CV - New York State Council of Health

Rachelle “Shelly” Spiro, RPh, FASCP
Executive Director, Pharmacy Health
Information Technology Collaborative
Washington, DC Area Office
401 Holland Lane, Suite 702
Alexandria, VA. 22314
(703) 599-5051, [email protected]
CEO and President, Spiro Consulting, Inc.
(A Solely Owned Women’s Small Business)
Nevada Office
3208 Harbor Vista St.
Las Vegas, NV 89117
(703) 599-5051, [email protected]
Executive Director, Pharmacy Health Information Technology Collaborative.
The Pharmacy Health Information Technology Collaborative (Collaborative) is an
organization of the major national pharmacy associations and associate members focused
on advocating and educating key stakeholders regarding the meaningful use of health IT and
the inclusion of pharmacists within a technology-enabled integrated health care system. The
goals of the Collaborative are to assure pharmacists’ services through health IT are
accessible, can connect, and support national quality initiatives. More Collaborative
information is available at:
The Collaborative was founded by nine pharmacy professional associations representing over 250,000 members
and includes six associate members from other pharmacy related organizations. The founding organizations of
the Collaborative represent pharmacists working in all patient care settings within the health care system, in
addition to many other facets of pharmacy including pharmacy education and pharmacy education
As the Collaborative Executive Director, I’ve performed several presentation related to the Collaborative’s
activity including Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) Centers for Education & Research on
Therapeutics (CERTs) Steering Committee on Oct 2010, American Society Health System Pharmacist (ASHP) MidYear meeting (Dec 2010), American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting (Mar 2011), American
Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Senior Symposium (Apr 2011), Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
(AMCP) Annual Meeting (Apr 2011), Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) Meeting (May 2011),
American Society for the Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) Mid-Year Meeting (June 2011), Arizona Pharmacy
Alliance Annual Meeting (July 2011), QS1 User Conference (July 2011), National Association of Chain Drug Stores
(NACDS) Pharmacy and Technology Conference (August 2011), National Alliance for the Support of LTC (NASL)
Annual Meeting (Sept 2011), National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) Annual Meeting (Oct 2011),
ASCP Annual Meeting (Nov 2011) and American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) Mid-Year (Dec
2011), APhA Annual Meeting (Mar 2012), AMCP Annual Meeting (Apr 2012), ASCP Spring Conference (May
2012), ASHP Annual Meeting (Jun 2012), LTPAC HIT Summit (Jun 2012), AMCP Meeting (Oct 2012), and NASPA
Meeting (Oct 2012), ASCP Annual Meeting (Nov 2012), ASCP Spring Meeting (May 2013), Pharmacy Quality
Alliance (PQA) (May 2013), National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) (May 2013), LTPAC HIT
Summit (Jun 2013), NACDS Total Store Expo (Aug 2013), University of Florida College of Pharmacy (Oct 2013),
Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) (Oct 2013), ASCP Annual Meeting (Nov 2013), Office of National
Coordinator (ONC) 2014 Annual Meeting (Jan 2014) and Network for Excellence in Health Innovations (NEHI)
Expert Roundtable Panel (Jan 2014).
As Executive Director, I oversee the activities of the Collaborative Advisory Work Group consisting of 34
pharmacy leaders in all practice settings with over 600 years of pharmacy experience. [See website link of the
Advisory Work Group members at]
and author of the “Roadmap for Pharmacy Health Information Technology Integration in U.S. Health Care” at From an operations standpoint, I oversee
the activity of the Collaborative’s Workgroups and Committees including over 70 pharmacy leader volunteers
[See website link of the Workgroups and Committees at], an Administrative Manager, a Coding Manager, and a Policy Analyst.
