path to follow 7. MMF/APSA members corner-Brad (5 min) MMF -This is DONE! it went in, we changed a few things (minor changes) and it worked out that it will be less money in the overall proposal (the way it was multiplied had to be changed) and the wording around the transition to the pharmacy program was to give more lee way to still allow the funding for whenever the Pharm D program is put in place. The SU has given us the okay and are supporting what we were doing. Brad did sit in on the LSA meeting with the SU and we are in a much better situation thankfully. APSA members corner There have been some concerns about what we are putting up there, if we are using it to promote more so than using it for discussions. Would like to open the floor about how it's currently being used and if we want to change anything. ● Intent of council member's advertising their events was to limit the amount of times they posts on their specific class pages and essentially keep those strictly for class news, and since not many people read the class emails, it's an easier way to make sure people have seen it ● If it's an issue we could use the actual APSA page and have people follow it so we can post updates, because people just revert to using APSA member's corner for everything. Better if it's coming from a direct source and not just one individual person but a united front ● Fine to post for one event one time, put more than one time would be considered spam- still want to have that because they don't read the class email ● The intent of APSA member's corner was to have a forum to support each other and ask for advice from upper years or just for general help. There was the assumption that we would do some advertising for events on there because it's a good medium to do so. ● Can do a reminder about events coming up in the week to limit each individual officer having to post ● We could get the class reps to do more announcements ● Want to avoid apathy especially when election time comes around and Facebook becomes flooded with updates ● Only class events should go on class pages no APSA things should be present; unless it's an emergency situation that pertains to that class specifically Decision: Have all the advertisements with the facebook page that Yasir will put up, with a weekly summary on APSA's member corner 8. Space/Lockers etc.-Brad/Mirah (3 min) Two lockers were broken into last week (the lock were cut), items were stolen and the longue door was left open. There are no cameras in the area even though Frank has brought it up with the university, but they are not willing to put any up. Other option is to go talk to the Dean. It's important that everyone is very diligent in making sure PBL room doors are closed and lights are off, especially the lounge door because it can remain open due to the difference in air pressures between the hallways . *We want to speed up the arrival of the proxy doors so that only pharmacy students have access. They were supposed to arrive in August and are still not here *We need to get students to input their proxy card numbers and motivate them to get it done quickly because the faculty cannot proceed further until students do so. The sheets cannot leave the student services office because it has everyone's ID number on it. *The fourth years can email in the number on the onecard, but this is the only case. For now, class reps should give reminders because we need to get these doors in 9. Pharm D Admissions Committee - Brad/Mirah (1 min) A student is needed to sit on the admissions committee, didn't specify which year but it would probably make the most sense that a student who is currently in the program is chosen over someone wanting to get into the program. It all depends on the terms of reference, since they are gone for half a year. Joey has agreed to sit on it 10. Flu Clinic Update - Katie (2 min) We currently have 50 students are recruited and the dates are November 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th in Dinwoodie lonuge but only pharmacy on the 5th-7th. There is an orientation coming up for the volunteers, podcast and in person version, to remind them how to give a flu shot. 11. Additions to agenda (6 min) Elections - Vyto (3 min) Elections for CSHP, the description of the student committee volunteers has been received from the CSHP board. Three positions to hold an election for: Membership, Awards and Education. It would be best to hold the election here, get the candidates to come in, give a 1 minute speech, have a discussion and then hold the vote. I'd like to open the nominations today and elect at the next council meeting. *Only contested positions will have a speech *The description of roles will be made available tonight, candidates will do a letter of intent and a speech *Will be run by Vyto at next council meeting Mr. Pharmacy Sponsor - Helen (3 min) Finally heard from sponsors, and we have the name of our key sponsor with rights to the event: PHARMACHOICE has given $6000 for the event. We have to switch all the promotional material so their name is on it. Now working on promotional material, like a small video about the event itself and the contestants. The only thing left to do is put together a sponsorship package, giving them sample clips and other promotional material samples. *Sponsor for the wine and cheese- Kit poon will sponsor $3000 for that *Page for movember will be started soon and want all the class reps to be involved and promote it within their class, maybe raise some competition *Tried to get the committee together, hopefully will have a meeting this week and then can just run off the availability of most of the committee members *Tickets release date is November 1st, currently waiting on the promotional materials from the sponsors; price is going to be determined by the committee and maybe the execs *Shave the date is still in the works but is a thought for extra donations 12. APSA bear (1 min) Awarded to Daniel Leung for helping with the CAPSI compounding competition and for lifting Motion to Adjourn meeting at 17:50. First by Alyssa. Seconded by Dan.
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