Pharmacy Industry and Health Information Technology Consultant:
As a Pharmacy industry and Health Information Technology subject matter expert, I perform consulting; lectures
and briefing services to professional/trade associations, private industry companies, investment bankers and
federal and state agencies. As CEO and President of Spiro Consulting, our firm has provided consulting services
for the past 7 years to a wide range of clients such as pharmacy companies, health systems, pharmaceutical
manufacturers, government, associations, law firms, think tanks, and software companies both nationally and
Throughout my career I have been actively involved as a pharmacy clinician, teacher, operations manager and
corporate administrative executive in varying pharmacy practice settings including hospital, home health care
and long term care pharmacy. I am a national pharmacy leader elected and appointed to local, state and
national pharmacy professional leadership positions including Executive Director of the Pharmacy e-HIT
Collaborative, Immediate Past President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of American Society of
Consultant Pharmacist, Past President Nevada Society of Hospital Pharmacist, Past Long Term Care Pharmacy
Alliance Member, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Co-Chair, Pharmacy Services Technical
Advisory Coalition (PSTAC) member and Consultant to the only LTC Electronic Prescribing Pilot awarded by the
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Over the past 8 years, I have dedicated a large segment of my time to advancing the pharmacists role in Health
Information Technology initiatives in developing health information technology standards for pharmacists and
pharmacies in all practice settings. These initiatives include work with electronic prescribing, electronic prior
authorization, electronic medication administration records, electronic health records (EHR) and healthcare
information standards development.
I have expertise in all aspects of pharmacy reimbursement, compliance and regulatory processes including
electronic pharmacy billing, return credits, Medicaid audits, Medicare Part A, B, and D, state boards of pharmacy
regulations, Meaningful Use of EHR Incentives, e-Prescribing, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and HIPAA privacy
and security requirements. I have been published, served on national committees and have been asked to
publicly speak on these subjects. My managerial experience includes direct management of more than 25
employees and profit/loss responsibility of a multi-million dollar revenue operation.
University of Illinois at the Medical Center, School of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy graduating in 1976.
Aug 2012 to date: Executive Director, Pharmacy Health Information Technology Collaborative
Aug 2010 to August 2012: Director, Pharmacy e-Health Information Technology Collaborative
Nov 2010 to date: Chief Executive Officer and President, President, Spiro Consulting, Inc.
Dec 2004 to Nov 2010: President, Spiro Consulting
Dec 1986 – Dec 2004 Kindred Healthcare
Jan 2002 – Dec 2004: Corporate Senior Director Pharmacy Systems and Administration; Kindred Pharmacy Services (KPS);
Kindred Healthcare, Inc. Corporate. Expanded oversight responsible for KPS Division’s government relations including
implementation of web based application management; federal advocacy in conjunction with the other large LTC Pharmacy
providers as KPS government relations representative, state advocacy with over 20 states including management of
contract lobbyist, Medicaid administrators and State Boards of Pharmacy; compliance including management of DEA
Rachelle F. Spiro, R.Ph., FASCP (703) 599-5051, [email protected]
compliance contractor for the Kindred LTC Pharmacy and Hospital Divisions and KPS responsibility in complying with
Kindred Corporate Integrity Agreement; responsible for implementation and management of the KPS HIPAA program
including being named the KPS Corporate Privacy Contact; and Pharmacy Information Systems including pharmacy
operations and billing software, support and development.
Sept 1999 – Jan 2002: Corporate Director of Pharmacy Administration; Kindred Pharmacy Services, Kindred Healthcare,
Inc. Louisville, KY. With the growth of the Kindred Pharmacy Division after emerging from bankruptcy, responsibilities
expanded further. Responsible for coordination and oversight of administrative policies and procedures, pharmacy
corporate compliance, pharmacy licensure and certification, pharmacy human resources, pharmacy information services,
pharmacy employee/professional relations, pharmacy government affairs, pharmacy purchasing data information and all
other administrative functions for and related to pharmacy services.
Jan 1997 – Sept 1999: Corporate Manager of Pharmacy Professional Relations; Vencare Pharmacy Services, Vencor, Inc.
Louisville, KY (Currently Kindred Pharmacy Services). Responsible for the coordination and oversight of pharmacy corporate
compliance, human resources, licensing, definition of position roles and responsibilities, recruitment, communications,
employee professional relations, risk management, government affairs, purchasing, communications, information systems
liaison, pharmacy regulations, administrative policies / procedures, and all other administrative functions related to
pharmacy services.
Dec 1986 – Jan 1997: Medisave Pharmacy, Las Vegas, NV. (Currently Kindred Pharmacy Services) Manager of Pharmacy
Operations; Medisave Pharmacies, Inc.; Over nine plus years as Manager of a Long Term Care and Home Health Care
Pharmacy servicing over 1000 patients, responsibilities included direct management over 25 employees and profit/loss
responsibility of a multi-million dollar revenue operation consistently meeting or exceeding budget expectations.
Performed sales and marketing that produced significant growth to the operation. Established as corporate Medisave pilot
for numerous new projects including expansion of Medisave’s Home Health Care programs, Medisave’s first pharmacy to
pass JCAHO accreditation for Home Healthcare and LTC Pharmacy, drug contract purchasing; leader in expanding
Medisave’s Managed Care program, development of program material used for Assisted Living market.
1984 – 1986 Inpatient hospital pharmacists specializing in oncology
1976- 1984 Inpatient and outpatient hospital pharmacies
Registered Pharmacist License: Illinois, Colorado, Nevada, Virginia and Texas
Adjunct Professor Pharmacology, Nursing Department, Clark County Community College (1995-1996). Faculty Preceptor of
Idaho State University, College of Pharmacy to fourth year pharmacy students (1994-1996). Performed numerous
continuing education programs to nursing staff affiliated with Long Term Care and Home Health Care (1986-1997).
Presenter for Assisted Living Administrator Workshop sponsored by the Nevada Geriatric Education Center and the Nevada
Adult Care Association (1994).
Presenter of Medication Management for Nevada Seniors, made possible through a Federal Grant to the Nevada Society of
Hospital Pharmacists, Panel Member Mayor Forum and the Las Vegas Senior Citizens Advisory Board (1992). Teacher
Assistant to Business Administration Department, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois (1974-1976). Presenter of
numerous educational programs related to the Pharmacy e-HIT Collaborative, e-Prescribing, Medication Therapy
Management, Medicare Part D, Pharmacy Compliance, Information Systems, HIPAA, Pharmacy Reimbursement,
Government Affairs, e-Prescribing, EHRs, MTM, and Pharmacy HIT Collaborative (1997 - present).
ASCP: Active fellow member of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacist (ASCP) 1988 to date, Chair of Council of
Presidents 2011-2012, Immediate Past President and Chairman of the Board 2010-2011, President 2009-2010, President –
Elect 2009-2010, Member of ASCP Foundation Board of Trustees 2009-2010, elected Region III Board of Directors (ASCP)
2002-2004 and 2004-2006, Government Affairs Committee Chair 2007-2008, Chair of NABP-DEA Task Force 2006-2007,
Government Affairs Committee Chair 2001 to 2002, Government Affairs Committee Member 2000 to 2001, Policy Council
Rachelle F. Spiro, R.Ph., FASCP (703) 599-5051, [email protected]
Member 1999 to 2000, appointed to ASCP MDS-Med Guide Advisory Board 1999, corporate attendee of several ASCP
Government Affairs meetings concerning PPS, MDS Section U, Prescription Drug Benefit, Medicaid Reimbursement Issues,
DEA Task Force, Pharmacy Services Technical Advisory Coalition member, member of the Executive Director Search
Committee, Medicare Region D- DAC A-Team member for EDI/EMC, representative to the Long Term Living Work Group for
Information Technology, and 2009 and 2010 Senior Care Digest Editorial Panel.
Rachelle F. Spiro, R.Ph., FASCP (703) 599-5051, [email protected]
NCPDP: Active member of National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) 2001 to date, Co-Chair Work Group
(WG) 10 2012 to date, Co-Chair Long Term Care WG 2005-2009, WG10 MTM Technology and Telecommunication Methods
Sub-Task Group Lead, WG11 NCPDP-HL7 Standalone ePrecribing and Pharmacists EHR Task Group Co-Lead, Chairman of
WG Long Term Care Task Group 2003-2004, 2009 and 2011 MVP Award for Professional Services WG10, 2007 MVP Award
for Telecommunications WG1, 2006 MVP Award for SNIP Committee, a member of Education, Annual Meeting and
Strategic Planning Committees, Pharmacy Quality Alliance Representative (appointed to MTM and Medication
Reconciliation Cluster Groups) and a member of several NCPDP Work and Task Groups related to e-prescribing, electronic
prior authorization and telecommunication.
ASHP: Active member of the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacist (ASHP) 1986-2005 and 2008 to date. Active
member of Nevada ASHP Chapter 2007 to date. Networking Facilitator of Round Table discussion for ASHP Home Hospice
and Long-Term Care 2000 meeting, served on the Committee Membership ASHP Section of Home Care Practitioners 19931998, Nevada Society of Hospital Pharmacist (NSHP) Alternate Delegate to the ASHP House of Delegates 1996, NSHP
Legislative Committee member 1996, NSH) Alternative Practice Site Chairman 1996, Past President NSHP 1994-1995,
President of NSHP 1993-1994, NSHP Representative to the Nevada Pharmacy Council 1993-1994, NSHP Delegate to the
American Society of Health Systems Pharmacist (ASHP) House of Delegates 1993-1995, President Elect of NSHP 1992-1993
and Southern CE Chairman of NSHP 1990-1991.
NVSHP: Member of Nevada Society of Health System Pharmacist (NVSHP) 2007-to date.
APhA: Active member American Pharmacists Association (APhA) to date, Trustee for the Nevada Pharmacist Association
(NPhA) 1991-1993, Southern 3 Party Committee Chairman of Nevada Pharmacist Association (NPhA), ASCP representative
to 2003 and 2004 APhA House of Delegates, and 2004 and 2005 Remington Award Review Committee member. Presenter
on “Mapping the Route to MTM Documentation and Billing and Interpretability within the Health Care System Conference”
October 2008. Member of APhA Health Information Technology Advisory Panel September 2009-October 2010.
LTCPA: Past member representing KPS since the formation of the group including being the lead government relations
representative for the Colorado, Kentucky, Maine and Tennessee LTCPA Steering Committees, lead representative of the
LTCPA Information Technology Task Group responsible for forming a national task group for LTC Pharmacy within NCPDP,
lead representative for LTCPA task group to further LTCPA’s initiatives with National Boards of Pharmacy (NABP).
NCPA: Active member of the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) 2005-2006.
ASAP: Member of the American Society for the Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP), 2007 to 2008.
AMDA: Member of the American Medical Directors Association (AMDA) 2010-2011.
AMCP: Member of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) 2010 to date.
ASC X-12: Appointed as PSTAC member representative and X12N liaison to Collaboration and Outreach Task Group (COTG)
to the ASC X12 Steering Committee.
PQA: Appointed by the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) Primary Medication Non-Adherence (PMN) Measure Development
Expert Panel
CMS: Appointed to ARRA HITECH Eligible Professional (EP) Clinical Quality Measures Technical Expertise Panel (TEP).
ONC: Appointed to Presidential driven Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Health Information Technology 2012 Project.
HIMSS: Active member 2011 to date.
HL7: Active member 2010 to date.
Other: Requested by the Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health Care Organizations to participate in the Long Term
Care Expert Panel, author of several articles relating to various professional pharmacy, HIT for pharmacists, LTC information
systems and electronic prescribing topics, member of Rho Pi Phi Pharmacy Professional Fraternity and Red Cross Volunteer.
Rachelle F. Spiro, R.Ph., FASCP (703) 599-5051, [email protected]